Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 276 Gao Yue Tianming

Chapter 276 Gao Yue Tianming
In the living room of Guancheng City, the disciples of the Mo family at all levels have been very busy these days. It is said that they are 'carrying out major maintenance of Guancheng's mechanism skills'. Even the mother is involved, so the seven-year-old Gao Yue is locked in the room alone. inside.

Living alone is a bit boring, but I'm used to it.

Although she was a princess of a country, Gao Yue fled to the Mo family with her mother because her country was attacked by Qin when she was very young.

There are only some damaged fragments of the memory of the motherland, and most of the clearer memories were born in the government city.

The Mohist disciples were all friendly to her, but Gao Yue herself was separated from the outside world because of Yan Yun.

None of the princes and princesses from various countries in this era have an easy time. They will always face their own tragic moments, including Qin.

Forming seals on the palms of the hands, slowly collecting the Qi, today's Onmyoji practice has made some progress, but the degree of progress is still very small.

With a sigh, Gao Yue moved from the bed to sit on the edge of the bed, with a look of worry on her face: Ever since the strict master taught her this mysterious spell a few years ago, she has not yet been able to use it completely. Pass.

Gao Yue has been diligently practicing this spell, but each time her insights can only be advanced little by little at an extremely slow speed. Although her mother has not urged her, Gao Yue knows that only after learning this spell, her mother will Happy.

"The key to the use of curse seals lies in the combination of techniques and yin-yang techniques. The same yin-yang technique will have different effects due to different techniques." Thinking hard about the key points taught by the master, Gao Yue looked down at his little hands. : "A powerful disciple of the Yin Yang family can combine different Yin Yang techniques to cast spells as needed. This requires the caster to be very proficient in the basic curse seals."

"But the master also said that the disciples who can practice the forbidden spell seal have always been called the top geniuses in the Yin Yang family. Therefore, even if they are new to learning the forbidden spell, they will not follow the rules and let rigid rules hinder their performance. They will always The forbidden technique is combined with its own characteristics."

"My aptitude is naturally suitable for learning forbidden spells, but I will be very slow to master other onmyoji. Therefore, I can start learning from forbidden spells directly. However, due to lack of foundation, I can only use seal techniques in a regular way."

"But those standard hand gestures always feel very awkward. According to the knowledge of yin and yang theory, this is not suitable for my performance. Maybe I can be a little flexible?"

While muttering to himself, Gao Yue started a new round of attempts with his palms forming the seal gesture again.
In a Qin town two hundred miles away from Xianyang, a disgraced beggar child was squatting in a corner, staring intently at a bun shop with his big round eyes.

Whenever a customer comes to buy steamed buns, the aroma of the steamer opening makes the little beggar, who has been hungry all day, rub his hands in anticipation.

But don't be impatient at this time. Your reputation is not very good. If you are discovered in advance, the shop owner will definitely beat him away with a wooden stick.

It doesn't matter if it hurts from being beaten, but it will be uncomfortable once you lose the opportunity to grab the buns: I don't want to be hungry and I don't want to be beaten, but if I have to endure one thing, it is better to be beaten physically. Anyway, I am used to it.

Another customer came forward. This time, the customer brought along a child who was about the same age as him but was wearing clean clothes. His movements in taking out money and taking things were somewhat slower.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the little beggar pounced on the food, grabbed the bun wrapped in the guest's other hand, and then quickly fled the scene without looking back, relying on his familiarity with the venue.

He is already very proficient in this set of movements. The rolling pin thrown by the bun shop owner didn't hit him today, so he suffered less pain. Hehe, that's great!
The scoldings and children's cries behind him did not make the little beggar feel that he had done anything wrong at all, and he actually did not even know what was right and what was wrong.

After all, no one had taught him that in this world, there were many people like the little beggar. Without education, they would naturally do whatever was beneficial to them.

This is not about morality, it is about survival.

"Is this Jing Ke's child, the predicted person who will be related to the Mo family in the future?"

Master Dongjun of the Yin Yang Family, who observed the entire incident, said coldly.

"Ahem!" Chu Nangong on the side was still coughing: "I have found Mr. Dongjun for you, and my mission has been completed, old man."

"For the next thing, Lord Dongjun probably won't need the old man as a burden."

After that, Chu Nan Gong left with a cane showing difficulty in walking.

Concubine Yan didn't care about his departure. This time Donghuang's task was to let the newly joined Chu Nangong and himself, who was in charge of Mo family affairs, act together. Nangong was responsible for finding the target, and Dongjun was responsible for taking action. The division of labor was clear.

As long as the candidate is locked in, Concubine Yan can easily complete the follow-up work.

In a dilapidated house, I found a little beggar who was eating a stolen bun rudely. A woman dressed in an extraordinary way suddenly broke into his house. The beggar immediately picked up the stick at hand and made a vicious expression on his face:

"who are you!"

The childish voice and the vagueness of the food in his mouth that had not been swallowed made the beggar feel no threat at all.Dongjun never talks nonsense with people who are not qualified enough, so he just flashed forward and used onmyoji to hypnotize the little beggar and make him faint.

Then, a faint blue flame appeared on her hand
Concubine Yan's technique of casting Yin and Yang curses is difficult for ordinary people to see clearly with the naked eye. The combination of proficiency and Yin and Yang magic in her body is almost a level that Gao Yue in the government city cannot reach in her normal development in her lifetime:
"Tianming, you are the child of Jing Ke and King Qin's beloved concubine Li Ji. You are in the palace of King Qin."

After engraving the memory of Yin Yang magic and virtual creation into the little beggar's body with emotionless whispers, Dongjun added a layer of sleeping spell seal to him to completely seal this set of memories.

In this way, when the effect of the curse weakens, some things that do not belong to the other party will pop out of the subconscious and become real memories.
This is a complicated process, and there are very few people in the Yin and Yang family who can complete the forgery. Apart from Donghuang, she and Yueshen are the only ones.

Even Star Soul's understanding of the Yin and Yang Forbidden Curse is not as good as that of Sun and Moon.

This child is implicated in the Mo family and the King of Qin, so its importance is self-evident.The old couple who adopted him died again, and it would be difficult for him to survive until someone comes looking for him just by snatching buns.

Dong Huang's mission still had to be completed, so Dong Jun quietly instilled some more Yin and Yang techniques into Tian Ming's body, and also put them into the sleeping curse seal, but it was hidden slightly shallower than the memory.

In this way, when the child encounters some danger and his heartbeat accelerates to a certain level, he can use this power to save his life.

After completing all the arrangements, the time had passed to the afternoon of the next day. Concubine Yan calmed down the beads of sweat on her forehead and left this simple house with a calm face.

An hour later, Tianming opened his eyes and looked around blankly. At the same time, the feeling of swelling in his head made him clenched his fists, but the hunger in his body made him subconsciously want to look for food first.

What Tianming couldn't see was that there was a black aura floating between his eyebrows, and on the side of his neck, a strange symbol beat like a heart for a few times before going silent.

Although Lu Wei has become the leader of heroes in Daze Mountain, after the meeting at Xiaogeng Villa, he didn't have much time to stay there in person.

All the facilities in the Gonggong Hall are complete, and the nominal new hall master Nian Duan is always staying at the Sancha Road Medical Center. The hall is simply closed to the outside world and remains an asset of Lu Wei.

The six-year-old Qian'er has reached the age of practicing martial arts. The Moon God did not delay his growth and traveled thousands of miles from Xianyang to carefully teach his son the art of yin and yang.

Xiao Qian'er's body is completely nutritious. He has had the help of the Moon God to warm and nourish his body since he was a child, and he has used Duanmu Rong to help nourish his body. In addition, he is extremely talented. In the teaching plan carefully prepared by the Moon God, his yin and yang have improved. The first level of 'alchemy' can be achieved as easily as a stream of water.

The focus of alchemy is to control the operation of the five elements. The five elders of the Yin Yang family try their best to specialize in one line. Xiao Qian'er is the one the Moon God prepares to inherit the Yin Yang family. Of course, he cannot develop in one way.

With Lu Wei's Rejuvenation Skill, he could definitely cultivate the five elements from the very beginning.

The second level of Onmyoji, the Illusion Art, is Yue Shen's best ability, and she is the best teacher in this regard.

The Yin Yang family values ​​talent the most among hundreds of families. Age can never be used as a criterion for judging strength in the Yin Yang family. However, if geniuses practice too quickly and the conflict between Yin and Yang techniques in the body cannot be recuperated, there will often be sequelae with different effects:

For example, the strange patterns on Xinghun's face, the red palms with bloody skull fingerprints on Da Siming, and the future Young Siming's inability to speak.

These are all the results of different practices of Yin and Yang. For example, Dong Jun also practiced the Skeleton Blood Hand Seal, but her palms did not have the same problems as Da Siming.

Of course, Luna's special teaching will not cause a similar situation to occur to Little Qian'er, so there is no need to worry about this aspect.

As a leader of heroes, Mr. Lu would occasionally come to take a look after investigating Liutang.

He also practiced some onmyoji, but rarely used it in actual combat.

Lu Wei's martial arts system has been formed. Over the years, no matter whether he faced Chen Sheng, Wei Zhuang or even Six Swordsmen, he had never actually lost.

Among the characters currently roaming the world, he is probably the only one who can survive several attacks from the Six Sword Slaves without any damage.

However, if you want to defeat Six Sword Slave, it is difficult to do it head-on.Perhaps you can only rely on some covert means to make a surprise attack and kill one or two members of the Six Sword Slaves first and break the six-in-one. Then the difficulty of dealing with the Six Sword Slaves will drop sharply.

Xiao Qian'er's learning conditions are unique, and it can be said that he is ahead of most of his peers in the world from the beginning.

However, in the future, he will lead the Yin Yang family. As the sword in his hand, it may be difficult for Master Xia Kui to play its role when he conquers the world.

We can only see if he can play the role of co-organizer after the world is restored to peace.
(End of this chapter)

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