Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 312 Mo Family Uniforms

Chapter 312 Mo Family Uniforms
Gai Nie had always kept a low profile on the way to escape, and after entering the government city, he became even more profound and simple to the extreme.

On the one hand, this is because his injuries still require a lot of time to slowly and quietly heal after being treated by Xiaoyaozi. On the other hand, Gai Nie guessed that he and others had to be forced into the machine city according to the design of his junior brother Xiaozhuang. Quicksand's next plan is likely to further stir up chaos within the city.

My identity is sensitive, and there is currently a lack of experts in the agency city. If I move around too much, Xiaozhuang will definitely take advantage of this.

Gai Nie's understanding of his junior brother made it clear that the Mohist government city now needs a stable internal environment, whether it chooses to stay put or lure the enemy deeper.

But Ge Nie was not a Mohist giant and could not convince everyone, and his negative prestige among the remaining six kingdoms could even be a cause for chaos.

In this way, until he could no longer gain trust, Ge Nie believed that keeping silent would save the Mo family energy.

Xiaoyaozi lived in the room on the right side of his residence. This arrangement was obviously a layer of precaution, but Xiaoyaozi did not show any fear of Gai Nie.

The head of the Renzong would come to check on Gai Nie's health every day with nothing. The ordinary daily exchanges between the two were like a gentleman's friendship. For Xiaoyaozi, who could be regarded as his savior, Gai Nie was grateful and had a natural feeling. a layer of prevention.

This has nothing to do with Xiaoyaozi itself, only the teaching courses of Guigu Sect.

The use of vertical and horizontal manipulation is a means of inducement. Ge Nie is an idealist. Although he may not be as decisive as Wei Zhuang in this regard, being able to do it means that he is at least qualified.

"The yin and yang technique in Tian Ming's body is called the Sleeping Curse Seal. This curse is one of the eight yin and yang spells of the Yin and Yang family. Brother Xiaoyao doesn't know the solution."

Gai Nie maintained his meditating posture and asked Xiaoyaozi.

"I have heard about the Sleeping Curse Seal, but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes." Xiaoyaozi shook his head: "The Yin Yang Family and Taoism are related, but according to my previous inspections of Tianming, If we cannot find the person who cast the curse or an expert within the Yin Yang family, the only person in the Taoist family who has the cultivation level to forcibly break the curse is probably Bo Bei Mingzi, the master of our Tianzong."

"I have received the teachings of Master Beiming." Gai Nie was not disappointed, but nodded calmly: "However, Taiyi Mountain is far away in the pass of Qin State, and Master Beiming has been practicing in the mountain for a long time and has not come down from the mountain for decades. I want to invite you. It is not easy for him to treat Tianming."

Not only is it not easy, it is almost impossible.

Xiaoyaozi also understood this. He frowned and stood up and wandered around the room twice. He seemed to have thought of something while stroking his beard. He stopped and said again: "The Yin Yang family and the Moh family also have a long-standing relationship. When the Mohist giant returns, you can ask him to serve as There may be a solution to Tianming’s diagnosis.”

"Well, we need to trouble Brother Xiaoyao." Before Gai Nie finished speaking, the sound of hurried footsteps outside made the two of them look at the door at the same time: it was a well-dressed Mohist disciple.

"Master Xiaoyao, Commander Bandit Zhi was attacked outside and escaped back. He was injured. Master Ben asked you to come over."

"I'll be there right away." Xiaoyaozi said he knew, and turned around to nod to Gai Nie before leaving. At this moment Gai Nie suddenly spoke up again: "I went out with Shao Yu in the morning and haven't returned yet. I'm worried about him. He may have run far away, so I would like to trouble Brother Xiaoyao to ask the Mo family to find him."

The King of Thieves, Thief Zhi, is a name that Gai Nie has heard of before. It can make him injured around the city. The strength of the enemy can be imagined. Xiaozhuang's action has already begun.

If there is action outside, there will be no action inside. Gai Nie only briefly glanced at the structure of the organ city when he entered, which was enough to judge that the sky above was a difficult place to fortify, which was an advantage for Quicksand.

Therefore, he was a little worried about Tianming: both the young master of the Xiang family and the princess of Yan Kingdom had some good martial arts, but Tianming was different. His time to learn martial arts was too short.

"Brother Gai, don't worry, I will take this matter to heart." Xiaoyaozi agreed, and then left after reporting the disciple.

'The experience in the government city will most likely become a test that determines the future. Tianming, you must face everything with a strong attitude! '

Looking at the two departing figures, Gai Nie placed Yuan Hong on his lap where he was meditating, calmly closed his eyes and continued to recover from his injuries.

Xiaoyaozi came to the Mojia Mo Hall, where the slightly embarrassed Thief Zhi was surrounded by everyone in the center, while Master Ban and Yan Yun stood aside with anxious faces.

The King of Thieves' injury was not serious, but the news he brought back was very bad: Zhao Xie, the representative clan of the old Zhao Kingdom, was captured by the black swordsman Sheng Qi. At the same time, a bunch of nobles and righteous men were also captured. Now their lives and deaths are unknown.

"That guy has such a big and dark sword. I am no match for him, so I can only escape and report the news." Thieves Zhi explained helplessly, spreading his hands.

"Black Swordsman Sheng Qi has been in the Chu land for the past few years, and now he is willing to become a pawn of the empire." Master Ban was worried. Zhao Xie was arrested outside the city. This is the responsibility of the Mo family.

"I know something about this person. He is very powerful. The empire sent this person to intercept him. No wonder Brother Robber Zhi." Although Robber Zhi appeared to be fine, Xiaoyaozi still stepped forward to check him out.

"Wei Zhuang and a large number of morally deprived knights in the world were invited by the Imperial Prime Minister Li Si."

A cold voice suddenly came from the door. Everyone looked back and saw that the other two commanders who were out: Gao Jianli and Kuang Xiu came in.

The mission of the two of them was to lead Qi's anti-Qin heroes and nobles. It seemed that the mission was completed smoothly.

"On the return ship, we looked at the white phoenix of Quicksand from a distance in the reef section. Although he did not launch an attack, it was enough to prove that almost all of Quicksand's main force was here."

Gao Jianli's eyebrows were slender, and he drew back sharply and powerfully. The sharp eyes under his eyebrows and his tone showed that he was in a bad mood at this time: "Master Ban, we are going to send out the mechanism beasts to patrol outside the mechanism city and raise the defense level to the highest level. "I know, I'll do it right away." Master Ban agreed with Xiao Gao's opinion and hurried to the Mohe secret room: Zhao Xie being captured is already a big trouble, and there can't be other heroes who want to come to the organ city to party. Imperial hostage!
"As for Xiaozhi, take me to the location of the attack. We must rescue the Zhao soldiers!"

Gao Jianli continued to issue orders as the second-in-command of the Mo family. Daozhi was about to nod when he was stopped by Xiaoyaozi: "I'll go to Shengqi's place. Brother Gao has more important things in the city."

"What do you mean by Mr. Xiaoyao?" Gao Jianli was puzzled. The latter directly explained Gai Nie's request and revealed his investigation results: "On the way here, I asked a disciple of the Mo family to inquire and confirm that Tianming, Shaoyu and Gao These three children are missing."

"Gai Nie." Gao Jianli frowned. He whispered the name first, and the cold water in his hand suddenly exuded cold air.

Ge Nie had a huge and negative meaning to Gao Jianli at this time.

The official cause of death of his eldest brother Jing Ke was that he was killed by the imperial swordsman Gai Nie himself, and it was precisely because of the failure of the assassination of Qin that the Yan Kingdom perished and the Mohist family fell to this point.

"Tianming Shaoyu and Gao Yue must find it as soon as possible, Xiao Gao." Sensing Gao Jianli's emotional instability, Kuang Xiu beside him calmly put his hand on his shoulder. This pat helped Gao Jianli regain his senses.

Tianming is the son of Jing Ke.

Shaoyu is Xiang Yan's grandson and the hope of the new Chu Kingdom.

Gao Yue is the daughter of the former King of Yan and the former Mohist tycoon, and the daughter of Yan Yun, the current leader of the Mohist family.

Any accident to any of these three children, except Tianming, would bring immediate and direct harm to the Mo family.

Moreover, if something happened to them in the city, it also means that enemies have invaded the city. This must be resolved!
"Then the black swordsman will have trouble with Mr. Xiaoyao." Gao Jianli cupped his fists and saluted Xiaoyaozi.

"I know where the three children are. The bronze man formation in the back mountain has been activated!" Master Ban, who had just left a while ago, ran back at this time.

The secret room of Mo He has a mechanism monitoring system for the entire city. When Mo He prompted the orichalcum formation to be activated, Master Ben thought it was an enemy invasion and wanted to inform everyone, but he heard a discussion about the three children, so Spread the news immediately.

"What about the back mountain?" Gao Jianli decisively turned around and set off.


"The entire Mo family is in motion."

Ji Yan stood up from the bathing tub leisurely, without wiping off the water stains on his body, and casually took a piece of Mohist disciple's clothing from the wall and put it on.

Although it is only a top, it is long enough to cover half of the thigh.

Tie the belt into a bow neatly, Xiao Yan'er came to the table with bare feet, sat in Lu Wei's arms deftly, crossed her snow-white slender legs, and looked at the books on the table together: It said that the Mohist family has been development data.

The Mohists once got the idea of ​​making paper from the Qi State. Later, with the addition of the Mohist's mechanical skills, they could also make paper as white as snow like the farmers.

It can be seen that the Mohists, who have the black technology of mechanism, just lack forward-looking ideas, otherwise they can do more.

"Well, this means that the commander with sufficient authority is back, and Yan Dan himself is coming soon." Seriously, he placed his hand on the girl's delicate and silky 'silk', holding her steady so that she wouldn't fall down. At the same time, his fingertips felt a little up
Sniffing the unique light fragrance coming from his arms, Lu Wei still stared at the table: "Dongjun's concealment continues, she is the benchmark for our actions."

Boom, boom, suddenly, there was a knock on the door of their room. The two of them were not nervous. Ji Yan did not stand up. Instead, he brought himself closer to Lu Wei's chest and shouted "Come in" on his behalf.

Yan Yun walked in and looked at the two people sitting there cuddling together, subconsciously avoiding his sight: "Xia Kui, Yue'er is in danger in the back mountain, I'm worried."

Just now in the Mo Hall, Yan Yun was only worried about the enemies of the Mo family in front of Gao Jianli, Xiaoyaozi and others, and he righteously put his daughter's disappearance behind him. But as soon as the meeting broke up, she was so anxious and angry that she came right away. Ask Lu Wei for help.

"Don't worry, your daughter Yue'er will be absolutely safe."

Retracting his hands to wrap around Ji Yan's soft waist, Xiao Yan'er immediately twisted restlessly, while Lu Wei continued calmly:
"She is Yan Dan's daughter and will not be hurt by quicksand!"

"In this crisis in the government city, no high-ranking or important disciple of the Mo family will be hurt by the quicksand~"

Yan Yun had known before that Yan Dan and Wei Zhuang had planned to fake their own deaths. When Lu Wei said this, she understood:

It turns out that this time is the same as Jicheng, or is it just an act?

(End of this chapter)

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