Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 281 Can’t I enjoy it?

Chapter 281 Can’t I enjoy it?

It's not easy to find someone out of thin air, but if this person is Yingbu, he will definitely jump out.

Since taking over Mi Xin from Queen Chu, Yingbu has had a burden that cannot be discarded.

Such a small child cannot travel long distances, let alone withstand the wind and cold, and the most important thing is: as a professional soldier, Yingbu killed countless people on the battlefield, but he had no experience in taking care of a baby.

Yingbu also knew this shortcoming of his, so he took the initiative to find an older woman in a refugee team and exchanged food for her to take care of Mi Xin.

According to his violent personality, he is more experienced in using an ax for this kind of thing than Wen Yan's request, but he usually goes out to rob, so Yingbu can suppress his temper in order for Mi Xin to be treated well when he leaves.

Robbery is always an unstable business. Even though he is very good at martial arts and has great military skills, as time goes by, the Qin army that maintains law and order still targets him as a big thief and sends a small team of soldiers to encircle and suppress him.

Restlessness is just a common occurrence for Yingbu, but Princess Mixin cannot be subject to any potential threats.

As a last resort, he could only continue to escape with Mi Xin, who was one year older, and look for another place.

As for that woman, after the troublesome guy was useless, he was naturally killed by him with an axe: Yingbu couldn't bring another burden on the road. He could grab as many women as he wanted when he got to a safe place. Instead, it was this woman Having spent so much time with Princess Mi Xin, it would be a bad thing if the Qin people caught her and said some random clues during interrogation.

The dead keep secrets best.

Princess Mi Xin was already over three years old at this time, and it was somewhat easier to raise her than a year ago. After discovering on the way that he could actually support the princess, Ying Bu simply did not settle down again, and has been working as a wandering mercenary in the world. Take on missions and try to earn money in a way that causes less trouble.

The reputation of a mercenary is great, so it is easy for farmers to find him.

It was originally the business scope of the Zhu family to leave the matter of finding people to Shennongtang, but Mi Xin's identity determined that this matter could only be handled by someone more trustworthy, so it was left to Xiao Yan'er.

Ji Yan was already responsible for training Mi Lian, so now it was natural to leave Mi Xin to her.

Mi Lian heard Ji Yan mention Yingbu, and then mentioned a child next to Yingbu. When she was at a loss, she suddenly had an idea: Yingbu was the name of the commander of the Thunder Leopard Army of Chu State. If a child deserves the personal attention of the peasant hero, then that child is not
She was trembling slightly, but fortunately her strict aristocratic upbringing in the past allowed her to remain dignified.Of course, this action could not be hidden from Lu Wei and Ji Yan, but they did not care:

"Dr. Nianduan's reputation is enough to attract him to come to Daze Mountain." Ji Yan continued seriously: "And the contact between Licheng Zuimenglou and Wang Li is probably beyond the Zhu family's expectations."

As an old man from the farm family, Zhu Jia supported Lu Wei after he became the hero, but he also took the initiative to distance himself from the core of the farm family.

He knew very well that Lu Wei was trying to build a new team, so with Shennongtang second only to Gonggongtang in strength, the situation would be very embarrassing.

But it was difficult for him to make up his mind to relinquish power. Simply because the Zhu family was getting older, he thought that he would continue to work for a few more years and then abdicate when he felt that he was no longer capable.

The premise is that the events in Jianghu and Chu State did not break out and involve the Zhu family.
The reason why Ji Yan said that Dr. Nianduan's reputation can attract Yingbu to come is because Mi Xin is sick and has a terminal illness!

The timing of Mi Xin's birth was very wrong. Before she was born, she followed her mother on a long journey from Xianyang to Chenying. Not long after she was born, because Xiang Yan failed in the field battle, she had to retreat to Guangling with her mother and sister.

Guangling City also didn't last long, and she wandered around the world again. Under the care of a rough man and a peasant woman, she could barely survive.

She was born with a frail body, and her physical frailty was even worse than that of Xiao Yan'er before.

In any case, Lu Ni is a professionally trained killer and takes good care of her daughter. Yingbu's violence is definitely incomparable.

What's more, when Xiao Yan'er was less than two years old, she met the kind-hearted Lu Wei and took her in. Mi Xin was forced to wander outside for a much longer time.
Yingbu had already discovered Mi Xin's illness. When he was helpless, two "passing rangers" accidentally mentioned the news that the former head of the medical family, Dr. Nian Duan, was the master of the farmhouse. He would naturally make a decision. Ji Yan, who arranged all this, wanted him to make the choice.

"Didn't Ji Bu stay in Licheng?" Lu Wei understood Mi Xin's situation and publicized the fact that Nianduan became the leader of the farm hall just to make a similar situation happen.

"No, this person is now a righteous thief in the world, and his reputation is widely spread. The original purpose of Zuimenglou was to protect the eldest princess of the Chu Kingdom. Now that the eldest princess is gone, Zuimenglou, who has no mission, doesn't even know that he is What are you going to do?" When Ji Yan said this, he glanced at Mi Lian whose lips were slightly open: Her Royal Highness the eldest princess in question wanted to say something, but she never dared to make a sound.

"Survival in troubled times is instinctive." He shook his head. Master Xia Kui took a sip of tea. Looking at Xiao Yan'er who was obviously hesitant to speak, he actively cooperated with the inquiry and asked the other party to speak: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes." Ji Yan lowered his eyes and replied: "Recently, some disciples excavated natural hot spring water in Shuangjiang Ridge. Ayan wanted to build a hot spring villa for Xia Kui in Siyue Hall. However, due to the large scale of the setting, It will cost a lot, so I hope that Xiakui can entrust Gonggongtang to assist."


Lu Wei agreed to Ji Yan's request without much hesitation.Although the expenses she reported are indeed a bit high, they are still within the controllable range. Moreover, Mr. Xiakui has worked hard for so many years and is now the owner of 10 people. Can't he build a hot spring villa and enjoy it~
Besides, this was also Xiao Yan'er's intention. In order to encourage her to continue working, Lu Wei had to reluctantly accept it as an encouragement to her.

After the discussion, they had a dinner at Siyue Hall. The dinner was not sumptuous. It was just an extra serving for one person according to Ji Yan's usual expenses. If you really want to look into it carefully, it can even be described as simple.

Obviously, after Lu Wei accepted the villa's proposal, Ji Yan wanted to use the dinner to show that she was very frugal in her usual expenses and was not always as luxurious as building a villa.

After dinner, after continuing to test Ji Yan's swordsmanship, Lu Wei did not stay any longer and returned to Gonggong Hall using Qinggong.

Today, the Qi State has been destroyed, and the establishment of the Qin Empire will be held in a grand ceremony in a few months. The Xianyang Palace must be very lively at this time, and the entire Xianyang will be decorated with lanterns and colors on a grand scale.

From this year onwards, the main enemies of the Qin Dynasty will disappear from the public eye. The Yue people in the south and the wolves in the north will be the new direction of this war machine's sword.

As for the internal conflicts among various schools of thought, their effect in weakening the Qin State is really limited. We still have to work hard to make the Qin State lose the support of the people.

Although Qin itself can do a good job in this regard, Lu Wei still has to try his best to add more fuel.

He is now the leader of the farm family, and there is no promotion path within the farm family. Only that position can keep Lu Wei hungry.

There is only half of the moon tonight, hanging in the corner of the sky.

But the curved edge of it is very bright, enough to illuminate the entire beauty.

As he quietly approached the headquarters of Gonggongtang, the beautiful figure standing on the leaves with her back to the road and feeling nature made Master Xia Kui couldn't help but stop.

Purple slope high-heeled shoes reveal the delicate ankles, tall and slender calves are wrapped in purple stockings decorated with white patterns, the height of the red rope bell tied with the moon white and vine purple short skirt with lotus leaf edge leaks out of the white and round petticoat The thighs are even more eye-catching.
The long waistband fluttering in the wind stretched out from the graceful back adds a bit of elegance to the tall girl.

Unfortunately, the fan-shaped protective flag on her back almost covered her upper body. Not only was she invisible, it also made it almost impossible to hug her from behind.

Shao Siming's temperament is completely different from that of Xue Nu, Duan Mu Rong, and Yue Shen. The three-no girl is another kind of temptation.

'I have worked hard for a long time today, so I am qualified to enjoy it.' Lu, who was aroused in the special atmosphere, casually found an excuse to convince himself, and coughed lightly in the night where there was only the sound of insects, breaking the tranquility.

Shao Siming, who was high up in the treetops, was disturbed, but she recognized the voice of the visitor immediately.

After the flash fell to the ground, Shao Siming stared emotionlessly at Lu Wei with his pure purple pupils, stretched out his fingers and slowly drew circles in the air, and dozens of leaves followed her thoughts in the air. Several words were formed in it: 'Is something wrong?'

The ringing sound of the bell that matched her movements completely interrupted the chirping of insects.

Those two bells seldom ring, even when they are jumping on the trees using Qing Kung Fu.

For Shao Siming, who cannot speak, the jingling of bells seems to be a special way of making sounds.

Lu Wei didn't say anything, but walked towards her openly. The ringing frequency of Shao Siming's bell increased a bit, but he remained still, but there was a bit of curiosity in his eyes: she didn't know what the other party was going to do. .

Until Lu Wei raised his hand to hold the palm she used to control the leaves, Shao Siming's whole body trembled. At the same time, the leaves in the air lost their inner energy support and slowly fell.
The pale pink lips under the veil opened and closed slightly, but still no sound came from inside.

She tilted her head slightly and tried to keep her eyes wide open to watch Lu Wei's next move.

This is the person who is told by Lord Moon to obey orders, and what they do will not be meaningless.

But what's the use of holding your own hand?The yin-yang jade handprint was slightly testing, but Shao Siming did not notice any fluctuations in the other party's inner energy.

Until Lu Wei's other hand encountered no obstacles and smoothly grasped her waist, the sensitive waist came from a kneading movement that he had never experienced before, making Shao Siming's pupils dilate:

The ringing of the bell suddenly died down as it was unhooked.

At the same time, the girl who stood motionless gasped violently and could not suppress her voice: She could not speak, but she could still exhale and moan softly.
(End of this chapter)

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