Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 274 Xiao Yaner’s Ambition

Chapter 274 Xiao Yaner’s Ambition

The character who came out of the secret room of Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Yin and Yang family, was a round and short old man: Chu Nan Gong.

The name of this sage from Chu has been circulating for decades, and no one knows his origins or inheritance, but generally speaking, the knowledge taught by Chu Nan Gong is more towards Taoism and military strategism.

Among them, especially in the field of military affairs, there were many people who received his guidance: the one who was closest in time was Long Qie, who led the Tenglong Legion to flee north after the fall of the Chu Kingdom.

Of course, it's very covert.

However, Chu Nan Gong's reputation was built decades ago, and he has not appeared in public many times in the past ten years.

But even though he is hailed as a "god-like figure", Chu Nan Gong still has a certain recognition of his identity as a Chu person: after the fall of Chu, he shouted the slogan "Although Chu has three households, if Qin is destroyed, Chu will surely die". And quietly cultivated Han Xin and Zhong Lijuan, and you can see it by giving guidance to Long Qie.

However, it happened that such a person shamelessly came to the capital of Qin after the death of Chu and tried to join the Yin and Yang family. I don't know what his calculations were.

As far as the moon god knew, the short old man also visited Li Si, an important minister who was trusted by the King of Qin, in Xianyang.

For Li Si, it doesn't matter if he can get such a person as his staff and disciple, even if Chu Nan Gong can't do anything, he can afford it, so of course he is happy to accept it.

Later, Duke Nan of Chu came to the Yin Yang family again, requesting to join and to see the leader Donghuang.

After Donghuang agreed to meet him, he had a long conversation with him in the secret room.

Even though Sun Yuexing could see Donghuang often, he had never been able to spy on him for as long as Chu Nangong did today.

"cough cough"

Chu Nanggong was coughing violently while passing by the three of them on crutches. No matter from which angle he looked, he was just an ordinary little old man.

"Mr. Chu Nan?" After his back disappeared, Xinghun smiled: "This seems to be a variable."

"Variables often represent uncertainty. Uncertainty means that it can be good or bad." The pupils of the moon god's eyes were slightly lowered. The variable of Chu Nan Gong was within the controllable range, even It can be regarded as a fixed number, which is completely different from the previous variable.

"I can't see through this Chu Nan Gong, but based on his age and old age, his actual combat power is not very high. No matter how many calculations are made, it should not affect our plan." Dong Jun did not talk to his two Like her companion, she acted as the Riddler, and she only analyzed the impact of Chu Nan Gong joining the Yin Yang family from the most practical perspective.

This point can also be applied to the supreme Lord Donghuang.Although the true age of Donghuang is not known, he is definitely no longer in his prime. No matter how high his attainments in onmyoji are, the drag on his body determines that his body will be fragile.

As any powerful person gets older, he will always face covetousness from younger and stronger juniors.
Especially when some of the decisions of this powerful person still cause criticism from the people below.

Shouchun, Chu Land, this city quickly settled down after the war.

Although under the restrictions of Qin law, the excitement is completely different from before: this is the capital of the old Chu State after all. Even if the Qin State has weaker ability to rule the farther away areas, the old Chu State still has Chen Ying and Zhu Yu. Because of his previous criminal record, the management of this city is particularly strict.

The bustling Yunmen Market has completely lost its night market. It is said that this is only temporary, but no one knows how long it will last.

The lurking between Zhang Han and the Shadow Secret Guards has come to an end. While monitoring Shouchun, Zhang Han dug out a spy who secretly spread the news about "Xiong Xin". Unfortunately, the spy who was about to attack him committed suicide by taking poison.

Such a staunch warrior must have been raised by a great noble, and there is no trace of the identity of the deceased.

There are recent rumors about Xiong Xin that he was taken away by the Xiang clan members to escape from the rivers and lakes of the Three Jin Lands.Through analysis, Zhang Han guessed that this was most likely false news to confuse the public.

However, after all, the matter is important. Even if it can be guessed that it is fake, people should still be sent to investigate in detail, even though this is a heavy drain on the few manpower of the Shadow Guard.

Due to the threat of war, there are many vacant residential houses in Shouchun City. The poor young Han Xin originally hoped to stay in these vacant houses and have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

But as time passed, those vacant houses slowly began to have new owners. He had no choice but to pick up a small package and prepare to wander outside and observe the world.

Although Han Xin is young, he has always believed that he can achieve a great career in the future, and the key to achieving a great career is to have enough experience.

Chu Nan Gong's teachings opened his eyes, and now he has to fill the opened eyes with things.

On the other side, his playmate and friend Zhong Lihuan has decided to join the army to realize his ideal.

Although Zhong Lihuan was from Chu, the fierce battle between Qin and Chu did not make him harbor any hatred towards Qin.He also learned some military skills from Nangong. If he wanted to practice them, he could only join the Qin army.

Han Xin did not want to interfere with his friend's decision. His only concern was that the war in Chuchu had basically subsided, but there were still a large number of Qin soldiers coming from the north and heading south via Shouchun.

This may be to take action against the Baiyue people who have never surrendered.
Han Xin has not personally been to Baiyue, but Nangong has mentioned the environment of Baiyue, and he needs to be extremely cautious when fighting in such mountainous and forested areas.If my friend joins the Qin army at this time, he may be dragged to Baiyue.
Being a soldier also has choices: the city guards are soldiers, and the soldiers on the frontline battlefield are also soldiers. The safety of the former is completely different from that of the latter.

But he couldn't make a choice for Zhong Lihuan, so he had to say "pay attention to safety" and then said goodbye to Chu Di with his luggage and headed north to the land of Sanjin.
Along the way, Han Xin could see more soldiers heading south, and most of these people were from the Six Kingdoms: they were the soldiers and young labor force of the Six Kingdoms.

A small part of Qin's native soldiers followed Wang Ben to attack the remaining Yan State, while the other group gathered in Qin, led by Meng Tian and Ren Xiao, and prepared to attack Qi in the coming year.

In this way, Han Xin could find out through a rough calculation that Qin was fighting on three fronts: the remnants of Yan in the north, Qi in the middle, and Baiyue in the south.

Being able to afford to fight on multiple fronts shows that the Qin State's national strength is extraordinary, but such behavior may have exceeded the limit of militarism.

The problem is not the result of the temporary militarism, but that with this kind of thinking, even if Qin is completely unified, it will be difficult for the world to be completely stable.

There are many countries in history that win and then go to the graveyard.
"There is a possibility that this ship will sink. I cannot make this choice easily."

Muttering to himself, Han Xin took the initiative to jump from the regular avenue to the side of the muddy road to make way for the troops heading south from the north. He let the mud spots under his feet stain his trousers and did not stop marching outside the main road.

While the funeral of Situ Wanli was being held in Siyue Hall in Daze Mountain, certain rumors about Situ Wanli's criminal evidence were also slowly fermenting.

Ji Yan sat majestically on the seat of the leader of the Siyue Hall. Even though she was not the leader yet, Zhang Er who was reporting the news and Mi Lian who was standing by in a daze didn't think there was any problem with this.

With a small face staring seriously at the information in Siyue Hall, Xiao Yaner gained a better understanding of the situation in Siyue Hall that was worse than she imagined.

The current Siyue Hall is a commercial hall supported entirely by casinos, brothels and other romantic places. Its reputation is not very good in the eyes of the decent.

The name of Siyue Hall originally refers to the four mountains of ancient sages.This man was the grandson of Gonggong, and he was a minister of Yao, Shun and Yu successively. He recommended Shun to Yao and later recommended Yu to Shun. It can be said that he was a minister of the Dragon for two generations.

Siyuetang belongs to the lineage of Xianzong in the inheritance of the Six Sages of Farmers. It is in charge of music and rhythm. The unique skill in the hall is acupuncture fingering.

It's just that the No. 1 acupuncture point of the farmer's family is now Zhu's, and Situ Wanli didn't learn many of the secrets in the hall.

Ji Yan believed that Situ Wanli's business strategy was right. The other farmhouses in the farm were doing better, and Siyuetang's opening up trade routes could make up for the shortcomings of each farmhouse.

But Situ Wanli should not be mainly engaged in casinos and brothels. Although these two businesses are hugely profitable, how can they do it openly? The farmer is from a well-known and upright family.

Divide it out and secretly operate it as a branch to make money, and use the main business of the hall as a supplementary business for the other five halls. There is nothing wrong with being an auxiliary hall.

"How far has the evidence against Situ Wanli been spread?"

Putting down the record book, Ji Yan stared at Zhang Er sternly and asked.

"The dissemination work has just begun. At present, the investigation will start from the huge losses caused by Situ Wanli's wrong decision-making in Daliang City." Zhang Er answered the young master's words seriously, with the same expression.

"Speed ​​up the speed appropriately and clear out all the remaining members of Situ Wanli as soon as possible." Xiao Yan'er said ruthlessly: "We can create some phenomena of them committing suicide or fleeing in fear of crime. We can't leave behind those who oppose me as the leader of the hall!"

"Yes." Zhang Er first agreed to the young master's order, and then frowned: "But these people occupy important middle and high-level management positions in Siyue Hall. Even if the top management can use our people to temporarily fill the gaps in the middle level, too big"

"Is this a problem?" Glancing at Zhang Er, Ji Yan said calmly: "The Gonggong Hall has trained many disciples who are literate and can count scriptures. We borrowed some from Gonggong Hall. Today's Sixth Hall We are like-minded, and they won’t be stingy about not borrowing from us.”

"Take the initiative to place people from Gonggongtang into our Siyue Hall. I'm afraid they will continue to be attracted to Gonggongtang. This will be a hidden danger." Zhang Er subconsciously resisted this order.

"Do as I say!" Ji Yan didn't want to explain too much to Zhang Er, and wanted to implement it in a domineering manner.

"Yes." Looking at the 'Yan Wuji' emerald green jade pendant that Ji Yan hung outside, he opened his ears and pursed his lips before retreating.

Xiao Yan'er's biggest concern now is to become the leader of Siyue Hall as soon as possible so as to show her abilities to Lu Wei. The other things are only secondary. After all, the source of her power is more important than the power itself.

Now, of course, the lower-level management of Siyue Hall don't want a little girl to be their hall leader, so it would be no problem to replace them with Gonggong Hall's disciples.

Ji Yan, who had made arrangements in advance, had visited the school several times with Lu Wei, so most of the students in the school knew that she had a close relationship with Lu Wei.

Those people may not think highly of themselves now, but if they want to be the master of Siyue Hall, they will definitely not dare to refuse!
As for the issue of the school's disciples turning to Gonggongtang, Ji Yan is not worried at all.She didn't care about this: Siyue Hall was too small after all, and it was just a springboard.

The new leader of Gonggong Hall is Dr. Nianduan. How long can that old lady be the leader?

In the future, I can discuss the issue of a new Gonggong Hall leader with Brother Xiakui~
As long as Gonggongtang belongs to them in the future, wouldn’t it be better for these people to have Gonggongtang in their hearts~
(End of this chapter)

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