Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 286 Wei Zhuang’s 3 goals

Chapter 286 Wei Zhuang’s Three Goals
After checking the yin and yang skills in Shao Siming's body again, Lu Wei finally injected her with the Five Virtues Internal Qi this time.

However, when he unlocked Shao Siming's acupuncture points, the girl did not wake up.

Judging from the onmyoji that showed signs of restlessness on her body again, Shao Siming seemed to have fallen into a dream, in which she was fighting a tough enemy against a powerful enemy.

Facing the faint signs of losing control of the girl's breath and the ups and downs of painful moans in her mouth, Master Xia Kui did not help after thinking about it, but just continued to search for the onmyoji that did not belong to her in Shao Siming's body.

It would be most appropriate if Yue Shen asked her to do this kind of thing. According to Shao Siming's situation, Yue Shen could further self-examine.

But now that I am alone, I can only make a record first and then hand over the results to the other party.

The mirage plan affected the whole body at a moment's notice. It is impossible that Yue Shen had not checked for the hidden danger cursed by Donghuang in the body, but she said nothing, which meant that Yue Shen had not checked anything.

This result is not good.
Hei and Bai not only carefully cleaned the floor in the main hall, but also cleaned the areas that were not affected by them, trying to further gain the favor of Lord Xia Kui with their diligence.

Now that you have to survive in a farm, getting the love of the top leader as much as possible can solve many hidden dangers.

The relationship between the Yin Yang family and the peasant family should not be related in their knowledge, but today the new Shao Siming was actually able to contact the peasant family's Xia Kui and find the two of them. Although Shao Siming was subdued by Xia Kui later, among them There were many differences, and the two of them did not dare to dig deeper, so they could only be more careful.

Bending down, they scratched the floor with their index fingers. After carefully checking that everything was correct, the two sisters had no choice but to return to Siyue Hall without waiting for Lu Wei to come back for a long time.

They didn't encounter any obstacles on the way, which finally made them feel more relaxed.

In the Siyue Hall, Ji Yan, who was studying the newly issued laws of the Qin Dynasty after dark, saw the black and white people who had returned safely, their expressions were the same, but before she took the initiative to speak, both black and white fell to their knees in front of them.

Ji Yan understood everything in her heart. Even if she did not follow him to Xiaogeng Villa, he was prepared in advance. Faced with Hei Bai's confession of identity as instructed by Lu Wei, Xiao Yaner knew that Xia Kui was giving the two of them to her. .

This is good news for Ji Yan, who is short of manpower in Siyue Hall: Just as Black and White thought, the two of them are naturally more useful than those farmers who lack education. As for how to confirm Black and White's loyalty, Ji Yan has Confidence resolves:
'The hidden dangers of the two of them can barely survive for about three years without the use of Manyo Feikaryu. This time is more than enough,'

Liusha silently retreated from Daze Mountain to the mountains of Handi. On the way, they took on some new tasks through Bai Feng's contact. After successfully completing them, several of them were finally not penniless.

The feeling of failure in the mission to Daze Mountain requires Wei Zhuang to savor a little bit, and apart from that, the loss of his prestige is a more important consequence for the entire quicksand.

The only ones who witnessed his defeat were indeed Chi Lian and Bai Feng:
Although Wei Zhuang rarely responded directly to Chi Lian's thoughts, he was not a fool and naturally understood everything clearly. She would never betray him.

On the surface, Bai Feng is a very arrogant guy, and he often wants to test whether his speed can be faster than his shark's teeth. However, Wei Zhuang also knows Bai Feng's true character, and he will not talk too much: his defeat does not represent himself. The strength has declined.

However, there is no way to hide the fact that Chi Lian came back to take away most of Liusha's wealth. Liusha's real elites do only have a few people, but the lower-level members are not completely absent.

Theoretically, it seems that Wei Zhuang should give those guys an explanation for this?
Naturally impossible.

They all serve Quicksand for profit, and Wei Zhuang has only one attitude towards the characters among them who have objections: Shark Teeth can fight against strong enemies, and he doesn't mind eating the blood of pitiable weaklings.

After forcefully suppressing the little people who were restless because of the disappearance of their wealth, the descendant of the Guigu Hengsect sat alone on the stone seat, looking down at the Guigu ring on his hand: Theoretically, he should already be the strongest in the world. The Guiguzi is.

As a result, the fateful battle with his senior brother had not yet begun, and the other party escaped.The world is unified, and the Guigu sect's art of vertical and horizontal manipulation is no longer useful in the court.A tragic defeat at the hands of the new peasant hero Kui, Gui Guzi cannot represent invincibility.

The three things were like heavy mountains. Facing the oppression, Wei Zhuang's eyes became more and more fierce.

He will not be overwhelmed, he will change everything.

Let’s start with the most fundamental task of defeating senior brother Genie: only after completing the fateful battle can he be the real Guiguzi without any suspense.

As Gui Guzi, he caused chaos in the Qin State, and the art of vertical and horizontal became effective again.

Finally, concentrate on training and regain the strongest that belongs to Guiguzi!
"Senior Brother, Senior Brother" he said the title softly twice, and Wei Zhuang decided to try to contact Luo Wang.

As long as the goal is achieved, it doesn't matter what the means are.

If Gai Nie had been the bodyguard beside His Majesty the Emperor, he would have no chance, but according to Wei Zhuang's understanding of Gai Nie: he would not always be that bodyguard.

Perhaps soon, Senior Brother will leave Xianyang.

The fateful battle was destined to happen, and Wei Zhuang immediately thought of the person he met in Xinzheng City five years ago in his thoughts that confused the Qin State.Although the other party is dead, the Qinglong plan left behind is still there.

The value of borrowing chickens to lay eggs and the Qinglong Plan are the values ​​that can be exploited, and the most important part of them lies in the Mohist family.

After the death of Chu, the Mohist family fell into silence a lot. As far as Liusha knows, a considerable part of the stories about Mohist heroes that have appeared occasionally in recent years are actually fabricated, or the protagonists are not pure Mohist disciples but just people who yearn for the Mohist family. Newcomer.

Another part of the truth is that very few important figures from the Mohist family take action. It seems that the Mohist family will retreat to the government city and act safely.

This is not okay. The Mohist family's 'leader' of resistance needs to be brave enough to kill Qin. It is in the interests of Liusha and many other people.

We must abolish Guancheng, the Mo family's retreat!

Only with a cliff behind them could the Mo family cause maximum harm to Qin.

As for snatching back the strongest one from the peasant hero, he might still need the complete Guigu Swordsmanship.

Thinking of this, Wei Zhuang took out the sword manual for the Hundred-Step Flying Sword move left by his master.

In an inn in Songhai City, Gao Jianli and Kuang Xiu, who had taken off their disguises, opened a small crack in the window on the second floor and watched a group of black-armored Qin soldiers running by.

Before Qi State surrendered, the two of them were still contacting Qi State nobles everywhere, trying to gain the support of these people.

The result was not as good as expected, but it was not so bad that it was desperate: hedging bets was just a matter of course for those nobles.

The sponsorship received helped the Mo family solve some of their urgent needs, and the operation of the government city was particularly expensive.

Gao Jianli and Kuang Xiu both had good external images and knew elegant arts. They could get along well in the big cities of Qi without having to hide, but as soon as King Jian of Qi surrendered, they immediately regained their status as wanted criminals.

As a last resort, the two could only escape to Songhai and hide in an inn.

The cook Ding came up with a food box, smiled and said to his two colleagues: "Songhai City is the territory of Xiaoshengxian Village. Even the Qin State has to give some face to the Confucianists here, so there will not be too many Qin troops stationed. Don’t worry.”

"Confucianism and Mohism were all prominent schools in the past." Gao Jianli closed the window, sat down calmly, and once again asked a question he had asked several times before: "Pao Ding, you have been operating in Songhai for many years, do you think it is possible for us to cooperate with Confucianism? "

It was Kuang Xiu who answered "It's difficult". He closed his eyes and muttered: "The relationship between Confucianism and Mohism has always been bad, and senior officials on both sides have directly named and reprimanded each other's remarks. To this day, the jokes made by the Patriarch about Confucian disciples are still criticized by the Mohists." What the disciples have learned is that the hatred between the two sides will almost never be resolved unless it is absolutely necessary."

"It is true." Pao Ding nodded in agreement with Kuang Xiu's remarks and added: "And the current head of Xiaoshengxian Village is Fu Nian. This person is a rigid Confucian disciple who firmly believes in 'the king, the minister, the father, the son, the son'." I will definitely not take the initiative to stand up against Qin."

"Even Zhang Liang, whom you mentioned when you first came here, only stayed in the Little Saint's Manor. It was difficult for me to see him even once when I went to deliver food."

"Is that so?" Gao Jianli lowered his eyes in thought.

Seeing that both of them were silent, Cook Ding scratched his hair in distress and continued: "Mr. Zhang San used to be very diligent in coming to Youjian Inn, but it's a pity that he hasn't been here even once in recent years after his study tour."

"By the way, didn't Xiao Gao say that the new Xiakui from the farm is a friend of yours in Jicheng? Why not go to Daze Mountain and try to win over the farm? In terms of strength alone, the farm is almost the number one sect now."

"The farmer really needs to contact you, but not now." Gao Jianli shook his head when he heard this. He remembered the covenant between the Mo family and the Zhu family of Shennong Hall when they were in Chen Ying.

After arriving in Qi, Gao Jianli immediately sent a letter to his ally Zhu family, but the other party was very slow to reply. When he replied, he also said that the farm family had been attacked by a snare and suffered heavy losses, and that the new hero Lu Wei would reorganize internal affairs after he succeeded to the throne. thing.

Obviously, even if almost a year has passed, it is still not the right time to go to the farmhouse at this time. In terms of status and the seriousness of the matter, the boss should come forward to talk about it in person.

The Qin State has just been unified, and the various schools of thought have not yet experienced direct threats and are forced to unite together. Even if a considerable number of them realize that Ying Zheng will always suppress the world step by step, they are not willing to interfere with the Mohist school at this time. Together they make themselves the first to be suppressed.

According to what Juzi said: As time goes by, there are more and more opportunities for large sects to cooperate with each other, but those small sects other than the ninth stream are not strong enough and lack long-term vision, so it is basically impossible to achieve cooperation.

It is more important to obtain the support of those nobles in the early stage. The descendants of King Qi also have goals of escaping in the rivers and lakes.

(End of this chapter)

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