Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 275 2 Meetings

Chapter 275 Two Meetings
The first meeting Lu Wei held after becoming the leader of the knights was held at Xiaogeng Villa to the east of Liuxian Tomb.

This is nominally the residence of past heroes in the Daze Mountains. However, since the previous generation of heroes, Tian Guang, was always wandering around, even when he returned to the headquarters, he would always find a place to hang out for a night. Therefore, even though it has been nearly 14 years since Lu Wei joined the farm, But it was only recently that I stepped into this villa.

The villa is not small in scale. After all, it is a farmhouse. Compared with the headquarters of Gonggongtang, the simple decorative materials here are very 'solid'.

There are regularly a large number of disciples dedicated to taking care of the villa, even if the heroes can't help it.

These caretakers were originally from the Tian family. When Lu Wei came, he naturally replaced them all. However, the new replacements were not just selected from Gonggongtang: In order to show that Master Xia Kui treats everyone equally, Lu Wei, the guardian disciple of Xinshan Villa, The weft, rain and dew are evenly spread, and people are gathered in the six halls evenly.

During the convening process, some core members of the Six Halls may be accidentally snatched away, such as Shennong Hall Fan Kuai and others. There is nothing we can do about this~
Of course, Xia Kui's residence must be driven by some masters. If you don't contribute, I won't contribute. Do you want Xia Kui to do everything himself?

What's more, Lu Wei also recruited Lu Chen in Gonggong Hall. Just judging from the grade of Zhucao and the time he joined the farm, Lu Chen is much more important than Fan Kuai.

There is a lot to talk about in the meeting, but the greatest role of this meeting is to spread the mighty virtue of Xin Xiakui among his disciples.

Lu Wei's reputation has been known to most farm disciples since he participated in farming in Zhao State many years ago. Gonggong Hall's title as the head of the six halls and the strongest hall master in the farm family has also been deliberately promoted in recent years.

Relying on the good reputation of running disguises in the past, when the disciples suddenly learned that the new Xiakui was born and that the master Xiakui was Lu Wei, most of them could accept the result calmly.

Detailed arrangements for the specific matters in each hall still have to wait until Lord Xia Kui personally inspects each hall.

There were only two people in each hall who could directly attend the meeting, but there was an outdoor lecture event later, where more disciples gathered.

Dr. Nian Duan of the Gonggong Hall had to treat patients who were bitten by wild beasts in the mountains, so she, the hall leader, did not come. Lu Qing and Dianqing, who continued to serve as the general manager, attended today's meeting. They are Lu Wei's old subordinates. Just be a spectator.

Shennong Hall is a hall that has remained relatively intact amidst the chaos, so naturally it was the hall master Zhu Jia and the general manager Liu Ji who came.

The Zhu family are old acquaintances and need no further introduction. Liu Ji used to be relatively close to Gonggongtang, but later they gradually became distant.This character who was supposed to be the emperor of Han Dynasty has no chance now.

The peasant family will be the main force in the peasant uprising in the future. The chaos among the peasant families in the original time and space continued until the unification of the Qin Dynasty. Liu Ji in the Qin Dynasty world may have got the opportunity to rise up in the peasant family chaos, and Lu Wei became a knight After the Queen, the farm family will become more stable. The general manager of Shennongtang is considered to be a high-ranking official. If he works hard, he will be awarded a title in the future.

As for worrying about Liu Ji snatching his position. For now, even worrying about Xiao Yan'er is more important than worrying about Liu Ji: a person's position determines the goals he can see and the direction of his struggle. Liu Ji's This is what a man should do. The current target is at most the leader of the Shennong Hall after the Zhu family.

Speaking of Xiao Yan'er, the representatives from Siyue Hall are Zhang Er and Ji Yan.The two of them are still Zhang Er taking the main seat and Ji Yan taking the deputy seat. Only when the deal is done and the hall master has been appointed, will other halls know that this seemingly immature little girl is the founder of the new Siyue Hall.

Now Ji Yan compiles his operations in Siyuetang and reports to Lu Wei every day. This attitude is very good, and the reasons for this attitude are more worthy of Lu Wei's attention.

It was Ayu and his assistant who came to Lieshan Hall. The two people brought two large investigation manuals: these were the early investigation results of Lieshan Hall that Ayu would report to the public later.

Lieshan Hall can be questioned and investigated at will because of the problems between Tian Meng and Wu Chen. Even if a discerning person can see that Lu Wei Xiakui's purpose is to use his cronies to control the power of Lieshan Hall, who can use what method? Reasons to object.

Kaeda Meng was involved in the death of three hall leaders and a former knight leader, and no matter how rigorous the investigation was, it would not be too harsh.

The staff led by Chiyou Hall Tian Hu was also his hall manager, an old man of the Tian family. It was a helpless move after losing his eldest brother as his brain.

Although the wrong things done by Liesantang were not done by Takeru Sanada, and the Tian family did not know all the twists and turns, they eventually followed the enemy. In terms of the righteousness of the farm family, the reputation of the Tian family, which originally occupied half of the farm family, has plummeted. , this situation will be difficult to solve even if Tian Meng is resurrected, let alone Tian Hu.

He did things very quickly, but he didn't have the guts to ask Tian Hu to lead Chi Youtang against the entire farm family.

What's more, the dispute over Tian's surname within Chiyoutang has become increasingly fierce in the past two years.
Kuei Tang's crimes should have been second only to Lieshan Tang. Fortunately, Wu Kuang's timely exposure allowed Kuikai Tang to offset part of his crimes. However, the investigation still needs to be investigated. Now Tian Mi is personally handled by Lu Xiakui During the interrogation, the first thing in Kuei Hall was to elect a new hall master.

The people who came to Xiaogeng Villa to attend the meeting were none other than Wu Kuang and Chen Ping.

The two are each other's biggest competitors, but they have a good relationship in front of each hall. The reason is that Chen Ping often gave in when facing Wu Kuang in Kuei Hall, which made Wu Kuang feel good.

Before Wu Kuang was tattooed on his face, he was known for his elegant demeanor in Kuei Hall, so he was able to marry Tian Mi, a peasant beauty at that time.And Chen Ping is handsome, which is a natural bonus when interacting with others.Generally speaking, in most interpersonal interactions, people with good looks, regardless of gender, can always win everyone's favor before they speak.

Although Chen Ping's skin did not look like a farmer's man, he was very righteous. After getting along with him, Wu Kuang realized that Chen Ping was an upright and good man. In addition, he also felt that he would later become the chief deputy of the hall master. Naturally, he will not be against him. , However, what Wu Kuang doesn’t know is: the more Chen Ping gives in to him in front of the disciples of Kuei Hall, the more the disciples of Kuei Hall will hope that Chen Ping will become the new leader.
When everyone arrived, Lu Wei came on stage, followed by Fan Kuai and Lu Chen, both of whom were apparently the confidants of the new hero.

Zhu Jia and Lu Qing, who were sitting on both sides of the seats, felt something strange in their hearts when they saw Fan Kuai and Lu Chen, but they didn't show it on their faces.

Lu Chen was subdued very early, no need to say more.As for Fan Kuai, he is not a crazy fighting maniac, but he is also enthusiastic about force.

Lu Wei snatched the giant sword from his hand three times with bare hands, which immediately made Fan Kuai admire the Lord Xia Kui from the bottom of his heart. In addition, Fan Kuai initially sought refuge with the Zhu family, and now Lu is the superior of the Zhu family, so his loyalty to him does not count. Changing the court, so Fan Kuai took refuge very quickly and without hesitation.

This is the power of name.
Needless to say, I need to introduce myself. Most of the people present are actually my confidants.

After a brief speech, Lu Wei signaled the representatives of each class below to speak in turn. The previous few classes were fine and they had nothing special to describe. When it was A Yu's turn finally, the investigation reports in the two notebooks ended with one The harsh beginning shocked everyone, because the investigation content pointed directly at Tian.
Tian Hu's face was very ugly, but in the end, Ayu's harshly criticized solution was relatively conservative, and it seemed that he wanted to let Tian go.

Lu Wei had read the Lieshan Hall's investigation results beforehand, and the total number was not two but three.

But the content of today’s meeting was not about accountability, and the timing was wrong, so he ended up slightly revising the results of the investigation.

Among the representatives below, Tian Hu's expression improved a bit, while Chen Ping, who was sitting opposite him, lowered his head and knew that Chi Youtang was about to be captured by Lu Wei from behind.

This was originally a high probability, but Ayu's report confirmed this.


Almost at the same time as the farmers' meeting, Yan Dan, a tycoon in the Mohist government agency, also convened several leaders and announced his decision to promote Yan Yun, the wife of the "former tycoon", to the new leader.

The standard number of Mohist leaders should have been nine, but since Yan Dan first became a tycoon, this quota has been vacant and has never been filled.

In a sense, the situation of the Mohist family and the peasant family are similar: the people with the highest power hope to place their own people in these important positions with voting rights.

The previous leaders of the Mohist clan included Master Ban, Master Xu, Gao Jianli, Kuang Xiu, Daizhi, Da Tiezhui, and Pao Ding. One Yan Yun was added, but one was still missing.

However, most of these eight people are staunchly anti-Qin faction, and Yan Dan's actions will not be restricted by his subordinates.

Yan Yun appears to be just an ordinary person who has just learned some simple martial arts. It is her identity that gives her the opportunity to be promoted to leader.

In recent years, the Mo family has secretly taken in many disciples whose families were destroyed because of the Qin State, but the number of available people is not as good as before. Promoting Yan Yun at this time can stabilize those who were killed before the fall of the Yan State in Jicheng. Those remnants of the Yan State who were sent to the government city by the giants.

In fact, if Yan Dan is willing to reveal his true identity, he can safely call on those people without promoting Yan Yun, but he cannot or dare not do that.

There are too many shackles and causes and effects on the identity of 'Yan Dan', so it would be best to let this identity die.
Even when facing his wife and daughter, he could not tell them the truth just because of "impulsiveness".

The appointment was announced in a businesslike manner, and the leaders present basically didn't have much opinion: they also knew the situation of the Mo family, and the Queen Yan's behavior had always been gentle and friendly, so making Yan Yun the leader was just a name.

Yan Yun smiled warmly and greeted a few people as the leader of the Mo family, but in fact his heart was extremely cold.

She is not a person with a high reputation in the world. Even if she secretly learned Yin Yang, among the leaders present, she could probably only beat Master Ban and Master Xu.But when she was in Yan Yi's house, she had to use her acting skills to keep her young self alive, and finally planned everything and used the opportunity of the Yin Yang family to complete her revenge herself.

In terms of endurance, she is no worse than her nominal husband, Yan Dan, who is now shrouded in a black cloak and dare not show up!
In fact, even Yan Dan didn't see through his queen.In order to avoid suspicion and not be recognized in the government city, he never went to see his wife and daughter unless it was necessary for the Mo family's affairs.

'As long as I don't get close to them, I won't bring danger to them. '

Yan Yun didn't know and didn't care about Yan Dan's idea of ​​persuading her. She only had two plans in her mind now: first, to successfully complete Lord Dongjun's order. It would undoubtedly be more convenient to complete the task as the leader of the Mo family.

The second is to take her daughter to find her only remaining family member after completing the mission.
(End of this chapter)

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