Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 278 Meeting Young Siming for the First Time

Chapter 278 Meeting Young Siming for the First Time

When Luna went out to Xianyang this time, in addition to visiting the farmhouse, she also wanted to go to Sanghai.

She had no way of staying outside indefinitely. She had already helped Xiao Qian'er's foundation in Onmyoji to become very solid. The next practice would be a repetitive deduction process, and he could do it well by himself.

After a while, the Moon God will send her confidants to bring yin and yang props to Xiao Qian'er to help promote his practice. This time, she has a clear grasp of Xiao Qian'er's practice data, and then specially spends her energy to calculate for him from now on. The entire training plan until he was 15 years old did not require Xiao Qian'er to figure it out on his own, everything was ready.

Lu Wei felt that Luna was a little too doting on this, and it was not like her normal personality at all.

Of course Yueshen knew this, but she still insisted on doing so: if the Yin Yang family had not been in this troubled times, and if the Donghuang had not insisted on reviving the Zhou Dynasty, they should not have suffered needlessly to practice their actual killing abilities in pursuit of the great road. .According to Qian'er's background, he does not need to fight with outsiders personally, he only needs to peacefully deduce the ultimate in onmyoji.
Two months after the departure of the Moon God, Wang Ben returned to Yan from the battlefield of Qin and Qi, and led his army from the north to the south without any hindrance, and soon arrived at the foot of Linzi City.

Linzi City is the most prosperous city among the Seven Kingdoms. Not only is the city wall tall and solid, but there are countless reserves inside the city.

But when the black-armored Qin army, which according to the news known to the people, was still trapped in Gaotang and unable to cross the river, suddenly appeared under the capital, no matter how many Qin people there were, the entire Linzi city itself became chaotic.

Compared with the armies on the front lines of Gaotang and Pinglu, these people in the rear lacked courage, which was more in line with King Qin and Wang Ben's own imagination of the cowardly Qi people.

But even so, it was still impossible for Wang Ben to attack Linzi with 5 people. This number would make it difficult to completely siege the city, so he decisively sent Chen Chi, a guest sent by the King of Qin, into the city to persuade him to surrender.

At this time, from a military perspective, Dr. Jimo provided two options for King Jian of Qi:

The first option is to close the city gates and force Wang Ben to drag him away: Wang Ben goes deep into the Qi territory, and he certainly does not bring much food and grass. The rear food transport team is also seriously harassed by the Qi city defenders who have not surrendered. It will not take long , he will have to retreat. At that time, whether the Qi army in Linzi city follows the attack or continues to hold on steadily, it will be able to resolve the crisis of the Qin people approaching the capital.

This choice is very similar to the confrontation between Wang Jian and Xiang Yan a few years ago, except that what they can't afford at this moment is the Qin army.

The second option is to mobilize a large number of troops from Gaotang, Pinglu and other rear cities to form an absolute military superiority and crush Wang Ben: fighting under Linzi City, no matter the time, place, and people are on Qi's side. On the other side, there is no city wall defense on the plain, and there are only 5 troops. Not to mention Wang Ben, even if Wang Jian comes, it will be a sure defeat!

Both of these options could repel the Qin people. However, when the Jimo doctor was stunned, Qi Wangjian decisively chose the third option: surrender.

The King of Qin offered generous conditions to Hou Sheng and the King of Qi to establish the capital, and promised that if the King of Qi was willing to surrender, he would be given [-] miles of land as a fief for him to live out his old age.

This condition is very ordinary for the leader of a country, but for Qi Wangjian personally, it has touched his psychological bottom line.
In the Daze Mountains, when he learned that Wang Ben's army had crossed Jishui, Lu Wei immediately ordered Liutang to speed up the erosion of the Qi army's assets in Pinglu: He did not find many reasons for his behavior, but simply did not want these groups to Assets only became Qin's help after Qi surrendered.

Although this may cause Qin to intensify its oppression in Qi after failing to obtain sufficient benefits, causing the people to suffer, what does this have to do with the farmers? The more people in the world are oppressed, the smoother their anti-Qin cause will be in the future. .

In the evening of this day, Master Xia Kui had finished handling the six chores for the day and was about to go back to the backyard to enjoy and rest. Suddenly, a disciple came to report that there was an intruder breaking in from the direction of Autumn Equinox Ridge.

Since the incident at Spring Valley Village and the withdrawal of the trap, no one has dared to do anything wild in Daze Mountain. Therefore, Lu Wei planned to take a look with great interest: it is already a feat to be able to quietly cross the Autumn Equinox Ridge before being discovered. It has crossed the territory of Chi Youtang and entered the sphere of influence of Gonggongtang.

This shows that the intruder either colluded with Chi Youtang and was deliberately let in by Tian Hu, or the intruder is quite good in martial arts and light kung fu!
After all the elite personnel in Gonggongtang had different tasks, only Yan Bing was left as the steward to carry out defense work.

He is extremely powerful and is a famous strongman among farmers.Compared with his exquisite martial arts, Yan Bing, who could pull up a big tree, was respected by ordinary disciples.

But facing today's intruder, Yan Bing was somewhat unable to deal with it.
Whoosh, whoosh, a dozen leaves shot towards him. Yan Bing crossed his arms in front of him to block him. Although the leaves scratched his clothes, they failed to scratch his skin, which had undergone hard training.

Seeing this, the girl in a violet and moon-white dress on the treetops saw her expression unchanged under the translucent veil, her eyes were dull, her green-white index finger stretched out and turned gently, and dozens of leaves followed her movements. After spinning in front of her finger, feeling that she had gained control of her new strength, the girl thrust her finger forward, and the sharp leaves shot out and cut towards Yan Bing again.

This time, the blade cut through the latter's hard work and cut through the flesh, but the wound was not deep.

"Asshole, are you humiliating me?" Sensing the obvious merciless action of the other party, Yan Bing clenched his fists, used the muscles in his legs to jump hard, and after jumping high, he swung his fist towards the purple hair. Veiled girl.

The girl didn't say a word. She only stepped lightly on her small purple show shoes, leaving only a slight tremor in the leaves under her feet. However, her whole body had already flashed to the treetops in another direction.

Based on the lightness of her performance, it is difficult for Yan Bing's fighting style to hit her
Upon seeing this, other patrolling farm disciples immediately took aim and shot sharp arrows, but the girl easily dodged them.The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the purple-haired girl hesitated in her heart: Master Luna asked her to come to Daze Mountain to visit the peasant hero Lu Wei. The cautious tone in his words indicated that it was best not to kill people, but these guys were too annoying. All are obstacles.

Thinking of this, the girl formed a seal with her hands, and the surrounding trees immediately began to slowly sway along with her movements.
"You step back."

At this moment, a deep voice sounded in the forest. Before he finished speaking, Yan Bing was held down on the shoulders from behind as he was about to continue the attack.

"Tang Xiakui!" Yan Bing almost shouted the wrong title subconsciously. When the other disciples saw Lu Wei coming here, they all cheered up and put down their bows and arrows: "Xia Kui is here, this intruder will definitely die!"
The girl at the top of the tree saw the person's face clearly and her hand movements disappeared: This person is the target in the portrait!
After inputting inner energy to help the slightly injured Yan Bing stop the bleeding, Lu Wei nodded to him, and Yan Bing made clear gestures to lead the patrolling disciples to leave the place quickly.

Soon, only Lu Wei and the girl from the Yin Yang family were left in the woods: Shao Siming.

Autumn orchids are everywhere, and milu trees are blooming, and Luo Sheng is everywhere under the hall.The green leaves are lush and fragrant.

The secret of yin and yang flashed again, and Shao Siming landed lightly in front of Master Xia Kui. The small red rope bell tied to the root of the purple patterned stocking on her left leg jingled with her movements.

Without speaking, the purple pupils under the small white flower ornament on her forehead looked at Lu Wei unblinkingly.

"The moon god sent you here?" When he saw that the intruder known to his disciple was Shao Siming, Lu Wei immediately guessed the girl's purpose.

"." Nodding slowly, Shao Siming stretched out her palm. Having practiced the yin-yang jade hand seal, she didn't actually turn her hand into jade, but the smooth palm like mutton-fat jade was more beautiful than the green dragon-patterned jade in the palm. nice.

Is this the yin and yang props that Moon God mentioned before leaving?

He raised his hand to use his inner energy to suck the dragon pattern jade from the air, but as soon as he made a move, Shao Siming felt the suction force and quickly closed his palm again, stopping Lu Wei from shaking his head at the same time.

"?" Taking back his breath, Master Xia Kui frowned slightly as he watched the girl's movements.

It is difficult to communicate with a semi-mute character.
"It seems that Hall Master Lu, oh no, it should be Lu Xiakui, can guess the whereabouts of Canglong Qisu of Chu State based on vague clues, but he can't guess the heart of a woman~"

Another figure walked out of the dense forest with a smile. The dark blue dress revealed her identity as Concubine Dongjun Yan.

Seeing the opponent, Lu Wei had not made any move, but Shao Siming's pupils shrank, and he immediately formed seals with both hands and directly used the Ten Thousand Leaves Flying Flower Style to attack fellow disciple Dongjun in the shape of a flying leaf storm.

'Don't let Master Luna's plan be discovered by Dongjun! '

Concubine Yan, who was well prepared, remained calm in the face of the attack. She raised her hand and threw a three-legged golden crow that was like a dragon. The golden crow fanned out flames with its wings and easily defeated this attack.

"Don't worry. Although I was sent by Lord Donghuang to monitor you to complete your mission, I will not interfere with you in any way. I also have my own affairs."

The leaves gathered into balls in Shao Siming's hands were still spinning and accumulating power. She did not listen to Concubine Yan's words and only glanced at Lu Wei from the corner of her eyes: She would definitely not be able to defeat Master Dongjun alone, but according to Master Yueshen He said that he would follow the orders of this peasant hero after he came to Daze Mountain. Judging from the instructions, this person is in the same group as Lord Moon God.

Why not attack with yourself?
Realizing that the eyes of two women from far and near were fixed on him, Lu Wei's thoughts raced rapidly:
Things are complicated, but we can analyze them one by one and deal with them separately:
Shao Siming came under the order of the Moon God. Although he didn't know why she didn't hand over the things to him, this matter could be solved slowly later.

Concubine Dongjun Yan appeared later. Judging from her words, Shao Siming actually took orders from Donghuang when he went out this time. It should be for 'that matter'.

Although Dongjun is responsible for monitoring the completion of her mission, she must be more concerned about her own internal energy, and will continue to go to the Mo family to do her own private affairs.

I will send Dong Jun away now, and then arrange for Young Master to be ordered!

(End of this chapter)

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