Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 304 Mi Lian’s Awakening

Chapter 304 Mi Lian’s Awakening

Mi Xin was once told by her sister that her real surname was Mi, but she was also told that this surname should not be revealed to others at any time.

At a young age, she ignorantly remembered her sister's instructions. Her name on the farm was Lian Xin.

Lian Xin's childhood was carefree. The most memorable part of her life was the long-term treatment process in a medical clinic. There was nothing else. It seemed that she had been treating illnesses since she was born until she recovered. I was picked up by my sister and brought to Siyue Hall.

The brothers and sisters of Si Yuetang are all friendly, but the one closest to Lian Xin is her sister Lian Yi.

For a long time, my sister has slept with him at night, but I don’t know what happened to delay yesterday. She didn’t appear in Siyuetang the whole afternoon and evening. Lian Xin, still a child’s imagination, was thinking wildly by herself, and she was faintly afraid. stand up.

When she found out that her sister still hadn't come back early the next morning, she hurriedly jumped out of bed, put on her clothes, and trotted to the main hall to find the disciples and ask why. Since the guarding disciples had been ordered by Supervisor Lianyi, they naturally only calmed the little girl softly and said, The supervisor is out and won't be back until the afternoon.

This is consistent with what her sister said when she left yesterday morning. Lian Xin's impatience has calmed down a bit, but the panic in her heart still hasn't subsided. Her worry is purely out of the desire for family affection. She has no parents and only her sister is her only support.

Not wanting to have breakfast, Lian Xin simply kicked stones and played in the open space around the main hall while waiting for her sister to come back. She happened to meet two uncles, Ying Bu and Ji Bu, who came to report something, so she took the initiative to explain the situation and tried to get Their words of comfort.

Children's worries are rarely worth worrying about for adults. Liang Bu was not worried at all about the disappearance of Her Royal Highness the Princess overnight. Among them, Ying Bu was still laughing, with stubble scrawled on his rough face. He took the opportunity to encourage the child. The princess wanted to live independently, but this only made the little girl turn her eyes and ignore her.

When Ji Bu saw the wrong demonstration, he immediately put a warm expression on his head and comforted her, saying that he would wait with her for her sister to come back.

Yingbu looked at his performance and turned away with a cold snort. The grudge between him and Ji Bu gradually became less intense during the three years they worked together under Mi Lian. Moreover, at one time, at Ji Bu's request, he angrily beat him up. After giving each other a meal, the two of them were finally able to act together normally.

However, this does not mean that the two of them will be as close as brothers right away. It just means that they are one and the same thing. They are both subordinates of the eldest princess now, that's all.

The three of them waited together outside the main hall for a long time, and finally arrived at almost noon when the eldest princess came back alone.

Mi Lian did not braid her hair in complicated styles as usual today, but simply tied the waterfall of black hair at the back of her head with a hairpin.She was not surprised to see Liangbu and her sister together outside the main hall. She kept a slight smile with the slightly raised corners of her lips, squatted down from a distance and opened her arms to hug Lianxin who was running towards her.

"Sister!" Throwing herself into Mi Lian's arms, Lian Xin immediately felt that her sister's body was soft and soft, and the fair neck skin at the collar was like jade under the moon, showing a faint rosy color that was not usual.

"My heart is good," she soothed her sister in a lazy tone. Her soft voice teased Lian Xin's ears like silk. As soon as she opened her mouth, Mi Lian immediately noticed the weakness in her tone, and quickly adjusted her next sentence to her usual gentleness and confidence. .

Lian Xin noticed something strange about her sister and wanted to ask questions, but then Uncle Yingbu and Uncle Ji Bu came over. She remembered her sister's previous instructions and decisively shut her mouth.

"Supervisor" Liangbu saluted Her Royal Highness the Princess who stood up again. In the farmhouse, they all called Mi Lian by her identity in the farmhouse.

"Is it something over in Licheng?" Lian Xin held her sister's hand, adjusted her mood, nodded gracefully and asked calmly.

"Probably." Yingbu looked at Lian Xin, whose eyes were full of doubts next to her sister, with an uncertain tone. Ji Bu was more direct: "It's the Xiang family's business."

"Did you finally show up?" Mi Lian's smile faded a lot. She didn't say anything but walked into the main hall with Lian Xin first. After handing her sister over to the guard disciples to take her down, she sat on the seat that usually belonged to Ji Yan. Location: "Did they find Mr. Xiang, or did Mr. Xiang come to contact you?"

Mi Lian didn't want her sister to know about things related to Chu State so early. The more she knew about these things, the more dangerous she would be.

"We found the Xiang family with the help of the farmers, but I followed the supervisor's order and did not have contact with them." When Ji Bu answered, he noticed that Her Royal Highness the Princess's slender fingers unconsciously began to tap the table, which meant that finding the Xiang family was very important to the princess. Is it a troublesome thing to say?
"The Xiang family is the military soul of the Chu State. Our combination with the Xiang family can greatly enhance our strength."

Ji Bu was puzzled and continued to express his thoughts.

Yingbu remained silent on the sidelines. Although his Thunder Leopard Army was once under the jurisdiction of the Xiang family, Yingbu was one of the few royal supporters in the Chu army. He respected the Xiang family, but the princess's order was more important than the Xiang family.

Contrary to him, Ji Bu's various performances have shown that he will be more supportive of Xiang's military attitude.

As time passed and opinions changed, in Mi Lian's eyes, this was probably the reason why the former general Xiang Yan sent Ji Bu to his father as a personal guard!
"We are already attracting attention in the farmhouse. If we are in contact with the Xiang family at this time, once the identity of one party is exposed, the other party may be implicated." Mi Lian shook her head and rejected Ji Bu's proposal. The reason she used was Yingbu’s direct approval:
"What the supervisor said is true. The Xiang family is safe now, and so are we. But once the two sides come into contact, the Qin army may be attracted."

Yingbu believed that his duty was to protect the royal family, and he would not do anything that would bring disaster to the two princesses.

"Yes." Seeing this, Ji Bu stopped insisting, but then Mi Lian, the superior, changed his voice again: "But the pressure on the Xiang family will be greater. In order to support the Xiang family, Ji Bu, you can help in your private capacity." That's the young master of the Xiang family." For Ji Bu, since he supported the Xiang family, Mi Lian simply sent him away, leaving only his sister Huaying as a hostage.

Otherwise, staying with him is likely to bring disaster, and once he wants to leave, he may also take away other old Chu troops who stayed with him.

The word Chu State had become history at the moment of its demise. I had dedicated myself to Lord Xia Kui yesterday, and now the farmhouse had completely become the new support for me and my sister.

But for Ji Bu and many of the old tribesmen of the Chu State, they might be more willing to marry themselves or their sister Lianxin to the young master of the Xiang family, so that after the male Xiong family dies, the Xiang family can naturally take over Chu. The flag of King Zhengtong.

In particular, Mi Lian also knew that Ji Bu had been looking for opportunities to contact her. The commander of the Shadow Tiger Legion had a crush on her.

This is a bigger hidden danger. Mi Lian does not allow the possibility that everything she finally obtained will be destroyed!
"This" Ji Bu looked at Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess's delicate face, which today was slightly rosy, as if it had been kissed by the sun, and said hesitantly: "Xiang's side and the supervisor's side also need someone to protect them. "

"It's okay, Yingbu is here, not to mention I'm in a farmhouse, and with the love of Hall Master Ji and Lu Xiakui, I won't be in any danger!"

Mi Lian's chin was slightly tilted up, and her tone contained a sweet and arrogant tone that was polite but alien to others.


The princess tastes really good.

Although Mi Lian was unfamiliar last night, Lu Wei was very satisfied with her efforts to cater to her status.

This is the daughter of Lord Changping and King of Chu, and now he owns it. This is the reward that Lu, who used to have to eat dry rabbit meat in the snowy mountains, got for almost 20 years of hard work.

As long as the taste of power is enjoyed, it will continue to attract people to covet it. Next, you need to seize more power!

Using his inner air to dry his wet clothes from last night, Master Xia Kui walked past the red-faced maid guarding the door and returned to Xiaogeng Villa.

Although there is a study room dedicated to Xia Kui in the hot spring manor, many of the farm's documents are in Xiaogeng Villa, so he still has to work there.

The environment in the manor was too comfortable and too biased toward Siyue Hall, which was not conducive to displaying his frugality and justice. He could only live there occasionally.

The defection of Gai Nie in Guanzhong was at least facilitated by three forces: Luo Wang, the Mohist family, and the Nong family. When Gai Nie escaped from Guanzhong, Liusha, who had been silent for three years, would also join them.

There are many secrets in the city. Lu Wei plans to go there in person, but before that, he has to go to Sanghai first.

This time I went to Songhai not for Confucianism, but for interviews and discussions with Yueshen, Dongjun, and Xinghun about the preparations for the mirage plan.

After the official city, it was soon followed by the mirage trial and the First Emperor's eastward inspection tour.

They must accurately grasp the timing of the Yin Yang Family and Ying Zheng's actions to minimize the possibility of mistakes.

Although Lu Wei has worked hard for the rebellion in the past 20 years, judging from the general trend, the probability of success is very high.

But this does not mean that we should not prepare any back-up measures to face failure. There are two different things between wasting it if it is not needed and having nothing!

In the mirage shipyard south of Songhai City, the work of the Hebo Mountain Ghost was taken over by Dongjun, the Moon God. These two old guys will definitely return to the Ji clan to bring the Zhou royal family treasures hidden by Ji Dynasty 300 years ago to Sanghai. Transportation comes.

The great national destiny is visibly declining. Donghuang will not miss this golden opportunity. He will invest all the power of the Yin and Yang family and all the power hidden by the Ji family into the mirage to search for overseas fairy mountains and use the power of the immortals to achieve the goal. Weekly plan.

As the person in charge of the mirage, Yueshen Dongjun has unlimited rights to make some minor modifications to the onmyoji layout on the mirage.

However, the two of them wisely did not take action on this. They must ensure that when Donghuang Taiyi arrives in the future, they can board the mirage with confidence.

This is a big ship on the sea, a ladder to find the fairy mountain, a coffin, and a giant egg waiting to break out of its shell.
(End of this chapter)

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