Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 282 Mo Yu Qilin

Chapter 282 Mo Yu Qilin
Shao Siming, who noticed something strange about his body, was like a frightened deer. He instantly activated his yin and yang movements and fled without a trace.

Only a dozen or so scattered leaves floated down from Lu Wei's arms. At the same time, the bell that was originally untied from her hand turned into a green and delicate autumn orchid. It seemed that she did not forget to take away her key vocal props.

Looking up at the incomplete half-moon in the sky for a quarter of an hour, Lu Wei's keen senses immediately noticed that there was another look in the air looking at him.

finally come.

Judging from the speed of catching up, the other party was still very careful, but it was much slower than he expected. It is also possible that he reported some news to his master along the way.

After all, they have to track themselves, so it's natural for them to be more serious.

Throwing the autumn orchid in his hand casually on the roadside, Master Xia Kui continued to rush to the Gonggongtang headquarters.

Just when he was about to enter the headquarters, the shout of 'Xia Kui' sounded from behind.

Still can’t bear it~
Turning around with a smile on his face, Lu Wei saw a short and fat figure walking out of the darkness not far in front of him: the Zhu family.

At this time, the Zhu family's mask was blue and sad. As he trotted closer, he said in a panic: "Xia Kui, the body of the suspected former Xia Kui Tian Guang was found at the Sixth Sage Tomb!"

"Oh?" Lu Wei raised his eyebrows and stared at Zhu Jiada's gasping voice and disordered inner breath, and his expression became serious: "Take me to have a look."

When he passed by the roadside where he had just teased Young Siming again, the autumn orchid that he had discarded had disappeared.

"Today some disciples went out on patrol and never came back. I was worried and went to look for them, but I didn't expect that."

He followed behind calmly and watched the short Zhu family in front of him naturally introduce the incident. No matter from his movements, expressions or even the masks on his face that kept changing when he spoke, there was no flaw in this 'Zhu family', it was so lifelike.

Such a real fake should be said to be a black jade unicorn with dark moon and cold wind, invisible threat to life, and inexplicable changes! '

If he hadn't been so brave that he actually sneaked into Siyue Hall and was discovered by Xiao Yan'er's observation, I'm afraid that although he would intuitively think that this Zhu family was a bit strange, it would be difficult to associate it with fakes.

Recalling what she secretly told Xiao Yan'er about observing Mo Yu Qilin's movement track while teaching Xiao Yan'er swordsmanship after dinner, it was immediately revealed that the other party's target was her.

As the most mysterious character in Quicksand, Mo Yu Qilin's presence means that Wei Zhuang is also there.

The successor of Guigu Hengjian seemed to want to give himself a surprise, but he didn't know if he could afford his return gift.

This is Daze Mountain.

The position chosen by Mo Yu Qilin to lead the way could be seen to be carefully set up and very clever. However, this cleverness was two-way.

In a relatively wide open space, after confirming that his movements could be seen clearly by the characters lurking in the dark, Lu Wei suddenly stopped.

The disguised Black Qilin didn't know why, and called Xiakui while asking for the reason. Then, he saw Lu suddenly drew his sword and stabbed him with an expressionless face!
With a horrified look on his face, the black unicorn understood that he had been exposed for some unknown reason. He retreated quickly and removed his disguise. He raised his hand and took out his weapon, the unicorn thorn, and placed it in front of him in an attempt to stop him.

Ding, the sharp sound of metal collision resounded through the mountains and forests. Lu Wei's strength made Black Qilin's right hand numb. At the same time, his Qilin thorn was also blown away, and the Sea Swallowing Sword directly penetrated his abdomen.
Known as the number one killer in Korea in the past, and even claimed to be the number one killer in the world by Wei Zhuang, Black Qilin's greatest ability lies in his ability to change.

Once the transformation ability is ineffective, his weak martial arts will hardly be worthy of praise.

There are a total of four places in the open space here in the surrounding dense forests and hillsides where surveillance can be carried out secretly. The hidden quicksand members were hiding in one of the woods. When they saw the black unicorn's life and death unknown in just one move, they rushed out immediately. An extremely fast shadow struck Lu Wei from behind.

He still didn't say anything, snorted coldly, pulled out his sword, turned around and slashed. However, the person who came was very strong in Qinggong. He was able to use his strength to bypass Lu Wei's figure from above in mid-air and pounce towards the black unicorn.

Obviously, the other party attaches more importance to saving people than fighting: the value of the black unicorn is irreplaceable to quicksand.

But Lu Wei was not slow in his movements. He had already recognized the newly emerged member of Quicksand as Bai Feng: If we were talking about long-distance running, of course he couldn't catch up with these guys who specialize in light kung fu, but his reaction ability in martial arts battles, Lord Xia Kui can be faster than Bai Feng!
There was a flash of cold light under the moonlight. Lu Wei took a step back. The latter arrived first in front of the black unicorn who had been tortured and comatose by the sword energy in his body. The sea-swallowing sword thrust out again. Bai Feng hurriedly blocked it with his feather blade. He was spared. He reacted quickly, but his shoulder was still pierced by the Sea Swallowing Sword.

If the feather blade hadn't deflected the sword tip in the direction, it would have been his throat.

Injured and in pain, Bai Feng threw out a dozen feathers with his other hand as a hidden weapon and shot them at Lu Wei's important acupuncture points. At the same time, he stepped on Lu Wei and was forced to give up saving people and retreat first.

With a breath from his left hand, he froze those light but deadly sharp feathers. Lu Wei did not continue to pursue because behind Bai Feng, the main leader Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian, who was controlling the snake formation, appeared.

"Second, oh no, the third time we meet." Kicked the unconscious black unicorn back to the direction of quicksand. Lu Wei put the sword behind his arm with his backhand and smiled lightly: "I received your gift, but Apparently your people can’t bear my gift.”

The sword energy in Black Qilin's body was both a sign and a threat. Even if he could survive it, he would still be almost a half-wasted person.There are no medical experts in Quicksand. Since Chi Lian is good at poisoning, he should have some medical skills, but she has no way to solve the internal injuries caused by martial arts.

After all, even Wei Zhuang himself has never resolved the hidden wounds accumulated in his body over the years.Staring sideways at Black Qilin, who had completely lost his ability to fight, and Bai Feng, whose right shoulder was injured, Wei Zhuang's cold expression did not change at all.

Chi Lian on the side was driving the snake formation to launch an attack, but among everyone present, she was the one who posed the least threat to Lu Wei:
The rejuvenation skill ignores snake venom. Even if these little snakes who have lost their most powerful weapon can break through the endless supply of protective energy around them, the damage caused by a bite from those cute little fangs can almost be ignored.

As for Chi practicing his martial arts after losing the weapon of poison, let's not mention it.

The only strong enemy is Wei Zhuang. Judging from the current situation, there will definitely be a fight between the two before they talk about business.

That encounter in Songhai was too short.

"Really, but my gift hasn't been given yet." He pulled out the shark teeth with a bang. After Wei Zhuang finished speaking in a cold voice, he did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, he inserted the sword into the soil with a clang and at the same time, stretched out his hand and exerted force. He took off his black gold robe with one tug.

After the strong body is no longer covered by the outer robe, the power hidden in it is more directly highlighted.

This is a strong opponent

In Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng was still dealing with political affairs late at night.

His diligence has never slackened since he took office. In the past few days, the ministers have issued many more memorials than before. As a result, Ying Zheng added an extra hour to his complicated workload. operating hours.

Every time when dealing with official documents to the point where his head is spinning and his eyes are aching, Ying Zheng can always remember what Han Fei once said:

In ancient times, when Emperors Yao, Shun and Yu were emperors, in order to set an example for the world, they ate coarse grains and drank wild vegetable soup. They had to personally lead people to work with spades and hoes. They were so tired that their thighs were thin and the hair on their calves was gone. Even today's janitors, slaves and field farmers are happier than them.

Therefore, when they practice abdication, they are just escaping from the hard work and are not worthy of praise.

Today's county magistrates, even if they die, their descendants can be rich and noble for generations to come, so everyone is very enthusiastic about being an official.

Therefore, people in the world can "dismiss the emperor of ancient times lightly, but hardly dismiss the county magistrate of today."

Now he is the lord of the world. He rules a territory larger than Yao, Shun, and Yu, and has a larger population than Yao, Shun, and Yu. There are countless wealthy officials under his command, but he is still so diligent and has to work harder than Yao, Shun, and Yu. Times, doesn’t this mean that he is greater than Yao, Shun, and Yu?

"The country of the few will surpass those ancient sages and become the new paradise that everyone longs for!"

"The achievements of these few people will become a grand benchmark that everyone in future generations can aspire to reach!"

Reinvigorated, Ying Zheng summoned the young eunuch to take a pill offered by Yun Zhongjun of the Yin Yang family. After the slight headache was suppressed, part of the physical fatigue was also eliminated.

Then he took out a new volume of official memorials from the desk:
It is Li Si's memorial, and the content is about the change of his title after the unification of the world.

Unifying the seven kingdoms is an unprecedented great undertaking. The title of king cannot match the level of achievements, and the "Emperor" puts himself under "Heaven". This makes Ying Zheng, who is domineering in his heart, not happy. .

Li Si’s suggestion was, “In ancient times, there were emperors of heaven, emperors of earth, and emperors of Thailand. The emperor of Thailand was the most noble, so you can change the word ‘king’ to ‘emperor of Thailand’.”

This proposal also did not satisfy Ying Zheng: he wanted to use a new title that had never been proposed by anyone in history books.

Li Si's subsequent memorial listed in detail the nobility of the 'Taihuang'. Although the content of the proposal was not good, Li Si's writing style has always been the most liked by Ying Zheng since Han Fei, so he continued reading with great interest. Going down, however, halfway through, a bamboo slip broke and was already full of writing.

As a last resort, Ying Zheng had no choice but to reach out and take out the follow-up bamboo slips written by Li Si.

'The bamboo slips are too troublesome. They can't record a few words in one scroll. '

The interruption of interest and the heavy feeling made Ying Zheng frown slightly. He then remembered the paper provided by Qi State: although the paper was not exquisite enough and easily damaged, the price was much cheaper than cloth, and There was mature technology, and he had heard about the reputation a long time ago. However, Qi State strictly controlled the outflow of paper, making it difficult to obtain those mature technologies.

Fortunately, the whole world belongs to him now, and the papermaking technology of the Qi government will soon be reappeared in Xianyang, and it will be much easier for him to handle government affairs by then.

I heard that the production of paper was a creation of farmers. Confucianism was the promoter of paper. The Qi government later used Mohist technology to further develop production technology. If these scholars are willing to only do this kind of thing peacefully, It's quite effective.

Unfortunately, let’s not talk about the Confucian peasants, the Mohists are staunch rebels: Recently, Luowang has reported a lot of information about local nobles and the Mohists secretly collaborating on music.

A heavy blow to the Mo family is what Da Qin must do next.

The tragic end of the Mohist family should be used to warn other scholars about the principle of obedience!

(End of this chapter)

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