Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 288 Star Soul goes berserk

Chapter 288 Star Soul goes berserk
In Xianyang City, within a few months after the establishment of the empire, the status of the Yin Yang family rose rapidly.

In addition to the two honorary and officially canonized protector mages, a large number of rewards also further enriched their treasury.

All this is for the elixir of immortality of His Majesty the First Emperor: Now that the Six Kingdoms have been destroyed, the importance of this matter has skyrocketed.

The newly built facilities in the Yin Yang Family headquarters were very luxuriously decorated. Yueshen and Dongjun suddenly came to the teaching office of Wuling Xuantong on this day to guide these elite disciples in the practice of Yin Yang.

The Yin Yang family has a wide range of disciples, and it seems that anyone who has the ability can be promoted to an elder and gain a high status.However, in fact, the talents of these disciples were destined from the first moment they entered the Yin Yang family.

Regardless of the age of a disciple who has reached a certain level of talent, his destiny has been planned by the leader Dong Huang for all future developments: from Star Soul to the newly grown Shao Siming, this is the case.

From this point of view, no matter how hard they try, disciples with insufficient talent cannot get attention. Without attention, even if they are still in the Yin Yang family, they are actually not much different from the abandoned Xu Wang.

Of course, the current Xu Wang is not comparable to mediocre people like them. Xu Wang's daughter Xu Mohuai was not long ago taken care of by the right protector Moon God, and it was agreed that when she is 12 years old, she can be taken back to the Yin Yang family from the east. Lord Huang personally accepted him as his disciple.

Not surprisingly, this girl will become the next Sun, Moon and Star level figure in the future.

'The premise is that His Excellency Donghuang will still be there after 12 years. Faintly thinking about his treachery, Yueshen and Dongjun under the corridor checked their eyes quietly, then turned their eyes to look at the orchid incense in the corner that he had lit when he arrived.

'It's almost time. '

The moon god had just finished his thoughts when a violent roar suddenly sounded in the center of the Yin Yang Family headquarters. Although the sound had been weakened a lot when it came to the Corridor Bridge Square, you could still feel the spirit of Yin Yang's magic in it.

The faces of the Wu Lingxuan fellows wearing translucent veils were full of surprise. They were not sensitive enough to Long You's energy, and subconsciously thought that someone boldly came to Yin Yang's house to cause trouble.

As Wulingxuantong, they had not experienced many hardships, so panic immediately came to their hearts.

Dong Jun gave a cold shout, and a huge three-legged golden crow vaguely appeared behind him. The disciples suddenly became quiet under the pressure of the powerful aura.

The quality of this group of disciples is indeed not good, otherwise the Moon God would not have gone to Taoism to kidnap people for the sake of a young master.

After comforting her disciple, Concubine Yan turned her head and looked at the covered bridge. The figure in blue skirt who was standing there just now had disappeared.
Something happened to the left protector. Of course her right protector should go take a look~
Dongjun, who understood everything in his heart, did not move his feet and continued to urge his disciples to practice normally.

In the corridor outside the hermitage, a huge incision destroyed the five-element cycle mural on the wall. The faint purple residue of the Onmyoji in the dark blue proved that it was caused just now.

The stone door of the retreat room broke into two pieces and collapsed completely. The nearby disciples looked in horror at the evil boy with strange patterns on his body who came out of it. Just as they were about to escape, a huge energy wave flew out and killed them all. kill.

The power of ten layers of energy-gathering blades caused the entire area to be destroyed more severely and tragically, and the corpses of the disciples were completely buried by the collapsed ceiling.

Seeing the star soul going berserk, the Moon God who rushed over quickly took action to suppress it. However, before she could use her onmyoji, she was targeted by the star soul in advance.

The intersecting blue arc air waves were full of murderous intent. Not wanting to resist, Yue Shen changed her technique to dodge first, but Xinghun followed closely and flew forward with a long air blade in both hands and pointed it directly at her throat.

Being pressed hard, Luna seemed to be able to hold on in embarrassment for a while.

"Go back."

Donghuang, who was wearing a black robe, did not make any sound. He looked at everything in front of him calmly, and there was nothing strange in his voice or emotion.

Finally waiting for the target, Yueshen didn't hesitate to hide behind Donghuang.

Facing the star soul with blood-red eyes and wielding the air blade towards him, Donghuang simply raised his right hand and tapped his index finger, and a thin film appeared in front of him, preventing the rampaging Zuo Guardian from advancing.

If this kind of strength is real, then no one in the world can break Donghuang's defense.
However, Moon God, who was hiding behind and observing all this closely, clearly sensed that there was clearly a resonance between Donghuang and Xinghun, the same onmyoji!
'Sure enough, there is. 'This answer made Luna's heart sink.
three days ago.

Luna, who returned from Wen County, received a detailed report from Shao Siming, and also received Lu Wei's letter brought back by the latter.

Shao Siming did have Donghuang's spell in his body, but the fact that there was a layer of hidden spell that she had not discovered still shocked the moon god.

Since she received help from Lu Wei, her level of onmyoji has improved rapidly. She thought that even though the total volume may not be as wide as Donghuang due to time issues, the difference in height should not be too big.

But now, based on Shao Siming's situation, it can be deduced that there may be a layer of Donghuang's spell hidden in his body that he cannot directly discover.
Moon God interrupted Shao Siming's report and immediately summoned Dongjun and Xinghun to explain the matter to them.

After hearing this, the two people's faces instantly darkened. They did not doubt Luna's statement, even though they did not find anything weird after repeatedly examining their bodies for the first time.But the opponent is Donghuang.Sun, Moon and Star are all proud people. The three of them did have some unkind words towards Donghuang many times, but none of them would underestimate Donghuang's onmyoji skills.

"I have a way to test and find out that spell." After the scene was dead silent for a while, Xinghun was the first to speak, and coldly revealed his plan to detonate the hidden dangers of Yin and Yang in his body and force Donghuang to take action.

The energy-gathering blade he practiced is an exquisite yin-yang magic. Every time the power of this magic is increased by [-]%, the power will be doubled.

This is for one-handed use. If used with both hands, the lethality can be increased.

Star souls generally only use four successes at ordinary times, and the limit may reach [-]%. In [-]% of cases, it cannot last long, and there is a risk that the body will be unable to bear the load and become possessed.

If you forcefully use ten success powers, you will definitely go crazy.

The star soul that has gone crazy under the tenth level of skill can only be safely suppressed by the combined efforts of the sun and the moon. It is hard to say whether Donghuang can suppress it by himself, but he must take action in the face of the star soul's destruction.

Regardless of whether this opportunity succeeds or not, it will cause great harm to Star Soul's body. If the bet is wrong, Star Soul may even die.

The risk is very high, but Xinghun is willing to do it. Of course, Yueshen and Dongjun have no reason to persuade him: this test is very important.

It was extremely disgusting for the three of them to not be able to fully control their own bodies.


Protector Zuo, whose aura went berserk, was easily suppressed by the leader Dong Huang's extraordinary means, which made most Yin Yang disciples respect Dong Huang Taiyi's attitude even more.

Regarding the matter of Star Soul going berserk, Donghuang conducted a detailed investigation and confirmed that it was caused by improper control of the Onmyoji caused by Star Soul trying to break through the limitations of gathering energy to become a blade.

Judging from the remaining signs in the veins, Star Soul tried to make amends during this process, but he was not strong enough to master such a powerful force, and was eventually lost in the power.

This extreme protector Zuo needed to rest and recuperate for a whole year. This was a harsh enough lesson.

Moon God decisively reported the strange behavior of Star Soul at the First Emperor's Ceremony, and weaved all the reasons into an accident with cause and effect.

After Donghuang leaves, it will take some time for the three people of Sun, Moon and Star to get together. Now Moon God has only completely confirmed the previous guesses. As for the specific understanding of Donghuang's spell, we need to wait for the star who has experienced it. The soul explains itself.

Just finding the spell is not enough, how to solve the spell is the key.

Both Dongjun and Yueshen are geniuses who know the Yin and Yang magic hidden in the Yin Yang family, but they never knew that there is such a spell: Dong Huang hides it deeply
There is no way to break through from the source of the spell. Sun, Moon and Star can only work together and rely on their own talents and onmyoji skills to deduce from the known clues.

Summoning Shao Siming again, Yueshen continued to listen to her report on her insights in Daze Mountain.

Shao Siming manipulated the leaves with his fingers and described in the air. Suddenly, he got stuck and his eyes lowered unconsciously. At the same time, he smoothly continued to describe Lu Wei's frivolous hug to him that night.

Luna had a normal expression on this. Lu usually rarely made mistakes when doing important business most of the time. As for the occasional lustful behavior, she had personal experience of it. It was not surprising that Shao Siming would be targeted.

On the contrary, she was a little surprised that Shao Siming was only hugged a few times. Maybe there were other things that were delayed at that time?Later on, he should have been concerned about Donghuang's curse again.

I don't have much problem with Lu Wei's lust for the Moon God, as long as he doesn't get involved with those dancers, maids and the like. Those people are really not worthy of being ranked with her.

The snow girl in the backyard is a dancer, which means that this woman appeared early, and her figure and skin are indeed graceful. She is a beauty, otherwise she would not be qualified to live in the backyard.

In contrast, Duan Murong was born in a medical family and was a close disciple of the head of the medical family. This identity was recognized by the Moon God.

But no matter what, neither of these two people have the strength to compete with him. Yueshen doesn't feel any pressure, and Shao Siming is a subordinate he trained, so there is no need to worry.

Without pausing too much on such a trivial matter, Yue Shen directly asked about Xiao Qian'er's practice situation. The report results he received were almost the same as what he had predicted.

Nodding subconsciously, the Moon God smiled lightly and asked Shao Siming to go down and practice hard. After that, he found a few volumes of onmyoji spells in his mind and modified them according to his understanding of Qian'er's talent.

The details of these techniques must be made more suitable for Qian'er's body, so that there will be less obstacles in his practice.

(End of this chapter)

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