Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 302 The chivalrous girl Xiao Yaner

Chapter 302 The chivalrous girl Xiao Yaner

The Nu Mountain Bandits are a young bandit team that has only been established for ten years, but their strength is already among the top ranks in the entire Taihang Mountains.

There are over a thousand strong Nushan bandits, and all of them are armed, and quite a few members are even wearing armor. With such strength, it is simply impossible to rely on the capture of several small surrounding counties to solve the problem, so they can only let it go.

Moreover, thieves are also sensible enough to hardly rob county towns, which makes county magistrates in various cities less enthusiastic about spending efforts to deal with angry mountain bandits.

Since the founding of the empire, after the empire collected weapons from all over the world and made them into golden figures, it is no longer so common for ordinary people in the world to even hold long swords. The fact that these thieves have such rich materials naturally has a lot to do with their composition.

The original members of the Nushan Bandits were composed of remnant soldiers who were unwilling to surrender to the Qin Dynasty after the destruction of Yan, Zhao, and Qi. Later, the empire recruited people from the south to the north to guard the border and became more active. The members of the Wolf tribe who escaped from the corvee were not If you dare to return to your hometown, you will become part of the bandits.

As time went by, the Nushan Bandits expanded faster and faster. But as their strength increased, their problems also appeared.

The more people there are, the greater the daily food consumption will be, so their original cautious route will no longer work. Even the angry mountain bandits have tried farming and hunting in the mountains and forests, but the results are very average.

This forced them to shorten the original white list when they robbed the road.
Yandi was once an important branch of Gonggongtang. After the fall of the Yan Kingdom, its importance dropped a lot. However, in recent years, with the revival of horse smuggling in the grassland, the Yandi branch has also become important again.

However, due to imperial control, the safe trade routes originally controlled by farmers were in danger of being inspected, which resulted in smuggling having to take other more remote and dangerous routes.

Although there is danger, the peasant family is now the largest force in the world. Although it is inevitable to be blackmailed by some local officials in the empire occasionally, being robbed by other Jianghu forces has never happened. This has led to the following peasant disciples gradually becoming arrogant. Thoughts, he feels that he is superior to other characters in the world.

The precautions when smuggling goods are no longer as cautious as the regulations established by Lord Xia Kui.

'Master Xia Kui has a lot of things to do every day. How could he, the old man, notice what we little characters usually do? '

It was with this in mind that a transport team transporting grain from Daze Mountain to Yandi was taught a lesson by the Nushan bandits.
With his bow and arrow ready, the bandit boss shot and killed the last peasant disciple who tried to escape. All that was left was to clean up the battlefield.

When two new members of the Jianghu community gathered the corpse, they looked at the one-star beads that fell from the corpse. One of them trembled with his hands and couldn't help but said: "These are all farmers!"

"Just because they are from farmers, the boss must not leave anyone alive." Another person was very courageous: "Otherwise, if these people escape, they will provoke revenge from the farmers."

"What I mean is that it's too dangerous to attack the peasant team. It's not like you don't know how powerful the peasant team is! In case you are found out."

"There is a shortage of food in the mountains now. If we don't rob the farmers, we have to attack the county. Compared with provoking the Qin army, attacking the farmers is a last resort." After a pause, the second person continued: "What's more, the farmers are rich, and with this little food It’s nothing to them, I guess they won’t care.”

The last sentence comforted both their companions and themselves. The two of them had been in the martial arts world, and of course they knew that the peasant family was a giant. Before they joined the Nushan Bandits, they also tried to go to Daze Mountain to have a look, but after learning that there were no such people like them. New disciples with special skills have to work in the fields for a few years before they can be promoted and then leave decisively.

The Jianghu Rangers who are interested in vengeance cannot be limited to farming. It is better to rob than to farm, so they join the Nushan Bandits.

"Even if something happens, Lu Wei, as the leader of the peasant family, is known as 'the sea is open to all rivers, and the clouds are flowing and the rain is flowing', we are just following orders, and the responsibility will not affect us."


This operation by the angry mountain bandits yielded huge gains and small losses. If we did not consider the farmers’ subsequent retaliation, it would have been a perfect operation.

The bandit boss planned this operation single-handedly. After the operation was successful, he was all smiles, and the wrinkles on his face were trembling even more ugly due to the smile.Of course he knows that the Nong family is very strong, but Daze Mountain belongs to Daze Mountain, and Nu Mountain belongs to Nu Mountain. The Taihang Mountains are so big, how difficult it is for the Nong family to find themselves.

Not to mention that even if they are found, there are more than a thousand thieves in Nushan. Relying on the understanding of the terrain and the defense of the village, it is impossible for the farmer to win even if he sends three thousand disciples. But now that the empire is under the rule, the farmer dares to make a big show of it. Send so many people across the border to attack yourself?

The village was no longer short of food, and a banquet was held on Nu Mountain that night. The joyful atmosphere dispelled the last trace of fear in the hearts of some people. The entire Nu Mountain bandit group was more united because of the abundant food, and everything seemed to be developing for the better. With ~
Until one bright night a month later, the thief boss who was planning who to rob next was studying the map carefully. Unknowingly, the village gradually became quiet.

Only the high-pitched insects in the forest are still making their shrill notes. In the absolute silence, such insect sounds seem very noisy.

The thief boss was so irritated that he had no intention of sitting still, so he stood up and wanted to go out for a walk. However, when he opened the door, he was stunned for a moment: he saw a slender girl with a delicate face, a beautiful girl with a hint of heroism standing beside him. outside the door.

The girl's hair was simply tied into a high ponytail, and her long hair was as smooth as silk when blown by the night wind. Her nose was straight, her lips were red, and the natural smile at the corner of her mouth made people fond of her.

What moved the thief boss the most was the girl's bright and deep eyes: such an elegant bookish look in her eyes was something a country peasant woman would never have.

"Is there such a woman in my cottage?" The thief boss felt itchy in his heart and was about to ask, when he saw the cold light in the moonlight was actually taken into the girl's hand, and she slowly stroked towards his neck.In an instant, his lust turned into panic. The thief boss saw clearly: the girl was holding a pink sword and was slashing at him!

However, it was an attack that seemed to be extremely slow, but he could not control his body. He could only widen his eyes and truly feel the sharp blade cutting open his throat and bones, and the severe pain seeped into his senses.
In the sight of the Zhu family on the side, Ji Yan, who came with her to deal with the Nushan bandits, only spent two breaths to draw her sword and kill the thief boss with silky smoothness, then sheathed the sword and returned it to its sheath. By the time the head fell, she had already He turned around and came to himself:

"Has Hall Master Zhu solved the problem?"

Ji Yan smiled lightly and spoke softly. There was no trace of the ferocity on her delicate face that she had just killed a dozen thieves with her own hands, only an incredible calmness that was frightening when you think about it carefully.

Three years have passed, and Xiao Yan'er has served as the leader of Siyue Hall for more than four years. The training in the position of leader in the past four years has added a layer of nobility of a superior to her clear-spring appearance.

As the youngest hall leader in the history of the farm, Ji Yan's reputation is widely spread in the world: more than a year ago, she went out to do chivalry and killed thirteen of the most heinous killers in the world with her own hands.

Regardless of her status, appearance or ability, Ji Yan is a famous martial arts heroine. Her elegant and cold persona is pursued by many martial arts heroes.

But as fellow farmers, the Zhu family knew very well how cruel this 'chivalrous woman' could actually be.
"If Yong Mixiang is defeated, these people will spend the rest of their lives contributing to the construction of the farm."

Zhu Jia's smiling mask made him look very honest. As a man with thousands of faces, he was not qualified to evaluate Ji Yan's reputation management.

Everyone is working for the farm family, and judging from their closeness to Xia Kui, he has to sell this girl face.

"In addition to the Nushan Bandits, there are countless bandit organizations of various sizes in the entire Taihang Mountains. It is Brother Xiakui's plan to conquer them all and divide the entire Taihang Mountains into the sphere of influence of farmers."

Ji Yan turned sideways and looked up at the moon, smiling unabated. He did not shy away from the close relationship between himself and Lu Xiakui in front of the Zhu family: "Starting from tomorrow, I will publicly eradicate the Taihang Mountain bandits as a Jianghu. After that, I will subdue them secretly." , Mr. Zhu is worried."

"Don't worry, Hall Master Ji." Zhu Jia said with his fists clasped, taking the initiative to put himself in a position half a level lower than Ji Yan.

After the news of the attack on the farm transport team reached Daze Mountain 20 days ago, Lu Wei did not need to personally take action on such a small matter. Ji Yan took the initiative to ask for help and took the opportunity to propose the idea of ​​conquering the entire Taihang Mountains.

Xiao Yan'er's growth in the past three years made Lu Wei very satisfied, and she gradually became his deputy. With the current situation, cultivating a force in the Taihang Mountains would probably be effective soon, so he decisively agreed.

The Shennong Hall of the Zhu family is well-informed and is suitable to be sent to assist and deal with the aftermath.

The actions of the Nushan Bandits allowed the farmer's family to send out two hall masters and hundreds of elite disciples, so he died a worthy death~

In Xiaogeng Villa, three years passed without leaving any trace on Lu Wei, who was in his prime. His strength seemed to have reached its peak since the age of 20 and has been maintained for a long time.

After a quick dance of the Whale Drinking Sword Technique, Lu Wei, who was sweating slightly, raised his head and looked at the sunset as he sheathed his sword, his heart moved:
The turmoil in the world has reached a certain level, maybe it’s time for Star Soul to take action!

He and some interested forces are paying close attention to Gai Nie's whereabouts. Judging from the intelligence obtained half a month ago, Gai Nie has probably found the child and escaped from Guanzhong at this time.

The next focus of the world's attention will be the government city!

It's time for you to go out for a walk~
Sheathing his sword, Lu Wei returned to the main hall and planned to go to the Gonggong Hall. But when he arrived at the entrance of the villa, he happened to meet Mi Lian:

"Xia Kui." Mi Lian, whose long black hair was braided into several complicated hairstyles, bowed and saluted. Her slender and curved eyebrows were like a crescent moon, showing a touch of tenderness.

Mi Lian has been working under Ji Yan for three years, and Ji Yan is also determined to train her. Therefore, whenever Ji Yan goes out, Zhang Er is in charge of the external affairs of Siyuetang, and the princess of Chu is responsible for the internal affairs.

"What's the matter?" Lu Wei was already very familiar with Mi Lian, so he asked in a casual tone.

"The hot spring manor of Siyuetang has been repaired and is ready for use." Mi Lian lowered her eyes and replied meekly: "That's why I would like to invite Xiakui to take a look."


(End of this chapter)

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