Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 303 Enjoying the Hot Spring

Chapter 303 Enjoying the Hot Spring
The construction of Siyuetang Hot Spring Manor started a long time ago. Lu Wei was looking forward to it at first, but as time went on, he gradually forgot about it.

Mi Lian suddenly came over and mentioned it. Lu Wei's interest was rekindled and he followed him to Shuangjiang Ridge.

Shuangjiang Ridge is a green screen between Gonggongtang and Siyuetang. When approaching the manor, the scattered trees around it have obviously been carefully constructed, so that people who have not seen the manor have actually been in it mentally. Within the manor.

Although Lu Wei had specifically asked Ji Yan not to spend extravagant money on a relaxing place, after more than three years of careful planning, the simple atmosphere of the hot spring manor did give Lu Wei a sense of style compared to the usual farmhouse style of Xiaogeng Villa. A sense of novelty.

Walking into the main building with simple yet elegant lines, a sparse number of maids inside are decorating the aisles and the main courtyard. The manor has just been built not long ago, and the preparations are still going on, but it is difficult to use it. enough.

Seeing Lian'er's supervisor Xiao Bu coming in with a strange man, the clever maids had already guessed Lu Wei's identity, and one by one they stopped their movements and said "Xia Kui" gently.

Their movements are graceful and graceful, and their clothes are all in the same light green color, giving them a fresh taste.

At this time, Mi Lian boldly proposed to Lu Wei that she would arrange the next hot spring bath: "There are snacks in the back hall that will be cooked in the afternoon. Xia Kui might as well go and taste them first, and then invite Xia Kui after the hot spring is ready." Enter the pool.”

Lu Wei had no objection to this, just leave all these trivial matters to Mi Lian.

After half an hour, a maid finally came and asked him to go to the warm pool.

The warm pool room has fine window lattice to isolate the indoor warmth from the outside world. As soon as you enter, the first thing you feel is the faint scent of herbs and hot air blowing towards your face. The whole room is shrouded in mist. Although the humid air here is not natural, it is not natural. Annoying.

The warm spring water rippled gently. Lu Wei took off his clothes and threw them aside at will. He didn't care that they were soaked. He put his whole body, except his head, completely under the warm wrap.

Lu Wei doesn't usually accumulate much fatigue. Although the muscles on his body are often tense so that he can draw his sword at any time, the stiffness will be eliminated every once in a while when the inner energy is combed and relaxed.

However, active and passive are two different experiences after all. Today he just wanted to try the effect of the hot spring.

The fluctuations of the water were like the chants of a whispering poet. Lu Wei couldn't help but close his eyes to completely relax his body. At the same time, he also let his mind go, enjoying the embrace of the delicate water with peace of mind.

Even though the door curtain behind him was carefully opened and the sound of bare feet stepping on the stone floor reached his ears, he did not turn around to be on guard.

Until the daring girl knelt down next to Lu Wei, put a pair of delicate and soft palms on his strong shoulders with a pair of slightly cool hands, and massaged him flexibly but still a little unfamiliar.

Opening his eyes and turning his head, it was naturally Mi Lian.

Her Highness the Princess's eyes were as wet as the hair hanging loosely on the back of her head.

"Those maids have been busy today and are very dirty, so I will serve Mr. Xia Kui."

Mi Lian's fair and delicate cheeks were as porcelain-like with a hint of peach blossom. At this moment, she changed her plain clothes into the same light green uniform as the maid outside. Her lips were thin and red, as attractive as cherries. When she opened them slightly, she revealed her small lips. white teeth

Although she planned a series of actions from Xiaogeng Villa to the warm pool and rehearsed them twice beforehand, her voice still trembled slightly when she actually faced Lu Wei's aggressive gaze.

It is not difficult to see through the girl's mind. Mr. Lu is not a gentleman, but compared to the last step, the process is just as fun, so he curled up the corner of his mouth, nodded lightly, closed his eyes again and enjoyed the heat of the hot spring and the girl. of heat.
What is yours is always yours, how can you escape from it when you are in control~
Seeing Lu Wei's acquiescence, Mi Lian felt a little more courageous after pressing it for a while. She stood up and slipped the ribbon around her waist.
She had already taken a bath beforehand. Now, in order to make it easier for her hands to move, the girl stretched out her straight and slender calves, tapped the water with her toes, and used the slightest movement possible to let herself enter the hot spring.

While serving, Mi Lian looked at Lord Xia Kui's elastic muscles, her face flushed as if drunk, her body went limp, and she completely fell into Lu Wei's arms.

When we get here, the gentle spring water inevitably becomes violent, and the water spray pushes up the waves regularly.
In the Taihang Mountains, Ji Yan drew his sword and beheaded another bandit leader.

There is no need to take away the head and show it to the world. That would seem too utilitarian and not conducive to the reputation you have built.

Anyway, she had promised to teach this group of thieves a lesson during the day. When news of their leader's death came out tomorrow, someone would naturally spread the word for her, which would have a better effect.

The Taihang Mountains' biggest reliance on bandits was the continuous Taihang Mountains. Under the cover of the mountains and forests, it was difficult for the government to recruit manpower to target the bandits.

But for rangers with high martial arts skills, the mountains and forests are also the rangers' cover.

For three years, Ji Yan still used her mother's Jing Salamander Sword, but the sword energy she wielded had changed from the light pink color of the Jing Salamander Sword itself to her own moon-white color.

Swordsmanship was not her specialty where she spent most of her time, but over time, Ji Yan's martial arts grew very smoothly.

After finding a creek and using the moonlight to simply wash off the blood on the sword, Xiao Yaner meditated and estimated the distance he had moved during this period to determine his position on the map.

The Taihang Mountains in Yandi will be cleared by Ji Ran's family. My overall itinerary is southwest. Tomorrow, I will probably be able to enter Handan County, the former Zhaodi.

"According to what Brother Lu said, the empire's sword master Gai Nie will escape from Guanzhong with a child and head southeast."

Ji Yan thought calmly: "A lot of attention will be focused on Gai Nie, and the Nong family has been dormant for five years since the establishment of the empire. It's time to take the initiative." "The current high-intensity hunting of Taihang bandits is the expansion of the Nong family's reputation. A signal!”

"Next step, when Brother Lu walks out of Daze Mountain, I can accompany him. If nothing else happens, when Dr. Nianduan retires, the master of Gonggong Hall will be mine."

"As for Siyue Hall by then, that greedy cat should have already taken action."

As if thinking of something, Xiao Yan'er subconsciously tightened her slender fingers on the Frightened Salamander Sword. With a glance, she swung out her sword energy and hacked to death a fish passing by in the river.

"Let's just use her as my foreshadowing. The last position will always be mine anyway."


Tianming found that from a certain day, he began to feel hungry more easily for no apparent reason.

This is really not a good habit for an orphan. Being hungry easily means that he needs to spend more time and energy looking for food.

And he needs high-quality food that provides more nutrients than the regular food he was used to.

This made his life dangerous: if he robbed the buns from the bun shop, he would be beaten with a rolling pin at most, but if he robbed the meat, the butcher would throw out a meat cleaver.
Looking at the cold sword that could break bones, Tianming only swallowed his saliva at first, and then rationally took a detour and thought of other solutions.

For example: There are many pheasants in the mountains and forests outside the town~
He had chased those guys with beautiful colorful feathers on their tails before, but he had not succeeded once.

Now, with the pressure from his stomach, Tianming rarely used his brain to try to make a tool specially designed for hunting pheasants.

Facts have proved that people can do anything when forced. After the first few failures, Tianming gradually mastered the ability to predict the movement of pheasants. As his strength increased, he cleverly threw a wooden spear. One blow can kill a fat pheasant.

With the nourishment of meat, Tianming's life is much better than before. However, the number of pheasants is limited after all. When the pheasants leave the town and the food is eaten, Tianming needs to find new food to survive. source.

However, the effect was mediocre, and he had to return to the town to continue stealing and robbing. In the end, he was extremely hungry and set his sights on the town butcher again at dawn.
It was just the first time that Tianming, who had a lot of raw business skills, was discovered.

Facing the butcher's rage, he could only close his eyes in despair, but after waiting for a long time, the pain he imagined did not come.

Only a warm and strong hand held his hand.

There was no greasy feeling like the butcher. Tianming opened his eyes and looked up. A man as resolute and cold as a stone sculpture stood in front of him. Behind the man was the fallen butcher.

Are you protected?
His eyes were slightly red. Since the old couple who adopted him died, has someone come to protect him again?

Tianming's lips trembled slightly. He looked at the man's complicated eyes and asked subconsciously: "Are you my father?"

"." Gai Nie lowered his head and looked at the expectant yet fearful expression in the child's eyes, and remained silent for a long time: "No."


When Ying Zheng, who returned to Xianyang, heard the information reported by Zhao Gao, a thick burning flame seemed to rise in his chest: Has someone betrayed him again?

The anger in His Majesty's voice made Zhao Gao bend down at a wider angle: "Yes, Gai Nie found a child in a small town in the northwest and took him northwest. He probably wanted to follow the border there and then turn to the Central Plains. "

"Gai Nie did not do anything with his assets in Xianyang and only took away a handful of Yuanhong."

"What kind of child is that!" the First Emperor asked coldly.

"After investigation, Luo Wang discovered..." Zhao Gao paused, but after being glared at by Ying Zheng, he quickly lowered his head and said, "It's Li Ji's child."

As Zhao Gao said these words, the atmosphere in the hall instantly dropped below zero. Under the bright palace lights, the shadow of His Majesty the Emperor almost solidified:
"It turns out that's the case." Ying Zheng's sinister face was like a sharp sword, and he said seriously with an inviolable authority: "It turns out that Gai Nie has been looking for this child."

"Did he suddenly find this target this year because of his own investigation?"

Waving his sleeves and turning around, Ying Zheng said again without waiting for Zhao Gao's answer:

"Call Li Si over."

(End of this chapter)

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