Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 306: Seriously Injured Gai Nie

Chapter 306: Seriously Injured Gai Nie
After Lu Wei asked Li Shiqi and Ziwu to monitor the Mohist stronghold in Songhai City, he immediately changed direction and headed straight for the southern end of Taihang Mountain.

Returning to Zhao Di after many years, he had no emotion at all, only the changes in the scenery along the way were all he could see.

The people working in the farmland gradually became filled with many old people, women, and even young children with sallow complexions.

The able-bodied labor force is either serving hard labor, in prison waiting to be served, or has escaped into the mountains and become bandits.

The situation in Zhao Di is much worse than that in Qi Di. It is located moderately close to Guanzhong and Northern Xinjiang. Unlike Qi Di, even if it is far away, it is almost impossible to escape every decree on the recruitment of labor.

Not only that, there is a straight line distance of about a thousand miles from Handan, the old capital of Zhao, to Hangu Pass. This distance means that the First Emperor's decrees have begun to be revised and implemented by officials in places outside the big cities. .

People's hearts are available!

Meeting up with Ji Yan in the Taihang Mountains, the heroic Xiao Yaner reported to him his achievements in the Taihang Mountains, then took out the map, spread it out, and pointed to the two special places marked on it:

"The positions of the Wushuang ghost and the Xiang family in Liusha have been determined. According to what Brother Lu said, I have been paying attention to the spy-winged birds in Liusha. Sure enough, I found two beside the Wushuang ghost. They did not expose themselves."

"Judging from the movements of Wushuang Ghost, he may have recently received an order from Wei Zhuang and is consciously following the Spy Wing Bird."

"This is most likely related to the whereabouts of Ge Nie mentioned by Brother Lu."

Xiang's whereabouts were confirmed to be in the Taihang Mountains in advance through clues from the old Chu army in Mi Lian and the farmer's manpower search. As for Wushuang Ghost, as one of the four quicksand kings, it was not surprising that he would practice in the Taihang Mountains.

Among the Four Heavenly Kings of Quicksand, only Chi Lian and Bai Fengchang were with Wei Zhuang. Besides Wushuang Ghost, the other member of the Four Heavenly Kings, Canglang King, needed a mountain forest that was vast enough and had enough food to raise wolves, so he was located further south.

In addition, there is also the Hidden Bat who has been practicing in southern Xinjiang for ten years.

Speaking of southern Xinjiang, the Qin's attack on Baiyue did not go smoothly there. In addition to environmental factors, logistical food transportation was also a big problem. Therefore, His Majesty the Emperor once again conscripted a large number of laborers in recent years and used them to build the Ling Canal in the south. Above, after the Ling Canal was built, grain transport teams could use ships to enter the Li River from the Xiang River through the Ling Canal, and then directly transport food southward to the land of Baiyue.

The Battle of Baiyue has been progressing slowly even in the past three years. Nowadays, affairs in the Central Plains are important. Lu Wei does not pay much attention to Baiyue. With Xiao He monitoring the place and knowing the situation recorded in the original history in advance, he does not care about Baiyue. For Yue affairs, it is enough to confirm that Baiyue, who was influenced by himself, has still held back a large number of Qin troops.

This time he came to Taihang Mountain to cover up the anti-Qin organization behind Nie Tianming.

"I have been friends with the Xiang family for many years. Please take me to their camp to have a look." Lu Wei said lightly with a carefree smile.

The combination of the Xiang family and the Mo family alone is enough for Xianyang to pay attention to this alliance of the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.

Since the assassination of Qin more than ten years ago, the Mo family has been on Ying Zheng's must-kill list.Now that the empire is unified, the Mohist family will be completely destroyed if they really want to mobilize the army. However, both Li Si and the Yin Yang family, who were induced by the intelligence of the network, suggested that the emperor use the power of the rivers and lakes to cause the six countries to fight within themselves. After careful consideration, he followed suit.

It has been roughly five years since the establishment of the empire. Under the peaceful surface, the undercurrent is no longer suppressed and is gaining momentum.

Ying Zheng went to the extreme in killing all the clans of the Six Kingdoms except Qi, but he knew very well that there were still too many nobles of the Six Kingdoms who were still rooted in their old lands, scheming and plotting evil in the land of Qin.

This cannot be solved by bringing 12 wealthy households into the surrounding areas of Xianyang.

Even if the Mo family and the Xiang family don't jump out, Ying Zheng will have to plow the old lands of the Six Kingdoms every once in a while. Therefore, the reason why Gai Nie defected at this time is, in a sense, the inevitable trend rather than the necessity of the general trend. accidental.

After letting these people's plans be exposed as sacrifices, the successful Emperor and Zhao Gao will relax for a while, and this period of time is what Lu Wei needs!

Providing a cushion for farmers is the greatest value of the rebellion of the Six Nations by the Mohists and Xiangs.After the mat is completed, the various schools of thought and the remnants of the Six Nations, whose strength has been greatly reduced by the suppression of the empire, will be subdued by the peasants when they should be subdued, and will be eliminated when they should be eliminated.

This is the last performance before the finale~
The strength of the Xiang family can now be described as bleak: in the entire Xiang family's secret stronghold, the strongest person is actually the young master Shao Yu who is not yet fifteen years old.

Before Ji Bu arrived, both the Wushuang Ghost and the Canglang King in the quicksand could completely extinguish the last flames of the Xiang clan.

It can be said that the Xiang family now has nothing left except their self-proclaimed title of 'the strongest clan'.

"The Mohist giant has received news that the Qin State will launch an operation against Jianghu recently. Our stronghold here may no longer be safe, so the Mohist family invited us to hide in the government city for a while."

Fan Zeng unfolded the cloth he had just taken off the message red bird and displayed it in front of Xiang Liang and the newly arrived Ji Bu.

"Since the Mohist giants all think there is danger, we can't be reckless just in case." Compared with when he first met Lu Wei more than ten years ago, Xiang Liang has a longer beard, and his whole person seems to have faded away from the Xiang family's birthplace. The arrogance that he had brought with him from the beginning turned into a humble one: "Besides, the gathering of anti-Qin righteous men is not far away. The gathering place this year will definitely be in the government city. We can kill two birds with one stone by going there now."

The Xiang family is not as good as before. When the eldest brother Xiang Dong died and the young master Xiang Yu did not grow up, Xiang Liang shouldered all the foreign exchange work since the fall of the Chu Kingdom.Although the rest of the Five Kingdoms and the righteous men of various schools of thought have remained polite to the Xiang family over the years, Xiang Liang knew that he could not be really arrogant and offend his external allies.

When Xiang lost his army, he lost everything. Before Xiang Yu grew up, he had to curb his arrogance and leave a situation as friendly as possible for the young master in the future.

"The Mohist Mechanic City is known as the Demon Realm Beyond the World and the Paradise of the World. I'm quite curious." Ji Bu said with interest as he turned the sword in his hand.

Ji Bu's attitude was a bit frivolous. If he had been in the Chu Kingdom, he would not have dared to speak like this in front of Xiang Liang. But now, as the first former Chu army member to take refuge with Xiang, Xiang Liang's behavior towards him It just passed with a chuckle.

When he was in the farmhouse, there were too many martial arts masters in the farmhouse, and Ji Bu was not a big deal among them. Even when he entered Siyue Hall's sphere of influence in Daze Mountain, he had to report in advance and wait for the approval of those minions with one or two Star Pearl Grass. In contrast, Ji Bu was respected by his old boss, Xiang, and he gradually forgot the sadness of being kicked out by Mi Lian.

"Then inform Shao Yu first. Ji Bu, you and Shao Yu will go first when the time comes. Master Fan and I will stay behind."

"Okay." Before Ji Bu finished his promise with a smile, suddenly there was the sound of fireworks flying into the sky outside.

"It was the patrolling disciples who used the alarm flare!" Fan Zeng's expression changed: "Go find Shao Yu!"

They had just talked about the news in the Qin State, and signal flares were immediately triggered outside, which naturally made them think that the Qin State people were coming.

As for Shao Yu, who was remembered by Fan Zeng, he had already rushed out of the stronghold and headed straight for the signal launch site the moment the signal flare sounded.

Half an hour ago.

"Is that Ganie?"

Sitting on the treetop and swaying her calves, Ji Yan swung her ponytail, eyes pierced, looking at the silent man walking on the mountain path and the happy-looking child behind him. She didn't expect that she would meet the real owner halfway.

"He was seriously injured, and in a short period of time he exploded and fought many times with people using different weapons. It is reasonable to say that his physical weakness has reached the limit."

The pupils turned golden in an instant. Ji Yan skillfully opened his bright eyes and observed Gai Nie's physical condition clearly: "He can still walk now because of his willpower, but as soon as he stops, Gai Nie will It would be difficult to take another step back.”

Then when her eyes turned to Tianming, her eyebrows raised: "That child has been under a Yin-Yang spell."

Xiao Yaner knew very well the relationship between the Yin Yang family and Lu Wei, so she just said this and then shut up.

Relying on the tree trunk, Lu Wei's figure under the tree was as stable as a mountain. When he saw the Imperial Sword Master for the first time, he was quite embarrassed.

He and Ji Yan were not far from the trail Gai Nie Tianming was walking, and they did not hide their auras. Even so, Gai Nie did not notice the two of them, which proved that what Ji Yan said was true.

If you want to kill this sword master at this moment, it will be the best opportunity.

"It's obviously not a coincidence that Gai Nie brought his children to the Xiang clan's stronghold. There should be Mohist disciples secretly intervening in his choice of path."

Lu Wei's eyes were like the surface of a lake in winter, and his inner energy was released, sensing the breath of other people around him.

Just as he deliberately let go of his inner energy, Gai Nie suddenly stopped on the path and subconsciously wanted to hold Yuan Hong. However, the injuries in his body caused by this action caused the scene in front of him to blur instantly.
'He is the top master in the world, and his inner energy is unlike anyone I know. '

I can only think of this, Gai Nie's strong figure fell straight down
"Uncle!" Tianming had no idea what was happening. He hurriedly stepped forward to help Gai Nie, but Gai Nie's figure hidden under the cloth was broad and muscular. How could a 12-year-old child like him suddenly be able to hold him up? of.

Bang, Tianming was knocked to the ground by Gai Nie.
"I'm afraid only Sister Rong or Dr. Nianduan can treat Gai Nie's injury. If he collapses here, it seems that neither the Xiang family nor the Mo family has anyone with good medical skills."

Ji Yan saw Lu Wei's intention of deliberately using her inner energy to force Ge Nie to stop. She jumped directly from the branch and landed smoothly, trying to figure out what was going on.

"No, there is another person who can cure it, although he is not a doctor by profession."

The corner of Lu Wei's mouth raised slightly: "But I feel that he is nearby, and that person is also there."

'that person? '

Ji Yan's brain was working rapidly, and she tried hard to keep up with Brother Lu's thinking.
(End of this chapter)

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