Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 305 The Prelude to the Anti-Qin Dynasty

Chapter 305 The Prelude to the Anti-Qin Dynasty
Xinghun met Lu Wei in the Songhai City tavern. This place is owned by a farmer, but it has never been named a farmer and is only used as a secret meeting point.

There are many people and eyes in the Mirage Shipyard, so Lu Wei cannot go there for the time being. After the mirage is put on trial, he can use the relationship between the sun, the moon and the stars to go up and have a look.

"Is the plan finally starting?" Xinghun touched his chin. The almost sickly fair skin on his face looked even more enchanting against the purple pattern.

"That's right, your revenge can begin." He poured out two cups of tea and tossed one cup to Xinghun, who saw a strange glint in his deep eyes.

Lu Wei teased each other with tea when they first met, but now that they are partners, he will naturally not play those tricks for school entrance examinations at this time.

However, when Xinghun caught the wine glass and found that it was very ordinary tea and had not turned into ice cubes, his eyes became surprised.

Lu Wei smiled back and drank the tea in one gulp in front of Xinghun.

Not to be outdone, Xinghun immediately drank the tea.

Maybe Xinghun himself couldn't feel it, but Lu Wei clearly found that his character was becoming more and more paranoid.

Xinghun knew that Lu Wei had a well-hidden poison, and also knew that this place was a farmer's territory and that all preparations could be made in advance. However, after being casually stimulated by Lu, he drank the tea he poured without any precautions.

All this is just for one reason: He, Xinghun, is qualified to drink Lu Wei's tea!

Although he didn't mess with the tea, Lu Wei did have a purpose for pouring tea for the left guardian of the Yin and Yang family: he just wanted to stimulate Xinghun to think of the first time they met, and how his mother and his family were still there at that time. He was not killed. As Gan Luo, he was still trying to rescue his family, feeling like he was being burned by the flames.

It was the net and the actions of the Yin Yang family that prevented him from rushing back to Xianyang in time. It was the Emperor of Xianyang who personally ordered the execution of his family.

Rekindling the poisonous fire of hatred will make Star Soul more determined in what he wants to do.

"The spell Dong Huang cast on us is an absolutely secret forbidden spell of the Yin Yang family. In terms of confidentiality level, it is even higher than the Eight Yang Curses and the Eight Yin Curses. Moon God and Dong Jun and I have not been able to study it alone for a long time. Harvest." The sharp lines in the corners of Xinghun's eyes raised upwards, and he coldly mentioned the curse issue that Lu Wei reminded them of three years ago:
"Even after we exchanged information, we could only figure out how to use our onmyoji to wear away Donghuang's forbidden curse bit by bit. This would take a long time."

"So that means you three can't attack Donghuang?" Lu Wei directly touched the root of the problem.

"We can help you get rid of the Hebo Mountain Ghost, as well as Yun Zhongjun, the elders of Da Siming and others, and other Yin Yang disciples in the mirage." The avoidance in Xinghun's answer confirmed Lu Wei's guess.

"How is Donghuang's strength?" It's not the worst outcome. Lu Wei thinks it's acceptable. His improvement in strength over the years can't be said to be very fast, but the speed has not dropped compared with when he first learned. This is enough to explain a lot of problems.

"It's hard for those of us who practice Yin and Yang to see through him. Only a swordsman like you has the possibility of defeating him." Xinghun restrained his pride and spoke in a very conservative tone, then quickly changed the topic: "But consider Until you have fought against Guigu Sect Wei Zhuang and won a great victory."

"Then even if Donghuang is higher in martial arts, he will definitely not be your opponent in a life-and-death fight in actual combat."

Xinghun has an aloof personality and shows signs of becoming arrogant, but his vision has always been good: when he went crazy three years ago, he actually had a fight with Donghuang, even if the other party used the resonance of the spell in his body to defeat him with one move , Xinghun also truly sensed part of Donghuang's reality.

Although he has never met Wei Zhuang, he knew very well when he was still Gan Luo what the martial arts level of Guigu's disciples would be.

I have to admit that the disciples of Guigu's "When you are angry, the princes will be afraid, and when you live in peace, the world will be at peace" can be passed down to this day. In addition to political level, the value of force is also the most popular in the world.

Facing the Guigu disciples who are in their thirties and in their prime, no knight in the world dares to say that he can definitely win. If Lu Wei can win, then his actual combat strength is the best in this generation.

Unless Wei Zhuang is much worse than his predecessors.

"Just relying on guesswork is not safe enough." Lu Wei shook his head and nodded: "But I have absolutely reliable helpers in this regard, and the fight with Donghuang is not something to be afraid of."

"Over at Qin State, I heard that Mr. Yun Zhong has been in Sanghai. Is there any chance that you could sprinkle poison into the raw materials of the elixir he prepared for Ying Zheng?"

"Yun Zhongjun is only in Songhai temporarily. After the facilities of the alchemy room on the mirage are completed, he will go back to Xianyang. Then it will be the time for me to take action!" The suspended silk puppet thread seemed to be alive, dancing regularly: "You have plans for the empire and the Yin Yang family. What are you going to do about the snare?"

The colorless lips on that enchanting face slightly curled up: "I can continue to help you."

"I will contact you when necessary. The lifespan of the snare has also entered the countdown, so you can rest assured."

"Very good, it would be better if we don't have to wait too long~"

After finishing the conversation with Xinghun, Moon God arrived in a more subtle way later.The information provided by Xinghun was basically correct, but in some parts, Yue Shen hid it from Dongjun and Xinghun, so this part of the information could only be described by Yue Shen himself.

"The launch of the mirage still lacks a key prop." Luna naturally combed her hair in front of the bronze mirror in the tavern room, and opened her mouth lightly: "I investigated the history of the Yin Yang family and found that the prop is likely to be In the Mo family."

"Phantom Sound Box? Does it have the function of guiding the way on the sea?" Lu Wei is still confused about Canglong Qisu's understanding. He is not prepared to use the power of this so-called god to realize his ambitions, but because of the Yin and Yang family, these secrets are always Will inevitably appear next to him.

Luna is used to this man knowing a lot of secrets that he shouldn't know, and she has no intention of exploring it: "The music of the Phantom Sound Box has infinite possibilities, and some of them may be able to play the role you mentioned."

"There are more and more signs that the government city will be a gathering place for the remnants of the Six Nations. You won't miss what's going on there, right?"

"I will go, but I will definitely not go as a remnant of the Six Kingdoms." Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi, who have hidden their identities, have visited Lu Wei several times in the past three years, but the talks have not yielded any results. Therefore, during the trip to the government city, he will secretly Bystander role to sneak in quietly.

"Dongjun has almost finished infiltrating the city. If nothing happens, Donghuang will send her there when the government attacks the city. I may have to take on the role of a covert operation. Since you are going, I won't go."

If Yueshen doesn't go to Guancheng, he must go to Dazeshan Gonggongtang. He has no objection to this effort.


Tianming knew that the uncle who took him away was named Gai Nie. After being rescued by Gai Nie from the butcher, Tianming initially did not treat his uncle well.

But as Qin's killers arrived, he had to flee westward with Gai Nie. Those killers wanted his uncle's life as well as his.

On the way to escape, Gai Nie taught him many principles that no one had ever taught him before. Gradually, Tianming recognized Gai Nie in his heart.

For Tianming, a simple child, as long as recognition is established, it will immediately grow into a towering tree with roots!
The further west they go, the more desolate the environment becomes. Tian Ming doesn't understand geography. He doesn't know that the further west he goes, the further away from the Central Plains he is. However, Ge Nie knows that if they don't find another way to take this child, they will never be able to leave Guanzhong.

Even though they had deliberately avoided the main road and traveled to many remote places along the way, they were still blocked by a group of Qin Army cavalry on a stone bridge in the Cangyue Valley of Shimen Gorge in Huangyangchuan River.

Three hundred of Xianyang's most elite elite cavalry, in theory, it would take at least three hundred sword swings to kill them all.

While wielding a sword, protecting one's own vitals while simultaneously being distracted from protecting a child would be impossible even for the strongest sword master in the empire.

But looking at the man standing like a loose sword holding the sword, the guard captain of the Jingqi could not help but swallow his saliva, and shouted in an attempt to negotiate with the target first: "Gai Nie, if you are willing to turn back now."

On the top of a cliff in the distance, looking at the sudden battle that broke out on the stone bridge because of a bow and arrow accidentally released by a nervous soldier, Yan Dan's eyes flashed under the bamboo hat, and Master Ban on the side was stroking his beard, trembling his eyebrows, and said : "Juzi, do you want to send help?"

In the eyes of Master Ban, Gai Nie's hands were stained with the blood of Jing Ke, a fellow member of the Mo family, and he was dead. However, the master did not drag him all the way to the northwest region by driving Suzaku from the Central Plains just to see Gai Nie like this. dead.

Moreover, there are a lot of secrets about that child. He actually provoked Gai Nie to betray Qin and take him away. His life experience must be extraordinary.

Juzi has been investigating this aspect for a long time and should know many details, but if Juzi doesn’t tell them, Master Ben won’t ask.

"Wait a little longer. If we reveal our identities rashly, we might harm them instead." Yan Dan said in a hoarse voice. He had already found out that the child named Tianming was the son of Jing Ke.

The Mo family, no, it should be Yan Dan himself who owes Jing Ke a favor, but he firmly believes that now is not the time for a woman to repay her kindness.

In troubled times, only the strong can survive. If this child accidentally dies without being noticed by Gai Nie, that will be his destined fate.

At this moment, Tianming's value in Yan Dan's eyes is far less than the value of waiting until the critical moment to save Ge Nie and then inviting him to join the Mo family.

But three hundred iron cavalry is not the limit of the Imperial Sword Master!

Yuan Hong drew a bright sword energy, and the Hundred Steps Flying Sword flew out like a meteor
"This is not a trivial matter to catch two people. Judging from the various evidence collected in the net, Gai Nie's defection is the prelude to an anti-Qin plan planned by the remnants of the Six Kingdoms!"

Li Si lowered his head and stepped forward to face the King of Qin who was furious when he learned that the three hundred cavalry troops had been wiped out. He said in a solemn tone: "The spearhead of the anti-Qin movement comes from the rivers and lakes. Rather than sending additional troops to solve the problem, it is better to provoke internal fighting between the rivers and lakes and completely defeat the Qin Dynasty." The threat to long-term peace and stability in the empire is eliminated!”

"Oh?" Ying Zheng looked at Li Si with a cold face. Under the gaze, the latter held up his hands and said: "There are already conflicts between the six countries, and the interest disputes among the Jianghu forces have only become more numerous. Now they are just Da Qin can only stay together under pressure. Once the pressure disappears, internal strife is what they are best at!"

(End of this chapter)

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