Chapter 299
Chen Sheng, or the more popular name "Black Swordsman Sheng Qi" in the world, was the issue that Wu Kuang cared about most after the environment in the farmhouse stabilized.

Wu Kuang could have killed Tian Mi, his rebellious wife, with one sword, but because of this woman's design, he and his brother Chen Sheng turned against each other. Now that all the truth is revealed, he must rescue his brother.

Chen Sheng was sent to death row by the net in order to find his whereabouts. He broke into the Seven Kingdoms Prison and suffered more than he had endured while lurking in the net.

Wu Kuang himself could return to Daze Mountain as an undercover agent and expose Zhou Wen in the end, but Chen Sheng's situation would only be more dangerous.

Originally, both brothers were controlled by the net. Although Wu Kuang openly turned against him, the importance of Wu Kuang's life and death to Chen Sheng can be reflected in the tattoos on Chen Sheng's body.

The two brothers are each held by the snare, and the snare can use them both separately.

Now that Luo Wang knows that Wu Kuang has been an undercover agent, and Tian Mi has fallen into Wu Kuang's hands, the misunderstanding between the brothers who turned against each other many years ago will definitely be solved. In this case, if Chen Sheng is released, of course he will not listen to Luo Wang's orders again. He would only return to the farmhouse, and Luo Wang's leverage to control Chen Sheng had disappeared.

In this case, Luo Wang would either simply kill Chen Sheng to prevent the farmer from adding more strength.

Otherwise, Luo Wang will threaten Wu Kuang with Chen Sheng's life.
No matter what the situation is, one thing is certain: there is absolutely no possibility of Chen Sheng being released.

Wu Kuang has been sneaking into Luowang for many years and has a certain understanding of this organization. He knows that according to Luowang's methods, he will definitely threaten himself at the critical moment. In the end, no matter whether he can achieve his goal or not, Chen Sheng will die.

But even so, Wu Kuang felt that he had to accept the threat. It was his brother's life, not his own. He might betray the farmer's family again in the future.

With a criminal record, Wu Kuang's next betrayal will be firmly caught in the net, and he will probably not have the chance to notify Chen Ping or Lu Wei in time.

At this time, Wu Kuang, who had figured everything out, was glad that he did not become the master of Kui Wei Hall.

"So, Wu Kuang is telling you this. In addition to foretelling his betrayal, I'm afraid there are other things for which you need to ask me for help?"

Lu Wei looked at Chen Ping calmly, and Chen Ping nodded with a smile: "There is no wiser person than a chivalrous leader, it is true. Wu Kuang discovered a trap. This trap is obvious, but he will most likely have to step into it. At the same time, due to the characteristics of the trap, , he hopes to get our help.”

"It's no surprise that this 'our help' is what Luo Wang wants." Lu Wei thought thoughtfully. Luo Wang will never have a single purpose in his actions. Even if this organization has suffered many defeats in his own hands, it can still Its actual losses are not much.

It is even getting bigger and bigger. If you analyze it carefully, you can find that it seems that every time the snare fails, even if the main purpose fails, benefits from other angles can be obtained from the failure.

Combining the information about Wang Li that led him back from Jing County, Master Xia Kui put himself in Zhao Gao's position and immediately came up with a plan: "Luo Wang will move Chen Sheng's detention location recently, and this news is a 'coincidence' It was investigated by Wu Kuang, so Wu Kuang wants the farmer to help him halfway?"

"Not only that, Chen Shengxin is imprisoned in Qidi, in the Tooth-gnawing Prison in Songhai." Chen Ping confirmed Master Xiakui's guess and said: "Chen Sheng's transportation route has to be built by our farm. That Chi Road.”

"This is to collect evidence that our farmers are resisting the empire and plotting rebellion!" Lu Wei revealed the purpose of the trap in one sentence.

If this evidence is submitted to Wang Li, then Wang Li will be the starting point for forcing the peasant family to rebel.
"If we rescue Chen Sheng, even if we rescue people, the goal of the snare has been achieved. In comparison, it doesn't matter if Chen Sheng ends up as a farmer." Chen Ping calmly continued to add the snare plan: "And if we don't rescue Chen Sheng, Luo Wang can completely spread this news in the Jianghu and damage the prestige of the farmers. Even if Wu Kuang can understand us, won't he be completely resentful?"

"If we satisfy Wu Kuang, we will fall into the trap. But if we don't satisfy Wu Kuang, Wu Kuang's resentment may become a trigger. From now on, even if Wu Kuang does let go of his resentment for the sake of the farmers, we will Do you trust him completely?"

"Choose the third path, expel Wu Kuang or simply kill him to avoid hidden dangers, which will allow Luo Sheng to collect another piece of evidence."

"Luo Wang doesn't need to spend many resources in this operation, but it can really disgust us." Chen Ping sighed slightly. After pointing out the problem, he also gave his own solution. Such a subordinate is very considerate: "The two are the same. The lesser of the harm, our choice to appease Wu Kuang and not rescue Chen Sheng is the lowest cost solution. This is my personal opinion and I haven't talked to Wu Kuang yet."

"What do you think, Xiakui?"

In the calculated duel between the two forces, the most feared thing is that one party is too greedy and wants the benefits but is unwilling to pay the price.

Chen Ping's choice was already a relatively safe plan, but due to human nature, Lu Wei still thought about several other possibilities, and then put himself in the net and found that none of them were very safe. He decisively gave up those ideas and nodded to the subordinate in front of him: "Just Do as you say, even if this may be the only chance to save Chen Sheng, we cannot reveal the truth."

To put it bluntly, no matter Chen Sheng or Wu Kuang, these two people are just pawns to Lu Wei and Luo Wang.Some of the chess pieces are very important and are the key to victory, while some have completed their mission and are destined to be used only as discarded pieces.

Wu Kuang was no longer that useful after the Spring Valley Village Incident. Although Chen Sheng's force once helped Lu Wei, he is not that useful now.

Luo Wang and Nong Jia planned and dismantled the two former good brothers. To be cruel, they said: From the beginning, both sides did not care much about what they would think.

"Yes, I will use a reasonable reason to make Wu Kuang feel as comfortable as possible." Chen Ping had already guessed Lu Wei's choice, so he was ready to say something to Wu Kuang.

Even if it is an abandoned child, you should comfort it softly and kindly when abandoning it, and try every means to give the other person a hope: for example, 'The Tooth-gnawing Prison is far away from Xianyang. Compared with the possibility of being ambushed by the Six Sword Slaves in the middle of the rescue, wait for it. The opportunity to save people in the Fang Prison will be unexpected.

After all, if you are too cold-hearted, it will not be good if the abandoned son really strikes back and hurts you.

Just when Chen Ping thought everything was in order and was about to leave, Lu Wei suddenly stopped him:
"Wait, there is another possibility, which may embarrass us even more, so we must guard against it!"

"Xia Kui means..." Seeing Lu Wei suddenly pull out the Sea Swallowing Sword, Chen Ping was shocked and he also thought of it.
After Lu Wei and Chen Ping prepared for the worst possibility, the latter immediately stepped back and arranged everything.

Luo Wang's little test calmed Lu Wei's mind, which was about to drift after a series of successes: This organization still has a lot of cards in its hand, and if you are not careful, the farmer may overturn in small things, so you must Continue to be attentive and vigilant on the eve of dawn!
As for how to deal with Wang Li staring at the farmer's [-] heads, he was indeed a little too arrogant before. After all, Wang Li's background was there: if he had an idea, he would naturally have a lot of resources to mobilize. , a large number of people want to take the initiative to please him.

Those who talk about war may not be brave, and those who talk about peace may not be timid. The root of everything is to analyze the specific events when encountering them.For the time being, his social status is still low. Wang Li can be impulsive because he does have the capital to be impulsive and has a huge room for error.

Regardless of right or wrong, based on this fact alone, he still needs to take the initiative to stabilize Wang Li: Zuimenglou, since Wang Li wants to get this chess piece, then the farmer will cooperate with him to design himself.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei sent his disciples to summon Mi Lian, who was in charge of Zuimeng Tower, to come over.

Under Xiao Yan'er's training, this Princess of Chu made great progress last year and this year, and she is already ready for use.

Chen Sheng could easily escape from the death row in the Six Kingdoms of Shandong every time, but since he was caught by Ge Nie in Qin, he could never leave the dark death row.

The lonely sound of dripping water was the sound that Chen Sheng heard the most. He had no idea what was happening in the outside world: including the fact that the Qin State had conquered and destroyed the six kingdoms, and of course the various changes in the peasantry.

As a death row prisoner who was isolated from the outside world, he didn't know how long the outside world had passed. But one day, a red-haired eunuch suddenly came to see him alone and actually took the initiative to tell him everything that had happened in the farmer's house over the years. As he recounted, when Chen Sheng heard the name of his brother 'Wu Kuang', his eyes trembled, and the chains wrapped around his body couldn't help but make a clanging sound.
Afterwards, he was taken out of the prison. After seeing the sun for many years, Chen Sheng had to close his eyes and gradually adapt to the fresh air and bright light again.

But the jailers didn't care about this. They threw the tightly tied Chen Sheng into the prison van and the transport convoy quickly set off.

During the unintentional conversation between the escorts, Chen Sheng learned that he was going to be transported to Songhai City in the east.

In addition to their conversation, Chen Sheng also heard another sound: the clanking of his own giant chains!

This group of Qin people actually escorted me and Jique to set off together!
Feeling the strength gradually returning to his body, Chen Sheng had an idea.
At the door of the death row, Zhao Gao looked at the escort team going away with his hands behind his back, a silent smile on his face.

The Six Sword Slaves behind him have remained quiet. They do not need to accompany him on this escort mission: Luo Wang's plan is to let Chen Sheng go, and of course there is no need to impose too much vigilance.

Therefore, no matter whether the farmer rescues people or not this time, as long as Chen Sheng reaches the boundary of Daze Mountain and escapes on his own, everything will still go according to plan.

Being too lax in guarding and accompanying Juque was actually a huge flaw, but for Chen Sheng, who had just learned that his brothers who had been separated for more than ten years had returned to Daze Mountain, no matter how obvious the flaw was, did he have any other choice~
As long as Chen Sheng takes the initiative to escape from prison and appears in Daze Mountain, the empire can use the reason of searching for prisoners to ask the farmer to hand over Chen Sheng. In this case, what will the young Lu Wei Xiakui do~
Do you have to go against the empire for the sake of your reputation as a hero, or are you willing to embarrass yourself and hand Chen Sheng over in person~
(End of this chapter)

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