Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 283 2 Battle with Wei Zhuang

Chapter 283 Wei Zhuang in World War II
The red flame sword energy appeared on the shark's teeth. Wei Zhuang would never say anything more when fighting with outsiders.

He had always only regarded Gai Nie as the senior brother he wanted to defeat in his life, but now the performance of taking off his coat when facing Lu Wei proved that he also had sufficient recognition of this new peasant hero.

With a strong movement of his feet, the shark-tooth horizontal sword slashed wildly in the direction of land and latitude. The color of the sword's light was like the flame of the sun in the dark night, fierce and blazing.

For Wei Zhuang's character, defeating him by force is the best way to communicate.

The vast sword intention of the Sea-Swallowing Sword echoed the half-moon in the sky, completely covering the oncoming faint dragon's roar within the range of its attack. Before the swords collided, the two men's eyes met first: one was fierce and the other was peaceful.

The moment the short and loud collision of the two swords occurred, both sides noticed the difference between the two in Songhai many years ago. The chilling shark teeth and the thick swallowing sea each took a step further on their own paths!
Feeling a slight numbness in his right hand, Wei Zhuang did not flinch at all. He continued to attack with different moves with firm eyes. Every time he swung his sword, there was a roar of shark teeth, and at the same time, he also hid the cunning moves of a hunter from time to time.

The strong killing intent and sword energy formed an invisible chain, locking the prey in front of him tightly, intending to force Lu Wei to act according to his wishes.

In terms of the subtlety of sword moves, Lu Wei realized that he was not as good as Guigu Heng's swordsmanship, but just like light kung fu does not mean martial arts, clever sword moves do not mean superb swordsmanship. Lu Wei's whale-drinking swordsmanship is different from Wei Zhuangxia's It's not the same game of chess, so it's naturally impossible to follow Wei Zhuang's rules to determine the outcome.

The power of the sword caused a high tsunami in the air. The rolling waves would never be restricted by iron chains. The charging waves had the power to swallow up everything in front of them!

Even looking at it from a distance, one can notice that the frightening sword energy occasionally flew out and twisted the poisonous snakes around the road into minced flesh. Chi Lian and Bai Feng were forced to retreat into the dense forest with the black unicorn, trying to get rid of them. The trees of the Osawa Mountains served as cover against some of the pressure coming from the center of the battle.

'With this next move, even the Six Sword Slave will have to give in. 'Attack met attack throughout the whole process, Lu Wei's eyes flashed with confidence, and the waves of the ground and the sea were beating down desperately.
Every time the two swords collided, Wei Zhuang's right hand suffered a shock. He endured the numbness. He subconsciously compared the strength of his opponent's sword with that of his senior brother's Hundred Steps Flying Sword, and unleashed it with all his strength in all directions.

But even in the eyes of Chi Lian, who is full of bias in his heart, the result of that fiery shark rushing towards the boundless waves is doomed.
Wow, the shark-tooth sword was directly knocked away, and the wave of sword energy condensed on the Tunhai sword at the last moment, pointing at Wei Zhuang's throat.

The scratched throat skin and the cracked right hand's jaw made the reality obvious: Wei Zhuang was completely defeated.

"Zhuang!" Chi Lian ignored him and was about to rush out, but was blocked by Bai Feng: "If this peasant hero wants to kill someone, then he is already dead. Besides, do you think he wants others to see his embarrassment now?"

When Chi Lian heard Bai Feng's prompt, his steps suddenly stopped.
"It seems that your surprise is not as heavy as you imagined." Glancing at the dense forest on the other side from the corner of his eye, Lu Wei simply sheathed his sword without concealing his intention: "I owe you my life." Me once.”

"Do you believe in Liusha's reputation?" Wei Zhuang's arrogance completely shrank, just as Master Xia Kui guessed: whoever defeats Wei Zhuang will of course gain Wei Zhuang's respect.

"You will trust the sword in your hand, and so do I." Lu Wei said calmly, and sucked the shark tooth into his hand from the air: This sword is very heavy, but it is still lighter than Swallowing the Sea.

He threw it back to Wei Zhuang without looking at it too much: in the eyes of most swordsmen who care about swords, the sword is their wife, so naturally they are not willing to lend it to others for a closer look.

"Next, you can tell me why Quicksand came to the farmer's house."

Lu Wei's tone was too light, which made Wei Zhuang feel a little uncomfortable.

However, he deliberately did not use his inner energy to stop the bleeding, showing his failure to the public. Even if he is a very arrogant character, he can only silently accept the arrogance of a stronger person: "Many people are full of confidence in the farmer's new hero. To gain interest, they will offer a high price to let Liusha serve as a pawn."

"Besides, you are also very interested in me. It's not surprising that you would accept such a commission." He chuckled and filled in Wei Zhuang's unsaid words. Lu Wei had thought about how to deal with this killer organization before. The conclusion is that you can kill or not kill.

What ultimately determines the choice is the consideration of interests.

It's just that Wei Zhuang is not like Gai Nie, so his credibility is definitely not worthy of trust.

If they really wanted to kill him, even Gai Nie or Zhang Liang would not seek revenge for a dead man who broke into Daze Mountain: after all, Lu Wei is now the leader of the peasant family, and this status is more noble than the owner of Quicksand. .

As for the future mission of breaking through the government city and weakening the Mo family's strength, the Yin Yang family can accomplish it very well.

It seems that various reasons prove that Lu Wei can choose to kill.

But there is a reason for choosing not to kill: Wei Zhuang will bring some trouble to Qin.

As for whether he will bring trouble to himself, Liusha's strength is not enough to attack two enemies at the same time.

The choice between the Qin State and the peasant family, with Wei Zhuang's reason, he will make the right choice.

Just like Star Soul.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei looked at Wei Zhuang in a relaxed manner. "The value of quicksand is not that great to farmers. What do you think I will ask for your lives?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Master Xia Kui asked himself: "If measured in terms of gold and treasures, how much would the Master of Quicksand, two of the Four Heavenly Kings of Quicksand, and a black jade unicorn be worth~"

The patrols in Daze Mountain were already very strict compared to before Lu Wei became the hero.

However, due to the congenital conditions of the Daze Mountains, people in the world can always find a gap if they really try to break in.

Not to mention Wei Zhuang of Quicksand personally leading the team, and Black Qilin's excellent disguise to deal with ordinary people.The Yin Yang family also has similar means to change body shape. If you just try to guard against this, it will be impossible to guard against it.Only by either turning the target into an ally, or making the target understand the possible tragic consequences of offending the farmer, can we solve the problem once and for all.

After all, no matter how sophisticated the means of infiltration are, it is not as far as a small official wearing the clothes of an official of the Qin Dynasty can go far in Daze Mountain.

Chi Lian was only allowed to go back and let him transport all the gold, silver and jewelry that Liusha had accumulated over the years to Daze Mountain. As for Wei Zhuang and Bai Feng, they finally made the trip and naturally wanted to stay for a few more days.

Liusha has made a lot of money and treasures as a killer over the years. He has raised wolves, snakes and birds in batches~
After Liusha became poor again, they had to continue to take orders diligently in order to maintain their livelihood. This was of course a trouble for the Qin Dynasty, which unified the world.

As for the forces that Wei Zhuang said were trying to test his new hero, there were all kinds of forces, and it was not surprising that there were snares among them to fish in troubled waters.

When I saw Shao Siming again the next day, his cold expression and the way he looked at Lu Wei were the same as before, but the flowering autumn orchid newly planted by the girl looked obviously familiar.

Shao Siming didn't seem to care about it, so Master Xia Kui naturally continued to discuss the issue of Wan Ye Fei Hua Ryu with him with a normal expression, and informed his predecessors Hei and Bai had arrived in the Osawa Mountains, and he needed her to cooperate in a performance next. Make a play.

The purple-haired girl looked at her new boss, who was getting closer and closer every day, with pure eyes, and a strange feeling reappeared in her waist.


In Xianyang City, all preparations for the new empire have been completed.

Unlike the lanterns and colorful decorations in Lu Wei's subconscious imagination, ordinary people in Xianyang City were not allowed to laugh during the solemn ceremony.

This is the Qin State, a country deeply rooted in Legalist ideas. Of course, there are many differences from the undisciplined Yan State.

Gai Nie did not participate in today's ceremony. He was not qualified enough, so he could only work with Luo Wang to maintain order in secret.

Ge Nie had no feelings for his colleague Luo Wang, but he was still happy with the establishment of the new country.

In any case, the path he chose has been realized. If this path can continue according to his imagination and realize the happiness of all people, then he can wholeheartedly find his friend's child and return to the mountains and forests.

And if there is a problem with the direction of this road, Ge Nie doesn’t know what he will do at that time.
Among the courtiers, Moon God and Xinghun serve as the guardians of the Yin Yang family and the empire. Although they have no real political power, they still have to participate in the ceremonies of His Majesty the First Emperor.

Although Yueshen among the two participated in Lu Wei's anti-Qin plan, she still viewed the Qin ceremony with an appreciation attitude: when should she be in which mood, Lord Yueshen can let herself express it. very perfect.

In comparison, Xinghun's expressionless face was somewhat inconsistent with his intelligence, but Moon God could understand it and did not bother fellow Guardian Zuo too much today.

Dozens of members of the Gan family died under King Qin's personal orders and the oppression of the net. Now seeing Ying Zheng ascending higher and higher, he was so twisted in his heart that he couldn't wait to drag him down and destroy this bloody country!

In the Lishan Mausoleum in southern Xianyang, the prisoners here have absolutely nothing to do with the grand founding ceremony of the empire.

Their mission is to dig out and build a pattern for the master of the country to continue to rule the underground world after his death.

The construction of this huge mausoleum began in the first year of the Qin Dynasty. It has been 26 years and it is still far from completion.

It may become an immeasurable historical heritage thousands of years later, but for the hundreds of thousands of construction prisoners now, it is shackles and death with no end in sight.

Tian Guang, with his upper body naked, was performing heavy physical labor with other prisoners in a mess around him.

The whip marks on his body were as deep as those of the other prisoners, and in terms of number, he had the most whip marks on his body at a glance among all the prisoners.

With Tian Guang's shrewdness, he certainly would not make mistakes on his own initiative. He suffered these whip marks for other prisoners who could not bear it.

When being whipped, you cannot use your inner energy to resist, otherwise the Qin soldiers will notice that the wounds caused are abnormal. Therefore, when being beaten, Tian Guang restrains his inner energy and resists purely with his physical body.

Only after everyone fell asleep at night, Tian Guang could use his inner energy to carefully treat the wounds.

He is over sixty years old and is a master in the world. It stands to reason that even if he did not have the identity of a peasant hero, Tian Guang would not have to endure such a life.

But when he thought of the huge statue of Shen Nong in the Six Xian Tomb, Tian Guang never had any idea of ​​retreating.

Fortunately, his efforts were not in vain. Among the current Lishan prisoners, Tian Guang has a new name as a hero.

Such a reputation even made a considerable number of Qin officers and soldiers admire him: normal people would not and had no need to embarrass a 60-year-old man. What's more, Tian Guang's existence actually helped Qin soldiers reduce the difficulty of management.

As for the question of the other party's reputation being too high~ The 60-year-old man is still a prisoner of Lishan. Apart from letting Qin Bing occasionally add more portions to his meals, what other use does his reputation have?
Is it possible to lead these prisoners to rebel?

(End of this chapter)

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