Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 285 Donghuang’s spell

Chapter 285 Donghuang’s spell

Compared with the order to collect the soldiers of the world and cast them into the Twelve Golden Men, another order issued by His Majesty the First Emperor on the same day was less eye-catching.

'A bounty of one hundred yi was given to the magistrate of Wen County, Hanoi County. '

One hundred yi gold is not a small amount, it is 2000 taels in taels. This is only a drop in the bucket for His Majesty the Emperor, the Lord of the World, but for ordinary officials at the lower level, it is impossible to earn a hundred yi gold purely from their salary. thing.

The reason why the Wen County magistrate was able to receive such a generous reward was because the auspiciousness reported by Wen County was related to the county magistrate himself:

The county magistrate happened to have a new daughter this year. The girl was born with a jade piece in her hand. On the jade was a picture of King Wen's Bagua, which was faintly visible. She was able to speak within a hundred days of her birth, which was truly miraculous.

His Majesty the Emperor believed that this daughter was an extremely auspicious sign and specially gave the county magistrate money to help him raise his daughter well.

The magistrate of Wen County, whose surname is Xu, specially named his daughter "Mo Hui" in order to remember the kindness of His Majesty the Emperor.

After Ying Zheng rewarded Xu County Magistrate, he soon forgot about it: he now rules an unprecedentedly large empire and is busy with political affairs, and auspicious things cannot occupy him too much time.

Of course he knew that many auspicious signs might be suspected of being fake, but Ying Zheng didn't want to investigate them one by one, and he just casually rewarded the ones he liked.

Although His Majesty the Emperor had forgotten about it, there was an organization that became very enthusiastic about this matter: the Yin Yang Family.

After Donghuang, the leader of the Yin-Yang family, personally used astrological laws, he still couldn't see clearly the future of the empire, but the auspicious 'Xu Mofu' was targeted by him.

Tianji has a close connection with this baby. It is obvious that this is an onmyoji genius who is at least as good as Star Soul!

Dongjun was sent to monitor Shao Siming on his mission. The left protector Xinghun was in retreat. Between the right protector Yueshen and Da Siming, sending the former to show the importance of the Yin Yang family.
"Xu Wang?" After accepting the order happily, Yue Shen obtained the information about Wen County Magistrate from the Qin Palace. She had been to this place many years ago.

As for the name Xu Wang, Moon God even remembered: Lu Wei once had a disciple friend who was abandoned by the Yin Yang family. That person's name was Xu Wang, and he was from Wen County. If nothing else, he was the magistrate of Wen County. !
"It turns out that he is the bloodline of a disciple of my Yin Yang family, and he is also involved with the farm family." The moon god sat in the carriage and meditated, and in his heart, he naturally included the still baby 'Xu Mofu' among his subordinates.

Moreover, she had her own judgment on the fact that Donghuang did not mention Xu Wang's situation after using the astrological law.
His Excellency Donghuang is acting more and more weak~

In Xiaogeng Villa on Daze Mountain, the two sisters, Black and White, are still in danger.

Bai looked at the young face of the hero Lu Wei and couldn't help pleading.

The bloody murderer of the past has now lost all his edge and just wants to survive.

Judging from their behavior in Siyuetang since they entered the countryside, it is not necessary to be so nervous to subdue the two of them, and it does not have to be so troublesome to kill them, but Lu Wei wanted to take a look at the encounter between the two young masters before and after. How to achieve the goal of Manyobihua-ryu one step further.

In the inheritance of the Onmyo family, the new Shao Siming will always make progress after killing the previous Shao Siming, making his practice of Wanye Feihua Ryu achieve a breakthrough.

Normally, martial arts practice is a combination of long-term success and sudden enlightenment, but the Yin Yang family obviously pays more attention to the latter, that is, they care more about talent.

In other words, killing his predecessor is a means to stimulate Shao Siming's talent, and the principle is worth exploring.

Lu Wei had some guesses and felt that his guesses were very likely, but he still needed to verify them with actual practice.

Shao Siming felt familiar with the auras of the two people in front of him, and knew in his heart that this was the target of his mission from Donghuang: his predecessor.

However, Lu Wei had asked her to just cooperate today, so Shao Siming was not in a hurry to kill the two people immediately, so he just stood at the door, waiting for Lu's next instruction.

Her daze combined with her unique temperament creates a sense of mystery that makes it difficult for outsiders to understand what is going on in her heart.

"You are a peasant disciple who has hidden your identity and joined the peasant family, do I need to offend the Yin Yang family for you?" He stood up and looked down at the vigilant Bai with his hands behind his back. Without waiting for the other party to answer, Master Xia Kui continued with a smile and a relaxed tone: "But after all, you guys You have been accepted by Siyuetang and are regarded as peasant disciples, and I have always been tolerant towards peasant disciples, so I can give you a chance to control your own destiny."

Hearing this, Black and White's eyes suddenly felt a glimmer of hope in their hearts. While keeping their bodies still, their eyes became tense, waiting for Lu Wei's next words:

"As long as you can persuade her to let you go today, I will recognize that you will only have the role of farm disciples from now on."

"Any subsequent troublesome farmers in the Yin Yang family will stand firmly on the side of their disciples."

It's not a trap of cooperating inside and outside, but it's about allowing the two sisters to escape Shao Siming for a day. Can this be done?
Lu Wei's statement gave the two sisters a glimmer of hope in the situation where they were destined to die. Bai bit his lip and nodded heavily. At the same time, he clenched his fists and boldly turned around to face Shao Siming together with Hei.They had no choice and were unable to resist. They could only believe in the promise of the peasant hero and leave their backs undefended to concentrate on dealing with the only enemy.

Black and White is someone who has been here before, and he knows very well what level of strength Shao Siming has just succeeded to the throne. Based on their current physical condition, it would be difficult for them to confront him head-on.

However, as twins, Black and White's unique fighting skills can be used as a means of surprise attack.

Moreover, this new Shao Siming must have been cultivating quietly in the Yin Yang family as usual. Soon after he became Shao Siming, he came out to carry out the task of killing the two of himself. Even though he had a lot of experience when he was training with Wulingxuan during his disciple period, Simulated battles, but the fact that actual combat experience is zero cannot be changed.

If they really fight, the sisters might have a chance to win!
What's more, Xia Kui mentioned persuasion in his words, which proved that this young Siming could communicate.The fact that she didn't attack immediately after finding the two of them through the farmer Xia Kui shows that she still has some humanity left in her.

So for the new Shao Siming, there is only one reason why the two seniors, Black and White, can convince each other: the secret of exchanging souls for breath.

Lu Wei learned from the Moon God about exchanging souls for breath, but Shao Siming himself did not know this secret so clearly.

The purpose of her coming to Osawa Mountain was firstly to deliver the Dragon Pattern Jade, and secondly to listen to Lu Wei and let him help her achieve the progress of Wanye Feihua Ryu.

In addition, Young Siming also learned the location of the mission target, the Black and White Sisters, from the Moon God and informed Lu Wei without reservation.

But Lu Wei didn't tell her everything he knew.

Now that I learned from the predecessor of the Yin Yang family that the position of Shao Siming was destined to be short-lived, Shao Siming had no reaction: this result. She personally practiced Wanye Feihua Ryu. She had vague speculations long ago, and now it seems that it is confirmed. But that's it?
In the same way, in fact, every Shao Siming guessed part of the truth before becoming Shao Siming, but each one did not expose his illusion in advance.

They later learned the truth they didn't want to believe from the process of hunting down their predecessors, and then continued to kill the target firmly in accordance with Donghuang's orders, and then defected in order to survive when they were weak.
One term after another, the reincarnation has been repeated for hundreds of years without any deviation.

Lu Wei, who was standing at a high place, was always monitoring Shao Siming's condition. He found that Shao Siming was not as indifferent as he appeared on the surface, and Shao Siming's heart beat faster.

Another ancient and powerful yin-yang spell that did not belong to Shao Siming but was hidden deep in Shao Siming's consciousness was awakened.

Shao Siming looked into the indifferent depths of black and white, because this spell inevitably produced murderous intent and sadness.

Sure enough, the reason why "Shao Siming kills Shao Siming" will help Wan Ye Feihua Ryu's progress is because every time Shao Siming kills his predecessor, he imagines that he is killing himself.

In Chu culture, Shao Siming is the god in charge of children's lives, that is, the actual god of fertility.

But in the Yin and Yang family, this position represents evil, and is the messenger of death along with Da Siming.

This is because the new life before death has been killed in the elimination law of Yin and Yang. This is definitely not the original intention of the Yin and Yang family to create the position of Shao Siming, but such a birth of Shao Siming is the easiest and most stable to copy.

The emotional change of "killing the future self" is the fundamental reason that drives Manye Feihua Ryu to have an epiphany and breakthrough.

And the unknown spell that Donghuang planted in advance will only be planted by Donghuang, and is an important driving force to help complete all this.

Suppressing his murderous intent and sadness, Shao Siming no longer looked at black and white, but instead stared clearly at the high-ranking Lu.
Lu Wei's reaction to this was to suddenly dodge to Shao Siming's side and hit the opponent's sleeping point with the five-string fingering technique. The girl's body went limp and she fell into his arms.

Not knowing why, Black and White looked at all this in surprise, and then heard Master Xia Kui who picked up Young Siming and said calmly:

"Tell your identity to your hall master. If she is still willing to take you in, you will be a true farmer's disciple."

"Yes!" Black and White said in surprise: From their perspective, the two sisters had just said a few words when Xia Kui suddenly took action to restrain Shao Siming.

Black seemed to have more questions to ask, but Bai pulled her away and told her to shut up.

The two of them walked timidly past Lu Wei and were about to leave, when they were suddenly stopped by him: "Take care of the floor before going back."

The ore paint that fell out at first made half the room a mess, so naturally the culprit had to clean it up.

No longer caring about black and white, Lu Wei hugged Shao Siming and left first. Feeling the onmyoji of the girl in his arms gradually subsided, his face was solemn and cold:
That's understandable, but now it's confirmed that Shao Siming has Donghuang's spell in his body.
What about the bodies of Moon God, Dongjun, and Xinghun?
Although it seemed that the function of this spell was only to urge Shao Siming to make up his mind to kill, Lu Wei had the worst suspicion about Donghuang's methods. He would not make some small preparations for his right-hand man who was only inferior to himself. 'What?
(End of this chapter)

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