Chapter 277 The Eve of Unification

Time quickly passed to the 26th year of Qin Wangzheng and 221 BC.

In the spring of this year, the Qin State had wiped out the remaining forces in the Yan Dynasty and gradually established its own rule there.

Worried that the nobles of the Yan Kingdom would collude with the northern wolf clan, Wang Ben left almost all of his army where they were and returned to Xianyang alone with a small number of attendants.

At the same time, Meng Tian and Ren Xiao were also ready to lead their troops to attack Qi, and the final battle for reunification was about to begin.

Qi State prepared a defensive front of 20 people in Gaotang. This force was not weak. Even though this country had not fought a large-scale war with other countries in nearly 50 years, and its domestic generals lacked experience, they could rely on their abundant armaments. With sufficient food, they can still prevent Meng Tian's 30-strong army from crossing the river.

The war lasted from spring to midsummer, with little success on the part of Qin.

If you choose to continue fighting for attrition, this battle may take longer than the war with Chu. Therefore, King Qin Yingzheng decisively asked Wang Ben, who had just come back to rest for a short time, to go back to Yan, where he gathered his soldiers and invaded from the north. Linzi!
I thought that the Qi army would be as vulnerable as the Han army, but now it seems that they really underestimated them, and Meng Tian could not win quickly.

The Qin army in the north is less than [-], and the grain transportation channels in Yan are completely incomparable with those in the Three Jins. If such an army penetrates deep into the hinterland of Qi, there is a great risk of being annihilated.

But Qin’s gold and silver investment in Qi over the years is going to be effective at this time!

Even if 5 troops successfully reach Linzi City, they will not be able to break the city. However, if the strongest city defenses are to be broken from the inside, it will often be easy.

After negotiating the terms with Hou Sheng, he will go to King Qi Jian's place to help solve the problem.

In Daze Mountain, more than half a year has passed since Xin Xia Kui succeeded to the throne.

After several months of operation, Chen Ping and Ji Yan have successively taken over the leadership positions of Kuei Kai Hall and Siyue Hall among the six farm halls. Lieshan Hall, the only one with a vacancy, is still undergoing internal investigation.

However, the frequency of inspections is not high now. In fact, Ayu is implementing the authority of the hall leader at this moment.

Due to the lack of manpower, Aye from Spring Valley Town in Wei Di came back to help. Their surnames clearly exposed their identities as direct descendants of the hero.

There are even rumors among farmers that "the Tian family has collapsed and the original position of the Tian family will be replaced by the Lu family".

In fact, if such a thing really happened, the disciples would be used to the Tian family. It was not that they couldn't accept another Lu family. However, Lu Wei had no intention of doing this, so everything calmed down just after mastering Lieshan Hall. This made The Zhu family and Tian Hu breathed a sigh of relief.

Before the leader of the knights is decided, all halls are equal.After the Xia Kui is appointed, the power will naturally be in the hands of the Xia Kui. Even if he is the leader of the Sixth Hall, Lu Wei can now nominally appoint and remove him unconditionally.

But from the perspective of unity and prestige cultivation, this power has never been abused by any Xiagui.

So even if it was Tian Hu who Lu Wei had long decided to clean up, he just asked Ji Yan and Chen Ping to devise a plan to wipe out the Tian family. Master Xia Kui would not touch him until there was a formal reason.

Whether it is in the arena or in the court, the highest authority always does not go there or rarely does it personally. Frequent use of power is not conducive to cultivating the respect of subordinates.

After all, you won’t lose if you don’t take action!
In Kuei Hall, Wu Kuang was initially filled with consternation when he was not recognized by his disciples and made Chen Ping the leader of the hall: he did not understand his identity as the former head of Kuei Hall and his performance of sneaking into the trap at all costs and making great contributions to bringing order to order. Why are I treated like this by my disciples?
He is not very greedy for that power: as a person who crawled out from death, Wu Kuang wants to be recognized by the farmer more than anything else.

However, the choice of the disciples of Kuei Hall made him feel that everything he had done was not so great.
He had investigated Chen Ping's information and found that he was just a newcomer who had just joined the farm.

This person was promoted by Tian Mi. Later, after the Spring Valley Village Incident, he stayed at the Gonggongtang Medical Center for a period of time due to injury.During this period, Chen Ping stood firmly on the side of Lu Wei Xiakui and took the initiative to stabilize the commotion among the disciples in the hall after they learned that Hall Master Tian Mi was labeled a traitor, so that there was no chaos in Kuei Hall.

Therefore, he was elected as a candidate for the hall leader and competed with him on the same stage.

In terms of achievements, Chen Ping certainly had a lot of credit for stabilizing Kuikui Hall, but compared with himself, he was far behind.
But the fact is that he who worked hard to eliminate Tian Mi's remaining gang members in Kuikui Hall was defeated by Chen Ping, who has always been submissive.

After the leader of the hall was decided, Chen Ping generously extended his olive branch to Wu Kuang as the new general manager. Wu Kuang felt uncomfortable, but he could only accept it.

This competition for hall master is fair throughout, and he is not qualified to overturn it.Besides, there is nothing wrong with Chen Ping as a person. If he continues to make trouble unreasonably, it is not the behavior of a qualified farmer disciple.
Compared with Kuei Hall, Siyue Hall was peaceful.

Although no one could have imagined in advance that Zhang Er would take the initiative to give up power.

The general manager of Siyue Hall actually stated directly that he did not want to become the hall leader after receiving the support of a large number of disciples in the hall, and then clearly supported Ji Yan.

He has already done this, and other middle and high-level managers who may have objections have been eliminated in advance. Naturally, the remaining and newly added managers will not have any unnecessary opinions.

However, Ji Yan still has a long way to go to hide the casino and brothel business that Siyuetang has developed in the past 20 years in the dark.Especially after the unification of the Qin State and all actions must abide by Qin laws, it was difficult to open new trade routes.

The two halls were developing independently, and Lu Wei spent most of the six months visiting the six halls.

From the collected data, it can be known that the total number of peasant disciples in Daze Mountain and surrounding towns has exceeded the 12 prescribed by peasant practice, reaching as many as [-].

Counting Nanjing County and other places, the total will be close to 20!

On the eve of the unification of the Qin State, the unified peasant family reached its new peak moment!Next, under the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty, even some of the farmers' disciples would be recruited, and the number of civilians who would join the farmers' families would only be greater.

With such power, rebellion is just around the corner.

However, now the verbal maintenance of 20 peasant disciples is almost the limit that the King of Qin can tolerate. Even though the threats from various schools of thought are different, once the news of [-] peasant disciples spreads, the Qin army will definitely arrive in an instant. .

When the Qin-Qi War started, the farmers made a lot of money from the Qi State treasury by colluding with some generals of the Qi Army to sell grain and grass at high prices. This money was soon exchanged for a batch of ordnance by the Qi Army and hid in the Daze Mountains. , regarded as warehouse storage.

"The unification of the world is gradually taking shape, and your power among the farmers has reached its peak. Next, the progress of the Mirage Project needs to be combined with the national power of the Qin State. I can help you gain another five years."

The Moon God was sitting in front of the stone table, drinking bamboo leaf tea newly cultivated by the farmer's disciples, looking at Xiao Qian'er who was practicing Yin and Yang in the open space, and said calmly to Lu Wei on the other side of the stone table.

The construction of the mirage cannot be carried out with great fanfare now, but as long as the Qin State annexes the Qi State, the construction at any cost will begin immediately.

The King of Qin's head ailment is getting worse: from various aspects, the physical condition of Ying Zheng, who is only 39 years old, cannot be described very well.

It seems that since King Zhaoxiang, the bodies of successive generations of Qin kings in Qin cannot be described as good:

After King Xiaowen succeeded to the throne, he only became King of Qin for three days before following his father. King Zhuang Xiang only reigned for three years.

The current King of Qin is less than forty, and the diseases in his body are constantly growing.
The need for power made Ying Zheng want to pursue immortality, and the encounter between his father and grandfather undoubtedly made this pursuit more urgent.

"Five years is enough." Lu Wei stretched out his fingers and knocked on the stone table: "After external threats are eliminated, internal strife will become a new point of conflict in that country."

"The power of the net has gradually lost control~"

Things in historical time and space are more complicated and cannot be evaluated casually, but in this world, Ying Zheng's use of Zhao Gao was his biggest mistake.

At first, it was difficult for Ying Zheng to know what Luo Wang was doing outside the Qin State. Now, even in Xianyang City, Luo Wang's power has penetrated into important positions in the Qin State.

As his skills deepened, many fragmented memories in his mind began to become clear. Lu Wei remembered the assassination at the Spring Festival Ceremony in the original work that happened in front of hundreds of officials in Xianyang:

This assassination case was a major case designed by Luo Wang after the reunification of the Qin Dynasty to use the remnant party of Changping Jun to pretend to assassinate the King of Qin, but in fact the ultimate intention was to expel or even kill Fusu.

At the Spring Festival Ceremony one year, Luo Wang poisoned the river or the bucket of water in advance, causing all the civil and military officials to drink the river water and were all poisoned and comatose. Eventually, assassins dressed as guards at the ceremony killed Ying Zheng. The assassins were captured by the Shadow Guards who had prepared in advance, but they failed to capture even one alive.

Although Ying Zheng noticed the clues about this case in advance and made some preparations, and wanted to take the opportunity to test Fusu, he allowed all the civil and military officials, including Li Si, to be poisoned, and the sacrificial activities that represented the face of the Qin Dynasty were wantonly destroyed by assassins. , and after the assassination at the Spring Festival Ceremony, no evidence or suspicion has been found to pull out the snare.
There is no doubt that King Qin had completely lost control of the net at that time. This was a result that could not be changed even if he subsequently sent Zhang Han to investigate the Yinghuo Stone.

If Luo Wang in the later period simply wanted to kill Ying Zheng, it would be much easier than expected. Zhao Gao was just waiting for an opportunity for Hu Hai to succeed to the throne.

"The power of Luo Wang is terrifying only because it has the trust of King Qin." Moon Goddess had limited evaluation of Luo Wang, so she changed the subject: "When do you want the Yin Yang family to attack Shushan?"

Attacking Shushan is part of the Mirage plan, and this part can be coordinated with the farmer's plan to gain allies in Shushan.

Shushan's power is limited, but it is still a force that can be used.

"Let's do it early and bring Yu Yuan's guards from Shushan to the Central Plains."

"The sooner they become enemies of Qin, the greater the harm they will do to Qin."

(End of this chapter)

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