Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 289 Hu Hai

Chapter 289 Hu Hai
Along with the Yin Yang family, there is also the Luowang organization.

Zhao Gao admired the blood-like flowers and plants in the garden with his hands behind his back, his whole expression focused and obsessed: This color is really wonderful.

Behind him, Zhou Wen, who had half-white hair and a broken arm, lowered his head and knelt on one knee, showing his respect and obedience.

No matter from which perspective, the snare gave him a second or even third new life.Even though Zhao Gao has never been a person who remembers gratitude, and he rarely thinks that showing kindness to his subordinates can win their life-long loyalty, but for Zhou Wen who is completely desperate and should have an abyss of hatred, he still treats him better than an ordinary snare. Be more trusting.

Zhou Wen's original strength can only be rated as average. After all, he was disabled by his grandfather once in martial arts a long time ago. He was almost disabled again during the Spring Valley Village Incident not long ago, and even had his habit cut off by Lu Wei. With his right arm, he can now only use his left hand to hold the sword.

But after enduring the drug stimulation of a near-death experience, at the cost of his vitality, he could still play some role.

As a tool, it still has ten years of use, which is enough for Zhao Gao.

"The farm family is now recovering its strength little by little under the leadership of Lu Xiakui. Because of your failure, all Luo Wang's investment over the years has been reduced to ashes."

Before officially using it again, Zhao Gao skillfully used words to brainwash the other party.

The most important reason why Luo Sheng attacked the farmers was because they were greedy for their strength. Although they failed, the actual losses were not too great.

"Yes, I will die for you from now on." Zhou Wen said hoarsely.

"I saved your life, so it's only natural that I should die." Zhao Gao picked off a red flower and slowly turned the flower stem in his hand. The rotating flower was like a whirlpool that could swallow people's hearts. Affected by the fragrance of flowers, Zhou Wen's expression fell into a trance unconsciously.

Obviously, such ornamental flowers can also play a role in making incense.

"I want you to successfully complete my mission. As for whether you live or die, that can only come second."

"Please tell me, my lord!"

"Tackling the farmhouse is something that will happen later. Now, I need you to go beyond the wall!"

Zhao Gao raised his eyebrows, and the red flower in his hand was directly shaken into a ball of powder by his inner energy, and fell to the ground in a linear shape: "There is someone in Jiuyuan County waiting for you. Just listen to his orders when you get there."

'Beyond the Great Wall, are there wolves?' Zhou Wen felt solemn in his heart. He had no right to refuse, so naturally he could only agree.

The climate in the north has become colder and colder in recent years. It is only a matter of time before the wolves move south. Zhao Gao needs to control this force in advance!
Not long after Zhou Wen took the order and left, a luxuriously dressed child walked into the garden. His golden and ice blue eyes were full of cruelty that was not for this age group. Such eyes were the only one in the entire Xianyang city. One person has such a match: His Majesty the Emperor's eighteenth son, Hu Hai.

"Luo Wang hasn't brought back anything interesting recently."

He came to sit down in front of the respectful Zhao Gao with his hands behind his back. The words in Hu Hai's innocent voice were extremely scary: "The punishments you taught yesterday were very interesting. I want to find some people to try it."

"Sir," of course Zhao Gao cannot really regard the puppet he chose as a puppet at this moment: Although Hu Hai's usual little thoughts are childish, they are not out of line in the eyes of adults, especially the First Emperor. He is very fond of this eighteenth son, which is difficult for Zhao Gao to control.

His Majesty the Supreme Emperor has many children: about twenty sons and ten daughters. It is impossible for the Emperor to be deeply impressed by each of these children. Luo Wang did provide some help in helping Hu Hai gain favor, but Hu Hai had to fight for more himself.

After all, the more Luo Wang does to contact Hu Hai, the easier it will be exposed, and the risk is very high.

Before Ying Zheng's death, Zhao Gao had to be more indulgent towards Hu Hai. Once the First Emperor died, it would be extremely easy for him to control Hu Hai.

"When the young master lives in the palace, what is more interesting than punishment is to be favored by your majesty." Zhao Gao repeated: "When you become the new master of the country, everything belongs to the young master."

"I know, you have to say this once every month!" Hu Hai was a little impatient with Zhao Gao's verbosity: "But my father rarely has time to rest now. Only that guy Fusu can come over occasionally!"

He called his eldest brother by his first name, and his tone was very smooth. It was obvious that Hu Hai was accustomed to calling him this way.

"Master Fusu is the eldest son and has reached adulthood. It is normal for the emperor to think highly of him, but the master should not forget it." Zhao Gao was actually more afraid of Fusu than Hu Hai, but he had a profound city. No matter what, he was afraid of Fusu. He would never show disrespect on the surface at all times: "Master Fusu's mother and uncle are taboos against His Majesty the Emperor!"

"As long as His Majesty the Emperor doesn't want to uncover this layer of taboo, it will always become Young Master Fusu's Achilles' heel!"

"Oh, do you have a way to get rid of him now?" Hu Hai was very anxious.

"Don't worry, young master. Last time I followed the emperor to the Chu Kingdom, I already eliminated the Tian family's power among the farmers for the young master." Zhao Gao smiled slyly, preparing to eat two fishes out of his failed operation. "Farmer Tian? What is that?"

"The Nong family is the largest sect in the world with one hundred thousand disciples, and the Tian family has been supported by Lord Changping for many years. Although Lord Changping is Mr. Fusu's weakness in His Majesty the Emperor, he also left a legacy for Mr. Fusu. One force, the farm family.”

In Ying Zheng's place, Zhao Gao could say that the farmer's Tian family had a close relationship with the Qi royal family, and getting rid of the Tian family would make it easier for Qin to unify the world.In Hu Hai's case, he could call Tian a die-hard loyalist of Lord Changping and a powerful force in Fusu:

"The Tian family has been in charge of the farm for many years. With them here, one hundred thousand farm disciples are likely to have a good impression of Mr. Fusu under their influence. With the people's hearts of 10 people and the power of the farm, even His Majesty the Emperor cannot completely Not consider."

"The servants have long been focused on this, so they went out of their way to eliminate the Tian family for the young master, and also made the current hero of the peasant family become a mortal enemy of the Tian family. In this way, the peasant family changed from Fusu's help to Fusu's hindrance."

"Even if His Majesty the Emperor knew this, he would only be disgusted with Fusu because it involves Lord Changping."

"Okay! It's good to remove Fusu's power bit by bit and watch him despair!" Hu Hai listened to Zhao Gao's words, clapped his hands and laughed: He clearly wanted to get rid of Fusu as soon as possible just now, but now he wants to slowly deal with him. His mood changes so quickly that he deserves to be called a child.

In the Daze Mountains, when Lu Wei met Tian Mi again, the original peasant beauty had lost a lot of weight due to fear, but she always took good care of her appearance, faintly replacing her previous enchanting style with a frail 'Sick Beauty' , which makes the disciples usually unable to bear heavy punishments.

When Tian Mi saw Lu Wei arriving, she sobbed slightly and kept saying that all her actions were forced by the snare. She was just a weak woman and was unable to resist.

Lord Xia Kui was unmoved by her performance. He came here just to tap her acupuncture points himself.

Using the five-string finger technique from a distance, Lu Wei sealed all the important acupoints on Tian Mi's body, including the Ya point. Then Lu Wei signaled his disciples to escort her to Kuikai Hall and hand her over to Chen Ping.

This woman can be implicated in Tian Hu, the last member of the Tian family. He is relieved to leave Luo Zhi's unfounded charges to Chen Ping.

Although Lu Wei has been asking Siyuetang Ji Yan to instigate Chi Youtang to fight within, after all, this can only be regarded as harassment, and the final decisive blow must be carried out by the more experienced Chen Ping.

And no matter what, Tian Mi is a traitor to Kuei Hall, and it is most in line with the legal principles of the peasant family to leave this identity to the new head of Kuikai Hall.

After Tian Mi is sent away, the consequences of the Spring Valley Village Incident are finally over. This will bring a short period of calm to the farm family, but the storm hidden under the calm against the remaining Tian family is just a thought for Lu Wei. It’s just a gentle breeze and drizzle that you can enjoy.

He had learned a lesson from Xu many years ago and eliminated the root of the problem, but now he did not need to do anything to deal with Tian.

When she came to Gonggongtang Medical Clinic, Nianduan was extremely busy: the two sisters Bai Qilin and Bai Bai were her important patients.

Especially the black and white sister, because her symptoms were very similar to the old doctor's own mental weakness, she burst out with extraordinary enthusiasm for treatment.

It would be easy for Lu Wei to save the two of them by himself, but the old doctor wanted to do it himself, and he was kind-hearted and willing to help Mr. Xia Kui, who was used by Nianduan many times.

Duan Murong is also here to help: studying medical skills is not only her job, but also fun.

When fun and work can be combined, Duan Murong will not feel any mental fatigue:
She was unable to save her master many years ago, and that time she almost had to say goodbye to her master. This time when she encountered Black and White, whose circumstances were vastly different but had similar results, she was even more eager than Nian Duan.

As the leader of Gonggong Hall, Nianduan was completely indifferent, so after only a short pause in the medical center, Lu Wei found Lu Qing and Ah Shan.

Gonggongtang is where Lu Wei started. Although he, Chen Ping and Ji Yan visited more after becoming the hero, Lu never relaxed about his roots.

Lu Qing has been in charge of Gonggongtang's affairs for more than ten years and has never made any mistakes. Ashan has been trained by him to handle things very skillfully. He then randomly checked the data of Gonggongtang for a certain month. He could see that Gonggongtang was still in charge of the affairs. Keep moving forward.

However, due to the loss of free materials from Jing County, the development speed has inevitably slowed down.

Speaking of Jingxian County, I haven't checked it for a long time since it became independent from Gonggongtang. After all, I didn't go there myself the last time I sent Li Mu.

Although Xiao He has regular letters and a small box of various data sent to him every month, the cold data cannot replace the reality. Some time ago, it was a shame that he did not attend the negotiations with the Yue people Zhong Wuzhu and Yi Xusong. loss.

No matter what happens next year, I have to go south, and I can’t let my presence in Jingxian County be weak!

(End of this chapter)

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