Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 298 Investigating Gai Nie

Chapter 298 Investigating Gai Nie
Jicheng in Yandi, due to the war many years ago, this city has never been able to return to its former prosperity.

Most of the main part of Jicheng's city wall had been demolished after the war.The folk customs here are fierce, and because of the former King of Yan Dan, the imperial court is more vigilant about the local area. Even if the Yan King family does not leave any survivors, the Qin army is extremely strict in guarding against the Yan nobles.

Facts have also proved that their precautions are effective: according to the spy investigation, there are still nobles in Jicheng who are interacting with some hidden rangers.

Under the long-term peace and stability of the empire, the enemy is hiding more secretly, and the undercurrent is surging.

The local county captain did not immediately raid the noble family. He decided to use this method to fish out more rebels and achieve great success at once!
Therefore, in addition to having the city's policemen on standby at any time, the county captain also invited fifty armored Qin troops from the city defense team in an effort not to let a single traitor escape.

Today, after receiving reports that those rebellious people had entered the noble house, he immediately ordered Tianhei to launch a roundup.

The policemen and the regular army cooperated to surround the noble mansion bit by bit according to the military formation.

In the noble house, if the rebellion coming to Jicheng can be caught, it will indeed be a great achievement, but it is just too big for a county captain:
Yan Dan, the Mohist giant, and Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist clan, were talking to the master of the house, while Big Hammer and Bandit Zhi were on guard outside.

In fact, the Mohist family was not as silent as Wei Zhuang imagined. They did not appear in the world after the death of Chu, but that was because there was no soil for the Mohist family to survive in the world at that time.

According to the imperial decree, Mohist disciples were collectively wanted with a reward. People discovered that if Mohist disciples did not report their discovery, they would be punished with treason, so that real Mohist disciples did not dare to reveal their identities in a big way.

However, establishing contact with the nobles of the remaining six kingdoms is what the Mohist family has been doing under the leadership of the new giant. This way can also fight against Qin, and it is safer.

Especially after the Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms, with several large-scale labor conscriptions and public complaints gradually rising, Mohist Mohists once again had the opportunity to play a role. Mohist disciples rarely recruited many new people from the common people.

As the general environment improves, the Mohists take more actions
Yandi is the eternal base camp for Yandan. He is naturally more proficient in activities here than other places. It is normal for him to come to Jicheng.

As for Xiaoyaozi, he came purely for the Mo family.

As a clear benchmark for anti-Qin, the symbol of the Mohist family will gather a vast number of anti-Qin righteous men. Xiaoyaozi wanders around the world, and his actions gradually stand in opposition to Qin. The Mohist family needs this firm ally.

"Brother Xiaoyao is going back to Taiyi Mountain?"

Yan Dan kept his tone low. He had just finished talking about cooperation with the nobles of Yan Kingdom.Then the latter retreated sensibly, leaving only him, who was wearing a black robe, and Xiaoyaozi, who was also wearing a black robe, as spies.

"It's another year for Heaven and Man to discuss swords. This is a major event in Taoism. As the head of the Human Sect, I cannot be absent."

Xiaoyaozi nodded affirmatively, and when it came to the sword debate between heaven and man, although he had lost three battles to Chi Songzi, the leader of Tianzong, and the time span reached 15 years, his tone was still very normal.

"Tianzong has always been indifferent to world affairs. Master Chisongzi concentrates on asking questions in Taiyi Mountain, but Brother Xiaoyao has to go down the mountain and worry about the livelihood of the people. Such a duel is a bit unfair."

"No." Xiaoyaozi chuckled and explained his own understanding of Yan Dan's views: "The Tianzong practices the natural way and regards all things as chewing dogs. Practicing hard in Taiyi Mountain is their way."

"The Renzong values ​​​​being in the world, and helping the people is my way."

"Both heaven and man are practicing their own way, so the agreement between heaven and man created in this way is naturally fair."

"Brother Xiaoyao is a true gentleman." Under the black robe, Yan Dan cupped his hands and bowed slightly to Xiaoyaozi: "I understand, this covenant between heaven and man is an exchange of Tao between heaven and man. The victory or defeat of swords cannot express each other's Tao. The accuracy and level of it.”


Xiaoyaozi smiled and nodded.
The exchanges within the mansion are still continuing, but the commotion outside the mansion has already begun.

There was a "thief bone" on the Mo family's side who was on guard, and the slightest movement from the captors and the Qin army was quickly discovered by him.

Thief Zhi suppressed the playful smile on his face and took back the instant flywheel he was playing with on his finger. With a serious face, he used Qinggong to quickly check around the mansion. He estimated that there were not a few Qin soldiers surrounding him.

After calmly retreating to the mansion, Thief Zhi first warned Big Hammer not to be reckless, and then immediately went into the talking hall to inform the giant of the news.

"Big brother, it's bad. The Qin people's conscripts and troops total at least a hundred people and are approaching here. We may have been betrayed!"

Although he didn't mention anyone by name, the idea of ​​robbing the plantar clearly pointed directly at the local nobles.

As a thief, Thief Zhi has seen too many rich and powerful people who are unkind, so he naturally has no good impression of most powerful people.

Even if it was Yan Dan, the 'appointed' tycoon, Robber Zhi was only completely convinced when he saw the benevolence and righteousness of Yan Dan, who was still the prince at the time.

Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi did not panic at the news that more than a hundred Qin troops were surrounding them. The two looked at each other calmly, and the former shook his head:
"No, our whereabouts should have been exposed when we entered the city."

"But there is no need to panic. There is a tunnel in this mansion and we can evacuate through the tunnel."

"Thief Zhi, please inform Big Iron Hammer and the members of the mansion to withdraw first. Brother Xiaoyao and I will go and buy time for you."

The decision was made quickly, and neither Xiaoyaozi nor Daozhi had any objections, and the orderly evacuation progressed smoothly.

Qin Bingkong left behind more than twenty corpses, but only captured dozens of servants, big and small, and all the real masters escaped.
After Big Hammer and Bandit Zhi led their large troops out of the house two streets away, their expressions were still serious. They were not completely out of danger yet.

Although Qin Bing's sight was taken away by Juzi and Mr. Xiaoyao, there is no guarantee that the secret passage will not be discovered by Qin Bing.

They need to leave Ji City overnight.On the other side, Xiaoyaozi and Yan Dan, who had lured the Qin soldiers away, still had the intention to chat slowly during their escape.

Under the guidance of Xiaoyaozi, the two chatted about a name that logically should not be mentioned by them: Gai Nie.

"Do you know the latest news about the strongest swordsman in the empire, Gai Nie?"

"The Mo family doesn't know much about the affairs in Guanzhong. Brother Xiaoyao, please tell me." Yan Dan's eyes flickered.

"It is rumored that Gai Nie has a quarrel with Ying Zheng, and Luo Wang is secretly investigating this Guigu disciple."

Xiaoyaozi was actually able to detect the movements of Luo Sheng, which really surprised Yan Dan. He looked at the Taoist robe faintly exposed under the black robe of the head of the Renzong, and said slowly:

"Gai Nie's sword has been stained with the blood of many righteous men, but this person is not a villain. If it is true as Brother Xiaoyao said, we may be able to draw him into our front, which will be a huge blow to Qin!"

Gai Nie is Ying Zheng's swordsmanship instructor. He often stays by Ying Zheng's side, and he is also known as the Sword Master. Such a person has a high reputation within the empire.

If he suddenly joins the anti-Qin camp at this time, the implications are self-evident.

Not to mention that as a disciple of Guigu, Gai Nie's personal abilities are also among the best in the world.

"Juzi has exactly what I thought. This matter may be inconvenient for the Taoist family, and the Mohist family still needs to pay more attention to it."

"Brother Xiaoyao, don't worry, the Mo family will not miss any opportunity to add chips to the anti-Qin forces!"


"The leader of Lieshan Hall will be succeeded by Lu Yu, and the leader of Chiyou Hall will be succeeded by Dianqing. Do you have any opinions?"

At the Xiaogeng Villa meeting, after doing all the superficial work and appeasing the Zhu family, Lu Wei officially made appointments to Lieshan and Chiyou, who originally belonged to the Tian family.

Among them, Ayu has been the acting hall master of Lieshan Hall for a long time, and it is natural for him to become a regular person.

As for the ceremony, the Zhu family would have no problem with him becoming the head of the hall, even if he only considered it based on fairness.

People from the Tian family can no longer occupy high positions, and the original management of Chiyou Hall are all from the Tian family, so the new hall leader can only transfer one from the outer hall.

There is no need to mention the strength of Dianqing. Although he is a big man, he has always been known for his kindness. Moreover, he is one of the very few among the top farmers who can farm the land himself. After harvesting, he will generously share the vegetables and grains with his fellow disciples.

The Zhu family rarely admires a person's character, except during ceremonies.

As for experience, Dianqing once served as the head of the Armored Sect and also commanded the Wei soldiers. His silence did not prevent him from commanding the peasant disciples.

Both appointments were ultimately approved unanimously.

After the meeting, Chen Ping and the Zhu family stayed, while the other hall leaders left first.

The Zhu family stayed because of the Mo family's affairs.

The Zhu family had reported the secret agreement of cooperation with Lord Changping and the Mohist family to Lu Wei a long time ago. Lu Wei's instruction was that "the subject of the secret agreement can only represent Shennongtang, not the entire farm family." '

The Zhu family was not surprised, and he even went a step further: he bluntly stated that the secret agreement only represented him personally, and that Shennong Hall could get rid of the secret agreement by changing the hall owner.

He has a consciousness that is not inferior to Tian Guang.

The topic returned to business, this time the content involving the Mohist family was related to Gai Nie: the Mohist family hoped that Shennongtang could use its own ability to investigate the abnormal movements of the Imperial Sword Master.

Similar investigation content has already been published by Quicksand once. Shennongtang did launch an infiltration into the Guanzhong area after that, but the infiltration process was very careful and the extent was not enough. At least it was far from possible to investigate the Qin Palace.

Logically speaking, it is normal for Liusha to investigate Gai Nie, but the Mohist family investigates Gai Nie.
The Zhu family doesn't know the reason, but it will definitely be right to report it to Xia Kui.

"Do your best to investigate as they say. This matter does not involve the interests of the farmers."

Lu Wei said calmly that there are still two or three years before Ge Nie leaves Qin, but all parties should act in advance.

"Yes!" The Zhu family resigned decisively after receiving the instruction.After him, Chen Ping stayed for two reasons:
First, the results of the treatment of Tian's disciples need to be reported. This is a long-term task, and there is no rush to solve it all at once.

The second is Wu Kuang's request.

After Chen Ping completed the interrogation of Tian Mi, he handed the woman over to Wu Kuang. The relationship between her and Wu Kuang was not over yet in theory.

Wu Kuang’s hatred for Tian Mi goes without saying, but there is another thing that he cares about more:

That's his brother, Chen Sheng, who was imprisoned in Qin's death row
(End of this chapter)

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