Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 296 Death of Tian Hu

Chapter 296 Death of Tian Hu
Of course, the governance of the country requires long-term peace and stability, but Wang Li is the heir to the Wang family's military power. From a military perspective, he needs military merit.

When following his father Wang Ben to destroy Wei, Wang Li once led his army to Licheng on the border of Wei and Qi, which now belongs to Dongjun.

He realized that Licheng was a city deeply influenced by farmers. While guarding Dongjun, Wang Li paid attention to the farmers who had [-] disciples, but at that time, he had not yet had the idea to use these heads as military merits. idea.

After all, there were still Chu and Qi countries at that time that could be used as meritorious deeds to establish a business, and the peasant family was just a group of common people in terms of attributes.

But later, whether it was to destroy Chu or Qi, his grandfather and father respectively made the first contribution, but he himself always stayed in Xianyang without any trouble.

At the same time, the most important thing is that his rival Meng Tian has gained something in these two wars, making himself far further away.

Now that Meng Tian was in charge of destroying Shu, the suppressed jealousy in Wang Li's heart suddenly exploded:

In terms of status, Wang Li is destined to inherit the title of Wuchenghou from his grandfather Wang Jian or Tongwuhou from his father Wang Ben.

When it comes to money and beauties, he has no shortage of them.

If Wang Li has no ambition and only sticks to the legacy of his father's generation, he will still have a place that cannot be ignored in the empire's court in the future. Others will always be jealous of him.

However, Wang Li was very motivated: he didn't want to rely solely on his family's power, he wanted to use his own abilities to leave his name in the history of society.

Soldiers need military merit. If there is no war, then create war. At this time, the peasant family was remembered again: one hundred thousand heads are very important. Even if His Majesty the Emperor will not suddenly attack the peasant family for no reason, then he can use some private means to force him to rebel. Philosophers
As long as the war continues and I suppress Daze Mountain with lightning speed, not even His Majesty the Emperor will say anything.

Therefore, even if he was far away in Xianyang, he would still pay personal attention to Licheng Zuimenglou's initial intention to seek refuge.

Zuimenglou is just a place of romance, no matter the money or sex, it is nothing to Wang Li, but Zuimenglou can investigate the farmer's house, which makes him very excited.

For the time being, Wang Li still cannot leave Xianyang, so he can make plans in advance.

Grandpa Wang Jian reported illness again and returned home. As expected, he had to inherit the position of Marquis Wu Chenghou. Then his father Wang Ben was not in good health. In a few years, he would have to take over his father's position as general.

The general's jurisdiction surprisingly includes Dongjun.

When Wang Li became the general, his plan to force the peasants to rebel could be implemented.

As for the consequences if something went wrong in the process, he had already thrown it away in the competition with Meng Tian: According to Wang's accumulated merits, if he really failed, he would settle down for a while. Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor would depose Wang because of a farmer? Direct descendant?
Judging from the benefits and results, you can take the gamble yourself.

Wang Li hopes to bring himself and Meng Tian to the same starting line as soon as possible.

What's more, he still has allies!
An imperial dignitary full of jealousy, how could such a person not be caught in the net~
Even though Luo Wang and the Nongjia have ceased fighting, if they can force Wang Li to stand on their side, they can obviously use the Nongjia again:
This helped Wang Li confirm his plan to force the peasant family to rebel. Luo Wang would gain huge benefits from the fight between the two parties no matter what the outcome.

Wang Lisheng, he will naturally remember Luo Wang's help and be grateful to Luo Wang, and the evidence that he was involved in forcing the peasant family to rebel will also be obtained by Luo Wang.

The Nongjia wins, which is even better. Wang Li will be completely caught in the trap.

After all, if the former situation occurs, it is hard to say whether the Emperor will punish Wang Li severely even if his deeds are revealed. However, if he loses, the Wang family will definitely pay the price.

Considering this point, Luo Wang hopes that the farmer's family can win a small victory: If Wang Li can be controlled by Luo Wang, it will be more important than ten farmers!

Therefore, Luowang Zhao Gao has always treated Wang Li with great respect, which is very useful to Wang Li: a CRRC order is nothing in his eyes, but Zhao Gao can provide him with some attitude of His Majesty the Emperor, which is very important.

A new conspiracy against the peasant family is brewing. In Licheng City, Mi Lian learned from Huaying that the imperial general Wang Li took the initiative to contact Zuimenglou and was very surprised.

Huaying and Zuimenglou started trying to please Wang Li after the Kingdom of Wei was destroyed. The reason was because of Wang Li's identity: at that time, the Kingdom of Chu was not yet destroyed, so Huaying wanted to find something related to the Kingdom of Chu from Wang Li. information.

As a result, the response from the test was better than expected. Wang Li actually paid attention to Zuimenglou, which surprised Hua Ying.

Unfortunately, when Wang Jian attacked Chu and Wang Li was recalled to Xianyang, the relationship was temporarily interrupted.

Before the Kingdom of Chu was destroyed, Her Royal Highness the Princess disappeared first. Hua Ying's main purpose of contacting Wang Li at this time was to find an official backer for Zuimenglou.

Only relying on the name of a farmer can deal with the troubles in the world, but it cannot deal with the officials of the Qin Dynasty. A large part of the reason for the disappearance of the eldest princess is due to this.Unexpectedly, when the gift was sent to Xianyang, it was quickly accepted by Wang Li. Huaying thought that Zuimenglou had long been forgotten by Wang Li, but the mention of the farmhouse in the other party's letter made Huaying think twice:
Wang Li was very interested in farmers, so after communicating with the Zhu family, Huaying deliberately used some less important information to reach some good transaction results with Wang Li.

When Mi Lian returned last year, she showed that she had a close relationship with the farm family. When the Zhu family hall leader went to Siyue Hall to inquire, he found that Mi Lian's status was not low, and Mi Lian was willing, so he didn't take any more care.

Huaying then reported her contact with Wang Li to the princess. Mi Lian hesitated and made her own decision, ordering Zuimenglou to cut off active contact with Wang Li.

As a result, this year Wang Li actually took the initiative to ask about the situation in Zuimenglou without receiving a report from Zuimenglou. Such enthusiasm did not match Wang Li's identity. Even Mi Lian could see that Wang Li's attitude was abnormal and wanted to If the answer fails, he will report it to Ji Yan decisively.

The Zhu family mentioned the communication between Zuimenglou and Wang Li at the farmer's meeting, so Ji Yan knew Wang Li's interest in the farmer very early. Now that Mi Lian reported it, she only needed a little careful analysis to confirm that Wang Li was interested in the farmer's family. Li came for the farmer’s head;
Although there is no way to investigate Wang Li's character, the greatest value of the farmer's family is the one hundred thousand disciples of the farmer's family. It is thought that there is no one else who can make Wang Li pay so much attention except these one hundred thousand disciples themselves.

Ji Yan had no right to react to this level of possibility, so she had no choice but to pass the news to Lu Wei.

Duke Jing, who was very dignified in Jing County, was not very anxious after receiving the letter. Instead, he calmly made plans for the affairs of Jing County, wrote another letter and sent it to Chen Ping urgently, and then slowly rushed to Daze Mountain.

Lu Wei knew about the contact between Zuimenglou and Wang Li earlier than anyone else. In addition, he knew about the current power disputes within the empire, so he certainly knew Wang Li's desire for military glory.

Lu Wei even guessed Wang Li's plan to rebel against the peasant family.

However, he had no way to sneak into Xianyang and kill Wang Li, so he could only let the other party control him for the time being.

Anyway, Wang Li can't leave Xianyang in a short time. If he wants to attack the farmers, he can only wait until he succeeds Wang Bi as general. By then, the farmers will be well prepared for rebellion.

The worst result is that after Nongjia defeated Wang Li, he asked Xinghun to attack the First Emperor in advance, causing civil strife in the empire. It is expected that the final time will not be much different, and the people have long hated Great Qin.

As for Zhao Gao, if Zhao Gao cannot teach Hu Hai how to be a foolish king because he cares little about the overall situation, then let him die early!

As for the letter that Lord Xiakui sent to Chen Ping, he hinted that Chen Ping could take action against the Chiyou Tangtian family. This time, the hidden dangers in the farmhouse need to be completely eliminated!

There was no other sound from the farmhouse since then.

This will be the result that Chen Ping will get during the interrogation of Tian Mi. Lu has not returned to Daze Mountain yet, and cleaning up the Tian family will have nothing to do with him.

The Tian family in the farm family used to be the largest clan in the farm family. However, due to the Lieshan and Kuei changes, the Tian family's disciples suddenly became ostracized by the disciples with other surnames, so they had to seek refuge one by one with the only remaining family in the six halls. There is Tian Hu in Chi You Hall.

Earlier, a fight broke out between the Tian family and the foreign surnames in Chi You Hall, stimulated by Xiao Yan'er. Tian Hu unconditionally stood by the Tian family, and with the support of almost all the Tian families, he had many subordinates of the same clan and decisively took over all affairs in Chi You Hall. The disciples of the Tian family will be in charge.

This provocation was finally solved by Tian Hu in an unreasonable way, and the foreign surname was suppressed to the lowest level. However, this also provided Chen Ping with great convenience: with Tian Hu's arrangement, then his frame list would only need to be based on Tian Hu's Just make it based on the appointment results.

This frame-up will be based on Tian Mi's "sincerely repentant confession" and the evidence investigated by Lieshan Hall Ayu. Chen Ping, as the nominal neutral hall leader, is mainly responsible for the Tian family's suppression.

Gonggongtang has a sensitive identity and must stand neutral.Ayu's surname is sensitive and must be neutral.

Ji Yan will become Chen Ping's accomplice, and if Mi Lian is left to persuade the Zhu family, Tian's fate is doomed.

The arrest of Tian Hu will be carried out by Wu Kuang: Tian Mi fully described the process of the Kuei Hall scandal more than ten years ago. The reason why Wu Kuang and his brother Chen Sheng ended up like that, It was all Tian's plan.

In terms of pure hatred, apart from Chen Sheng, who was imprisoned in Qin's death row, Wu Kuang had the deepest hatred for the Tian family.

He would never show mercy to Tian Hu.

Not long after the changes in Spring Valley Village, a killing spree against Chi Youtang began again.
When Lu Wei returned to Daze Mountain and was surprised to hear the news, he only got the body of Tian Hu and a list of most of the imprisoned Tian disciples.

Tian Hu didn't deserve to die, but Chen Ping said helplessly that Tian Hu was unwilling to follow Wu Kuang to Kui Kuang Hall to confront Tian Mi in court, and he also took the initiative to summon Tian's disciples to lead Chi Youtang out of the farmhouse.

In desperation, a civil war broke out. As a result, he was accidentally killed during the chaos. The disciple who accidentally killed Tian Hu also died due to Tian Hu's madness before his death.

If one ignores that the sword wound on Tian Hu’s chest was from the Jingli Sword, Lu Wei believed this theory and announced it to the public with great sadness.
The farm family is now completely monolithic!
(End of this chapter)

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