Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 30 Night Killing

Chapter 30 Night Killing

"Is that Gao Jianli?"

Lu Wei and Lu Yu entered Shuzhen Tavern and found a table in the corner to sit down. After calling the waiter and ordering some food, the two started talking quietly.

Looking at the target wearing a plain white piano player's uniform, with long brown hair spread behind his back, leaving only a strand of hair covering his left eye, he looked extremely chic.

Lu Yuxin immediately felt unbalanced: "It doesn't look like he is being chased by a snare at all."

"We were in such a state of embarrassment for so long when we escaped from Zhao!"

"Oh~" Lu Wei looked at the environment of the tavern and shook his head: "Then go and make him miserable~"

"Ah?" Lu Yu turned his eyes: "Brother Lu, didn't you say you wanted to be friends with him?"

"Gao Jianli is aloof and arrogant. If he directly comes forward to communicate, he is only asking for trouble."

Lu Wei held up the wine glass with some minor flaws in his hand and smiled softly: "I don't have that much time to slowly influence him with sincerity."

"Brother Lu, what do you think?" Lu Yu lowered his voice a little lower, and slowly leaned forward, looking like he was a thief with a guilty conscience.

As a result, my brother Lu raised his hand and hit him with chopsticks. He retracted his head with an ouch, covered his forehead and kept rubbing it.

The environment in the tavern was noisy and chaotic, and no one except Lu Wei paid any attention to his showmanship.

"Isn't Luo Wang looking for him?" Lu Wei took back his chopsticks, raised his eyebrows, and drank the wine in his other hand: "We have killed several people in Luo Wang, so let's pass on the news about Gao Jianli and tell this Please return the favor~"

"Do it yourself."


Some things can still only be done by Shanyu Konoha. Those ordinary farm disciples have limited abilities and poor confidentiality. If they accidentally mess up, it will be a bad thing.

This was the reason why he urgently recalled Lu Yu. A Yu's loyalty would not be a problem. He also got training in the caravan last year and was the best candidate to collude in the trap.

The two of them left the tavern after a simple meal and drink. They only came to observe the situation today and will discuss the specific methods tomorrow.

After spending the night meditating in the wild, Lu Yu took advantage of the night to contact Luo Wang. Lu Wei did not specifically explain how to leak the news, but believed that his younger brother could handle the matter.

In the afternoon of the next day, Lu Yu came back with a few coins in his hand, and reported to his boss with a wink: "It's done, and the net will reward me with a huge sum of money~"

"How many people came?"

"Twenty-five of them, their overall strength is very poor, one is at the Dizi level, the others are all at the Juezi level, and there are even a few that have no level. This is their first mission."

Lu Yu squatted next to Lu Wei who was meditating, holding his chin with one hand: "For that piano player, it should be enough for him to enjoy~"

"Brother Lu, do you think I should pretend to be a snare at night to make it more difficult for him?"

"No need." Lu Wei smiled slightly: "From the perspective of internal strength, Gao Jianli is not much stronger than you."

"Ah~ is it necessary to spend so much effort to make friends with him?" Lu Yu was confused.

"If a musician wants to play a piece of music that touches people's hearts, his emotions must feel the touch before anyone else."

"Gao Jianli's martial arts talent is the same as his music."

"What about the future?" Lu Yu put down the hand supporting his chin, lowered his head and looked at the pebbles on the ground: "Brother Lu."

"Speaking of which, my future in martial arts seems to be over."

"Huh~ Who said that?" Lu Wei opened his eyes, and Lu Yu lowered his head: "I feel that Brother Ye and I are both very talented."

"Your future does not belong to you. Accumulate your inner strength. In the future, your achievements will not be lower than this Gao Jianli."

"Yes! I believe Brother Lu!"


According to famous experts, the sun has been setting since it rose.The day flies by and night falls again.

It's still the same Shuzhen tavern, but there are far fewer people coming to drink and have fun tonight.

Lu Wei and Lu Yu stood on the high roof opposite the tavern. They were wearing dark clothes and half blended into the night.

Carefully controlling his steps so as not to make a sound, he monitored the movements in the tavern.From their perspective, except for the waiter and the performing violinist Gao Jianli, the other drinkers in Shuzhen Tavern were all snares.

Even at the door, there were four people standing there, responsible for stopping those who shouldn't enter.

A chilling atmosphere suddenly filled the entire tavern.

After playing the music for a while, Gao Jianli slowly stopped plucking his fingers and scanned the tavern guests with his narrow eyes:

"You guys are here to find me?"

"No." A sturdy man wearing a bamboo hat stood up:
"We are here to kill you!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the entire tavern lit up with waves of cold light.

When the innocent wine delivery boy saw this scene, his mouth opened wide, and he was so shocked that he couldn't contain his shock. His hand slipped and a jar of strong wine was spilled.

As if this was a signal, the snare killers all pounced on the target together.

Facing the light and shadow of swords, Gao Jianli pulled out the sword hidden in the guqin, blocked the four people in front of him, and then pushed the piano board. The heavy guqin was like a hammer, and all the nets in front of him were knocked away and vomited blood.

But the other killers came one after another.

Looking around the cannon fodder and staring at the enemy leader hiding behind, Gao Jianli's heart sank.

Today, I'm afraid it won't end well
Different from the scene where he met Jing Ke three years later in the original time and space, at this time Gao Jianli had not yet achieved great fame and martial arts.The enemy he is facing now is the most difficult crisis in his life.

"The door is closed, let's rush in now?"

Lu Yu suggested: "The Snare Killer never shows mercy!"

"There's no rush~" Lu Wei shook his head gently: "It's time for us to take action when Gao Jianli falls into despair."

"Oh" Brother Lu had already made up his mind, so Lu Yu shut up decisively.

The one who was attacked below was just a passerby. Even if he died, it wouldn't matter. He made the suggestion just because he cared about Lu Wei's plan.

The sound of swords clashing in the tavern was endless, as if they were beating the ritual music of life.

Such rituals and music often require blood to embellish them.

The wooden wall of the tavern was smashed into pieces by a rotten piano with all its strings broken, and then a blood-red figure was thrown out.

Gao Jianli's originally plain white piano player's outfit with some olive green auspicious clouds was soaked in blood: there were enemies among them, and even more of his own.

The sharp sword cut his clothes into tatters, and the wound had begun to numb due to his excessive exercise.
Falling to the ground, Gao Jianli's lips were pale, but there was no fear in his narrow eyes that had remained unchanged.

"Is this the end of my life?"

"It's a pity that I haven't become a world-famous violinist yet."

The two snare killers jumped high and thrust their swords straight into his throat. Gao Jianli quietly closed his eyes.

"The face was not cut, so it wouldn't be ugly to die like this."

Stab, the sound of a human body being sliced ​​open by a sharp blade was extremely obvious in the dark night, but Gao Jianli did not feel the slightest pain.

Warm blood splashed onto his face, forcing him to open his eyes again:

The heads of the two snare killers rolled to his feet at that moment.

In front of him, he was protected by two young men in coarse cloth.
"You are"

Everything about Gao Jianli was created for music: fair skin, handsome face, slender fingers. Even his voice is perfect.

"The more enemies there are, the more powerful the Youdie Sword Technique can be."

The two visitors ignored him, but kept talking to themselves:
"I'll demonstrate it to you next, so watch carefully."

"Yes! Brother Lu!"

(End of this chapter)

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