Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 291 Fu Nian’s Change

Chapter 291 Fu Nian’s Change

Gai Nie held Yuan Hong in his hand tightly. Yuan Hong trembled slightly under his change of mood.

As a sword master, Genie is never constrained by which sword he prefers.

A sword is a sword, with a double edge, a straight body and a pointed head, but Yuan Hong is somewhat different. This sword has a special meaning.

Whether it is the owner of its predecessor, Canhong, or the words he said when His Majesty the Emperor handed it over to him after it was recast, it means that the story of this sword is far from over.

Putting down his palm, the trembling of Yuanhong's sword immediately subsided. He raised his head and looked at the red-haired Zhao Gao who was walking towards the emperor from afar. Ge Nie could always sense that this was a dangerous person.

Zhao Gao seemed to have reported some important news. After Ying Zheng waved him away, he quickly walked out of the hall. Just as Gai Nie waited for a while and prepared to follow him to continue his secret protection duties, he was stopped by Zhao Gao at the door. Stop:

"Mr. Gai, Mr. Yun Zhong is entering the palace today to demonstrate his alchemy skills to His Majesty the Emperor, so you don't need to follow me."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Zhongche Mansion, for informing me that I will be waiting outside the Alchemy Hall."

Gai Nie nodded and responded solemnly.Yun Zhongjun is a figure in the Yin Yang family who is highly trusted by the emperor. When this person comes to the palace to see the emperor, he is afraid that he will have to report something that is inconvenient for outsiders to hear, so it is understandable that he cannot follow him closely.

But just in case, Genie still wants to continue to fulfill his identity in a reasonable position.

"Sir, you're welcome." Zhao Gao smiled, his eyes full of evil, and he spread his palms sideways to get out of the way.

The moment Gai Nie walked past him, Zhao Gao suddenly spoke again:
"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell Mr. Guy."

"After the empire was destroyed, the quicksands moved around the rivers and lakes more and more frequently. They were even active in Guanzhong."

"Zhao Gao knows that Wei Zhuang, the owner of Quicksand, and Mr. Gai are life-and-death enemies, so Mr. Gai should be more careful in the future~"

There is obviously another hidden meaning behind this warning. 'Be careful' should not be used on the sword master who is always in the palace.
Gai Nie's eyes were sharp, he thanked Zhao Gao again and strode away.

In the alchemy hall, Yun Zhongjun used his hands to activate the flames of the alchemy furnace and was distracted by the situation of the liquid in the furnace.

Any character who can excel in a unique skill has an incomparable love for that skill.

Yun Zhongjun has a poor appearance and is a bit older. He is very different from the elegant Yun Shen described in Jiu Ge.

But his alchemy skills were recognized by the emperor, and his nominal status ranked first among the five elders of the Yin Yang family. The image problem was just a minor matter.

Gather your energy and take the elixir, and solemnly present it to His Majesty the Emperor on a gold plate.

Ying Zheng watched the whole process of elixir refining with his own eyes, and the elixir only passed through the hands of Yun Zhongjun and himself, so he took it without any doubt.

After the elixir entered his throat, His Majesty the Emperor felt a warmth slowly spread to his torso and limbs, and the accumulated fatigue in his body was immediately dissipated.

"This elixir is more effective than the one you gave me before."

There was a hint of praise in his tone. Regarding Yun Zhongjun, Ying Zheng was confident that he could completely grasp it: Of course this person is ambitious in his daily performance, but this is normal behavior.

Being so close to him, the master of the empire, without revealing his ambition would only make him more suspicious.

The most obvious example is Gai Nie: Ying Zheng's own city is getting deeper and deeper as time goes by, but he becomes increasingly unable to understand his swordsmanship instructor.

Gai Nie never actively asks for rewards or official positions. People who have no material needs follow him closely, which represents a certain kind of uncontrollability.

As a disciple of Guigu, Gai Nie has no problem serving as an official in the court with other abilities besides his martial arts.If he wanted it, Ying Zheng believed that he would definitely give him a reasonable enough position.

But from the current point of view, this character who has been by his side for many years will eventually take another path.

According to the clues collected in the net, he seemed to be looking for something without telling everyone, and even went out of the palace alone several times. This made Ying Zheng very sensitive, and he signaled Zhao Gao to investigate and report carefully.

"This time the elixir was added with several exotic medicines from across the world. The investment cost was three times more expensive than the last one, but the effect improvement did not meet expectations."

Yun Zhongjun bowed his hands and faced the emperor's praise. Not only did he not take credit, but he took the initiative to plead guilty.

"It's only three times. Yun Zhongjun can refine it according to this new elixir recipe in the future. I will allocate an extra batch of property to the alchemy hall." His Majesty the First Emperor always requires the best configuration for the things he uses: as long as If it's effective, don't say three times, it's thirty times or three hundred times, so what's the harm?

This is understandable and is a reasonable request of the master of the empire.And compared with those newly built palaces that have little use value, just taking the elixir is indeed not an expensive expense. Given the huge scale of the empire, it is not difficult to support it.

What's more, the elixir he takes can restore his physical fatigue, and an energetic emperor can better govern the country.

"Yes." Yun Zhongjun accepted the order with secret joy in his heart, and bent his waist further: "Your Majesty, if this elixir can be combined with a special medicine from Shushan, the effect will be further improved."

"Shu Mountain?" Ying Zheng glanced at Yun Zhongjun, fully grasping his thoughts.His Majesty the First Emperor knew very well that some of the resources he allocated would be corrupted by Yun Zhongjun. The more the empire invested, the more Yunzhong Lord would corrupt him, but these were just trivial matters after all.

He didn't take it seriously and turned to another matter: "I remember that the mirage also needs the Fuso sacred tree from Shushan?"

"Your Majesty is wise." Yun Zhongjun smiled and nodded in reply: "Shu Mountain has a unique and independent environment, which is very different from the Central Plains. Therefore, many rare and exotic herbs only grow in Shu Mountain."

"The sacred fuso trees they guard are thousands of years old and are said to have been given by immortals."

"Such a divine object can only play its intended role in the hands of His Majesty."

In the face of the flattery, Ying Zheng's expression remained unchanged. In his opinion, what Yun Zhongjun said was true: "The Fuso tree needs to be moved to the mirage in the Lunar God's report. The construction of the mirage on the Songhai side will take several years." ?”

"Because the drawings have been revised, according to the current progress, it should be ten years and four months later." Yun Zhongjun is the scheduled captain of the mirage. His coming to the palace today was actually ordered by Lord Dongjun to fight for Shushan and the mirage. Come, so you have all the relevant data at your fingertips.

"Ten years!" Ying Zheng frowned. He said it was ten years four years ago, and it is still ten years now.

His Majesty the Emperor didn't want to wait that long, so he asked directly: "How much more manpower is needed to complete the project within the original estimate?"

"This" Yun Zhongjun pretended to calculate in his mind for a long time before carefully reporting the answer he had already prepared: "I'm afraid it only takes 10 people."

"I will give you 15, and other building materials will be supplied by Li Si first. The public losers will also fully cooperate with the construction of the mirage. The mirage must be able to set sail within four years at the latest!"

"In addition, I will send Meng Tian to attack Shushan next year, so the Yin and Yang family must be prepared."

The First Emperor made a decision and made a condition resolutely and resolutely that could not be refused. The investment he gave far exceeded the expectations of Yun Zhongjun and the Yin and Yang family behind him. Yun Zhongjun was overjoyed and hurriedly kowtowed his life.

"However, if the voyage of the mirage cannot bring me satisfactory results, the Yin and Yang family will no longer need to exist." His Majesty the Emperor narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Ying Zheng only wants the elixir of life, or clearer instructions from the immortals. On this basis, as long as hope is still there, he doesn't care about the cost.But if the opposite happens, no one or any organization can bear the anger of His Majesty the Emperor at this stage.

After hearing this, Lord Yun Zhong replied solemnly: "The Yin Yang family will definitely not betray your majesty's trust."


Fu Nian believed that he was the main reason for inviting Lu Wei to Linzi, but he did not play much role in getting the matter at Jixia Academy resolved.

In this regard, the head of the Little Sage Village had a very normal attitude. After a brief exchange with his old friends in the academy, he took Lu Wei to stay in an inn outside instead of staying in the academy for a long time.

As the head of the Little Sage Village and the leader of the peasant family, in addition to solving the problems at Jixia Academy, their equal status also allows them to have many other things to discuss alone.

The last time Lu Wei went to Songhai, Fu Nian persuaded him to get the position of the hero as soon as possible and stabilize the farmhouse.

While this matter was accomplished vigorously under Luo Wang's impetus, Fu Nian also heard some rumors about Luo Wang's actions.

Luo Wang did not have much activity in Songhai, but Fu Nian still investigated this organization.

The relationship between Yan Lu, the second junior brother, and this organization forced him to be on guard against possible mistakes. Compared with the Mohist school, the new disciples of the Confucian school actually had certain similarities.

However, as long as he, as the head senior brother, does not deviate from his direction, it will not be a big problem. Fu Nian is still able to deal with the situation of the second junior brother and the third junior brother and is still within control. This has a lot to do with Yan Lu and Zhang Liang's own character.

Yan Lu was so peaceful that he could easily forget the hatred he had with Luo Wang. He usually behaved with the intention of doing nothing, but being too inactive gave Fu Nian a headache.

In his early days, Zhang Liang harbored a strong hatred of his country and his family. Later, under Fu Nian's many sage teachings, now Zhang Liang, in addition to being concerned about the death of his old friend Han Fei, no longer misses his homeland Korea so deeply.

Nowadays, the feud between the peasant family and Luo Wang is not good news. Even if Fu Nian doesn't want to interfere in his faction's internal affairs, he still asks a few more questions about what happened because of his good relationship with Lu Wei.

"Brother Fu Nian, don't worry. Although Luo Wen is a pawn of the Qin State, offending Luo Wen does not mean offending the Qin State." With a faint smile to appease Fu Nian, Lu Wei said easily: "The duty of a farmer is to cultivate the land safely, as long as he abides by his duty , I think His Majesty the Emperor will not take action against Daze Mountain in a short time."

"Brother Lu, it's great to think so, but" Fu Nian's eyes were cautious under his thick eyebrows: "Although a gentleman cannot follow the villain, he cannot blindly give in to the villain without taking precautions."

"Brother Lu has one hundred thousand farm disciples, and the addition of students from Jixia Academy will undoubtedly attract more attention to Daze Mountain. In this regard, Little Sage Village can help."

"Oh?" Looking at the solemn Fu Nian in surprise, Lu Wei really didn't expect such words to come out of his mouth.

Fu Nian has always been cautious and never caused trouble for Little Sage Village. His current attitude of actively helping the farmers appeared when the Qin Dynasty was just established. It was a bit too early.

Did he see through something during the end of the troubled times, and have he vaguely chosen to stand on the opposite side of the new country?

(End of this chapter)

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