Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 307 Meeting old friends

Chapter 307 Meeting old friends
Ji Yan has been taking the initiative to help Lu Wei solve many problems for the past three years, and has come into contact with some secrets, but she still only has a rough estimate of the most core ones.

Like Lu Wei said, "There is still one person who can save him." Ji Yan was able to guess that the target was Xiaoyaozi based on his understanding of the anti-Qin forces. The case of this Renzong leader saving lives and healing the wounded was widely circulated in the world. His Inner Qi has healing properties, which is very similar to the Rejuvenation Kung Fu.

Although it is impossible to use medical techniques like doctors to eradicate the hidden dangers of illnesses that knights accumulate when practicing martial arts or fighting against enemies, just being able to quickly heal external injuries can already have a place in the world.

After all, everything has a price, and Xiaoyaozi's treatment method has a huge advantage with low investment and quick results.

And doctors' methods inevitably use a lot of rare medicinal materials, many of which are precious treasures that ordinary rangers cannot afford.

Therefore, Xiaoyaozi can become famous.

But as for what Lu Wei said, 'that person is also here', Ji Yan couldn't think of a suitable target candidate for the time being.

Xiaoyaozi is the leader of the Renzong, and anyone who can be ranked with him in Lu Wei's mouth must be a character with equal status. Therefore, Ji Yan actually thought of the Mohist giant first, but quickly ruled it out: the identity of the Mohist giant is indeed correct. But the relationship is far from enough for Lu Wei's expectant tone when he mentioned 'that person'.

Claiming to be Lu Wei's right-hand man, Xiao Yan'er has done special research on Lu Wei's tone of voice and usually applies it correctly, and this time will be no exception.

The person in the same row as Xiaoyaozi will be very critical!

Keeping this in mind, Ji Yan silently stayed by Lu Wei's side, watching the child named Tianming on the path try to crawl out from under the unconscious Gai Nie, and then tried her best to drag him to a suitable stone to lean against.

This process is very long because, as mentioned before, Gaini is very heavy.

Practicing martial arts requires physical training. Most swordsmen have very strong physiques. Under normal conditions, a stronger body can produce more powerful force. Therefore, female swordsmen with disadvantaged congenital conditions basically take the route of dexterity and quickness.

Of course, it is not enough to just train your body. The second key point is to be strong but not affect normal flexibility. This point is different for everyone, and you need to grasp the degree by yourself.

Tianming was unexpectedly not rash, and he avoided causing secondary damage to Gai Nie's wounds.

Xiaoyaozi, who was hiding in the dark, was also attracted by the inner energy released by Lu Wei, and took the initiative to approach here, but he saw that the fallen Gai Nie did not show up: First of all, he could not find the source of the powerful inner energy. Dare to move lightly. Secondly, Gai Nie's situation is not at its worst yet and there is still room to spare.

The name of the internal power breathing technique practiced by Gai Nie is very simple, but with the word "Guigu" in front of it, it instantly becomes more sophisticated.

This time, Lu Wei took Ji Yan to hide his presence and whereabouts.

Several people who are said to be the masters of the world just hid and watched Tianming on the plain. After temporarily settling down Gai Nie, they caught pheasants, made a fire, roasted the chicken using Yuanhong as a tool, and then accidentally lit it on fire and buried Xiang. of signal flares.

This signal bomb not only attracted the Xiang family's guards brought by Shao Yu, the young master of the Xiang family, but also attracted the Wushuang ghosts who had already eliminated the two secret guards of the Xiang family.
The unfolding of a farce can only be regarded as an appetizer. The Wushuang Ghost's strong body is far inferior to the hard work of the ceremony, but for the ordinary guards of the Xiang family, it is still an unstoppable mountain.

Lu Wei didn't stay much longer. After confirming that the signal he showed was received by Xiaoyaozi's accomplice, he immediately left with Ji Yan.

With Xiaoyaozi as a trump card and Ji Bu who has already arrived, everything is already decided, so there is no need to waste time here.

A room was prepared in the largest inn in the nearest town at the foot of the mountain. A little later, Lu Wei, who was drinking tea alone in the corner of the inn lobby, arrived at his target.

The medium-sized black-robed man has a lot of secrets at first glance, but there are too many people with secrets in this world, and few people would mind their own business.

Because people who meddle in other people’s business generally don’t live long~
With a slight smile, he poured down a cup of tea and invited the other party to sit down. The face under the brim of the cloak raised his head, and his thick eyebrows were slightly gray like two brushes dipped in ink: life in Lishan has been really difficult these years.

The person who came was none other than Tian Guang.

The former hero's face showed more signs of time. His skin was yellowed by the sun and looked very old, but what remained unchanged was the heroic smile on his face.

"Are you going to act alone next?" Facing this old boss who trained him single-handedly, Lu Wei didn't feel like a stranger after seven years of separation, and asked him the questions he was concerned about in a natural tone. "Yes, in this capacity~" The same goes for Tian Guang. He did not make meaningless greetings. He only raised his hands, which were much rougher and harder, and opened the cloak to a suitable size: there was a black metal piece inside. The mask hung there at an angle.

"It seems that the mission location is not the government city." Lu Wei glanced across the entire inn hall and found that there were still a few people secretly paying attention to his side, so he quietly gestured to Ji Yan on the second floor, The latter went downstairs knowing this, and then walked out of the inn without stopping.

Whether these people are spies from the Qin State or disciples of other forces, by arranging to silence these people who want to meddle in their own affairs, you can do a good deed for the world: clean up a bunch of people who don't understand the rules of the world.

"The goal of the government city is too big, and there is no value that Luo Wang wants to gain from the government city. In contrast, while most of the attention of Jianghu and the court is on the government city, Luo Wang's actions in other places can be Conduct without exposing your whereabouts.”

Tian Guang chuckled and told Luo Wen's plan easily: "As far as I know, Luo Wen is making plans in advance for the Wolf Clan and Jiaodong County in the north. They want to plan the Wolf Clan's southward invasion and secret exploration of the mirage."

"It has nothing to do with the farm now." Lu Wei pondered and commented, then added: "But in the long run, the wolf clan is a hidden danger."

"The chaos of the divided forces in the Wolf Clan is no better than that of the Central Plains before the unification of Qin. Although their current leader Touman has carried out preliminary unification of the Wolf Clan with the support of Luo Wang, Touman himself is only a capable person. A finite guy, if Luo Wang wants him to die, he can do it at any time.”

Tian Guang valued Lu Wei's judgment, but he still told him what he knew about the wolf clan: For now, the wolf clan is just a dog seduced by a snare with bones, and the threat is very small for the time being.

"The Central Plains can produce heroes, but the grasslands may not necessarily be able to." Lu Wei said lightly: "I know that Touman has a son named Modun. You can find a way to get rid of this man with a snare. At the same time, you can control all the outstanding behaviors in the wolf clan. All talented people will be killed."

The threat of wolves can be big or small.Now that the snare has penetrated deeply into the wolf clan, it might as well behead their leader directly. This is the easiest way.

"The identity I represent in the Northland has limited authority, but boy Zhou Wen was sent to the Northland, and I will convey this order to him."

Lu Wei seemed a bit mean to the wolf clan who had no direct hatred against the farmers but were good horse smuggling partners, but Tian Guang didn't ask much about it: It's just a wolf clan, Tian Guang rarely looks down on a person or a force, except for foreigners. .

Lu Wei wanted to kill a few characters from the wolf clan. Even if that character was the son of the wolf clan's Shanyu, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Tian Guang didn't even bother Lu Wei to launch a purge against his own Tian family in the farm house, let alone the wolf tribe barbarians.

"Since Mirage is involved, Confucianism must also be one of the targets. Does Luo Yu have any intentions in this regard?" There are not many opportunities to see Tian Guang safely, and Lu Wei is not willing to let go of any questions he can ask.

"There is a plan." Tian Guang shook his head slightly: "It still has little to do with my identity for the time being."

It is normal for Luo Wang, a huge organization, not to tell all the plans to a certain subordinate, and Lu Wei is not discouraged: "As long as the Confucian side is more exposed, Luo Wang will have to add more chips to it. It seems that we are going to See you in Songhai.”

From this sentence, Tian Guang knew that Lu Wei and Fu Nian had a very close relationship. He was relieved about this and continued: "Over Mount Tai, Luo Wang's investigation revealed that the Mo family seems to have a plan there, so he is also preparing to get involved. , after the next incident in the government city is over, the Mo family's independence will probably be reduced, and this news will definitely be useful to you."

Tian Guang knew that Lu Wei had plans for Gao Jianli, Tao Zhi, and Kuang Xiu, the leaders of the Mo family. The plan of this kid Lu more than ten years ago could suddenly be used at this time. He didn't know if it was a coincidence or not. But anyway, this matter Things were good for the farmer, so Tian Guang decisively helped Lu Wei and provided another clue.

"The Mo family's actions were so careless." Someone from Lu lowered his head slightly and chanted: "Compared to the Mo family, the farmers must be a more difficult opponent to deal with. Zhao Gao didn't plot against Daze Mountain?"

"The most difficult part is always left to the final solution. You did not expose any flaws, and even vaguely expressed his attitude of immediately increasing his efforts to support Fusu as soon as the net was moved. This made Zhao Gao angry, but Fusu was his real enemy. I can tell the difference."

Tian Guang smiled and said: "But once Fusu is dealt with, the farm family will face the cruelest blow, and your time is limited."

"If Luo Wang dared to use his own power to deal with Fusu, Fusu would have been dead long ago." Shaking his head, Lu Wei stood up, made eye contact with Tian Guang again to confirm each other's firmness, nodded slightly and left.

Tian Guang, who was left alone, sat for a while longer, twirling and playing with the teacup in his hand, drinking the tea with a smile, chewing the tea leaves together, and then left the inn.

The tea from this kind of small shop is definitely not a treasure, but Lu Wei used this year's new tea that he brought from Daze Mountain in advance. The taste is so familiar that Tian Guang has not tasted it in many years.
Lu Xiaozi is absolutely sure of himself~
(End of this chapter)

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