Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 297 Xiao Yu

Chapter 297 Xiao Yu
Tian Hu was instantly killed by Ji Yan's sword. It is true that Tian Hu did not take too much precautions, but it can still be seen that Xiao Yan'er has become more and more confident in his own skills that have improved over the years, so he began to use force more often. Solve the problem.

This method is more direct and often more effective.

Whether it is Tian Hu this time or Uniform Yingbu reported by Ayu Secret Guard last year, she has shown first-class strength in the world.

This is as it should be: Ji Yan has outstanding talents and is taught by famous teachers. Although she looks like a very weak girl, she is very quick to attack because she will pay a heavy price for looking down on her because of her appearance.

Yingbu and Tian Hu were both known for their bravery. Such an opponent was Ji Yan's favorite target in every aspect.

She has shown her wisdom and loyalty before, and now she is beginning to shine in terms of martial arts, and her ability to stand alone is undoubtedly revealed.

As for the small flaws left by Chi Youtang's variant, four of the six halls are from their own people, and Chi Youtang itself is about to be cleaned up, so the Zhu family will not say anything more.

This man with thousands of faces understands the importance of cleaning up the Tian family, not to mention that Tian Hu has never been innocent.

But in this way, it was also revealed that Chen Ping is the direct descendant of Lu Wei, the leader of the knights. After a rough calculation, although Ayu of Lieshan Hall is only the acting hall master, everyone knows that he will change his position sooner or later. Ji Yan of Siyue Hall After analysis, it is even more likely that the heroes and loyal dogs ascended to the throne, and it goes without saying that Gonggongtang.

All the stewards in the Chiyou Hall are members of the Tian family. How they will be dealt with is another matter. However, the position of the new hall leader will definitely not be chosen among the Tian family. Not surprisingly, this position will also be appointed by the Xiakui.

But in this way, the Zhu family's own position became awkward.

Lu Wei was also aware of the possible worries of the Zhu family, so he had already planned to go to comfort him later. The Zhu family was still useful, and there was no need to clean it up for the time being: apart from anything else, if something unexpected happened in the Six Sages Tomb , among the current hall leader roles, only the Zhu family can fill the role. The other members are their direct descendants and they certainly cannot be sent to the tomb for retreat.

Now, after the chief culprit has been eliminated, it is an important matter how to deal with other members of the Tian family who have been in charge of the first family in the farm for decades.

This group of people certainly cannot be killed: after all, there are two elders in Tian Guang and Liuxian Tomb in Lishan Mountain who are members of the Tian family. It is difficult for them to explain to them the Tian family's annihilation.

Being too harsh and exterminating the Tian family can easily make other disciples have other ideas.

Therefore, it is a very important matter to spread the viciousness of Tian Meng, Tian Hu, and Tian Mi. The crimes of these three people must be aggravated layer by layer in the subsequent investigation, so that the three people can bear all the crimes they can bear, and then persuade them to The ordinary disciples of the Futian clan suddenly woke up, and the stubborn disciples resolutely suppressed them, pulling in groups and beating them up. This review task was still left to Chen Ping:

The trigger for the incident in Chiyoutang was the frame-up by Tian Hu, Tian Mi, and three others, including the deceased Tian Meng, against the former master and general manager of Kueitang 14 years ago.

It makes sense to leave it to Chen Ping, the current head of Hall Kuui, for review.

Chen Ping will definitely sentence all members of the Tian family to serious crimes, and then he should pardon some members to win people's hearts~
With a decision in mind, Lu Wei, accompanied by several hall masters, went to inspect the imprisoned Tian family members.

Then, he was attacked: among Tian's disciples who had mixed emotions such as frustration, fear, etc., it was not without diehard loyalists.

Sensing the clear murderous intention in advance, Lu Wei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, put one hand behind his back and held still, pulled out Tunhai with one hand, and cut off the attacker's right arm with a sword before the hall masters behind him could react.

The arm with light purple skin attracted attention. The bone demon turned his head 180 degrees and ignored the pain of his broken arm. The iron mask continued to pounce on Lu Wei expressionlessly.

This wave of attacks on Master Xia Kui does not need to be carried out personally. Ji Yan, Chen Ping, and the Zhu family acted at the same time: the Zhu family's acupuncture points in the air first blocked the movement of the bone demon in mid-air, and then Chen Ping and Ji Yan's long swords Then they nailed the bone demon to the ground, and the two people's attack parts deliberately avoided his vital points, and the bone demon was directly captured alive.

The bone demon is not named Tian. He is a lone killer brought back from the Taihang Mountains by Tian Hu. Theoretically, he can change his family when the Tian family is lonely.

But he still chose to be imprisoned as a remnant of the Tian family, and did not hesitate to assassinate Lu Wei when he arrived.

Lu Wei's strength has been experienced by the Bone Demon a long time ago. He knows very well that this assassination will have no chance of success, and his actions will only lead to death in vain. However, Tian Hu is dead. As a guest he raised, the Bone Demon Thinking that it is necessary to show the chivalrous demeanor of the guest reporter.

Just because he is a cruel killer with heinous crimes doesn't mean he doesn't know how to repay kindness!

Bone demon, this Taihang killer had a relationship with Lu Wei earlier than Tian Hu.

Lu Wei looked coldly at the blood-stained character who was struggling desperately on the ground, causing wounds to expand, but still stubbornly trying to crawl towards him, and a flash of memories flashed through his mind.

The time goes back to when he was still under the Xu family, when he went to Shouchun for the first time to conclude a horse trade with the Xiang family and on his way back to Jicheng in batches, Aye was humiliated and snatched away by the bone demon who was also a lone killer. got some goods.

Later, when they formally met, this naturally boneless guy was won over by Tian Hu.

The bone demon's strength was pretty good, but Lu Wei had always disliked other people's loyalists, and the bone demon was not worthy of torture, so he lightly said "execute him" and continued walking around the bloodstains.

After receiving the order, Chen Ping and Ji Yan cut off the bone demon's neck, and the other pierced the bone demon's heart. They shut up and completed the order neatly, then sheathed their swords and continued to follow Master Xia Kui.

As for the corpse left behind, the disciples will take care of it later.
The later inspection was quiet. Most of Tian's disciples had understood their situation, so except for the bone demon, Lu Wei did not encounter any more fatal assassinations.

————Before Meng Tian’s Shushan army entered the boundary of Shushan, they were harassed by the Shushan witchcraft that appeared from time to time, and their marching speed was much slower than expected.

The people of Shushan could not withstand the charge of the Golden Fire Cavalry, but these unpreventable witchcraft were equally difficult for the Qin army who saw such tricks for the first time.

Yun Zhongjun and the disciples of the Yin Yang family didn't want to show up so early, but couldn't bear Meng Tian's request, so he took action anyway.

Compared with Yun Zhongjun, who has been sitting in the frame and can communicate, Dongjun, another Yin Yang family character, was not in the army from the beginning.

However, according to Yun Zhongjun, this big shot will only appear when facing Yu Yuan's guards or the Shushan Shu Dao Confusion Formation. Now she hides her traces just to catch Shushan off guard at the critical moment.

Meng Tian was cautious and did not comment on this. He saw that the marching speed increased after Yun Zhongjun took action, so he was not in a hurry to ask Dongjun to come forward.

Yu Ziqi was hiding in the dense forest and couldn't help but clenched his fists as he looked at the Yin Yang family disciples and Yun Zhongjun who were clearing the way for the Qin army in advance.

After thinking for a long time, he was very calm and did not lead the other Shushan elite disciples around him to attack rashly: According to the great elder, although the five elders of the Yin Yang family are high-end forces in the Yin Yang family, just one Yun Zhongjun is not qualified to compete with the entire Shu Mountain. Yu Yuan's guards resisted and cracked the Shu Road.

The Yin Yang family must have sent more powerful people to hide in the dark!
Yu Ziqi's decision was correct, but what he didn't know was that the more powerful Yin Yang family character, Dong Jun, was watching him with his hidden aura on the treetops behind everyone in Shushan.

If Dongjun is willing, she can quietly arrange the Yin-Yang spell at this moment to kill all these Shushan disciples.

But what the guy in Daze Mountain means is that although he wants to destroy Shu, he can't let Shu Mountain suffer too much loss of living power: the more power left in Shu Mountain, the more helpful it will be to their plan.

As a cooperative partner, Dongjun did not need to deliberately sabotage Lu Wei's plan. Cooperating with each other was a win-win situation, so she just watched the actions of the people in Shushan and did not kill anyone.

'The strength of these Yu Yuan guards is not strong. It seems that the Shushan lineage can only rely on those old guys to support them. '

After Master Dongjun found out all the details of these Shushan disciples, he left feeling bored.

On the Shu Mountain, the young Yu Yuan's guard Xiao Yu could not go out to hinder the Qin army's actions like his elder brother, so he could only add various small tricks to the Shu Dao maze in the mountains.

After a while, 'Lan', a childhood playmate of the same age as Xiao Yu, found her and said that the great elder was looking for her.

"I got it~ I'll be there right away." When he stood up, the complicated silverware on his body clinked together. Xiao Yu smiled and nodded to his friend before running towards the top of the mountain.

The sacred tree that reaches into the sky from the top of the mountain can be seen anywhere in Shushan. This generation of Shushan Great Elder has been guarding the Fuso sacred tree for decades. At this moment, he is standing under the giant tree with a blood-red trunk and leaning on a cane. The tree never falls in all seasons. The golden leaves are dazzling.

Even if he could see this sacred tree every day, the Great Elder would still be amazed by its infinite vitality.
"Grandpa Elder, I'm here." Xiao Yu quickly jumped up to the top of the mountain and said to the great elder lively.

Shushan is indeed facing a crisis, but for Xiaoyu, who has never left Shushan since she was born, she still does not understand the seriousness of this crisis.

It was only because the elder grandfather and his brother Yu Ziqi looked nervous that Xiao Yu occasionally showed a serious expression, imagining what the cruel Qin people looked like.

"Xiao Yu." The elder turned around, and then Xiao Yu saw a little black beast moving in the elder's arms. Her eyes lit up, and when she got closer, she saw clearly that it was a little black beast. Leopard: "How is your Wushan Chaoyun practice going?"

"I have memorized the formula, and there is no problem in releasing it! But I am not skilled enough yet." Xiao Yu looked at each other with the elder holding the little black panther. At the same time as he answered the question, he noticed that the little black panther looked at him with a human touch in his golden pupils. After turning around, I couldn't help but feel fond and curious and asked:
"Elder, is this a new generation of 'Nian Beast'?"

A kind of exotic black panther cultivated in the Shushan Mountains is well known to the people of the Shushan people. This black panther is the same size as a normal black panther when it is young, but when it reaches adulthood it can grow to more than three meters tall, with four or five people hunched over its back. Easily.

Black Panther is not only powerful in combat, but also very understanding of humanity.

Among them, the black panther with the most outstanding pedigree in each generation will be revered as the "Nian Beast" in Shushan custom and is revered by people.

"Yes, its name is Xiao Hei." The elder bent down and put the little black panther on the ground. Xiao Hei walked directly to Xiao Yu's feet without any fear and rubbed her calf affectionately.

The furry touch made Xiao Yu couldn't help but smile even brighter, and he knelt down and gently stroked its head.

"From now on, it's yours to take care of."

The Great Elder looked at Xiao Yu who was naturally close to the Black Panther. In terms of talent and mission, Xiao Yu was the most special one among this generation of Yu Yuan's guards. The recognition of 'Nian Beast' was the best proof of this.

"Yes!" Xiao Yu was overjoyed when he heard the great elder's words. He picked up the black panther and said with joy, "I will definitely not let the elder down!"

However, what Xiao Yu didn't know was that at the same time she accepted the 'Nian Beast', she also accepted another mission.
The great elder looked at the innocent girl, but did not tell the mission immediately. He just turned around and continued to look at the fuso tree that represents eternity:
'What will the future of Shushan be like?'

(End of this chapter)

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