Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 311 Cruel Hidden Bat

Chapter 311 Cruel Hidden Bat
When Yan Yun first became the Crown Princess of Yan, she was obviously the daughter of Yan Yi, the general of Yan State.

Lu Qiuge had investigated her at that time, but due to the current situation that year, the Qin State was about to destroy Han, Lu Wei went south to Zhao Wei to plan, and later planned Li Mu's entry into farming, and the affairs of the Yan Dynasty were basically left to Ashan. .

The first priority Ashan was responsible for at that time was to shrink Lu Qiuge's power. Therefore, he did not dare to investigate Yan Dan's personal affairs in detail to avoid being caught, let alone Yan Yun. The first result of this was Lu Wei didn't react much to Yan Yun's identity at first.

Later, when this woman came into Lu Wei's sight again, she had to wait until the year when Yan State Jicheng was besieged.

Before Yan Dan pretended to defend Jicheng, he actually sent the queen and daughter out in advance. This surprised Lu Wei. The reason is very simple: given Yan Dan's character, he would not have known that sending his wife and daughter out would inspire him. It is better to keep them in the city to inspire people's hearts.

Even if he wanted to fake his death from the beginning, in theory it would be enough to send one daughter out. Is the life or death of a marriage partner more important than the possibility that Jicheng might be able to stay for one more month?
It is not difficult to draw conclusions about what Yan Dan would do under normal circumstances with such a choice, but the fact is that he sent his wife and the queen of Yan away together.

This made Lu Wei know that this woman named Yan Yun was really capable of making Yan Dan make such a choice.

Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that she was not Yan Yi's biological daughter, but the daughter of Yan Yi's brother, the sister of his own Yan brothers.

From the Yan brothers, Lu Wei learned about this sister's obsession with her family, and also knew that sooner or later, this woman could be used by him.

Concubine Jun Yan, the owner of the Yin Yang family, helped Yan Yun complete his revenge, which made Yan Yun very grateful. However, this friendship was instantly lowered than the status of Master Xia Kui, who held the tokens of his two brothers and a letter from his brother.

The power that Yan Yun represents in the Mo family is the remnants of the former Yan Kingdom, so she has the power to manage an area alone in the city.Using this power, Lu Wei and Ji Yan did not worry about being exposed to the Mo family after entering the government city. They just needed to be careful to avoid Lord Dongjun.

Of course, it doesn’t matter even if Dongjun finds him~
On a cliff outside the city, a cloud of mist gathered in the sky and dispersed quickly.

Wei Zhuang held the shark teeth and stared coldly at the black swordsmen Sheng Qi and Wu Kuang in front of him, his long hair gently blowing in the breeze.

Since he is still a traitor to the peasant family, he is only known as Sheng Qi in the world. The name Chen Sheng is only used within the peasant family.

"Whose order are you here from?"

His eyes were so sharp that he seemed to be able to see through everything. The owner of Quicksand's shark-tooth sword was not unsheathed, indicating that he had a certain recognition of the value of the two people in front of him.

"Of course it's an imperial order, isn't it Master Wei Zhuang?"

Wu Kuang spoke boldly. In front of him, Sheng Qi held Jique slung across his waist. His eyes were as cold as Wei Zhuang's, which actually showed from the beginning that it was difficult for him to get along with Wei Zhuang.

"Is that so~" Wei Zhuang's mouth suddenly showed a smile: "You also want to break through the machine city?"

"Master Li Si offered us a very high price, and the price can be tripled after the city is conquered. No one can refuse." Wu Kuang calmly responded to the other party's questions, seemingly leaving no loopholes.

"It's a very frank question and answer. Now I ask you to go to the outskirts of the city to find their flaws." Wei Zhuang turned around and his robes stirred up a wave of air: "My people will attack this fortress from the inside, and someone will be there by then." I’m going to inform you.”

"Then thank you Lord Wei Zhuang." Wu Kuang saluted with his sword in hand, and left with Sheng Qi who remained silent the whole time.

"Just tell these two people our plan like this?" After the two of them walked away, Chi Lian twisted his waist and played with the Chi Lian snake in his hand, then stepped forward and asked.

"What does it matter? They are Lu Wei's people." Wei Zhuang looked down at the river at the foot of the cliff and said calmly what he had known from the beginning.

"That peasant hero..." Chi Lian frowned: "The Black Swordsman is actually his, so what does he want to do?"

Chi Lian was deeply impressed by Lu Wei. He was the most dangerous person in the world.

"Didn't the minions he sent already say that he wants to break through the government city." Wei Zhuang didn't like failure, but he would not be prejudiced by emotion against Lu Wei, who had defeated him twice: "This is actually a good news."

"Why?" Chi Lian didn't understand, but the owner of Quicksand didn't want to answer this question to her. Instead, he focused on Bai Feng, who had been standing on the treetop from beginning to end: "It's time for you to send them in. "

As soon as Wei Zhuang finished speaking, the white figure there disappeared instantly.
In the government city, in order to welcome the next gathering of the six nations, the entire Mohist family was extremely busy. The boss and several commanders were basically sent out to greet the heroes of the six nations, so the defense force of the base camp was weakened.

In this case, the invasion of the Countercurrent Sand Hidden Bat and the Black Kirin was really easy.
Tianming feels that his life has been developing in a good direction since he was taken away by his uncle.Although the big bad guy Ying Zheng had sent killers and troops to hunt down himself and his uncle for more than half a year, and he and his uncle had to escape all the way, but no matter what, at least he was not hungry for a long time during the escape. This is already very happy.

After entering the Mojia City, not only are there magical things that have never been seen, heard, or even imagined before, but Yue'er and Shaoyu can accompany them to play together. It is indeed a paradise in the world~
"Yue'er Yue'er, where are we going to play today?"

Walking with Shao Yu, but after seeing Gao Yue's back under the tree from a distance with her fingers hooked behind her back, Tian Ming immediately trotted forward and rushed forward.

Shao Yu helplessly spread his hands and chased after him.

"Today, let me think about it." The innocent Gao Yue pressed her chin with her finger and frowned slightly: "I heard that there is a machine bronze man array deep in the back mountain, which is the experimental site of the Mohist machine technique, but..."

"But what?" Seeing Gao Yue's hesitation, Tianming immediately took over the topic and asked.

"That place is one of the most important secret places. In order to prevent someone from stealing the results of the Mohist machine arts inside, even Mohist disciples cannot go there without permission."

When Gao Yue said this, she shook her head violently: "Forget it, I can't take you there. Let's go to the place where we played the day before yesterday."

"No, since it's a secret place, it will definitely be more fun." Tianming's eyes lit up when he was halfway through what Gao Yue said, and finally he said he couldn't go, and he immediately became frustrated: "Hao Yue'er, just take us there. Bar."

"Yes, Miss Yue." Shao Yu was not willing to let go of this rare opportunity to increase his knowledge, and in his opinion, since Gao Yue could know about this kind of thing, its importance was not as severe as he said. The three of them They are still children, so even if they are discovered, it will probably not matter:
"We will definitely not steal the secret of the machine technique. Only old men with white beards like Master Fan and Master Ban can understand that stuff. Just take us there!"

"This" Facing the request of the two companions, Gao Yue seemed to relent. Seeing this scene, Tianming Shaoyu immediately felt that something was wrong, and they increased the intensity of their requests. In this case, Gao Yue finally had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, Yue'er is the best!" Tianming cheered and Shaoyu also smiled.
The muscles were torn apart, and the muscles were cut open by sharp objects. The most cruel killer in the countercurrent sand, the Hidden Bat, subdued a Mohist disciple who was patrolling in the back mountain, and immediately carried him to a tree, letting himself hang upside down to absorb the fresh blood. .

The Hidden Bat and the Blue Wolf King have the same attack weapons as the claws on both arms, but the appearance of the claws clearly shows that the two have very different fighting styles:

The Cang Wolf King's claws are thick and complex, with special metal wires on them that can control the opening, closing, expansion and contraction of the claws. It is a typical example of frontal attack.

The claws of the hidden bat are thinner and more pointed. At first glance, such a claw-type weapon is not designed for head-on confrontation.

After sucking most of the blood from the prey, the half-dead prey was now completely dead. The hidden bat stretched out its tongue that was obviously different from ordinary people and licked the blood from its lips. With a cruel smile, it hung the trophy on a tree on a vine.

And that tree had long been covered with all kinds of dead bodies hanging everywhere!

The skin of the corpses wearing the clothes of Mohist disciples and with hollow eyes showed pale white, their heads were hung in extremely abnormal postures, and their twisted fingers directly proved the cruel feelings they had before death.
Even though it was still daytime, the extremely terrifying scene created by the sound of corpses swinging in the trees made the surrounding air almost freeze.

The hidden bat stood under the tree, looking up at these horrific works of art, his eyes showing perverted satisfaction and joy.

After practicing in southern Xinjiang for many years, he finally encountered the Qin State's large-scale attack on Baiyue. The chaotic battlefield was the best place for him to perform, but following Wei Zhuang's order, Hidden Bat had to leave his comfortable environment and come to the Mo family.

Fortunately, the blood of these martial arts disciples is more delicious, and they are even more loved by his bat blood technique~
With a smile, the mechanism bat wings behind the Hidden Bat spread out and continued its hunting tour in the back mountain.

At the same time, the three little ones, who were completely unaware of all this, were still walking towards the back mountain.

As the king of thieves, Thief Zhi invites guests quickly and is also the first to return to the organ city.

But just as the early bird catches the worm, the early bird catches the worm.

The remnants of the old Zhao State he brought back met Shengqi Wu Kuang when they were still fifty miles away from the city.

The Black Swordsman didn't like talking to the dead, so he still waved his giant sword without saying a word and launched an attack on Thieves Zhi and his party.

Robber's foot skills are unparalleled. He was able to escape so close to the government city by relying on his understanding of the terrain. But he could escape, but the heroes of Zhao State could not escape!
And for Thieving Zhi to give up Qinggong and fight a life-and-death battle with Sheng Qi, that is even more of an act seeking death.
(End of this chapter)

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