Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 301 3 years later

Chapter 301 Three years later

On the coast of the East China Sea, the shipyard where the mirage is located is an absolute restricted area.

The black-armored Qin soldiers and the Yin-Yang family guards widened the security range. They took turns patrolling day and night. Without permission, outsiders could not even see the shipyard, let alone observe the mirages on the sea.

The combination of a ship and a city is one of the most sophisticated craftsmanships. Its construction is no less difficult than the Mohist government's organ city, which took hundreds of years to be maintained and repaired by generations of disciples.

Under the order of King Qin, 10 people needed to serve this mirage, but the proportion of real shipbuilders and construction craftsmen was not large, and most of the labor force was originally ordinary farmers.

They can only do hard work such as logging and backing materials. Basically, most of the labor is far away in the mountains and mines of the Chu region, providing basic raw materials for the mirage.

Even so, compared with labor in other places, the wages of labor in Mirage are still good. Skilled craftsmen who can enter the shipyard do not need to worry about basic clothing, food, housing and transportation. Ordinary labor outside the shipyard can also get simple meals every day without having to pay extra expenses for it.

The mirage is for seeking immortals, and is naturally higher than those in palaces and Chidao. Therefore, the labor in the mirage is naturally higher than the ordinary labor.

He Bo and Shan Gui's task of guarding this place has been very easy since Qi surrendered. Under the majesty of the empire, no one dared to break into this place.

After many years, the main part of the mirage can already be seen in its prototype, but the fine work inside still requires a lot of time to complete, and the incomplete materials from the expedition to Shushan also need to be transported as soon as possible.

The departure of this ship is of great significance. It still needs to conduct a trial voyage before setting off. If you want to complete all the work within the date specified by His Majesty the First Emperor, the time is too tight and you must travel day and night!
With this understanding, the strange gems in the shipyard that glowed through the input of internal energy did not go out for more than three years from the 27th year of the First Emperor to the 30th year of the First Emperor.

Over the course of three years, a complex interior environment, tall golden sacred trees, red-gold pavilions, and magnificent and elegant furnishings were added to the mirage ship.

For the Qin State, every magnificence of the mirage represented a change within the empire:
First of all, in the battle against Shushan, which was most closely related to the mirage, Qin won a complete victory. This was a war without any surprises.

There is no help in Shu Mountain. The only hope of victory is that the Shu Dao Maze Formation surrounding every road at the foot of the mountain is not broken. After Meng Tian tentatively sent troops to enter but disappeared, he decisively invited Lord Dongjun of the Yin Yang Family to take action. The Shu Mountain Maze Formation and the Yin Yang Family Huan The basic core of the formation is the same, and they all follow the law of rotation of the five elements.

It is easy for any disciple of the Yin Yang family to get out of such a maze, but breaking the formation so that Meng Tian's army can pass smoothly is a difficult task that even fellow elder Yun Zhongjun cannot do.

But Dongjun took action and easily achieved the inverse effect of the Five Elements by modifying the position and combination of the Five Elements objects in Shu Dao, successfully creating a gap for the army to enter and exit.

The Shu Dao should not be broken so easily, but the Great Elder, the person in charge of the Shu Dao in Shu Mountain, obviously judged Dongjun's strength from his aura. On one hand, he was surprised by the strength of the Yin Yang family, but on the other hand, he also understood that the fate of Yu Yuan's guard in Shu Mountain would be temporarily interrupted. Already.
Calmly gave up and sent out Yu Yuan guards to attack Dongjun who broke the formation: using Shu Dao to deal with ordinary enemies, Yu Yuan guards can deal with enemies several times stronger than themselves, and can even kill intruders if they take advantage of their numbers.

But against a top master of the Yin-Yang family like Dong Jun, who has more profound knowledge of Yin-Yang than in the original work, Yu Yuan's guards have no chance of winning and can only die in vain.

After the great elder of Shushan retreated rationally, Shushan was equivalent to being abandoned by the Shushan people themselves: [-] Qin troops rushed into the mountain, including elite teams such as the Golden Fire Cavalry, and the Shu tribe did not organize an effective resistance at all. The Battle of Shushan Easier than Mengtian imagined.

He laughed at the Shu people's cowardice. Such a force that did not dare to resist and could only run away did not pose any threat to Da Qin!

During this trip to conquer Shu Mountain, Meng Tian's only mission was to assist the Yin Yang family to obtain the Fusang sacred tree, and to assist Yun Zhongjun in collecting precious medicinal herbs: The [-] Qin army could briefly conquer this place, but they were unable to organize effective local rule. When they left after plundering, From now on, this place will eventually be left to the Shu people to manage.

Meng Tian has never killed too many people who are willing to surrender. In his eyes, these people are regarded as subjects of the empire and His Majesty the Emperor. Whether it is as labor or tax revenue, the living are more useful than the dead.

In this way, the sacred hibiscus tree and the unique flowers and plants of Shushan were dug up and sent thousands of miles away to the coast of the East China Sea, becoming an indispensable part of the mirage design.

The empire's continuous victory on the battlefield made this country seem to be its destiny. His Majesty the First Emperor took this opportunity to inspect the star palace complex built by the Moon God. He was very satisfied: he could not see under every palace floor tile. With numerous bones and bones, he felt that his destiny had been fulfilled and began his eastward tour.

In the past three years, in addition to continuing to build palaces, Yingzheng also recruited civilians to build altars and erect stone tablets on famous mountains and rivers such as Zoyi Mountain, Taishan, Liangfu Mountain, Zhifu Mountain, and Langye Mountain to praise the merits of the Qin Dynasty.

The result of this series of actions was that prisons everywhere began to become overcrowded due to the proliferation of thieves.But this is not a big deal. If nothing happens, these criminals will be used soon when His Majesty the Emperor builds a large-scale construction project. It can be regarded as a reserve in advance. By then, there will be less good people to call in~
During the tour of His Majesty the Emperor, Gai Nie became farther and farther away from the emperor's frame, and he became more and more silent. So when Ying Zheng went to Ganquan Palace to escape the summer heat again, he simply chose not to follow him, but turned around to look for him. A certain town with an unfavorable reputation
Based on the investigation clues over the past three years, and with the help of some forces with unknown purposes, Genie knew that the child he was looking for was there.

Guigu Zongheng's destination is to meet again in the world.

As for this, His Majesty the Emperor will not know until he returns to Xianyang from Ganquan Palace.

The biggest change in the world in the past three years undoubtedly belongs to Taoism: in the new year's Heavenly Man Sword Competition, Renzong Xiaoyaozi, who had lost three times in a row in the past, was able to suddenly defeat Tianzong Chisongzi and bring Xueji back. Ren Zong.

Moreover, Master Chisongzi, whose cultivation was very close to the unity of heaven and man, died suddenly within a few months of the war. The strangeness of this caused rumors to spread in the world.
The Tianzong was leaderless for a while, but there were no riots at the Tianzong station in Taiyi Mountain. There were two main reasons for this:

First of all, Tianzong practices the natural way, and the nature of the skills determines that most Tianzong disciples do not care about the struggle for power.

Secondly, there is still an older member of the Tianzong, Bei Mingzi, who can determine who will succeed him as the head of the family. It is useless for the people below to fight even if they want to.

It's just that no one knows what the attitude of this old man is, and no one, whether it's an elder or a disciple in Tianzong, goes to ask, which leads to the complete vacancy of the position of head of Tianzong.

Tianzong itself is not involved in the world, and the absence of the leader does not affect the operation of the sect. As long as someone can stand up the next time the heaven and man discuss swords, Tianzong gradually adapts to the days without the leader.

There have been no major changes in the Confucian and Mohist families in the past three years. Although the two families have no contact and rarely have contact with each other, the two headquarters of Xiaoshengxianzhuang and Guancheng are doing things openly and secretly. Everything is the same: concentrate on waiting for the situation to change.

The situation in today's world has actually become very clear: if Qin continues to be so tyrannical, the accumulation of quantitative changes will most likely lead to some qualitative changes.

Of the two, the Mohists are most eagerly waiting for this qualitative change.Since Jing Ke's assassination of Qin that year, the Mohist leaders and high-level disciples felt that they had experienced the darkest moments of the Mohist family. Even so, the government city had still become their strongest backing. No matter how it develops next, the Mohist family will always Get better!

Xiaoshengxian Village is not so optimistic about qualitative changes, but it is true that they are getting closer to the farmers.

Because Jixia Academy was converted into Dazeshan College, Fu Nian visited Dazeshan very frequently in the past three years. At first, he could only see the college and Lu Wei himself, but as time changed, he gradually Started noticing the whole farmhouse coming.

Songhai City has been developing very well relying on Confucianism, but as soon as you leave Songhai, even in the land that has not been war-torn, thieves begin to appear frequently. Compared with the faint signs of troubled times outside, the booming development of farmers makes Daze The mountain seems to have become a stranger.

If understood correctly, the rebellious and unethical saying that "all things in the land are immortal, and the generals, ministers, kings, and marquises are all good" can be compared with the Confucian saying "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement."

But the more contact he had with Lu Wei, it became clear to Fu Nian that his friend was probably striving to treat the farmer's slogan as a real and feasible goal.
Fu Nian was very conflicted about such a dangerous friend, but between sensibility and rationality, he finally chose the direction of his heart: take a look first.

The peasant family is not trapped in an empire that cannot escape. At this time, Xiaoshengxianzhuang can have a gentlemanly relationship with it.

The changes in the farm family in the past three years cannot be described in one word, but for Mr. Xia Kui, the biggest achievement in the past three years is undoubtedly his idea of ​​how to deal with the harassment of nets~
That is to harass the snare in turn!
The reason why Luo Wang wants to help Wang Li is to win Wang Li's favor, and then hopes that Wang Li can support Hu Hai, who is controlled by Luo Wang.

So for Luo Wang, the biggest enemy is of course Fusu, the eldest son of the First Emperor!
In this way, fundamentally speaking, as long as Fusu has the momentum to gradually rise, Luo Wang's main energy will always be spent on Fusu.

In fact, even if farmers do not need to take action, Fusu itself is rising as the age increases.

On this basis, if Lu Wei drives the Yin Yang Family and some Jianghu forces to help Fusu a little bit, Luo Wang will have to use ten times the force to push him back!

Ying Zheng’s eldest son has become a talisman for his peaceful development, which I have to admit is amazing~
(End of this chapter)

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