Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 294 Before the Battle of Shushan

Chapter 294 Before the Battle of Shushan

After deliberately avoiding Hua Ying's embrace, Mi Lian smiled slightly and walked past Hua Ying naturally. She generously put herself in the position of the owner of the room she once lived in.

"Sister Huaying, long time no see."

Mi Lian sat down with a relaxed demeanor but meticulous aristocratic etiquette in her movements. Ying Bu, who came with her, leaned against the door and closely monitored the movements of Hua Ying and others in the room.

Huaying still feels guilty for losing the princess. The appearance of the young thief who kidnapped the princess has always been etched in her mind, and she always thinks about identifying and catching him when she meets her target again.

But looking at Mi Lian's movements now, she unconsciously compared the princess with the thief from a few years ago, and their words, deeds, and expressions even vaguely overlapped.
On the other hand, as the oiran of Zuimenglou, Huaying has always been very sensitive to makeup and clothing. The princess's current men's attire is clearly similar to that of her abductor!

Not to mention such a calm "Long time no see", as if Her Highness the Princess was not kidnapped many years ago but left on her own.
All kinds of weirdness made Huaying calm down immediately after the initial panic. She glanced at Yingbu at the door, and suddenly thought of something in her mind. A habitual smile appeared on her face to ease the embarrassment:
"Young master's visit really makes Zuimeng Tower shine."

As she spoke, she swayed in front of Mi Lian, with her back to the door, trying to make eye contact with the princess, but Mi Lian's reaction was just to shake her head: "Sister Huaying, don't be nervous, Ying Bu is a member of the Thunder Leopard Legion. Commander, he is as loyal to Chu as you are."

Hua Ying turned her head again. She originally thought that the strong man with tattoos on his face was an accomplice of the thieves who was spying on the princess, but she didn't expect that this man was also an old member of the Chu Kingdom.

When Yingbu stared at this woman for the second time, he impatiently glared back with fierce eyes: "Henwujiwu, the other party is Ji Bu's sister, how could he have any good feelings towards her?"

So, isn't the princess completely free now?
"Princess. What's going on?" He looked away and looked at Mi Lian again. Hua Ying opened her mouth several times in surprise. After thinking for a long time, she bluntly asked her how she disappeared.

"The Kingdom of Chu is dead. I am the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Chu. I need to find a new way out for the Kingdom of Chu."

Mi Lian was indeed kidnapped at the beginning, but now she has deeply understood the importance of trying to change herself from being kidnapped. However, there is no need to mention this kind of thing in front of subordinates. The princess needs to maintain her dignity: "Only There was no hope in being trapped in a house of drunken dreams, so I made other choices."

"What is the princess's choice?" Hua Ying continued to ask. Her behavior made Her Royal Highness the eldest princess suddenly feel unhappy:
If her father, Xiong Qi, was Mi Lian's life teacher in her childhood, then Ji Yan was her new learning partner after the fall of the Chu Kingdom.

In Siyue Hall, Ji Yan would not be constantly asked about the reasons for doing things by those disciples.

Ji Yan is the daughter of Lord Xinling, and among her subordinates are the remaining disciples of Xinling, including Zhang Er, the general manager of Siyue Hall. Those people are respectful to Ji Yan, and she is an orthodox princess, even if Huaying is indeed ordered by her father. She has to take care of herself, but does this mean she can control herself?

"Sister Huaying, I didn't take away the servants my father gave me last time. Are they still in Zuimeng Tower?"

The courtesy did not change the title, but Mi Lian's tone was obviously much colder, and she put the business of her arrival on the table. As for the questions Huaying asked, she directly ignored them as a warning.

Huaying was extremely uncomfortable with the changes in Her Royal Highness the Princess. In her impression, the Princess was still the little girl sleeping in her arms in the carriage.

Even now, although Her Royal Highness the Princess has grown hair and is considered an adult like herself, she still has little experience in the world.

Huaying was very happy to see the majesty of the princess, but she was even more worried about whether the princess had been deceived.

Teenagers and girls in this age group are the most impulsive and the most vulnerable to being deceived.

Tangled in her thoughts, Hua Ying said: "Yes, half of them are in Zuimeng Tower, and the other half are looking for the whereabouts of the princess."

"Then bring everyone back. I need to command them personally." After Mi Lian expressed her attitude that she could not refuse, she looked at Yingbu. After thinking for a few breaths, she still pretended to be calm and asked: "General Ji Bu He should have been to Zuimenglou, where is he now?"

"Ji Bu is also on his way to find the princess. I will contact him right away to come back and meet the princess." After Hua Ying nodded, she still couldn't hold back the entanglement in her heart: "Does the princess still want to leave Zuimeng Tower?"

"Yes, but the place I want to go to is Daze Mountain. I can come here at any time." With her identity back, Mi Lian's tone was no longer so tough. Huaying was just a subordinate. If she could abide by what a subordinate should do, Mi Lian can certainly get along well with her without relying on the fact that she has the supervisory authority granted by Xiong Qi to govern her.

As long as the other party treats you the same way you treat Ji Yan, that's fine.

She is a princess who knows the current affairs and always shuts up and serves Ji Yan. Why can't Huaying shut up when serving her?

"Go to the Zhu Family Hall Master in Daze Mountain?" However, Hua Ying obviously couldn't just follow the order indifferently.

She may have guessed from various phenomena that Her Highness the Princess did not want to be controlled by her, but her responsibility drove her to think that she could not really let the princess "play nonsense".

"It's Siyuetang." Mi Lian stood up and prepared to leave.

Huaying rarely found the princess after two years. Faced with Mi Lian's plan to leave so soon, she tried hard to persuade her to stay. She hoped that the princess could stay in Zuimeng Tower for a few more days.However, Mi Lian came to Licheng early in the morning, thinking that she could pass by Gonggong Hall to see her sister Mi Xin when she returned at night, so how could she choose to stay.

She couldn't go wherever she wanted with Ji Yan, but with Huaying, she didn't want to be restricted by any restrictions due to her status.

She calmly said "get out of the way" twice, and just when Yingbu was about to use his two relatives to play their role, Huaying reluctantly stepped aside and sent her away respectfully.
In any case, at least the whereabouts of the princess are known, and there will never be any danger in the farmer's Daze Mountain.

I have to pass on the news to the Zhu Family Hall Master to ask about the situation!

"In a place like Zuimeng Tower, why would you delay it for so long, Master?"

Continuing to address him as 'gongzi', Yingbu remained quiet throughout the conversation between Mi Lian and Hua Ying, which made Mi Lian very satisfied.

Therefore, in response to the brave general's complaints after he walked out of Zuimeng Tower, she imitated Ji Yan's smile and said:
"I have heard that Ji Bu has many friends in the Chu army. He likes to socialize. He has gained a lot of reputation in the world in just two years with his promise of a thousand pieces of gold. Subduing him can better recruit the old troops of Chu and the world. People, for my use.”

"Just a coward." Yingbu tilted his head and said disdainfully when he heard the eldest princess praising the other party.

"Ji Bu has the role of Ji Bu, and Ying Bu has the role of Ying Bu." Faced with the emotional changes of the only subordinate she can command for the time being, Mi Lian's pupils quickly turned as she thought and slowly spoke: "In terms of trust, of course I still I trust General Yingbu more, so I will keep you by my side to do things."

"Hahaha, don't worry, young master, I will never run away like that coward when encountering difficulties at any time!" Yingbu's mood immediately improved after the princess expressed his stance. His performance made Mi Lian feel relieved. One breath: People who are easy to control are best to use this rule. This rule is indeed good.

Keeping Yingbu in Licheng, Mi Lian returned to Daze Mountain alone. She would make another trip in a few days, so there was nothing wrong with letting Yingbu work as a mercenary in the city.

After all, this place is not very far from Daze Mountain, and the people she will meet on the road are all farm disciples. With the three-star pearl grass hanging on her chest, she will not encounter any danger.

In Siyue Hall at night, Ji Yan listened to his disciple report on Mi Lian's whereabouts throughout the day, including the conversation between her and Hua Ying, and understood that the princess of Chu State was developing according to his expectations.

After shooing away the disciples, another half an hour passed before Mi Lian returned from Gonggongtang Medical Center and reported her harvest to Ji Yan.

Xiao Yan'er remained calm and smiled as she listened to him tell her the whole story again. At the end, she said calmly: "After you left Licheng, Huaying sent someone to Shennong Hall. The Zhu family will definitely come to visit tomorrow. Send him away yourself."

"Yes." Mi Lian was not surprised by this. Of course she knew that Huaying would definitely contact the Zhu family after she went to Zuimenglou, and she just wanted to have a chance to have an honest chat with her herbal teacher, so like this The progress was as she expected.

Including Ji Yan's reaction.

Her Royal Highness the Princess feels that she can gain more benefits for herself by predicting Ji Yan's actions~

Compared with Daze Mountain in Western Shu Mountain, the population here is sparsely distributed.

Yu Ziqi, who had been friends with Lu Wei in Shouchun, moved quickly, darting around in the dense forest, and quickly set up a witchcraft trap.

Last month, senior officials in Shushan, including him, received strict demands from envoys from the Qin Dynasty asking for the Fuso Sacred Tree and demanding that Shushan accept the jurisdiction of the Chaotang County system.

For the people of Shushan, the system of prefectures and counties is not unacceptable, but it is absolutely impossible to compromise on poaching the sacred Fusang tree.

The Qin envoy was very calm in the face of rejection, and left proudly after issuing a deadline, leaving everyone in Shushan knowing that war was inevitable.

Ever since he learned that the Yin Yang family was working for the Qin State, the Great Elder of Shushan understood that this was bound to happen.

He had been waiting quietly for decades, and this day finally arrived.

If they only rely on Shushan to fight Qin, their probability of winning is extremely slim.

But even if it is a chess game that must be lost, it must be played.The duty of Yu Yuan's guards is to protect the Fuso sacred tree, and there is absolutely no reason to hand it over without resistance.

This catastrophe in Shushan is unavoidable and can only be fought!

(End of this chapter)

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