Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 284 Golden Man 2

Chapter 284 Golden Man Twelve
At the beginning of the unification of the Qin Dynasty, news of auspicious discoveries from all over the country naturally poured into Xianyang like snowflakes.

Even Jing County and Dong Ou in the south each 'discovered' koi carps and giant turtles announcing good news in lakes and seas, and hurriedly sent them to Xianyang.

Small joys like this are just a part of the "remaining" in the records of historians. The one that really shocked the whole world was the one reported by the Linzhao County Sheriff: "There is a man five feet long and six feet tall. They are all dressed in barbarian clothes. Every 12 "People, seeing the approaching omen, congratulate Emperor Qin" the good news.

His Majesty the First Emperor was overjoyed when he heard this news and ordered that "the weapons of the world be sold and the twelve golden figures be made to resemble them."

This order was directed towards the world outside the court, and farmers were naturally affected.

There is no doubt that upon hearing the order, all the knights in the world angrily cursed Xianyang as a 'violent Qin', and very few took the initiative to hand over their weapons.

They wander the rivers and lakes, pursuing freedom: drinking happily and killing enemies happily.

If the Qin people want to collect their swords, they must do it with blood.

There are a large number of Jianghu Rangers, and they often run around. Qin Bing wants to hunt down these people one by one, but he is really unable to do so.

But the peasant family cannot openly resist this order. The peasant family's base in Daze Mountain has no choice but to run away like a ranger.

However, as a martial arts sect whose business is farming, it is very common and normal for farmers to bring some farm tools with them at all times. As for long swords, although they do exist in Daze Mountain, the number is very small. Handing over two thousand is already the limit. .

Although the county magistrate who came to Daze Mountain to carry out the order was from Qin, most of the pavilion chiefs and county soldiers working underneath him were locals, and quite a few of them were even farm disciples. It would be enough to give a decent explanation. Sorry, it would be disrespectful to conduct any more rigorous checks.

The one hundred thousand disciples of the peasant family are indeed not worth mentioning to the entire Daqin, but to the local county magistrate, if the peasant family does not cooperate, their governance work will definitely not be carried out.

If the real peasant family rebels, Xianyang may not be affected, but whose personal life and death is in whose hands?

Wei Zhuang, who was still in Daze Mountain, knew very well that the reason why His Majesty the First Emperor would issue such an order was not because of the so-called giant auspiciousness. It was more likely because of his former friend Han Fei's five mistakes: Confucianism messed up the law with literature, and chivalry used it. Forced criminals are prohibited.

The purpose of administering the rangers was to reduce the difficulty of governing the world. After the rangers on the surface did not dare to take their swords to the streets, the empire's next target was Confucianism.

Fu Nian of Little Sage Village also understood this, so although he was not happy with the Qin State, he was always respectful and worked hard to eliminate the possibility that Little Sage Village might be targeted and make the presence of Little Sage Village as visible as possible. drop to lowest.

However, although the two sentences criticizing Confucianism and Xia in Wuwei are very famous, later, Han Fei actually criticized the political strategists in large sections.
The length used far exceeds that of Confucianism and Xia.

"If things succeed, use power and authority; if things fail, then retire with wealth." Han Fei believes that politicians are villains who trade national interests for their own selfish interests, and are one of the important reasons for the country's demise.

I wonder if the King of Qin was deeply influenced by this theory, so he always regarded his senior brother as a bodyguard and never regarded him as a minister in the court.

Wei Zhuang had been very calm while staying in Daze Mountain and did not make any attempt to explore the secrets of Daze Mountain.Strategists have enough sense to calculate accurately the gains and losses that may result from their actions.

So when Chi Lian came to redeem the Liusha people with money, Lu Wei was very trustworthy and easily let the hostages go.

As for Hei Qilin, the farmer kindly asked Dr. Nianduan, the leader of Gonggong Hall, to help him treat his sword injury: Hei Qilin's constitution is very special, and the old doctor is very interested, so treatment will take some time.

Master Xia Kui promised that he would let him go as long as he was cured. Wei Zhuang didn't think he had the ability to question this promise, so he left happily without saying anything.

The world is unified, and the value of politicians has undoubtedly dropped to the extreme.

I especially remember that Master Gui Guzi once said that he and his senior brother Ge Nie were the most talented disciples of the Guigu sect in hundreds of years. However, it seems that the Guigu sect will soon be destroyed at the hands of these two most talented disciples. Already.
Compared with those who came before them, their generation's talents and achievements are completely mismatched.

Wei Zhuang needs to change all this, and the key to the Strategist's need is: the world is in chaos!
Wei Zhuang believes that Han Fei is right. Strategists must maneuver among the seven countries in order to realize their own value. In Wei Zhuang's pursuit, national interests are indeed something that can be sacrificed.

How to mobilize the chaos in the world is the real problem that Liusha will face next.


Another important reason why Hei and Bai joined the peasant family after the fall of Qi was because the former head of the medical family, Dr. Nianduan, was the leader of the peasant family.

Ordinary doctors can't even find out the root cause of their physical condition, but the head doctor may not have a chance.If I could ask Dr. Nietuan to treat me, would I have a chance to continue living?
Being able to live, the sisters naturally don't want to die.

Gonggong Hall is not very far from Siyue Hall. It shouldn't be a problem to settle down safely in the farmhouse for a period of time, and then find an opportunity to confess your identity to the hall master and ask him to ask for help from Dr. Nianduan.

After all, the leader of the Siyue Hall they belong to is just a squishy teenage girl who seems to be kind-hearted.

As for the possible consequences of exposing their identities, the possibility of being rejected at best, and being kicked out of the farmhouse at worst is unlikely. The black and white sisters feel that their abilities are better than those of Wanyo Feikaryu even if they cannot use them. Those rural farmers must be useful.

The possible costs are nothing compared to the possible gains.

In addition to making paint for their little hall master, the two sisters' current job at Siyue Hall is to serve as maids to take care of the little hall master's daily life.

For Ji Yan, as the youngest and the only female hall leader among the six halls, it is convenient for her to have suitable female subordinates to take charge of her daily life.

Mi Lian can only do so much on her own, Mei Sanniang is still suitable for fighting outside, and the maids in Gonggong Hall are very ordinary. In comparison, Hei and Bai, as former Yin Yang family young master Siming, have their own needs. It is very convenient to drive.

What's more, these two guys may be recruited by Xia Kui and die at some point. If they don't do it now, they won't have a chance in the future.

The disciples of Siyuetang at Xiaogeng Villa suddenly reported the order from Xiakui. Ji Yan immediately understood that the time for the black and white sisters was up. Although these two were quite comfortable, there were issues related to the Yin and Yang family. Xiao Yan I don't want to interfere now.

Hei and Bai were summoned and ordered to choose a high-quality paint and send it to Xia Kui. The two sisters agreed without much thought.

Looking at the two sisters leaving, Xiao Yaner raised her hand to play with her braids, thoughtfully considering whether she should dye her hair purple with violet.
"I heard that our little hall master became the hall master because of the support of this new farmer." Hei held the box containing the ore pigments in his hands, walking with his sister on the road, thinking: "What if If we reveal our identities, wouldn’t it be better to confess directly to this hero?”

"The little hall master is definitely not qualified to fight against the Yin Yang family. In the end, it may still be decided by this hero."

"But the other party is a farmer Xia Kui, and there is no shortage of capable people and strangers under his command." Bai Mian hesitated: "Our value is actually very limited. We can use more functions with the small hall master, but it is difficult to use them with Xia Kui. What an important role.”

"If you persuade Xiakui to cure us, your and my Yin Yang skills can still have a place in the world." Hei also understood what Bai meant, gritted his teeth and said with a gambling intention.

Bai shook his head. She was more timid than her sister: "Let's confess to the little hall master after a while. Although we don't have much time, if there is no threat of pursuit from the Yin Yang family, we will just live an ordinary life." Very good too.”

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Hei always accepted Bai's final judgment, and then changed the topic smoothly: "I saw a turtle dove captured by a big bird yesterday. It should have been carrying food to its nest. , there may be a nest of little turtle doves that have just hatched in that forest, let’s go back and look for them after the paint is delivered.”

"Well, the little bird that lost its mother is very pitiful." Bai Fa smiled from the bottom of his heart and nodded in agreement.

The two sisters used to kill without mercy when they were at Yin Yang's house, but now that their time is running out, they are paying more and more attention to life.

After explaining their purpose of coming and entering Xiaogeng Villa, Hei and Bai originally thought that it would be enough to send the paint to the warehouse, but instead of waiting for the disciples at the entrance of the Villa, they were told to go to the main hall of Xia Kui.

There, Lu Weigao sat in the upper position, smiling slightly as he watched the cautious black and white sisters walk in.

Before Black and White knelt down on one knee to speak, a purple-haired girl floated down behind them and blocked the door with an expressionless face.

The familiar aura of Onmyoji made Black and White freeze up immediately, and the wooden box he was holding fell to the ground without holding it firmly, making a loud noise.

No farmer disciples came in to inquire because of the noise, which undoubtedly showed that Lu Wei had arranged everything in advance.

There was fear in the eyes of the black and white sisters. At the same time, they faced Shao Siming and Xia Kui back to back in tacit understanding.

Desperate thoughts shattered the hope on the road to the future. They knew very well: with the current weakness of the two of them, they could not deal with a normal strength of Shao Siming, let alone an unfathomable Xia Kui and the Yin Yang family. Together.

Not to mention, this is Daze Mountain, the base camp of farmers.

"We are peasant disciples now." Hei looked at the clothes on Young Siming's body and the aura leaking from his side, without any luck in his heart. Bai faced the aloof Lu Wei, even though his whole body was trembling, he still worked hard to fight for the truth. : "Can you let us go?"

(End of this chapter)

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