Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 287 3 Yue’s Attitude

Chapter 287 Mitsukoshi’s Attitude
Because of an order from Xianyang, the farmer suddenly got an opportunity to purchase a large amount of land.

Since the Emperor ordered 12 wealthy families to relocate to the old land of the Six Kingdoms to supplement the prosperity around Xianyang, the powerful people with assets reaching a certain level had to pack up their wealth and travel all the way into Guanzhong under the watch of Qin soldiers.

Their only choice is life or death.

The departure of these people allowed many unqualified small nobles and sects such as farmers to accept the rich land. Even if the Qin people confiscated a considerable part of it, the remaining share would be enough for them to digest it for a long time.

Of course, luck and misfortune depended on each other. In addition to getting the opportunity to purchase territory, the farmer had to send a group of disciples into Guanzhong as laborers to repair the new palace for His Majesty the Emperor:
After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, in order to show the power of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng ordered that the palace styles that originally belonged to the Six Kingdoms of Shandong be copied one to one north of Xianyang.From the east of Yongmen to the Jingshui and Weishui rivers, palace complex roads and aerial circular corridors connect these palaces, forming a magnificent palace complex filled with beauties and treasures collected from the Six Kingdoms.

In this way, His Majesty the Emperor can enjoy the fun of the Seven Kingdoms just in Xianyang.

This requires a huge amount of people's power, and what most people don't expect is that this is just the beginning.
Lu Wei knew clearly that huge projects would start construction almost every year in the next year. The prosperity of the Qin Dynasty may be maintained for a few more years, but the best days for the people of the Qin Dynasty are now.

At the same time, His Majesty the Emperor was preparing to send Tu Ju and Zhao Tuo with 50 troops to completely conquer Baiyue, which became another burden that put pressure on the people.

Focusing on calculating a cost to purchase new land that would be acceptable to the world, especially to Ying Zheng, the farmer was extremely calm and rational in the face of this opportunity to expand in the Central Plains under the control of Lu Wei.

It has to be expanded, but it cannot be expanded too much. It is a task that requires extreme caution to keep all the actions of the farmers under the complete control of His Majesty the Emperor.

Lord Xia Kui used the worst possibility to speculate on the enemy that the peasant family would no longer be able to hide under a certain country and would have to face head-on. The result of the analysis was the same as before: he still needed time.

It takes time to wait for Qin Chao to torment himself.
What is completely different from facing the net is that there may be the possibility of mutual cooperation between the two parties when dealing with the net, but Qin has no such possibility at all.

Today the supreme emperor only needs subordinates or enemies.

When the six halls were distributing the expansion quotas they faced with opportunities, Shao Siming happened to walk in.

She still stood there silently. This time the girl's purpose of coming did not need to be expressed by leaves. He understood: Shao Siming was going back to Xianyang.

The last time she acted with Hei and Bai, the spell belonging to the Eastern Emperor was triggered in Shao Siming's body. Afterwards, she fell into a dream and killed her own mirror image. When she woke up, Wanye Feihua was surrounded by drastic changes in emotions and the five virtues. Driven by Qi, the transformation was completed better than expected.

From this point of view, she has completed her mission. Although the exchange of breath and soul cycle that Yue Shen wanted to achieve has not been realized, Shao Siming wants to report to Lord Yue Shen as soon as possible about the Eastern Emperor's spell in his body.

However, Lu Wei did not agree to her plan to return immediately. There was only one reason: Dong Junshang had not returned from the Mo family.

This time, Dongjun and Shao Siming actually gave each other proof. Even if Dongjun was responsible for the Mo family's affairs, it was Donghuang's permission. But if Shao Siming went back alone, he would undoubtedly directly blame Dongjun for not obeying orders and Shao Si. The fact that no one was monitoring the mission was exposed, which is likely to arouse Donghuang's suspicion.It's hard to imagine what the consequences of that would be.

What we must be vigilant about is: Donghuang is still an enemy that needs to be taken seriously, even if the Sun, Moon and Stars just below him have been instigated by him to rebel.

But just because he is the leader of the Yin-Yang family, even if no one has seen him take action, his mystery and identity are worthy of the world's maximum speculation on Donghuang's strength.

In response to this, there was still no fluctuation in Shao Siming's bright eyes. He just nodded lightly and agreed to wait. I don't know if she understood the reason.

For Concubine Dongjun Yan, it was extremely risky to sneak into the government city where Yan Dan was present. However, because Yan Dan deliberately avoided suspicion and did not see her daughter, she hid in Gao Yue's room without encountering any danger.

Gao Yue was delighted with Dong Jun's arrival and showed her master that she had boldly made innovative yin and yang techniques to try forbidden techniques during this period. The result: Gao Yue's practice speed is not much faster than before.

Although very immature, this is the result of Gao Yue's research as a child. Dongjun is very satisfied with the compliance with the Yin and Yang forbidden curse shown by the little girl who has been transformed by him many times using Yin and Yang magic.

Even though the price is a bit high, Dongjun believes that actual practice undoubtedly shows that his understanding and extension of onmyoji are deep enough. This is a direction that even Moon God has not achieved or even thought of~
Despite my previous delays, I was able to catch up and surpass her again with my talent!

Calculating the days and teaching Gao Yue for a while, when Lord Dongjun first returned to Daze Mountain, he wanted to sneak into Xiaogeng Villa to see if he could find any weaknesses in Mr. Lu, but soon after she crossed the wall of the Villa, she Being approached by Lu Wei silently and called out, Concubine Yan gave up on similar plans.

In the actual battle in the arena, she understood that she was no longer a match for Lu Wei, but the two of them had originally cultivated in two directions: the Rangers and the Yin Yang Family had always had completely different priorities. Concubine Yan reluctantly used this reason to convince herself not to be discouraged. .

Shao Siming has always been expressionless, but when she faced Dong Jun, she was obviously much colder than when she faced Lu Wei, and her defense was not just symbolic.

As a confidant trained by Yue Shen, she didn’t know how Yue Shen described Dongjun to her.

Concubine Yan didn't care at all about Shao Siming's attitude towards her. She only cared about whether Shao Siming Wan Ye Feihualiu had made progress. After receiving a satisfactory answer, the two left one after another.

Things in the Yin Yang family are very complicated. I have already had preliminary contact with Donghuang Taiyi's methods through Shao Siming. I think it is not far away from the official meeting between the two. ——————

In Jinghu Jingxian County, Xiao He, Wu Bin and Ouyang Yao, the king of Dongou who arrived in person, waited with serious faces for two guests arriving from the south: Wuzhu, the king of Minyue, and the king elected by the Southwest Yue tribe alliance, Yi Xusong. .

Ouyang Yao was a surrendering faction among the Yue people, Wu Zhu was a wavering faction, and Yi Xusong was a staunch war faction.

Although the three families are all from Yue, due to different philosophies, they usually do not have much contact with each other. Now, due to their different attitudes towards Qin people, the differences are even greater.

But facing the threat of an imminent attack by the Qin army, Yi Yusong and Wu Zhu had to come here to try their luck with Ouyang Yao.

Xiao He and Wu Bin from Jingxian and Fanxian counties have gained a lot of prestige in Yue territory over the years, so it is natural for them to participate.

Ouyang Yao felt aggrieved at first when he professed his surrender to the Qin people and asked for the king's title. However, as time passed, when he learned that the Qin people were going to send 50 troops to attack the Yue people who did not surrender, he suddenly felt happy. , treated Xiao He of Jingxian County with increasing respect.

Especially when he reported auspiciousness to Xianyang some time ago, the First Emperor remembered the surrender of Dong Ou and specially rewarded Ouyang Yao with a batch of treasures.

Ouyang Yao, who had received sufficient benefits, gradually developed a superior self-esteem towards his poor relatives in the south.

He didn't want to meet with Yi Xu Song and Wu Zhu, but Xiao He wanted to meet them and specially invited Ouyang Yao to gather in Jing County. Naturally, he couldn't refuse this invitation.

"The Qin people are cruel and want to invade the territory of our Yue people. If we don't show the bravery of the Yue people to the King of Qin who thinks he is superior, we will live up to the name of the Yue people for their bravery!"

As soon as the translator Song opened his mouth, he first denied the title of Emperor Yingzheng and continued to address him as King of Qin. Then he decisively wanted to drag Ouyang Yao, who had surrendered, into the water with him.

Wu Zhu was inclined to surrender: the size of the 50-strong army was too large, almost equivalent to the population of the entire Yue tribe. He really did not expect that the Qin Dynasty would use so many soldiers to deal with remote Yue people like himself.

If I had known earlier, I would have followed the advice of Xiao Xiancheng of Jingxian County and surrendered with Dongou in advance.

Regretful, Wu Zhu ignored Translator Song's desire to speak out and agree. He concentrated on listening to the words and suggestions of Mr. Fan Jun and Xiao Xian Cheng.

Ouyang Yao completely scorned the words translated from Song Dynasty. He had not planned to say more about the pronunciation of other words except etiquette today.

As a result, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Xiao He smiled and took over the topic before Yi Xusong's face turned completely dark:
"The leader's bravery is the leader's attitude, but we also have our own attitudes."

"Dong Ou is not like the south. Although the terrain here is mountainous, it is not lush enough after all. We do not need 50, but even [-] Qin troops, our two counties and Dong Ou will not be able to resist."

Young Wu Bin nodded in agreement with Xiao He and said: "Besides, we have already surrendered to Qin. Wouldn't it be against morality to do it again?"

"And compared with the bravery of the Yue people, the survival of the Yue people is more important."

"Fan Jun's reputation has spread widely in the Yue tribe. When I saw him today, he turned out to be just a coward!" Yi Xusong clenched his fists. Although his words were addressed to Wu Bing, his eyes were fixed on the silent Ouyang Yao and Ouyang Yao. Nothing.

"That's wrong. The leader showed the Qin people the bravery of the Yue people, and we are living for the survival of the Yue people. Both sides are betting, and time will always prove which side is correct." Xiao He continued to smile: "This It's not that which side is more bloody, but because of the terrain, Dongou is really unable to defy the general trend and become enemies of the Qin people."

"What does the King of Minyue think?"

"What the Prime Minister of Xiao County said makes sense. Dong Ou and Min Yue are indeed not enough to fight against the Qin army." Wu Zhuyi nodded righteously and added 'Min Yue' after Dong Ou in the other party's words to show his attitude. Nothing left.

Yi Xusong looked at the firm surrender attitude of everyone except himself, and suddenly felt that there was nothing interesting to talk about with these guys. He didn't talk much about it. He slapped the table, stood up and turned around to leave.

At this time, Ouyang Yao noticed the way Xiao He looked at him, and decisively stood up and called out to the other party to read the lines:

"Translator Song, we are all Yue people. We have to surrender, but I have always admired your bravery. If you and your men can't hold on, you can come to Dongou. Even if the Yue people have different opinions, We can’t agree, but we can still help each other!”

(End of this chapter)

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