Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 293 Preparations for Rebellion

Chapter 293 Preparations for Rebellion
After Lu Wei came to Jing County, under the leadership of Yan Shen and Xiao He, he first inspected the warehouse reserves: Logistics is the foundation for doing great things in the future.

Since there is no need to transport grain to Daze Mountain since last year, Jing County's grain reserves are very abundant: it is surrounded by an entire Jing Lake, and with the presence of farm cattle, the difficulty of land reclamation is very low.

It's just a pity that disciples still need to bend down to sow seeds, and the planting area is still limited by manpower.

How to make an automatic seeding mechanism beast is something that the mechanism workshop is working hard to experiment with.

As a result, Amu's research on the zodiac mechanism technique has slowed down: in addition to continuously improving the water snake that has been developed, the first task of the mechanism workshop has become to solve the obstacles encountered in the development of Jing County.

The practical needs of the disciples have become more directly considered by Amu, and the motivation generated by this demand makes the disciples of the Machinery Workshop even more enthusiastic: their work is to help the partners around them.

Such a change has advantages and disadvantages: The advantage is that the progress of mechanism technology driven by demand is definitely more promising than the empty study of those already formed mechanism drawings.

There will always be a day when the drawings are thoroughly studied, and some technical requirements are too high. If you just make breakthroughs out of thin air, it will not only cost a lot, but the finished product will be of low quality and narrow in use, and the cost may not be recovered.

Lu Wei knew the benefits of popularizing the mechanism industry. After all, the farm mechanism industry must be used by more people in order to have more vigorous vitality.

For comparison: Mohist's mechanism Suzaku is very good. Such exquisite mechanism beasts are the aircraft of this era. If it can be applied to governance, then the central government's control over local areas will undoubtedly be more stable than simply using horses and gallops to convey messages. .

However, this kind of machine beast is only produced and used by the Mohist family, and its role is really limited.

The disadvantage of choosing to meet needs is that the farm machinery industry was deformed from the beginning. Its formation was an imitation process in which Amu made samples based on the drawings provided by Lu Wei and then improved them step by step, without any self-innovation.

Such a copycat industry suddenly requires them to research and manufacture from scratch, which is extremely difficult.

Amu had never innovated. When Lu Wei arrived, he anxiously asked his boss for clues: Although the disciples were enthusiastic, everyone had been dreaming about those mechanism parts for more than a month, and none of the proposed plans was It can be fully recognized and implemented by everyone.

The talent of these disciples in mechanical arts is really not enough, and they have also fallen into a misunderstanding: since the research and development is based on demand, it is natural to check it in person during farming, ask the old farmers about their farming skills, and understand the difficulties encountered in farming. .

After you have a sufficient understanding of the art of farming, you can have the most basic idea of ​​what the new machine beast should be designed to look like.

Amu has used these simple principles before, but it seems that too much pressure made him feel like he was carrying a heavy burden and he was too immersed in the mechanism workshop.

After emphasizing the need to pay attention to the demand itself in the innovation process, Lu Wei gently patted the other party's shoulder to calm him down.

Amu walked away thoughtfully, and Lu Wei came to the craftsman's office again.

Tie Wen, the head of the Jicheng Zhu Family, has worked in Daze Mountain and Jing County since joining the farmer's family. For him, he now has no worries about food and clothing. With the support of the farmer, the Zhu Family has also recruited many new disciples to join. It can be said that The development of his lineage's casting family far exceeds that of other lineage sects he has communicated with.

In addition to serving the machine workshop, the craftsmen's office usually forges armors and weapons, which is an endless job. They can get certain rewards for every finished product made from the ore provided by Jing County.

According to the customary requirements of this era, craftsmen on weapons and armor must leave their own numbers. Once too many defective and defective products are found, Tiewen himself will clean up the house according to the rules of the craftsman without Xiao He's intervention.

Occasionally defective products can be understood to be coincidental, and the scope of punishment is still within a certain range. However, once the number of defective products reaches a certain number, the most severe punishment is to send the craftsman into the furnace as a sacrifice.
This sounds very cruel, and is comparable to the punishment of being burned, but this is the consistent family rule of the Zhu family. Now that the Jicheng Zhu family has been merged into the farmhouse, this family rule has become the highest punishment for the craftsmen. means.

Tiewen has a silent personality, but he knows very well that the foundation of craftsmen like them lies in their own craftsmanship. If the craftsmanship of their group is doubted because of some black sheep, it will be a major matter that shakes the foundation.

The most severe punishment must be placed there, so that every craftsman must concentrate when forging.

In the past, the main force of Ji Ran's family in Jicheng, who had joined the Zhu family to join the farmers, has remained in Yandi. Lu Wei knew that their mediocre business was very difficult under Qin's rule. However, with the support of the farmers in Daze Mountain, the situation in Yandi was not good. If it's considered a deterioration, just keep the status quo there.

Master Xia Kui would occasionally arrange for Ah Shan to go back to Yan Di to communicate with the local disciples. Ah Shan was always in charge of the Yan Di disciples.

Yan Shen is personally responsible for managing the armor and weapons reserves in Jing County, and the reserve status of these items is unlimited.

Li Zuoche and Peng Yue were responsible for the armament of Jingxian County. Their achievements were praised by Li Mu in their evaluations, and Lu Wei found no problems after reviewing them.

The standing army maintained by Jingxian County, including the navy, reached 5000, which was a lot. The other soldiers were engaged in farming and fighting, half farming and half fighting.

The development of Jingxian County is booming. Under the cover of Ouyang Yao, Lord of Dongou, the Qin people found nothing unusual.Because of this, the uprising here is much easier than in Daze Mountain.

Li Zuoche and Peng Yue even boldly made a plan in advance to send troops from here to capture Shouchun, and then attack westward to quickly take away the old land of Chu from the Qin people. They also sent a large number of peasant rangers to attack the planned route and environment. After careful investigation, the intention of rebellion was clearly revealed.

Lu Wei added several methods to the plan to mobilize the people of Chu, which was regarded as a tacit consent for the plan to continue to deepen.
This greatly aroused the enthusiasm of Li Zuoche and Peng Yue. They planned to rebel against the Five-Year Plan for three years. In the eyes of these two people, Qin's power was not invincible.

All preparations at the Jingxian rebel base were in order, and Lu Wei was very satisfied.

The historical process that I planned in advance, success only waits for the opportunity!


In Licheng City, Mi Lian, who had taken off her usual clothes and put on smart men's clothes, met Ying Bu based on the information from Siyue Hall disciples. The latter was surprised by the eldest princess's male appearance.

Mi Lian had learned some inner energy and boxing skills, but her strength was very poor, similar to that of an ordinary ranger who had just entered the world. In addition, she had no fighting experience, so her personal strength could basically be ignored.

But the aura on her body made her look majestic and dignified yet elegant when facing Yingbu, who was famous for his bravery in the Chu army. He looked like a handsome nobleman, but his muscles were a little softer.

"My eldest son." Yingbu thought for a long time and finally stopped addressing Mi Lian as "young master."

"Well, Yingbu, Xin'er's condition has been treated by an expert doctor." Mi Lian waited for the other party to complete the salute, then raised her hand in the air to show that there was no need to be polite, and then took the lead in informing him of her sister Mi Xin's condition.

Yingbu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He was entrusted by the queen and finally did not insult his mission. Moreover, after more than two years of getting along, he also felt a vague sense of fatherly love for the little princess.

Naturally, he was not worthy of showing these feelings, but being loyal to sisters Mi Lian and Mi Xin was what Yingbu had determined to do with the rest of his life.

"Young Master's plan in advance at the farmhouse is really clever. However," Yingbu lowered his eyes, and the wound on his neck felt faintly cold: "The master of Siyue Hall is such a powerful little girl. What is her relationship with Young Master?"

Mi Lian's eyebrows rose slightly: "It was Hall Master Ji who accepted me into Siyue Hall. According to my status, I am her subordinate at the moment."

"How is this possible!" Yingbu shouted subconsciously after hearing this: "Young Master's status is so high, how can he be someone else's subordinate?"

"Surviving in troubled times, anything is possible." Mi Lian spoke dignifiedly, turning aside and unwilling to talk more about this matter with Yingbu: "Now, we are going to go to Zuimenglou. My father once left me a few coins. A close confidant, they are staying in Zuimeng Tower right now, I want you to protect me and get them back."

"I obey your order!" Yingbu stood upright and gave Mi Lian the most standard Chu military salute.

"Zuimeng Tower was originally arranged by my father to help me. It is under the jurisdiction of General Ji Bu's sister Huaying of the Shadow Tiger Legion, but I don't like the atmosphere there."

As he walked, he explained the information that could be shared. Mi Lian didn't need to look closely to feel the sudden rage and murderous intent that Yingbu behind him suddenly erupted when he heard Ji Bu's name.

'The Shadow Tiger Legion and the Thunder Leopard Legion are both elite troops in the Chu army. The two legion commanders should be partners in unity and cooperation, but now it seems that the two have a personal grudge. '

The rest of the Chu army should be his subordinates, and they should also be tools that can protect him and his sister in troubled times. Mi Lian was a little distressed perceptually when he discovered Yingbu Jibu's hatred, but he didn't show it and only asked directly about the reason behind it.

Ying Bu never felt that he was wrong about his hatred for Ji Bu, so he did not hide it from the eldest princess: one of their ideas after the fall of Chu was to use bloodshed to inspire the later rebels, and the other was to I want to preserve my strength to rebuild the country in the future.

Ying Bu looked down upon Ji Bu's cowardly behavior at best. The fundamental reason why he hated Ji Bu was:
The two sides could have gone their separate ways if they had different choices, but Ji Bu actually shot a rocket without authorization and destroyed the suspension bridge, forcibly preventing him from leading the Thunder Leopard Legion who were sworn to serve the country to fight against the Qin people. Even though the soldiers of the Thunder Leopard Legion survived after the war, , but was regarded as a coward like Ji Bu, and finally became a beggar, a drunkard, and a gambler!
Those people should have died on the battlefield, wrapped in horse leather, and become the heroes sung by the Chu people with glory. Instead of being trampled on now!
Mi Lian did not comment lightly on the reason for the hatred between the two: although from a personal interest point of view, if Yingbu had died on the battlefield, no one would have saved his sister and become his subordinate.

She didn't know how to resolve hatred, so staying silent was the most error-free option: no matter how hard Erbu fought, as long as he still obeyed his orders, there would be no problem.

The two came to Zuimeng Tower during the day. Mi Lian handed her jade pendant to the maid at the door and handed it to Hua Ying. After a while, another maid in slightly more gorgeous clothes respectfully invited her upstairs.

In the room that used to belong to Mi Lian on the fourth floor, Hua Ying was anxiously holding the jade pendant and wandering around. When Mi Lian came in with men's clothes and Ying Bu, she was stunned for a moment, but after careful inspection, she recognized the figure that had grown a lot since they were separated. Princess.He quickly rushed towards her in surprise and wanted to hug her.

However, Mi Lian took the initiative to take a step back, causing Huaying to freeze instantly.
(End of this chapter)

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