Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 29 Gao Jianli

Chapter 29 Gao Jianli

Yan Chunjun has always been a trouble.

After appeasing several Xu family members and sending them away, Lu Wei looked at the number of times the word 'Yan Chunjun' appeared frequently in the record file and understood that his choice of how to get along with Yan Chunjun would determine whether he could get Lu Qiu. The disciples of the pavilion sincerely support him.

"Should we kill Lord Yan Chun directly?"

When a problem arises, Lu Wei gives priority to solving the source of the problem.

Yan Chunjun has almost no personal power, and what he relies on for his evil deeds is the poisonous cup of power.

It is not difficult to draw a sword to kill, but Lu Wei is not a snow girl, so he is not qualified to be alone with Yan Chunjun, and it is extremely difficult to get within five steps of him.

What's more, with his current status, whether it's worth taking the risk personally needs to be carefully weighed.

After thinking about it, it is too difficult to solve the problem by physical means and cannot be forced.

In this way, giving some benefits to Yan Chunjun, then expanding Lu Qiuge's own cake, and blocking the mouths of the disciples below became a plan to subdue others.

It is not technically difficult to do this, but he may suffer some humiliation when he goes to visit Yan Chunjun.

Moreover, the other party has a huge appetite, so multiple plans are needed to prepare the benefits.
Thinking of this, Lu Wei called in two disciples and gave them each a task:
The first is to send greeting cards and gifts to Yan Chunjun's house, saying that the new manager of Ming Luqiu Pavilion hopes to see him.

The second is to launch a search order to the farm disciples in Jicheng, looking for a piano player named Gao Jianli.

Both hands must be prepared, and the role of assassin must of course be performed by an outsider.

In fact, if possible, Lu Wei even wanted to send a commission to Luo Wang to remove the target. Unfortunately, Yan Chunjun was of great value to Luo Wang.

If he really did that, the other party would not only not accept the commission, but would also trace it back to him, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

At noon, the disciples who went to Yan Chunjun's residence came back.

None of the invitations or gifts could be delivered to Lord Yanchun's house, and the disciples who sent the message were directly turned away.

"The guard at the residence said." The disciple replied in a hesitant tone: "The invitation you received is too dirty and will not be delivered to the residence."

"Well." Lu Wei leaned back on his seat and put his hand on his forehead as he looked at Lu Qiuge's account books from last year. He heard the words conveyed by his disciple without any fluctuation: "You can go there again in the afternoon."


In the evening, the disciple came back again. The greetings and gifts were still intact, but the words he conveyed were more intense.

Lu Wei checked the accounts for a whole day, and his eyes were extremely dry.However, he didn't care at all about those humiliating words: anyway, it was the disciple who was scolded at that time, and it was also the disciple who had to travel back and forth.

Lifting his head and closing his eyes, Lu Wei calmly continued his instructions:
"Go again tomorrow morning. As long as the things cannot be delivered, you will make two trips a day. There is no need to report to me again before completing the task."

"This" the disciple who sent the post raised his head slightly and kept his fists clasped as he looked at the new steward quietly: "Steward Lu and Pavilion Master Xu are not here, Mr. Yan Chun doesn't look down on our farmers at all."

"Just follow my orders, and your salary will be doubled in the next few days when you send greetings."

"Yes!" The disciple who was originally complaining suddenly became sunny~


"Your Majesty, today, Luqiuge sent people twice."

In the main hall of Yanchunjun's residence, Jueying knelt down and reported the news to the owner on the high seat: "The farmer has appointed a new steward to be responsible for the affairs of Luqiu Pavilion. He hopes to see you."

After a year, Jueying officially became Yan Chunjun's confidant, surpassing the status of the house butler and becoming Yan Chunjun's most trusted subordinate.

"Lu Qiuge?" Yan Chunjun slumped in his seat and narrowed his eyelids: "Xu Qiu and Xu Sheng didn't show up?"

"There is no news about the Xu family and his son! But this new steward was personally promoted by the Xu family and his son."

"Oh?" Yan Chunjun sat up a little more straightly: "Is he present for your failed plan last year?"

Hearing this question, Jueying tensed up: "Yes."

"Then arrange for the butler to meet with the new steward and see what he wants to say."

Yan Chunjun waved his hand, and the matter was settled. Jueying exited the hall obediently.From beginning to end, Lu Wei's name was not worthy of being called out by these two people.

The next day, the housekeeper of the mansion agreed to meet and reported to Lu Wei. However, because there were too many powerful young men who wanted to visit Yan Chunjun recently, the meeting with him was postponed to two months later.

This time cannot be changed. He is a steward of a small farmer's family. If Lu Qiuge hadn't had a close relationship with the rich Xu family of Yan State, he might never have had the opportunity to talk to Yan Chunjun's steward!
Lu Wei was not in a hurry about this. He told the Xu family that he would talk to Yan Chunjun's housekeeper in two months. He first delayed their patience, and on the other hand, he quickly sent it to the caravan returning to Yan State. The news summoned Lu Yu back to Jicheng urgently.

"Brother Lu, what do you need from me?"

As soon as Lu Yu came back, he hurried to the third floor of Lu Qiu Pavilion and shouted excitedly.

When the messenger conveyed the order from his boss to return first, Lu Yu happily mocked his companion Lu Ye, and then rushed towards Yan State day and night.

It only took him half the normal traveling time to reach Jicheng in a hurry.

Seeing the mess and fatigue on his younger brother's body, Lu Wei stood up with emotion and personally wiped the dust off his shoulders and gave the order:
"Ayu, you go take a bath first and then rest for two hours. Shen Shimo will follow me out of the city."

"Yes!" Lu Yu responded loudly.

At the end of Shen Shi, Lu Wei and the energetic Lu Yu went to Longmen Inn to have a bowl of noodles.

The original person in charge of the inn, Mr. Xu, has retired. According to the original plan, Lu Wei should take over the inn at this time.

However, due to a change, he had to regretfully miss out on his position as the innkeeper, and he would never have another chance again~
With such 'sadness', Lu Wei hurriedly ate another bowl of noodles.

After filling his stomach, Erlu officially left the city.

"Brother Lu, where are we going?"

Riding on the horse, Lu Yu asked curiously again.

"Shu Town, which is twenty kilometers away," Lu Wei raised his lips and said, "Go and meet Gao Jianli!"

"Who is Gao Jianli?"

"A friend worth making." "If you become his enemy, it will always be very troublesome."

"Is that so?" Lu Yu silently kept his brother Lu's words in mind: "Gao Jianli?"

Shuzhen at Haishi was almost completely plunged into darkness, blending in with the night.

The only place with light was the town tavern.

The drinks in Jicheng are too expensive, and it is very painful for the rangers to consume them. However, Shuzhen is only twenty kilometers away from Jicheng, and the price is only about one-third of that in Jicheng.

So there are all kinds of people here.

Gao Jianli is one of them.

As a violinist, in order to avoid getting into trouble, he also learned a little bit of swordsmanship to protect himself.

It's just that compared to the enemies who came to chase him, his little effort was really not enough.

Due to his aloof character, Gao Jianli once offended a powerful man.

Since then, he has become one of the prey on the snare's task list.

As a last resort, Gao Jianli could only keep running away.

When I was short of money, I went to pubs in various places to make a living by playing the piano.

Several years later, although he was still being hunted, his reputation spread due to his work in the tavern.

Although this is definitely not a good thing for a prey.

But Gao Jianli was Gao Jianli after all. He knew that there might be danger, but he refused to change.

Finding such a person couldn't be easier in the eyes of a farmer!

(End of this chapter)

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