Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 309 Entering the Trick City

Chapter 309 Entering the Trick City
After Wei Zhuang took Chi Lian and handed the body of Wushuang Ghost to Gong Shuqiu who came from Songhai, he didn't show any nostalgia and headed south without looking back.

There was actually a small problem with the power of the Sanghai Mirage that had not yet been resolved, but when Gong Shuqiu learned that the empire was planning to destroy the government city, he rushed over without stopping.

The Mohist family and the Gongshu family, as a family of organists, have had a hatred that has lasted for nearly 300 years from the generation of their ancestors, Mozi and Gongshu Ban.

Each of the two families has their own strengths. If they can capture the Mo family's large and small machine beasts during the attack on the machine city and study the core technology of the machine city, then the public loser will be able to stay above the Mo family forever and become the number one in machine arts. family.

Gongshu Qiu has actually heard that farmers are also developing mechanism skills in recent years. He sneered at this: the inheritance of knowledge in this era is harsh and mean. Without inheritance, one can develop mechanism techniques from scratch. If you want to become the next Gongshu or Mohism, It will take 300 years, and after 300 years, the losers will have already developed more powerful mechanism technology.

In addition to time, talent is even more indispensable: Mozi's machine beasts were born 300 years ago, and the Mo family has not changed their core functions to this day.

In contrast, Gongshuqiu feels good about himself. He justly feels that his talents may be no less than those of his ancestor Gongshuban: Potochi Shiro, who specializes in restraining large-scale machine beasts, the Six-Path Wheel Armor Lock that protects confidential documents, and the greatest work, Mirage, These are great works that are not inferior to any other machine beast.

However, the great rival of the Mohist family, the master, has always been able to tinker with Mozi's works, which shows that his vision is still stuck at 300 years ago.

It is true that Gongshuqiu himself and Gongshujia have the full support of the empire, and Master Ban has many Mohist anti-Qin affairs to deal with in addition to researching machine skills, but it is a fact that the gap between the two sides has widened.

Gongshuqiu can't wait to enter the government city!

Before that, the condition of the corpse in front of him was very interesting. Gongshu Qiu had a bold idea: if this work can be successful, it will be another priceless technology that he can leave behind!
"Wushuang is dead." Chi Lian was a little depressed. The difference between her and Wei Zhuang was that no matter how hard she forced herself to be cold-blooded, the former Princess Honglian would not be truly ruthless.

"His death was not painful." Wei Zhuang didn't need trash. Although Wushuang Ghost was of great value, compared to his plan, it was nothing more than a pawn that could be discarded at any time.

Wei Zhuang knows that there will be special eyes on Gai Nie, so even if Gai Nie is unable to take action, the end of Wushuang Ghost is doomed: his strength will be very good when applied to military formations, but it is a pity that in front of real martial arts masters, Not enough.

"I have sent a signal to the Canglang King. Bai Feng will lead him to find Gai Nie's whereabouts." Chi Lian knew that Wei Zhuang didn't like a person who was indecisive, so her voice was cold, she forgot about Wushuang Ghost and focused on the plan. the next step.

Wei Zhuang knew the strength of the Cang Wolf King: his senior brother Gai Nie could be killed with one sword under normal circumstances.

The wolf pack and beast language skills of Canglang King are also very functional and can be used in a wide range of places. If you go to ambush Gai Nie, there is a high probability that he will be killed. This is a bit wasteful, but still the same sentence: it will Being killed while performing a mission means that he is not strong enough.

No matter how valuable the weak and weak in troubled times are, they must be alive to be useful.

Wei Zhuang's philosophy has been deeply ingrained, and he began to look at problems more with a killer's eyes: "Tell Bai Feng not to lose sight of the target, and at the same time let him use the spy wing to look for the eyes around Gai Nie, and don't let him himself Exposed when it shouldn’t have been.”

"He is a smart man and will know what to do." Chi Lian smiled cruelly: "My snake array seems to have no usable space."

"It will be useful." Wei Zhuang's voice was low: "Are the black unicorns and hidden bats here?"

"The Hidden Bats are still coming from southern Xinjiang. As for Lin'er, no farmers' manipulations were found on him, but farmers will not do anything without them." Chi Lian said with some worry.

The black unicorn that went against the quicksand was captured and taken hostage by the other party when it targeted the peasant hero Lu Wei three years ago. At that time, Wei Zhuang already thought that the quicksand had lost this 'Qian-changed, inexplicable, black jade unicorn', but he did not expect that Yes, the farmer actually released him back at the beginning of this year.

This is not good news. Lu Wei has many tricks, and Black Qilin's continued stay in Quicksand is actually a hidden danger.

But he was not willing to let Wei Zhuang kill Black Qilin.

This is also a conspiracy: there must be something wrong with Black Qilin, and when the problem is serious, it may threaten the life and death of the entire Quicksand, but Wei Zhuang cannot be ignored.

Especially in this attack on the government city, the black unicorn is of great use.

Wei Zhuang can only confidently believe that he has the ability to properly use the Black Kirin: This will bankrupt Lu Wei's plan and at the same time allow Liu Sha to retrieve the most deadly weapon ever.

It’s just that only Lu Wei himself knows whether what Wei Zhuang thinks is appropriate is what Lu Wei calculated.
"The peasant hero may not be willing to see the government city broken." Wei Zhuang said lightly: "Let him get ready. He must continue to do what he is best at in the government city."


Lu Wei took Ji Yan to the location of the government city that Luna had revealed in advance. He stood on the cliff and looked around at a large stretch of mountains.

Guancheng is surrounded by steep cliffs and deep valleys for hundreds of miles, and below it is surrounded by rushing rivers. It has steep terrain and unique natural scenery.

Due to the abundant water vapor, the mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist.These seas of clouds will suddenly appear and disappear suddenly. To find the location of the government city in such an environment, even though the Yin Yang family concealed the news of their infiltration into the Mo family, it is not impossible for the empire to spend more money to do it, but Liusha said If there is a way to find the government city more easily, Ying Zheng will naturally agree.

His Majesty the Emperor has a good impression of Liusha, because ten years ago Wei Zhuang, the owner of Liusha, personally took off the head of Yan Dan, who planned to assassinate Qin.The Xinzheng Rebellion planned later was concealed by Xiong Qi and Luo Wang, and the imperial court did not know about it.

If he can capture the government city this time, Liusha's contribution will be greater, and he will be completely reduced to a pawn of the empire in the world's impression.

However, once the news of Yan Dan's fake death is exposed in this attack on the city, the First Emperor's anger will be burning!

But Wei Zhuang obviously doesn't care about this.

"Xia Kui!" "Xia Kui."

At a place agreed in advance, Lu Wei met Wu Kuang and Chen Sheng, who had been wandering in Chu for three years.

Compared to Wu Kuang's recognition, Chen Sheng was still a little uncomfortable and embarrassed about calling Lu Wei the hero.

Three years ago, after learning that Luo Wang was escorting Chen Sheng away with a very simple escort team, Lu Wei and Chen Ping immediately understood Luo Wang's plan: they wanted Chen Sheng to escape on his own.

It's okay to fool Chen Sheng with this method, but it would be a bit disrespectful to hide it from Master Xia Kui.

Wu Kuang was immediately dispatched to Wei to wait for the escort team and rescued Chen Sheng in advance. Needless to say, the two brothers had been separated for more than ten years. Afterwards, the two brothers did not return to Daze Mountain, but followed the instructions of Xia at Wu Kuang's suggestion. Kui ordered him to act as a lone ranger and search for swordsmen on Chu land with great fanfare.

Chen Sheng has no problem with this. As long as he can be with his brothers, he is not afraid of going anywhere.

Of course, only Chen Sheng is mainly famous, and Wu Kuang is only as a resourceful person.

Over the past three years, the name of the black swordsman Shengqi has become more and more famous. As a lone ranger, the empire recruited Jianghu forces to besiege the city, and also recruited Shengqi.

This must be Luo Sheng's plan.Zhao Gao knew that Sheng Qi had a close relationship with the Nong family, so he deliberately recommended this person to Li Si in order to drive away tigers and wolves and allow the Nong family to leave traces in this attack on the government city.

No matter what this trace can do in the future, there is nothing wrong with laying it out first.

After Chen Sheng received the invitation from the empire, he calmly neither agreed nor refused, but asked his brother Wu Kuang for his opinion.

He had neither a favorable impression nor a dislike for the Mo family, but Wu Kuang said that this move would help the farmers, so Chen Sheng decisively agreed in the end.

"The main force attacking the government city is Liusha. Although you are under the orders of the empire, please be careful to preserve your strength after joining Liusha."

Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang are a ranger character who has nothing to do with the peasant family on the surface and has nothing to do with the peasant family. The two of them still have to assume the identity of peasant traitors that they have become accustomed to, and secretly serve the interests of the peasant family.

It is certainly dangerous to attack the government city this time and let them sneak into it, but Lu Wei can use more chess pieces in the government city, which can reduce the probability that he needs to take action personally.

When Lu Wei was giving instructions to the two of them, Xiao Yan'er stood upright beside Lu Wei, her high ponytail gently blowing in the wind, her face expressionless and silent.

But the aura she exuded intentionally or unintentionally shocked Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang: the strength of the woman next to this hero was quite terrifying.

"Yes, Xiakui, what is the purpose of our action with Qin this time?" Wu Kuang took the initiative to ask. He knew that he would eventually break through the city, but there were many possibilities in the process.

"Soon the remnants of the Six Nations will gather in the Guan City. After you enter the Guan City, you can be harsher on the dignitaries of the Six Kingdoms." Lu Wei said the murder target lightly. Wu Kuang and Chen Sheng stared at each other. After receiving the order in doubt, he quickly retreated.

Killing the nobles of the six countries has no psychological burden on the two of them.

"Dong Jun from the Yin Yang family should have entered the government city. How are we going to find her?"

When the rest of the crowd had gone away, Ji Yan took a step forward. His pupils under his light and slender eyebrows reflected the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and he asked in a crisp voice.

"Dongjun's target is Yan Dan after all, and the way she wants to use it is to use Yan Dan's daughter. With this in mind, it won't be difficult to find her or design her~"

A smile appeared on Lu Wei's lips. After knowing enough secrets, other people's plans would be transparent to him:

"It's rainy outside these mountains at night, let's go into the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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