Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 295 Creating Military Merits

Chapter 295 Creating Military Merits

In the 27th year of the First Emperor's reign, in 220 BC, His Majesty the Emperor recruited civilians and built a Changxin Palace south of the Wei River. Not long after, Changxin Palace was suddenly renamed Jimiao, which means that it corresponds to the North Star in the sky.

With the Yin and Yang family as advisors, Ying Zheng hopes to imitate the stars in the night sky and build new palaces on the surface of the earth to correspond to them, thus showing that Da Qin is a heaven on earth.

As for the construction of a special road from Ji Temple to Lishan Mountain, the meaning is self-evident.

As the right protector of the empire, Moon God is responsible for selecting locations for the Ji Palace and other surrounding star palaces.

In the same year, His Majesty the Emperor ordered the construction of the front hall of Ganquan Palace and paved the road with bluestone to connect Ganquan Palace with Xianyang so that he could come to escape the summer heat.

From Ji Temple to Ganquan Palace, the role of special roads has been fully exerted. Therefore, Ying Zheng launched the third call for people all over the world this year: to build Chi Road to connect all the major cities in the country. Strengthen local ties with Xianyang and stabilize rule.

Since Qin had only unified the world not long ago, the people of the six kingdoms were still unable to adapt to Qin's laws. As a result, a large number of people violated the law due to ignorance in just one year, which caused turmoil in the empire's rule.

After Zhang Han discovered this situation and reported it on his way back from Chu, Yingzheng thought about establishing a new country. In order to win over the people, and as a way to appease the people who were recruited three times this year, he granted the people of the world a first-class title, which can be used. As a crime.

With such generosity, the people should be quiet.

After planning the recruitment of civilians, Ying Zheng turned his attention to the two souths: Baiyue and Shushan.

The conquest of Baiyue was the follow-up to the conquest of Chu. The action plan had already been decided. The 50-strong army had been assembled in Chu, and the food was well prepared. Therefore, as soon as the winter passed in the following year, the general Tu Sui immediately sent troops south.

The reason why we have to wait for winter is because after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, according to the Five Virtues theory of the Yin and Yang family, it was believed that the Zhou Dynasty favored fire, and Qin should follow the Zhou Dynasty and should be the water virtue. Under the requirements of the five elements of water virtue, the empire set the first day of the new year as the first day of October. .

Before the army set off, a letter requesting surrender from the Minyue King Wuzhu was sent to Xianyang. Therefore, Tu Sui believed that the Yue people were timid and despised them from the beginning.
Compared with the mighty Yue land, the army led by Meng Tian in the expedition to Shushan was much smaller, only [-] in number.

The generals of the Meng family were completely suppressed by the Wang family when they destroyed the Six Kingdoms. Even though they captured Xiang Yan's head on the battlefield of Chu, they were blocked by the Qi army when they led the army to destroy Qi, so Wang Ben took the lead. , Meng Tian only received secondary merit.

This time Shushan was eliminated, Meng Tian gained trust again, and he was determined to satisfy His Majesty the Emperor.

Lord Zhongdong and Lord Yun Zhong of the Yin Yang Family will go with them and be responsible for dealing with Yu Yuan's guards.

Three conscriptions of civilians and two wars were the attitude faced by the people of the world in the second year after the establishment of the empire.
Lu Wei, who was far away in Jing County, felt a little distressed when he heard that his future was being consumed in this way. However, just a moment later, he hoped that His Majesty the First Emperor would continue his efforts:

If we don’t carry out large-scale construction projects and fight everywhere, how can we have any chance~
I have no choice but to suffer the common people one more time and let the Qin Dynasty bear the blame!

Although the farmers were not able to stay out of the trouble this year, and several sections of the Chidao in Qidi were required to be borne by the farmers, for the [-] disciples of the farmers, as long as they were well organized and looked after each other during the construction process, this was not a heavy burden. to unacceptable pressure.

After excerpting Xianyang's deeds on paper, Lu Wei met with Ouyang Yao, the king of Dongou, and Wuzhu, the king of Minyue after the surrender.

Although these two people were recognized as rulers by the Qin Dynasty, they wisely regarded themselves as subordinates in front of Lord Xia Kui and respectfully called Mr. Lu 'Mirror Duke'.

The two Yue tribes have become increasingly inseparable from Jingxian's food and other daily necessities, especially Dongou. They almost completely rely on Jingxian caravans for food. A large number of Yue people under their rule have also taken the initiative to come to the surrounding areas of Jingxian as labor force. .

Jingxian County also built luxurious residences for the two emperors. Compared with the remote Dongou and Minyue, Ouyang Yao and Wuzhu preferred to live here.
Lu Wei summoned them today because he wanted to be kind and send officials to Jing County as prime ministers for the two Yue tribes.

The talents in Jing County are excellent, and going to govern the territory of Yue can greatly relieve the worries of the two monarchs. Naturally, Ouyang Yao and Wu Zhu cannot refuse the good intentions of 'Jing Gong'.

After writing the appointment document on the spot, Ouyang Yao and Wu Zhu respectively stamped their official seals, Lu Wei took up his pen and wrote the word "ke" and his own name at the bottom. From then on, the selection of political officials in the two places must be It must be approved by 'Jinggong'.

Satisfied, he handed the document to Xiao He for execution. The cooperation of the two monarchs allowed Lu Wei to send a luxurious 'reward' to their residence that night.

Beyond the land, there is no need to worry.

Although it is small, this feeling of controlling the power of two small countries is really good~
In Daze Mountain, Mi Lian got up early to meet with Ji Yan and reported her travel plan before going out to Licheng.

Skillfully mounting the horse, Her Royal Highness the Princess summoned all the old members of the Chu Kingdom who were still loyal to the royal family today. She needed to step forward to establish her position.

Ji Yan, who had complete control over Mi Lian's actions, smiled and listened to the sound of the horse's hooves leaving. He calmly held the Frightening Salamander Sword and went to the backyard for morning exercises.

With a graceful figure, light and elegant, she drew out the long sword. The pink sword energy drew an arc like catkins dancing in the spring breeze, and her meticulous movements were like the gurgling of a stream, gentle and agile.
Mi Lian's role for Lu Wei was to be a tool to win over the people of Chu, so Ji Yan must use this tool to accumulate reputation as soon as possible.

Now there is no hope of Chu State's restoration, and there are not enough important characters among the Chu State's aristocrats to step forward, so those old members can still accompany Mi Lian to "make trouble".

However, once there are other choices, such as the Xiang family, how many old members can Mi Lian and Mi Xin keep from leaving just by relying on themselves?
Female leaders in this era are ultimately unreliable. What people trust is a hero who can lead them to victory while retaining long-term benefits for future generations.

Mi Lian and Mi Xin are not qualified for this. At that time, all they can rely on are farmers, or they are willing to be Xiang's puppets.The old tribe that Mi Lian has conquered will eventually be used by the farmers.

Although with the help of these people, the Chu princess may be freed from her control, but so what~
The leader of the Siyue Hall will never be the pinnacle of Ji Yan's mind. If he wants to cultivate Mi Lian's growth to the satisfaction of Master Xia Kui, she and Mi Lian are destined not to be on the same plane!

After arriving in Licheng, Mi Lian did not go to see Yingbu Jibu and others immediately. Instead, she took a serious bath in the stronghold of Siyuetang City.

She put on a brocade dress embroidered with the phoenix bird pattern representing the Chu Kingdom, tied up her hair and inserted a fiery red phoenix hairpin. After the Princess of Chu Kingdom in the mirror put on a heroic make-up for herself, she specially tied it around her waist. A beautiful long sword as a decoration

Although her swordsmanship is terrible, as long as she doesn't unsheath her sword, no one in her old subordinates will know about it.

For her, the only person who could win the respect of the old tribe of Chu State was the status of the eldest princess, so today she had to show her royal dignity.

Licheng is deeply influenced by peasant forces, but the ability of Qin's spies cannot be underestimated.

Wearing such ostentatious clothes full of Chu culture, there is no guarantee that someone will be watching. In order to ensure safety, Mi Lianlin put on a simple and elegant long skirt as a cover before going out. She could wear it again when she got to the place. Come down.

On the way, she repeatedly thought about the list of old members she was going to face. The fact that there was no name from the Xiang clan made her frown a little gloomy.

Thanks to Ji Yan's deliberate actions, Mi Lian knew that many elite members of the Xiang clan, including the young master Xiang Yu, had survived the Qin-Chu war.

I also know that Xiang Yan, who died in the battle, won more sympathy from the Chu people than Xiong Qi, the king of Chu. The old troops of the Chu army miss the Xiang family all the time.

When he asked to summon his old troops, Ji Bu did not find any members of the Xiang family, but this was actually good news. Otherwise, when the Xiang family arrived, would the prestige of the princess be comparable to that of the young master of the Xiang family who went to the battlefield at the age of eight?
The Xiang family is a hidden danger to Mi Lian, and can even be an enemy.

This kind of thinking shows that Mi Lian is actually not as enthusiastic about reviving the Chu Kingdom as she said to Yingbu and Huaying. She wants to imitate Ji Yan and become the leader of a river and lake power, so that she can have a decent life with her sister. to spend this life.

Mi Lian did not have the confidence to go against the powerful Qin State.What's more, her father is dead and Chu has a new queen after the restoration of the country. She is no longer the eldest princess of Chu.
From a selfish point of view, Mi Lian believes that after the death of her father, it is most important to maintain the current situation so that she can gradually gain support: just like Ji Yan used the Xinling disciples to use the old Chu people to climb to a high position in the peasant family, he is the most powerful person. Hope for the future.

After recognizing her own heart, Mi Lian knew what she was going to do next:

Suppress the remaining influence of the Xiang family in the old tribe of Chu State, and then bind them to farmers for their own use!
'What Ji Yan can do, I can do too.'

Arriving at the secret gathering place, Mi Lian's eyes turned cold, and she knocked on the door regularly according to the agreed signal.

Wang Li, who was in Xianyang, waved his spear angrily, and his whole body was full of violence.

As the legitimate son of Wang Ben and the legitimate grandson of Wang Jian, Wang Li attracted the attention of the top dignitaries of the Qin Kingdom as soon as he was born.

Especially after Wang Jian and Wang Ben, their father and son, led the army as generals to eliminate five of the Six Kingdoms, Wang Li became even more popular.

But compared with the military achievements of his grandfather and father, Wang Li never got the opportunity to lead the army alone.

The two most prominent families in the Qin army were the Wang family and the Meng family. Both generations, Wang Jian and Wang Ben, were basically able to suppress the Meng family's competitors. Only in his generation, Meng Tian, ​​who was close to him in age, got the title of emperor. His Majesty trusts far more than himself.

Meng Tian was able to lead the army to attack Qi. Although he did not make the first contribution, this clearly shows that in the heart of His Majesty, Meng Tian has equal status to his father!

This year he led the army to attack Shu again. Even though the attack on Shu was not a large-scale war, this war could be personally watched by the emperor, and its importance undoubtedly increased sharply.

As for himself, he could only stay in Xianyang and was praised by others as "Wang Jian's grandson" and "Wang Ben's son".

Such a gap made Wang Li feel unhappy.

He needs military merit and military merit that can be appreciated by His Majesty the Emperor!
Only in this way can he live up to his reputation as a general of the Wang family.The No. 1 general in the empire can only be inherited by the Wang family.

But now the empire doesn't have enough enemies:
The veteran general Tu Sui is in charge of the Baiyue side, and he cannot rob it.

He had no chance at Shushan Mengtian.

For a time, the long-term stability of the empire made Wang Li very uncomfortable.

He needs to help the soldiers of the empire create a new war: if there is nothing external, look for it from within.

For example, a farmhouse!

If he could cut off all of these [-] heads, he would have achieved military success.
(End of this chapter)

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