Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 290 Jixia Academy

Chapter 290 Jixia Academy
Linzi has been the capital of Qi for more than [-] years. After Duke Xian moved the capital here from Bogu, neither Jiang Qi nor Tian Qi later changed it.

This is in sharp contrast to the frequent capital moves of Chu State in the south.

When Lu Wei and Fu Nian met as agreed, when they entered the city, they clearly saw the black-armored Qin army monitoring the laborers demolishing the Linzi city wall.

Linzi city defense is strong. Wang Ben did not launch an attack when his troops came to the city. Therefore, the city wall is still intact. The reason why it is demolished now is to prevent Linzi dignitaries from imitating the Xinzheng Rebellion a few years ago and seizing the city to launch a rebellion based on the fortifications.

Not only Linzi, but also the walls of other capitals of the Six Kingdoms and a small number of major cities were ordered to be demolished by orders sent from Xianyang.

Qin is the ruling party today, and Qin's soldiers have always been brave. From the current point of view, it is not a big pressure for the government to not have city walls in the Central Plains cities except the borders, but the people who want to rebel will be easily suppressed.

Such methods of "making famous cities" have actually happened in history, and Fu Nian is no stranger to this, because when Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, was in power in the State of Lu, he carried out the famous "three capitals".

In the past, the State of Lu was a capital that preserved Zhou rites relatively well. During the period of Duke Huan of Lu, he had four sons. Except for the eldest son who inherited the throne, the other three sons were enfeoffed by Duke Huan of Lu. However, later The families of these three sons continued to grow in the country of Lu, and even the orthodox king had to rely on them for certain things.

Since they all had the same ancestor, Duke Huan, these three families were called "Three Huan".

Until the time of Confucius, the enfeoffment of the Lu State continued, which resulted in the Sanhuan family being usurped by their enfeoffed retainers. This resulted in a situation where these retainers controlled the Sanhuan and then the king of Lu.

The reason why these retainers were able to achieve this was because they all had strong private fiefdoms that exceeded the rules of etiquette and law.Within the private town, with the help of the city walls, if these retainers rebelled against the entire Lu State, they would be doomed.

During the reign of Duke Dinggong of Lu, after Confucius served as the chief military officer and cameraman of the Lu State, he naturally couldn't stand the collapse of etiquette and music, so he took the opportunity to propose the "Three Capitals": destroy all the walls of those super-standard cities.

Neither Lu Dinggong nor the Sanhuan family wanted to be controlled by retainers. Now that someone was willing to come forward, they naturally strongly supported Confucius' decision. Therefore, Confucius was not hindered in the early stage and the power of those retainers plummeted.

But after the retainers were cleared, Confucius pointed the finger directly at Sanhuan himself.

At this time, Sanhuan, who had taken back power from his retainers, immediately turned into an opponent. Confucius was suddenly plunged into a quagmire. Qi State in the east heard that Lu State was actually destroying important defensive walls in the country, and decisively sent troops to wander around the border. On the line, just wait for Confucius to finish demolishing them and attack immediately!

With the opposition of the Three Huans inside and the pressure of Qi troops outside, Lu Dinggong decisively abandoned Confucius. Confucius, who had lost his value, had to leave with his disciples. From then on, he had to travel around the world.

Following the precedent of Confucius, Confucianism did not have any explicit opinions on the First Emperor's "Famous City" action, and some branches even greatly appreciated and praised it.

At the same time in Minming City, another proposal regarding whether to enfeoff the country is also sparking debate in Xianyang.
Fu Nian and the disciples in Xiaoshengxian Manor did not serve as officials, but there were Confucian scholars from other branches in the Qin Dynasty who served as officials. They all supported enfeoffment. Fu Nian was basically aware of all the disputes involved, but he did not pay attention to them. Make any sound.

Lu Wei knew something about Confucius's three capitals, but he didn't know much.Now walking with Fu Nian, he looked at the partially destroyed city wall. Of course, he would not mention the history that should not be mentioned without discernment, but would only talk about business:

"Won't Master Xun come to Zi?"

"Uncle Master has been in seclusion for four years. I have never seen him again in these four years. Although the affairs of Jixia Academy are important, as a junior and the head of Little Saint Xian Manor, it is enough for me to handle it."

Fu Nian shook his head and seriously answered Lu Wei's question. At the same time, he turned his eyes away from the city walls and stopped looking at them.

Just as Fu Nian said, the reason why the two peasant heroes and the head of Xiaoshengxian Village suddenly came together to Linzi was for Jixia Academy.

The reputation of Jixia Academy reached its peak during the reign of King Wei of Qi, but with the decline of Qi State, it gradually lost its former glory.

Master Xun once served as a priest three times in the academy. Relying on Xunzi's reputation, Jixia Academy was briefly revived. However, with the fall of Qi State, the Academy has completely disappeared.

There are also a large number of traveling scholars from the seven countries in the academy. Compared with the Little Sage Village which only accepts Confucian disciples, the students here have learned a lot of things. Almost none of them only study a single sect, so they do not belong to any one school of thought. , Qin State would not take them in. After the funds allocated while Qi State was still there were exhausted, these people had no choice but to go into exile.

Fu Nian had been paying attention to Jixia Academy, and he wanted to take in the students there. However, the Little Sage Village was limited in scale and specialized in Confucianism, so he thought of a farmhouse.

After Lu Wei received the invitation from Fu Nian's letter, he readily accepted it without much thought: There may not be very famous characters among these academy disciples now, but each of them has extensive knowledge and can at least be used as a grassroots talent.After Qi surrendered, it was not that Lu Wei didn't want to accept these people, but his specific operation was to wait until the students among them suffered hardships in exile, so that it would be easier to conquer them.

After all, Lu has no academic achievements and cannot rely on his reputation to recruit disciples from the academy.

Now Fu Nian took the initiative to ask him to conquer them, and the offensive and defensive momentum suddenly changed: he accepted those talents only after Fu Nian asked him, and Fu Nian also had to help convince those people for the farmer. Such a wonderful thing cannot be let go!
Moreover, I have sold another favor to Little Saint Xianzhuang~
Unlike Qin Chao, who has a great family and great business, and doesn't care about these academy disciples, Lu Wei always cares about the more characters who can help him, the better!
Entering the academy, Song Yang, the academy representative, had exchanged letters with Fu Nian for many years. He knew in advance that Fu Nian had found a home for the academy, so he treated Lu Weigong politely.

Xia Kui, who had done his homework in advance, knew that this person was the successor of Song Yin School.

The Yin School of Song Dynasty originated from the Wenxue theory of Song Le and Yin during the period of King Wei of Qi. These two sages were scholars from Jixia Academy who integrated the thoughts of hundreds of schools of thought. Among them, Song Le was respectfully consulted by Mencius.

However, both of them majored in Taoism, and their research on Mohism, Confucianism, famous writers, and novelists were all integrated into their Taoist thoughts. Some people also included them in the Zajia School, but in fact, they never explicitly joined any one from the beginning to the end. Philosophers.

It is difficult for this comprehensive school to form a systematic theory. After all, there are many similarities and oppositions among the various schools of thought. It is not easy to learn any of them well, let alone to integrate them.

Song Yang's academic achievements were far inferior to those of his elder Song Lu, but he could be elected by the disciples of the academy as a representative to meet Fu Nian and Lu Wei. At least on the surface, he could gain people's trust in interpersonal communication.

Lu Wei's attitude towards Jixia Academy is very simple: the peasant family will definitely not support Jixia Academy unconditionally like Qi State did. These students must do something appropriate for the peasant family, but they do not have to be forced to join the peasant family. The two can form a relationship. form a de facto employment relationship.

At the same time, farmers in Daze Mountain can build a small Daze Mountain Academy for these students. They can still get together to discuss knowledge with each other.

Master Xia Kui just wants to coax people back to the mountains first, and then he can naturally make plans later~
Song Yang didn't have any opinion on the former condition, he was more concerned about the latter one, 'Daze Mountain Academy Matters'!
To be honest, after they disperse from Jixia Academy, they can still become the disciples of some powerful people, and they can enjoy material conditions anywhere as long as they have matching abilities.

It is true that the academic research of the disciples of the Academy has no longer inspired the grand occasion of the past, but their intellectual enthusiasm has never been worse than before: being able to party noisily with like-minded people in groups of three or five, or even in groups of thirty or fifty, is the most important thing.

If the farmer can take them all in and fulfill their promise to build a new academy, then the academy disciples will not have any objections.

Fu Nian didn't need to say any more, Song Yang decisively and enthusiastically took the initiative to talk to Lu Wei about the scale and architectural form of the 'Daze Mountain Academy'.

Ganie has become more and more free recently, so he has more time to look for the child of his good friend Jing Ke.

When he assassinated Qin many years ago, he had already investigated the process of how the child was sent out. The next step was to continue following this clue.

I remember that before Jing Ke went to the palace as an envoy, he said that he hoped that the child would be named "Tianming", but before he could tell Li Ji the news, the child had already been sent away.

However, these lovers in troubled times had the same mind, and Li Ji named the child Tianming.

The two of them longed for the dawn, and every ordinary person in troubled times also longed for the 'dawn'.

The founding of the Qin Dynasty was supposed to be the day of dawn, but judging from His Majesty's various actions, the sky may not be bright so soon.
In this regard, the silent Genie wanted to wait a little longer: It is normal for a new country to have many problems.

After all, the Qin Dynasty was not actually a brand-new country. It still had the old problems of the Warring States and Qin Dynasty accumulated over hundreds of years.

Those old parts are not so easy to cut off. They have grown firmly on the body of the Qin Dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty needs a little bit of flesh cutting to make itself look brand new.

This process of cutting flesh must and only be completed by the first owner of the country, and subsequent heirs do not have enough prestige.

Of course, if he wants to break away from the old habits of the Warring States period, Ying Zheng must first revolutionize himself and get rid of the old habits of the Warring States period in his own mind.
Genie believed that His Majesty the Emperor had the ability to do so, but he didn't know whether he wanted to do so.

In fact, many times, not knowing often means that the answer has already been revealed.
(End of this chapter)

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