Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 280 Discovery of Yingbu

Chapter 280 Discovery of Yingbu
First, he took Shao Siming to the backyard to meet Xiao Qian'er and teach him how to use the dragon pattern jade.

As for Shao Siming's mission, she originally had to go to Songhai to hunt down Black and White: the Moon God only asked her to come to Daze Mountain, so naturally she would not make any other suggestions, even if the mission was personally issued by the leader Donghuang.

The key to the first mission of every Shaoshi Ming was the breakthrough of Manyo Feihua Ryu. As long as this was achieved, the mission was successful.

Whether it is hair color or eye color, this girl is very similar to the moon god.There is even a small moon decoration hanging on the protective flag behind her.Of course, there is also a small sun hanging on the other side of the symmetry.

However, according to Moon God, when she personally brought her to the Yin Yang family from Taiyi Mountain, this girl's hair color was originally blue. It was because of the secret method of practicing that she gradually became closer to the color of Moon God.

Being able to cultivate the characters he forcibly brought back into his confidants, it seems that in addition to Onmyoji, Luna's other realistic methods are also very impressive.Lu Wei had actually experienced this a long time ago, and now his impression has deepened.

There are lush trees in Daze Mountain, and the farmer disciples are good at cultivating new varieties of plants. The environment here is a suitable cultivation environment for Shao Siming.

Xue Nu and Duan Murong were obviously displeased that Lu Wei had stuffed another girl into the backyard, and her color was so similar to that of the Moon God. However, they did not express it deliberately. Instead, they smiled and looked for the silent young Siming. Got a house and settled in.

Shao Siming's practice of exchanging souls for breath would not be difficult for Lu Wei if it was just to replenish souls.Just thinking about the symptoms of loss of vitality is very similar to the situation of Dr. Nian Duan before, and he can make up for it with systemic elixirs.

But wanting to realize the yin and yang cycle of exchanging breath for soul is another matter.

This idea can be used as a test product. If it can be successful, then apply it to your own martial arts. This is a 'bloody' method that can be used as a life-saving trump card.

It is true that judging from his identity, strength and future plans, it is unlikely that anyone can force Lu Wei into despair, but just in case~
For Lord Xia Kui, nothing is more important than his life now.

But now this young Siming is a backup test subject. Before her, there were black and white sisters.

The order was sent to Ji Yan to try to contact Songhai under the pretext of buying paint. Because the backer collapsed and the identity was revealed by exploring the mirage, the two sisters were frightened: after bringing the person to Daze Mountain, the rest would naturally be at the mercy of Master Xia Kui. .

Just in this mountain range, his orders are more effective than King Qin, who has become the lord of the world after Qi surrendered!

A few days ago, after Wang Ben's army arrived at Linzi City, Linzi City urgently recruited soldiers and quickly obtained [-] city defense troops in a short period of time.

Wang Ben, who lacked heavy siege equipment, naturally could not attack Linzi with force. However, with the order of the King of Qi, the [-] Qi soldiers relying on the solid city defense had to surrender to the Qin army of only [-]. Open the city gate and let Wang Ben enter the city
King Qi's intention to be tough since the war between Qin and Chu completely disappeared after the Qin troops came to the city. He has been cowardly all his life, and giving in was always Tian Jian's first choice when encountering difficulties in his life.

After Wang Ben entered the city, he first killed and then won, and then imprisoned Qi Wang Jian, almost trampling the dignity of the huge Qi country under his feet.

Although the King of Qin originally wanted to give the credit for the destruction of Qi to Meng Tian of the Meng family, in the end, it was still obtained by the Wang family!

Among the six countries, except for the weakest South Korea, all the others were defeated by Wang Jian, Wang Ben and his son. Such achievements have surpassed Bai Qi, who was known as the strongest general in the past!

King Jian of Qi saw with his own eyes that his uncle was killed and he was imprisoned. He was extremely frightened. He thought that Qin was going to regret it, but the King of Qin still valued his promise and indeed gave him a five-hundred-mile fiefdom.

However, those five hundred miles are covered with pine trees.

No servants, no food, no water.

King Jian of Qi, who thought he could survive by surrendering and giving in, eventually starved to death in the five hundred miles of fiefdom given by the King of Qin.
When Fu Nian of Xiaoshengxianzhuang heard about this, he was silent for a long time while stroking the Tai'a sword alone. He did not want to become an official and settled down to teach in Songhai. It seems that the promise has been kept, but are all the people in the world blind and deaf?
After the death of King Qi Jian, other members of the Qi royal family fled in all directions, and the Qi martial arts organization dispersed. Some of them joined the net, and some fled to the rivers and lakes.

Gongzijia and Gongsun An were listed as wanted criminals. They fled with only their absolute cronies, while other guests had to find their own way out.

Although Black and White Shao Siming were well prepared for the demise of the Qi Kingdom, their situation was much more dangerous than that of ordinary guests. Faced with the possibility of being pursued by the Yin Yang Family at any time, they were just as Lu Wei guessed : Need a new backer.

Gongsun An proposed to take the two sisters to escape together, but the Qi king and grandson who lost the country were completely worthless and were a drag. Therefore, after the black and white sisters coldly refused, they blankly scanned the world for the closest, most powerful, and possible shelter. All they have left is Daze Mountain and farmhouses!
It happened that Ji Yan sent someone to the door to buy paint. The two sisters looked at each other and immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

After sending his disciples to inform Lu Wei, Ji Yan took Mi Lian to meet with Black and White Master Siming, who was disguised as an ordinary traveling merchant.

The nature of the job of Shao Si Ming determines that the more times a practitioner uses the technique, the weaker he will be and the closer he will be to death after reaching a certain limit.

The black and white sisters have reached a stage of decline and have little life left.

Using the method of concealing their aura, they could easily hide it from ordinary farm disciples, but it was impossible to hide it from Ji Yan, who had practiced observing words and emotions.Therefore, facing Black and White with a flattering smile who wanted to show off their carefully crafted mineral pigments, Xiao Yaner did not reveal their identities immediately after thinking about it. Instead, after expressing her love for their paints, she offered to accept them as four Disciple of Yuetang.

Black and White didn't expect that the dignified leader of Siyue Hall was a little girl, and they didn't expect that they could fulfill their wish of hiding in Daze Mountain so easily. They knelt down on one knee with determination and joy to express their loyalty to Ji Yan.

The less life is left, the more it deserves to be cherished.Black and white knew that they and each other were deteriorating, and they just wanted to spend the last time in peace.

For this reason, it is nothing to recognize an innocent little girl as a boss.

Now, every minute and every second of free breathing is the enjoyment that Black and White snatched after betraying the Yin and Yang family.

Asking his disciples to lead the two of them down, Ji Yan shouted away the other disciples, leaving only Mi Lian to frown and think in the main hall of Siyue Hall.

After waiting for a long time, Master Xia Kui came from Gonggong Hall.

"Xia Kui" bowed and saluted. The thoughts in Ji Yan's brows instantly dissipated, and he straightened his expression, trying to make himself fit the identity of the master of Siyue Hall: "The two targets have already settled in Siyue Hall and can be controlled at any time."

"Well, you did a good job." Lu Wei praised Xiao Yan'er without hesitation, and took the tea brewed by Mi Lian: "From your perspective, how are the physical conditions of these two Yin and Yang disciples?"

There was no rush to attack Black and White right away. Although he had obtained the practice method of Wanye Feihua Ryu from Shao Siming these days, he had also witnessed Shao Siming's demonstration of Wan Ye Feihua Ryu and was interested in the method of exchanging souls with souls. As far as I know, there is no way to help Shao Si Ming Yin Yang's transformation in the same way as Yue Shen and Dong Jun.

He also needs to carefully deduce the conversion process of exchanging soul for breath.There are other techniques in the world that can explode life at the cost, but this one is the only one that can continuously convert life force like Wan Ye Fei Hana Liu.

The value of Shao Siming is much lower than that of Yueshen and Dongjun. Dongjun can obtain the status of ally, while Shao Siming is just a subordinate.

In this way, the absolute initiative is of course in Lu Wei's hands.

"The Yin Yang family's skills are indeed weird." Ji Yan nodded, prepared the words in his mind, and replied slowly: "According to what Xiakui said, they use their life force as the attribute of the Yin Yang technique, so the body should be in short supply."

"Normal people in the world who are physically deficient will show their deficiencies to some extent on the outside."

"But for these two sisters, even if I use Sense Motive, I can only see their inner vitality."

"Only by carefully analyzing their internal energy attributes can we confirm that their vitality is indeed losing."

"Is that so?" Lu Wei was surprised. The behavior of the black and white people was consistent with that of Shao Siming.

He was thinking about Mi Lian's peeled grapes, which he opened his mouth to eat after making tea and then continued to serve him. Regarding the obedience and obedience shown by the eldest princess of Chu, Lord Xia Kui subconsciously felt that she was very similar to Ji Yan in the past. picture.

With a bit of deliberate imitation.

Ji Yan was keenly aware that Mi Lian's movements attracted Lu Wei's attention, but he didn't take it seriously. He smiled in his heart and continued to say with a straight face: "Is Xia Kui ready to conquer these two people?"

"Ayan can see that they have a strong will to survive. Maybe we can start from this point."

Actively offering advice and suggestions to Lu Wei, Xiao Yaner is increasingly working hard to demonstrate his value in helping.

"You can continue to monitor them. I will make my own arrangements when the time comes." Shao Siming's matter can only be regarded as a trivial matter. Lu Wei habitually knocked on the table and turned the topic to serious matters: "What's going on in Licheng?" What can you gain from Yuetang?"

'Licheng', Mi Lian, who was silent, was shocked when she heard this familiar name.

It sounds like Lu Wei, the hero, gave Ji Yan instructions on what to do in Licheng, but he has been following Ji Yan all the time, and he didn't notice it at all?
"Yes, judging from our surveillance of the remaining troops of Chu State, they have regained contact with Wang Li." Ji Yan replied fully prepared:
"Zuimenglou has other ideas about Brother Lu becoming the new hero."

"In addition, we also discovered the whereabouts of Yingbu, the former commander of the Thunder Leopard Corps. He is indeed holding a young child next to him."

(End of this chapter)

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