Chapter 28
They came and left in a hurry. After the two disciples sent by Gonggongtang headquarters issued the order to Lu Wei, they refused all attempts to stay and left Shouchun with Xu Sheng that night.

The headquarters' response was more favorable than expected.

Lu Wei originally thought that after Xu Qiu took Xu Sheng away, the best result would be for him to continue to control the caravan for the time being. After returning to Jicheng, other Xu family members would take over from Lu Qiuge.

At that time, he will rely on the achievements and prestige established in this caravan to confront the opponent, slowly take over power step by step, and completely consolidate his foundation in the farm.

This is the biggest reason why the disciples Lu Wei sent to the headquarters to report the news specially selected the Xu family.

He never expected that Hall Master Zhou would take action and give him a big gift!
Putting Luqiu Pavilion under your control is equivalent to putting all the farm disciples in Jicheng under your control!

It stands to reason that for such a role, just being a local steward of the Three-Star Pearl Grass is far from enough in terms of grade. At least he must be a senior executive of the Five-Star Pearl Grass to be worthy of the level corresponding to the power of Luqiu Pavilion.

For example, Xu Qiu, he had been hanging five-star pearl grass before.

Xu Sheng is a four-star.

But considering that he had only been in the farm for a year, it was a surprise to be promoted to two stars before, and this time he was promoted to three stars by the court order, which caught him off guard.

Lu Wei was almost ecstatic about this. A small flaw in the quality of the product was not worth complaining about.
As for the two instructions in the order: to return to Ji immediately and to attend next year's autumn harvest meeting, they are not urgent matters.

Originally, he planned to take half of the caravan back to Yan State after the new year, and the remaining half would continue to sell goods in Shouchun.

This is inconsistent with the headquarters order, and it doesn't matter if the word 'immediately' is slightly slower.

As long as he can return to Jicheng before next year's Autumn Harvest Conference to stabilize the situation and then rush to Daze Mountain as scheduled, he will not be held responsible for dereliction of duty.

Another name for the Autumn Harvest Conference is the Farmer Conference. The purpose of holding the conference is to bring together the entire top management of the farm family to exchange experiences and avoid estrangement.

It is only held once every three years, so you can imagine its importance.

Being able to participate in this conference, Zhou He is afraid that he will have other plans for himself.
The next day, he ordered Sanyu Konoha to spread the news to the entire caravan that he had obtained the imperial order and would be in charge of Luqiuge Pavilion.

The degree of obedience of the caravan disciples instantly increased sharply, and the hearts of the lower class were completely stabilized.

After establishing a name, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Xiang Dong got the news from somewhere and invited him to a banquet in the largest restaurant in Shouchun City in the name of "celebrating a friend".

There are delicious delicacies on the table, and there are beautiful things to eat under the table. The host and the guests come and return happily.

After confirming Lu Wei's prosperous future in the farm and the steady flow of horse trading, Xiang's attitude became more friendly.


After seeing the heavy snowfall of Yan State, the petty fights in Chu State were a little boring.

This year's New Year, Lu Wei spent it with the four of them, Shanyu Konoha. It was very dull, with nothing particularly memorable.

Lu Yu and Lu Ye were playing around.

Lu Mu showed everyone the fireworks he made by himself.

Lu Shan was usually bored with winter melons, but during the New Year he clumsily performed a sword dance under the influence of alcohol. He blushed and said he was dancing casually, but the other four just laughed.

Lu Yu and Lu Ye secretly arranged some "eyes" to lurk in the caravan. The information that Lu Shan paid a month in advance to learn the sword dance from the dancer was not ignored by Lu Wei~

Different from the ordinary New Year of the five Lu brothers, the Seven Kingdoms in the new year are very lively:
War broke out again on the national border. South Korea was the first to be beaten, but it was Zhao who suffered the most.After the New Year, Qin Wangzheng could no longer bear his hunger for the Korean prince Han Fei, and resolutely sent troops to suppress the Korean army.

South Korea was forced to cede territory and become a vassal, but it still could not make Qin, who was thirsty for talents, stop its army.

In the end, the ninth prince Han Fei had no choice but to enter Qin as an envoy.

In order to protect his family and country, he urged the King of Qin to attack Zhao first and attack Han slowly.

At this time, Ying Zheng, who respected Han Fei quite a lot, listened to this opinion. Qin and Zhao had been confronting each other on the bank of Zhangshui since two years ago, with countless small fights in the process. This time, it was time to get serious. .

Qin general Huanluo suddenly attacked Zhao general Huzhui from the lower reaches of Zhang River. He defeated them and beheaded [-] people!

When the Qin army came to Yi'an, Zhao Wangqian was forced to use Li Mu, a famous border general!

As the last iron wall of the Zhao State, Li Mu proved that he could defeat the Wolf Clan externally and the Qin State internally.

In just one battle, the Qin army attacking Zhao was completely wiped out. The Qin general Huanlu, who had been arrogant a few days ago, broke through the encirclement and escaped with a few guards.

Another Qin general, Fan Yuqi, was afraid that he would be punished if he returned to the capital, so he fled north to the state of Yan.
Although Zhao Guo won this battle, he also lost 10 troops of the Huzhu Army, and his vitality was seriously damaged.

The Qin army captured some cities and established them as Yunzhong County, but Li Mu's use became the Qin army's biggest nightmare in the following years.

Until Guo Kai, the fifth of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period, took action, Li Mu, who was named Lord Wu'an, had no defeat.

The occurrence of the above wars caused Lu Wei, who had returned to Jicheng, to take more detours on his way back and break away from the large army.

Originally, he set off with half of the caravan, and Lu Yu, Lu Ye and the fifty orphans they adopted were also there.

Lu Shan and Lu Mu stayed in Shouchun, and it would take a few more months for the two of them to return to Yan with the other half of the caravan.

Soon after the first batch of caravans set off, they learned that there was a war on the Zhangshui River, and they were forced to abandon their original route.

This will take at least one more month to return to Yan State.Lu Wei was worried that delaying for too long would not be conducive to his ability to grasp the situation in Jicheng, so he had to ride alone and leave first.

After coming back, he rushed to Luqiu Pavilion as soon as possible, showed his order to the disciples in the hall, and officially obtained the command power of Luqiu Pavilion.

Before he could take a break after being on the road continuously, Lu Wei immediately summoned the heads of various regions in Jicheng to learn more about the changes that had taken place in Jicheng in the past year.

After working hard all night, I recorded the key points that each person said when the blush appeared on the horizon.

Before he could seriously analyze the information, he was forced to interrupt his thoughts due to requests from several disciples named Xu.

He rubbed his temples with both hands tiredly. No matter how powerful the effect of the Rejuvenation Kung Fu is, it is impossible for people to remain tense all the time.

Lu Wei was distracted and thought about whether the suggestion Lu Yu made last year should be implemented, and said:
"Let the Xu family come in."

After all, he was still nominally Xu Qiu's subordinate, and the Xu family had to see him.

Ten seconds later, the three young men immediately knelt down as soon as they stepped through the door. They almost crawled to Lu Wei, bursting into tears:
"Manager Lu, you have to make the decision for us!"

"Jun Yanchun has seized a large amount of our Xu family's property, and those properties are all in the name of Lu Qiu Pavilion!"

Hiss. My head hurts even more.
Lu Wei raised his eyebrows. A big question related to his future prestige came up on the second day after he came back:

Yan Chunjun.
(End of this chapter)

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