Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 292 Using Mi Lian

Chapter 292 Using Mi Lian
Fu Nian has indeed been striving to protect Xiaoshengxian Manor in troubled times, and regards Confucian etiquette as his code of conduct, but on the other hand, he is still strictly demanding himself as a gentleman.

The farmer's family is attacked by Luo Wang, and Luo Wang is a bloody killer organization, but behind it is the sharp blade of the empire.

The country does not use the righteousness of various schools of thought, but uses killing and terror to govern the world. Fu Nian has long been dissatisfied with this.

There are old friends of Fu Nian in Jixia Academy, and Xun Kuang, the elder master of Xiaoshengxian Manor, has been offering wine to the academy for many times. If he had not been in seclusion to cultivate, he would definitely have given all his help to Jixia Academy after seeing it reduced to this. In addition, the academy itself It has always been a place for learning and discussion. Fu Nian also recognized the academic atmosphere of the Academy deep in his heart.

Therefore, Fu Nian has regarded the fate of the Academy as his own responsibility from the very beginning.

Lu Wei has always been a great help to Confucianism. This time about the Jixia Academy incident, he sent a letter to him and got a reply very quickly. The farmer took in the Academy students at any cost. No matter what the reason was, it was just the matter itself. Let Fu Nian owe another favor.

Whether it is personal morality or the righteous requirements adhered to by Xiaoshengxian Village, helping farmers is an unhesitating responsibility of Confucians.

Fu Nian's pursuit of stability and survival does not mean giving up justice, nor does it mean simply retreating and forbearing.

If you have your way, follow it and be loyal to it.If you have no way, you will abandon it and attack it.

Although His Majesty, the current emperor, cannot be considered unethical, after all, not everyone is Mencius, and ministers should not judge the emperor lightly, but the snare must be unethical.

The energy of Confucianism, whether it is the disciples who are officials as a group, or the Holy King's swordsmanship practiced by Fu Nian individually, is a boost that cannot be underestimated.

In Daze Mountain, Lu Qing received the order from Lu Wei and immediately mobilized his disciples to mobilize money to build the Daze Mountain Academy.

Lord Xiakui still had to leave the responsibility to the most reliable Gonggongtang for this kind of matter. At the same time, in order to reduce the pressure on Gonggongtang, he also ordered Shennongtang and Lieshantang to assist.

The hall master Nianduan ignored the matter as usual, and her number of patients increased again: Yingbu brought Mi Xin to Dazeshan.

As a non-farmer disciple, Yingbu was not qualified to enter the depths of Daze Mountain. Although he was in a hurry, he did not dare to force his way up the mountain in the face of the blocking guards: unlike those rural people, the farmer Nian Duan would not be able to see whether the doctor treated the patient. Yingbu knew that he could not force it.

Just when he was in trouble, Ji Yan, who had been monitoring Yingbu's whereabouts, appeared with Mi Lian.

Mi Lian was so excited when she saw her sister that she subconsciously wanted to reach out and hug her. However, Yingbu took out her relatives and fiercely stopped her: "What do you want to do? Get out of here!"

Ji Yan, who was watching on the sidelines, was not surprised by Yingbu's behavior. She narrowed her eyes and waved away the surrounding peasant disciples: It is not difficult to drive such a violent general. The trouble lies in Yingbu's loyalty to Chu State, at least. The loyalty to the Chu family is too high.

When the Chu Kingdom fell, most of the Chu army of the Tenglong Army, represented by Long Qie, was only loyal to the Xiang family. As soon as they heard that the young master of the Xiang family had escaped, they immediately followed the direction of the Xiang family.

Ji Bu was the escort of Chu King Xiong Qi. He was a man of trust. King Chu entrusted Mi Lian to his sister Huaying. So when he heard that King Chu died, he immediately disbanded the team and went to Licheng to join his sister.

Only Yingbu, he was a rough man, but Yingbu quickly realized that there was no news about the newly born heir of Queen Chu and King Chu, so he immediately risked his life to search for it.

Of course, what Ying Bu could think of, Long Qie and Ji Bu, who had the demeanor of wise generals, would not have thought of it, but they both made other choices.

"I" When Ji Yan was thinking about it, Mi Lian was forced to take a step back by Ying Bu's relatives. She looked at the dazzling ax blade and the fierce expression on the opponent's face. After being inevitably frightened in her heart, she still tried her best to pretend to be calm: "Ying Bu" General Bu, please look at this."

Stretching out her palm, she displayed a small fire jade.

"This is it!" Yingbu's pupils were as wide as copper bells. He immediately looked down at Mi Xin who was hiding behind him and looking curiously, and then took a closer look at Mi Lian with a calm expression. The latter met the other person's eyes and said calmly: "My name It’s Lian, I once met the general in Chen Ying, when the general was ordered to take charge of the defense of the east gate.”

"Eldest Princess!" Yingbu now completely confirmed the other party's identity. After he couldn't help shouting out the title, he clenched his hands tighter. He turned his head and looked at Ji Yan who heard everything, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"This is the master of the Siyue Hall of the farmhouse. I know the reason why you brought Xin'er to the farmhouse. She can help Xin'er find treatment from Dr. Nianduan." Mi Lian moved her steps to block Yingbu's murderous intention. This time Her move to hold Mi Xin was not hindered. Mi Xin felt that the sister in front of her was friendly, so she ignorantly allowed her to pick her up.

"So that's it." Yingbu rolled his eyes and put away his relatives: "Then let's go find Dr. Nianduan quickly. The little princess's illness may attack again in two hours."

"I'll take her to Gonggongtang right now." Mi Lian touched her sister's coarse linen clothes and felt her thin body. She raised her eyebrows lightly and turned around calmly to leave.

Yingbu was about to follow, but was stopped by Ji Yan, who was holding the Frightening Salamander Sword and holding his head high: "Daze Mountain is such an important place, non-farmer disciples should stop here."

"You!" Before Yingbu could take out his two hands from behind again, as soon as he made a move, he immediately realized that he was locked by a cold killing intent.

The owner of the strong murderous intention was the 14-year-old girl in front of him.

'If I make another move, I might die.' The information conveyed by the incredible intuition surprised Yingbu. He felt that his idea was a bit ridiculous, and he gritted his teeth and continued to hold Qi Handle.

Bang, a cold light like the cold moon flashed past, and the sharp sword blade pierced the skin of Yingbu's neck, and bright red blood flowed out from it, dripping directly onto the latter's clothes without any stop on the Jingli Sword.

His whole body was stiff, and he was unexpectedly subdued by a mere little girl in an instant.

"Go to Licheng. Mi Lian will naturally go there to find you in a few days." Ji Yan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his smile was like the first ray of sunshine in the morning, warm and quiet.But Yingbu couldn't feel this at all. He only felt that the girl's smile was more terrifying than the sharp sword at her neck.
"I understand."


When Mi Lian and Ji Yan arrived at the Gonggongtang Medical Center, they happened to encounter Nian Duan performing acupuncture on the black and white sisters. It would take at least half an hour before they could come out.

And even if it comes out, the huge consumption of acupuncture also requires the veteran doctor to take a good rest.

Fortunately, Duan Mu Rong was there, and Xiao Yan'er called her "Sister Rong" sweetly and told her about Mi Xin's situation.

Smiling, she raised her hand and rubbed Ji Yan's head. Duan Murong glanced at Mi Lian and Mi Xin, who were uneasy behind them. With just one look, she had a general understanding of Mi Xin's situation.

"Put her down. Although it's a bit troublesome, you don't need a master. I'll just do it."

"Well! Sorry for bothering Sister Rong!" Ji Yan pulled Duan Murong's sister and nodded with a smile. With her movement, Mi Lian reluctantly put down her sister Mi Xin.

"You go out first. Remember to prepare a basin of warm water and a towel, and find some clean clothes. This girl is very weak, and the clothes she is wearing now look like she has been wearing them for a month."

"Yes." Mi Lian whispered her first words in the hospital.

Mi Xin's situation is not difficult to solve now, but it will be difficult to say if it delays for a few more years. Duan Murong calmly opened his fist, and in his hand was a note that Ji Yan had just given to her.

Opening it, it read that Ji Yan hoped to treat Mi Xin in a 'more reliable' way with 'less sequelae'.

The meaning is not difficult to understand. Ji Yan wants to delay the treatment time.

This was an act of using doctors as tools. Duanmu Rong immediately frowned, but soon relaxed: Ji Yan naturally had her reasons for doing this. As a person who watched Xiao Yaner grow up, Duan Murong knew that Ji Yan Yan is cute and cute, and will not do anything detrimental to the farm family.

In this case, just do as she said. Treatment for stability is also treatment.

Half an hour later, Nian Duan and Duan Murong walked out of the two treatment rooms almost at the same time. The old doctor went straight to rest. Duan Murong acted relaxed and found the two girls who had been waiting outside.

With her nodding, Mi Lian went to wipe her sister's body with warm water and change her clothes, leaving Dr. Duanmu and Hall Master Ji walking outside: "Lu Xiakui went out and hasn't come back yet?"

"Well, Brother Xiakui seems to have gone to Jingxian County. It may take another three months to half a year before he comes back."

Facing Sister Rong's question, Ji Yan nodded and replied that her identity was better than the former's in knowing Lu Wei's whereabouts.

"That's it." Duan Murong nodded thoughtfully. After understanding the question she wanted to know the most, she said to Ji Yan the part of Mi Xin's condition that she had not mentioned in front of Mi Lian: "I need stable treatment for that little girl for half a year." After that, the direct torture of the disease can be eliminated, and with subsequent gradual adjustments, it can be cured in about two years at most.”

"Thank you, sister Rong. This time is more than enough!" She smiled and hugged Duan Murong's arm. Duan Murong didn't ask her why she was delaying so long, and Ji Yan didn't take the initiative to say anything.

The two chatted casually about some other things, and in the evening, Ji Yan took Mi Lian back to Siyue Hall.

As for Mi Xin, she will stay in Gonggongtang Medical Center for half a year. After Mi Lian completes Ji Yan's mission, she can go there at any time to check and take care of her.

"You have also heard Sister Rong's diagnosis results. Sister Xin'er will be fine." Xiao Yan'er said, holding her hands behind her back and looking up at the moon.

"Yes, thank you Hall Master Ji." Mi Lian was finally reunited with her only relative. Her joy had not stopped since she learned Yingbu's whereabouts in the morning, and she also felt a sense of gratitude towards Ji Yan.

"But~" Ji Yan changed her voice and smiled calmly, "Although you are also a farmer's disciple now, you belong to Siyue Hall, and Sister Rong belongs to Gonggong Hall. You still need to bear the cost of your sister's treatment."

"I asked Sister Rong that those medicines are relatively expensive. Judging from the rewards you usually get for serving me, they are still far behind."

"Please teach me how to teach Ji Tang." That's all she said. Mi Lian was indeed not smart enough, but after following Ji Yan for so long, he wasn't a complete idiot. Naturally, he understood what she meant, so he asked carefully.

"In the morning I asked Yingbu to go to Licheng and wait." Holding Mi Xin in hand, Xiao Yaner became bolder in using Mi Lian: "In the Zuimeng Tower in Licheng, I remember that there were still some teams of dead soldiers from the old Chu Kingdom. People should belong to you."

"You go and take Yingbu to take back those dead soldiers. With more men, it will be easier to earn medical expenses for your sister~"

With a thought in her heart, Mi Lian nodded quickly and agreed: "Yes, I will go tomorrow!"

She couldn't wait: being able to take back the dead soldiers entrusted to her by her father would not only be convenient for her sister's treatment.

Now Mi Lian knows very well that if she has a group of absolutely reliable subordinates, she can do more things.
(End of this chapter)

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