Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 310 Meeting Gao Yue for the first time

Chapter 310 Meeting Gao Yue for the first time
The main part of the mechanism city is hidden in a valley surrounded by mountains. In addition to the entrance to the regular Mogui Pond, other places in the valley are not only protected by natural cliffs, but also equipped with various deadly traps for defense.

Over the past 300 years, under the reinforcement of Mohist disciples, these traps can be said to be exhaustive and full of lethality.

However, simple mechanisms are rigid after all. Those fixed attack methods are life-devouring machines for ordinary people, but for masters like Lu Wei, even if they are really triggered, it is difficult to overturn.

But in that case, when the Mohist disciples come to check later, they will find someone intruding. Maybe the Mohe secret room of the Mohist family can report at any time where the mechanism technique has been triggered. In this way, Lu Wei's whereabouts will be exposed by the activated mechanism technique.

Therefore, Lu Wei and Ji Yan need to be more careful not to trigger the mechanism as much as possible.

"The climate here is very humid, and these mechanism traps of the Mohist family can actually accumulate power for a long time without being affected. This shows that they have special methods for preventing moisture and rust of mechanism parts."

Ji Yan has a wide range of interests. While following Lu Wei's footsteps, he actively spoke out: "Our farmers are not mature enough in this area of ​​technology. We can dismantle some parts after the government city is breached and send them to Jingxian County for the workshop to try and study." Crack.”

She showed that she was only thinking about the farmers, so she noticed a lot of details. In contrast, Lu Wei planned to conquer the Mo family in the future, so he didn't expect that he could take the opportunity to copy the Mo family's technology now: "Well, this matter It will be done when you evacuate.”


It was a sunny afternoon when the two jumped into the valley through the outer cliff.

Avoiding the sight of many Mohist disciples, both overtly and covertly, the figures of Lu Wei and Ji Yan disappeared silently deep into the covered bridge of the city.
"Is this the Mo family's organ city?"

Tianming jumped off the Suzaku machine and blinked at the slightly dim environment around him, with a slight hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"This is just the entrance. The machine city is still inside. The paradise is not just this narrow~"

Master Ban saw that Tianming was in a low mood because he regarded Mogui Pond as the entire city, so he laughed and explained to him.

This child had great expectations for the "Promised Land of the World" he had heard about along the way. Master Ban now knew that Tianming was the son of Jing Ke, so he had a higher tolerance for him in his heart.

Immediately after Tianming and Master Ban, those who stepped down from the Suzaku machine were Shao Yu, Gai Nie, whose complexion improved slightly, and Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect.

The reason why several people who were supposed to be in Xiang's motorcade suddenly changed to Suzaku and came to Guan City with Xiaoyaozi started a few days ago:
After the camp was determined to evacuate, Xiang's convoy was ambushed by the Cang Wolf King's wolves shortly after entering Chu from the Taihang Mountains. They spent a lot of money to force the Cang Wolf King back before escaping from the wolves' pursuit.

Although the Canglang King's strength was not outstanding compared to Ji Bu, the strongest fighter in the team at the time, because it was night and there were wolves assisting in the attack, Xiang's team was still at a disadvantage as a whole.

Under the critical situation, the seriously injured Ganie had to take action again, and together with Ji Bu, he severely injured the Canglang King.

After the Blue Wolf King fled bleeding, Ji Bu wanted to pursue him and kill him, but at that time Ganie completely fainted due to his serious injuries. If he left again, he might fall into the enemy's plan of luring the snake out of the cave, so he had to give up.

After giving Ganie a rough diagnosis, Fan Zeng believed that he needed to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

It was under such circumstances that Master Mo Jiaban arrived in time in the Suzaku at dawn, and happened to bring Xiaoyaozi with him. It was a coincidence that the big trouble was solved.

Judging from the successive attacks of Wushuang Ghost and Canglang King, Quicksand's pursuit is tightening step by step. If the next road to the machine city is still relying on horseback riding, it will inevitably be full of dangers, and Gai Nie's injury also needs to be found as soon as possible. A suitable place to recover Therefore, Fan Zeng suggested that Gai Nie, Tian Ming and Shao Yu take the mechanized Suzaku to enter the mechanized city first, while the rest of the Xiang family arrived a few days later as originally planned.

The number of people on the Suzaku is limited. Although there is theoretically room for another Jibu, Xiang's team will be completely unguarded.

In the end, Suzaku set off with only three additional people.

On the way, Xiaoyaozi gave Gai Nie preliminary treatment, which helped them successfully get rid of the bird attack of the white phoenix in the quicksand through the joint swords of Gai Nie and Xiaoyaozi when they were approaching the city.

There were no surprises along the way, and we finally entered the machine city.

"Really?" Tianming looked left and right: "But there is no road here. How are we going to get to the real machine city?"

"Don't worry, someone will pick us up soon."

As soon as Master Ban finished speaking, the sound of clicking machine gears came from the empty Mogui Pond: "Look, it's already here."

Through the action of several sets of pulleys, a beautiful wooden boat slowly descended from the open air above the Mogui Pond. However, when the mechanical creation called the cloud boat completely fell, Master Ban looked puzzled when he saw the little girl walking out of it: "Moon Boat" Son? Why are you here?"

The visitor was suddenly Gao Yue, who had a special status in the government city.

"Several commanders are out of town for business, and the master is not here either. Mother wants to lead the disciples to make preparations for receiving the heroes of the Six Nations, so she sent me here." Gao Yue, who wore twin ponytails, squinted her crescent smile and spoke in a lively voice. After answering Master Ban's question, he bowed slightly and saluted Gai Nie and Xiaoyaozi: "My name is Gao Yue. The elders of the Mo family all call me Yue'er. I have met several seniors."

Tianming, who was sitting next to Master Ban, looked at the girl about his own age who came out of the cloud boat that descended from the sky, and his eyes were dazed for a moment.
"Hey, who is this month?"

Everyone boarded the cloud boat. While the cloud boat was rising, Tian Ming in the corner was no longer as funny as before. Instead, he carefully poked Shao Yu next to him with his arm, covering his mouth with one hand and asked in a low voice.

"Miss Yue?" Shao Yu folded his arms and looked at the companion who had been quarreling with him on the road. At this moment, he restrained his temper because of a little girl. He couldn't help but feel a little funny: "Call me big brother and I will tell you about Miss Yue. Oh~"

"Tch, if you don't tell me, don't tell me!" Faced with Shao Yu's 'excessive' request, Tian Ming turned his head in disdain: "I see that you don't know either!"

"Haha, it seems that the teachings I have given you along the way, big brother, have been useless. You have learned all the techniques of stimulating generals." Shao Yu shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "It seems that it is necessary to teach you what generosity is, big brother." ."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Gao Yue's back in front of him, lowered his head slightly and glanced at Tianming. The latter raised his eyebrows, stretched his neck and put his ears closer in tacit agreement:

"Let me tell you, Miss Yue's name is not Gao Yue, Gao Yue is just a title."

"Banned account? What is a banned account?" The more Tianming asked, the more he didn't understand.

"." Helplessly raising his hand to his forehead, Shao Yu looked at Tian Ming's confused expression and said with rare patience: "A title is a title or title awarded by a king to his subjects. The full name of Gao Yue is Gao Yue. It should be 'Princess Gaoyue'."

"Princess!" Tianming's startled shout was heard by everyone on the cloud boat. He noticed that everyone's eyes were focused on him in an instant, and he smiled in response as he was accustomed to.

Among them, Gao Yue, the main character, has a profound knowledge of onmyoji. She heard clearly what Tianming Shaoyu was discussing about her. She just turned her head and smiled sweetly to Tianming's reckless behavior, but did not show any concern. appearance.

When everyone's speechless gaze disappeared, Tianming moved to Shao Yu again in a meaningless and sneaky way: "Yue'er is the daughter of that tyrant Ying Zheng? Why are you here?"

"What are you thinking!" Shao Yu sighed: "It's not like only Ying Zheng can canonize a princess. Miss Yue is the daughter of the former King Yan of the Yan Kingdom, the daughter of King Dan of Yan who planned the shocking plan to assassinate Qin! "

Gao Yue's identity is not a secret in the city. It is also widely spread among the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, so Shao Yu knows it very well.

Everyone else on the cloud boat, including Gai Nie, also knew it. Only Tianming didn't understand this.

Therefore, the content of the chat between the two was not considered confidential, but it was very rude for the two of them to talk about the identity of a little girl behind her back.

"Yan Kingdom?" A new question mark appeared in Tianming's mind, but he had already made a fool of himself. He restrained his doubts and just silently recorded what Shao Yu said just now, preparing to ask his uncle in private that he didn't understand it. Content.

'Uncle is the only one who won't laugh at me! '

'They are the sons of Jing Ke and the young master of the Xiang family. Gao Yue, whose smile never disappeared from the front of the cloud boat, listened to the conversation between the two. It was not true that she didn't feel offended in her heart, but at her mother's request in advance, she knew that she would soon be You have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders and you must maintain your dignity, and
'First follow your master's words. At the same time, you can take the initiative to rely on your identity to contact the remnants of the Six Nations and get all clues from them. '

'After all, you don't want your mother to be sad, right? '

Remembering the instructions from those deep eyes, Gao Yue clenched her palms tightly into fists under her sleeves.

"Yan Yun is actually the sister of Yan Shen and Yan Bing."

Ji Yan calmly looked through the Mo family's internal materials on the desk, keeping the Mo family's secrets in mind, and at the same time spoke to Lu Wei, who was standing in the corridor majestically overlooking the Moh family's headquarters outside.

Clear eyes carefully glanced at the strong back. Xiao Yaner felt admiration in his heart, but at the same time he inevitably felt scared:
'Judging from the time when the Yan brothers joined the farm, isn't it Brother Lu who arranged for Yan Yun to become Queen Yan?'

'More than ten years ago, Brother Lu could already calculate the king of a country?'

"Identity is not important, what is important is that this identity can be used by me."

With a calm smile, Lu Wei did not explain the truth about Yan's matter.

Of course, Yan Yun becoming Queen Yan was beyond his plan, but this expectation was developing in a good direction, and of course he had to accept this gift with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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