Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 300 Tunnel Map

Chapter 300 Tunnel Map

After casually designing a plan for the farmers, Zhao Gao returned to the Qin Palace without stopping, continuing to serve His Majesty the Emperor while taking time to teach Hu Hai.

There is no shortage of other eunuchs who want to climb up the ranks around His Majesty the Emperor, and there are countless servants at all levels who want to please the young [-]th Crown Prince. Zhao Gaoneng has always allowed himself to be favored by both parties. In addition to his outstanding ability , Diligence and running more are also an indispensable and important part.

Chen Sheng did not intend to close the net immediately. After all, the fundamental purpose of the design was to sell Wang Li a favor. On top of Wang Li, although Wang Jian retreated, Wang Ben could still hold on for a few more years.

With Wang Ben here, Wang Li was not qualified to lead troops to Daze Mountain.

So now we can only prepare the reasons for Wang Li to attack the farmer's house. When the show officially begins later, Luo Sheng will have to sell the farmer's house another favor.

By constantly jumping left and right, the final result was to defeat Wang Li and completely force him to join the Luowang camp.

Relying on Wang's reputation in the Qin military, Zhao Gao will have the opportunity to get involved or even completely control the army in the future.

The Qin Dynasty was able to dominate the world precisely because of its invincible black-armored Qin army. Whoever can control the army will be the 'emperor'.

However, the news that Chen Sheng escaped only a month later after arriving in Wei really surprised Zhao Gao: "You mean, after escaping, Chen Sheng did not return to Daze Mountain to look for Wu Kuang, but went south to Chu. Continue to be a lone ranger looking for someone to compete with swordsmen?"

"Yes", the Snare Killer knelt down and lowered his head, and whispered: "The escort team was all killed, no one was left alive, and even the bodies disappeared. We can't find any evidence."

Zhao Gao wanted to let Chen Sheng escape, so the escort team was small in number and average in strength. These people were destined to die.

However, the farmer's response was so quick, indicating that his plan was seen through from the beginning.

Listening to his subordinate's report, Zhao Gao narrowed his eyes slightly, but soon a smile appeared on his face again: "Then continue to monitor him. Our opponent is very stubborn. Unfortunately, the secrets will eventually fade away. Deadly hunters are always very patient. 's~"

Zhao Gao is very patient. In fact, blind defense cannot win the victory. However, the farmers can only launch counterattacks very few times, which determines that every counterattack by Lu Wei must be powerful enough!
"Is this box a relic of your father?"

In Xiaogeng Villa on Daze Mountain, Lu Wei picked up the wooden box that Mi Lian handed over respectfully and immediately recognized the object's identity:
After Tian Guang passed the title of Xiakui to Lu Wei, he took out a simple mechanism box and taught him a special method of opening it:

This kind of box is a secret messaging mechanism designed by the former Chu King Xiong Qi when he was still Changping Lord. It can only be opened and hidden at the bottom of the box by repeatedly opening and closing the lid in a standard order and angle. dark layer.

If it is forcibly dismantled, the strong corrosive colloid in the dark layer will immediately destroy the internal documents.

This kind of mechanism has been used by Xiong Qi since it was designed. Although the box Mi Lian handed over was covered with a layer of exquisite decoration, Lu Wei, who knew the structure of the mechanism in advance, still noticed it as soon as he got started. Internal organization properties.

There is a semicircular gap in the place where things are normally stored in the wooden box. Judging from its size, it should have contained a priceless luminous pearl.

"Yes, Ji Bu obtained it from the Qin State." Mi Lian lowered his head and replied: "Ji Bu was once responsible for commanding my father's personal guards and was deeply trusted. According to him, his father told him before his death that there was something hidden in this box. A secret that can pose a huge threat to Qin."

"After the fall of the Chu State, this box, together with the luminous pearl in the box, was secretly hidden by a greedy Qin military general, so it was not seized by the Qin government."

"After finding this clue, Ji Bu sneaked into Xianyang and spent a lot of effort to retrieve the box from the Qin general's family."

"Mi Lian is a farmer's disciple. She thought that the box might be useful to Xia Kui, so she specially gave it to Xia Kui."

After summoning the Chu princess, Lu Wei originally wanted to mention Zuimenglou to target Wang Li, but instead she gave him another surprise first, which gave Master Xia Kui something new to gain.

At the same time, new ideas came to mind.

Lili opened the box in front of Mi Lian according to the method taught by Tian Guang. A piece of cloth with dense lines carved on it popped out of the dark layer. After opening it for a closer look, it was clear that the lines on it were all over the tunnels from Qin, Chu, Yanqi and Han. Label the picture!
Some of these tunnels pass through the city gates in the wild, and some connect from inside the city to the outside.
Xiong Qi has been the prime minister of Qin for more than ten years, and he secretly used his authority to dig out these tunnels!
Theoretically, with this information about the tunnels, if the peasants raise an army in the future and unexpectedly send a small team of elites into Guanzhong along the tunnels, they can cooperate inside and outside to help break the city!
However, this map was drawn at least three years ago. Nowadays, not all of the tunnels may have been preserved. It is very likely that some of them have been discovered. He needs to send disciples to investigate the locations drawn on the map one by one.

But even so, the value of these dozens of tunnels is difficult to measure in terms of money!

"This wooden box is indeed useful to the farmers. You have made a great contribution." In fact, there was another piece of cloth hidden in the dark layer of the wooden box in the corner. After Lu Wei glanced at the words "Lian'er personally opened" written on it, he remained calm. He placed the wooden box on the table without taking out the letter Xiong Qi left for Mi Lian:

Mi Lian is in good condition now. It will be good if she maintains her current situation and can provide maximum value to the farmer's family. If Mi Lian reads her father's letter, all this is likely to change.For its own sake, it is better to pretend that this letter does not exist.

"Thank you Xiakui for your compliments. These are all things I should do." Mi Lian, who didn't know the truth about the dark layer, said happily. The wooden box was of no use to her. She originally planned to hand it over to Princess Shichang, but she thought it would be exchanged for Master Xiakui's. A good impression helps even more.

Mi Lian, who was happy that her expectations were achieved, had no idea of ​​taking back the wooden box that had been handed over to commemorate her father's legacy.

“In a farm family, there are rewards for meritorious deeds.”

Lu Wei raised his hand to touch his chin, stared at Mi Lian's smooth face, and said calmly: "Among your current subordinates are Yingbu, Jibu, and Zuimenglou. They have the power to establish a branch in Licheng."

"How about I take this as your reward?"

Allowing Mi Lian to have a certain degree of independence is a costless investment, but it stands to reason that freedom is undoubtedly quite tempting for the eldest princess who is controlled by others. However, after Mi Lian expressed her sincerity and fear, she actually refused Lu Wei's permission to establish a branch. Her appointment as steward:
"Mi Lian's ability is far inferior to that of Hall Master Ji Yan and is not enough to lead an army. Therefore, I sincerely ask Xiakui to allow me to stay with Hall Master Ji to continue my studies and progress."

"Oh?" Seeing the Chu princess trying to show humility with her wandering eyes, Lu Wei thought for a moment and guessed the other party's unwillingness to leave the core area of ​​Daze Mountain. He didn't care and nodded in agreement.

Zuimenglou, Ji Bu, and Yingbu can only be led by Mi Lian for the time being, so whether Mi Lian wants to establish a branch or not, she will still be responsible for the affairs there.

It's just that compared to staying in Licheng, she usually needs to travel back and forth between Licheng and Daze Mountain more frequently.

"In that case, let's add another one to your pearl grass."

"In addition, at your sister's place, I will ask Dr. Duanmu to use better medicine so that you sisters can live together as soon as possible."

"Thank you Xiakui!"


Moon Goddess is responsible for the follow-up process of Ji Palace, and she has other thoughts about the construction of the palace here.

The extent of the empire's deployment of people's power far exceeded her expectations from the beginning. The emperor's obsession with Legalist methods of weakening and humiliating the people actually continued after he unified the world.

Seeing with his own eyes the hard work of the people who built the palace, even if Moon God didn't know how to govern the country, he knew that the accumulation of people's resentment was rapidly expanding.

People are afraid of death. They can bear everything in order to survive. But when the burden is too heavy, you can imagine what will happen once the accumulated flood overflows the dam.
However, instead of being merciful, she deliberately became even harsher in terms of the location, construction scale and time limit of the palace.

What the Moon God does is to use the power he has now to deepen the cruelty of this country in the minds of the people in the name of Qin!
Anyway, she was ordered by His Majesty the Emperor to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and all the consequences of this must be borne by the Qin Empire itself.

In this way, the probability of success in the future will naturally be greater for the farmers.
The Emperor's decree convinced her that the country would collapse more than Lu Wei's preparations.

Yue Shen knew a lot about astrological knowledge from the beginning of her study of Onmyoji. It didn't take much effort for her to give guidance on the construction of the palace, so she usually spent more energy on breaking the spell that Donghuang quietly cast on herself. Technical research.

Xinghun's sacrifice of taking the initiative to become obsessed was not in vain. His battle with Donghuang successfully helped him find the curse node on his body. Using this curse node as a sample, Yueshen and Dongjun also quickly found the curse node on his body. Where the curse lies.

The Mirage plan is imminent. Cracking this spell is the key to their resistance to Donghuang and must be completed as soon as possible.

Otherwise, judging from the star soul's rampage, even if Sun Moon Star explodes with all its strength, it will not even be able to hurt the opponent at all if the spell on the body is not gone.

But now Dongjun has gone to Shu, the Moon God has to be in charge of the Star Palace, and the Star Soul needs to recover from his injuries: obviously every event in this matter was arranged by the Moon God himself, but these things coincidentally separated the three of them.

This prevents the sun, moon and stars from coming together to analyze the principles of the spell, and the possibility of unraveling the spell will be postponed for at least a year.

In the Yin Yang family, any coincidence cannot be simply regarded as a coincidence. As the plan comes to an end, as the moon god's cognition improves, Donghuang seems to be getting more and more sophisticated in her eyes.

Has Donghuang seen through their mirage plan?
(End of this chapter)

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