Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 313 Death of Hidden Bat

Chapter 313 Death of Hidden Bat
The hidden bat hung upside down on the wall, stretched out its tongue and licked the claws on its hands.

The rusty smell of blood on it had a refreshing effect on him.

Diagonally below him, there are a hundred and one exquisitely designed mechanical bronze figures. Each bronze figure is holding a military weapon, and they line up neatly and solemnly in a tacit understanding.

The 'General' bronze figure in the center holding a long sword is several times larger than the other bronze figures, and looks extremely powerful in combat.

But its feet were firmly nailed to a console and could not move: Tianming Shaoyu and Yue'er were hiding behind the general bronze man, using mechanisms to control the bronze man formation and have driven back three hidden bat charges. .

The Bronze Man Formation contains the complex mechanism skills and battlefield tactical thoughts of Mohism. One hundred and one Bronze Man Formation can be understood as forming a complete but strange mechanism beast.

This 'mechanical beast' cannot move, that is, it cannot leave the back mountain. It is just a military formation test product conceived by the new giant after the Yan Kingdom was destroyed. The theory is not yet perfect.

But judging from the fact that it can block the attacks of hidden bats with the ability to fly, it is at least enough as a trap to deal with martial arts masters.

At least this is how Sanxiao understood it.

"Tianming, Shaoyu, can't relax, the monster is still there!"

Gao Yue's eyes were fixed on Hidden Bat. Due to excessive tension on his forehead, a bead of sweat slid down his cheek: "The number of crossbow arrows equipped on the machine bronze man is limited. Once there are no more, he loses his defense against the above. Only I can let him." You can launch when you launch.”

"Don't worry, Miss Yue'er/Yue'er." Tianming Shaoyu nodded in unison. Regarding the current situation, the two people's trembling hands were not afraid, but excited.

Scenes like this are just appetizers for Tianming, who aspires to be a hero like his uncle, and Shaoyu, who aspires to inherit the 'strongest Xiang family'.

"Tch." Seeing the three brats moving their mouths to complete the exchange, Hidden Bat curled his lips disdainfully: If Boss Wei hadn't specifically ordered not to kill any child in the city before he came, every child would be the same. The hostages worth tens of thousands of dollars, he had already solved them when he first discovered them outside in the dense forest in the back mountain.

That way, the three of them would not have escaped into the Mo family's organization due to their playful mentality, and they would have been embarrassed.

In fact, such a clumsy formation machine beast that cannot move, if it is a Wushuang ghost, it can completely withstand the attack and pull out all the bronze men blocking the front, but the hidden bat cannot do it, his defense is too poor.

Of course, with his experienced experience, it is not difficult to forcefully rush in halfway and shoot the hook from a long distance to kill the three imps instantly, but Boss Wei's order is not to kill them.

The boss's orders are not obligatory, as long as Hidden Bat is confident that he can dodge the three attacks of shark teeth afterwards: this is the rule of quicksand.

But judging from the fact that he still allows his three children to live, he obviously doesn't have the confidence to challenge this rule.

"Use it, use it!" Hidden Bat laughed and threatened the three children, trying to make them make mistakes in the next operation out of anxiety: "There is no food, no water source, and you can't even leave the console seat. , I want to see how long you can hide in there!"

Having said that, the Hidden Bat, which had completed a verbal psychological attack, rushed into the Bronze Man Formation again.

"Tianming! Use the spear array in front, Shao Yu controls the bronze figures on the two wings and prepares for shooting with crossbows!"

Yue'er exclaimed the conductor, while her palms hidden under her sleeves quietly made the yin and yang forbidden curse gesture, just in case.
The Hidden Bat's flexible attack method made it difficult for him to completely destroy these iron knots. Therefore, when facing the spears and spears thrust from multiple angles, the Hidden Bat did not confront them head-on. Instead, he shot out his claws and wrapped a bronze man to death. The neck quickly flew out diagonally with the help of the claw telescopic line to avoid the attack.

Then he decisively gave up the first hook before Shao Yu's crossbow was fired, and used the other hook to repeat the same trick, but this time in the opposite direction: he wrapped around the foot of a bronze man at a moderate distance, and moved toward On the surface, he flew diagonally and slid towards the bronze general where the three little ones were.

In a manner similar to that of a strong man cutting off his wrist, using the two metal claws he gave up, he successfully broke through the bronze formation in front of him!
Gao Yue reacted quickly and immediately pulled the last lever of the General Bronze Man.

This General Bronze Man imitates the giant mechanism Bronze Man technology in the Mohist Forbidden Area. The way to detect enemies is to use the slight sinking of the floor in the Bronze Man Formation caused by the trampling of outsiders to determine the location of the enemy.

Therefore, Hidden Bat's sliding shovel at this time almost completely exposed himself to the attack of General Tongren. This is why Gao Yue specially asked Shao Yu to use two teams of Tongren crossbows to defend the sky: she just wanted to force Hidden Bat to attack. Able to take ground routes.

Boom, the huge long sword of the General Bronze Man slashed diagonally with such force that the air screamed. Hidden Bat looked extremely serious about this, but there was no fear in his eyes. This was something he had expected before taking action as an experienced man: so The large bronze figure of the general is also equipped with weapons, of course it is not just for decoration.

The elbows pushed the gliding self up, and the bat wings spread out behind the Hidden Bat. It achieved deceleration through air flow obstruction, successfully slowing itself down and avoiding the attack of the General Bronze Man. When the General Bronze Man drew his sword again, the Hidden Bat The figure of the bat has disappeared.

"No, he's on the bronze man's sword!" Tianming opened his mouth wide and pointed upward with his finger, but it was too late to remind him: although the hidden bat lost its metal claws, the palm of his hand that was pressed down by his flying body was still in the shape of a claw. He grabbed Gao Yue, the commander-in-chief of the Tongren Formation, by the neck.

Yan Dan did not take the nobles of the old Yan country south to Guancheng. As the former king of Yan, he could represent the old Yan country by taking off his cloak in the future. There was no need for others to be the representatives of the Yan country.

Not to mention that his queen and daughter are still in the city.

Or, to put it more bluntly: this can preserve the vitality of Yan State.
So on the surface he said that he was going to pick up the nobles of the Yan Kingdom. In fact, Yan Dan secretly came to Songhai and met the third master of the little sage Zhuangzhuang: Zhang Liang and Zhang Zifang in an inn.Many years ago, Zhang Liang told Lu Wei that he wanted to see what a unified country would look like, so he gave up resisting Qin for a time.

Now five years have passed, and it has become clear that the unified Qin State cannot bring peace to its people.

So Zhang Liang, who stood up again to fight against Qin, this time his confidence was stronger and more indestructible than the time when Korea was first destroyed: The motherland is like a dream, but the people at the bottom should not be reduced to ten houses and nine empty houses!
He looked for opportunities to contact a group of anti-Qin people from the six countries in the Little Sage Village, and after uniting them, Zhang Liang took the initiative to find Cook Ding, and that was how he met Yan Dan.

Zhang Liang has not been able to confirm the identity of this new Mohist giant, but everyone knows that the Mohist family is the most determined anti-Qin force in the world.

Yan Dan never minded or cared about the dispute between Confucianism and Mohism in history, but he was extremely concerned about the anti-Qin forces in Confucianism.

This time the heroes of the six countries gathered in Guancheng to plot against Qin. It was even more righteous to have some members of Confucianism led by one of the famous Three Heroes of Qi and Lu join in!
"Since the giant has come to the land of Qilu, why not visit Daze Mountain again?"

In the cavalry heading south, Yan Dan and Zhang Liang were walking side by side. After they had left Qilu, Zhang Liang suddenly asked.

Asking this question at this time, it is obvious that Zhang Liang is concerned about the Mohist family's attitude towards the farmers and not anything else.

He was also familiar with Lu Wei, and Zhang Liang had a certain judgment about Lu.

"I have talked with the farmer Xiakui several times in the past three years." The only cooperation between Yan Dan and Lu Wei was when they teamed up with Yan Chunjun to carve up the Xu family in Jicheng. Since then, Lu has been shrinking. , Farmers have also been shrinking.

He didn't believe it if this wasn't the arrangement of former hero Kui Tian Guang, and neither did Xiong Qi before his death.

However, the peasant family's confidence of "one hundred thousand disciples" has always been there. Even if they see through the peasant family's villain's idea of ​​just preserving their strength, they can't really force the peasant family.

The [-] disciples of the farmer’s family are so important!
As a result, they could only stabilize the farmers while gradually tilting the farmers towards their side.

If you really have any thoughts of liquidation in the future, you have to wait until your strongest enemy, Qin, is defeated.

The vacancy of Xia Kui for a long time after Tian Guang was also a reason for their patience. Unfortunately, on the eve of the unification of Qin, a new Xia Kui was selected again.

Faced with the pressure of unifying the Qin State, Yan Dan did not dare to push the farmers away.

All this is due to the embarrassing changes in the current situation.
"Lu Wei's attitude is similar to that of Zifang's senior brother. Therefore, although I am interested, the farmer is not."

Yan Dan had never met Fu Nian, but the comparison he made made Zhang Liang smile slightly and thought:
'Lu Wei is indeed similar to the head brother. "

'This time I am going out with about ten disciples who have expressed anti-Qin thoughts. Senior brother will not know, but he must act like he doesn't know~'

'In the past three years, senior brother has visited Daze Mountain many times. He said that he wanted to exchange academic knowledge with Daze Mountain College. However, when Jixia Academy was still there, he was not seen running so diligently~ It can be seen that in fact, these two people There is a secret plan that only the two of them know. '

'As the leader, Lu Wei and his senior brothers together directly decide the stance of more than 10,000 people. If you include those indirectly affected, that is almost half of the land and millions of people. '

'So their attitude must be cautious, but I am different. I can do things that are inconvenient for my senior brothers to do as a 'former Korean'. '

"Perhaps our anti-Qin plan must do something to make Lu Xiakui and my senior brother change."

Zhang Liang said gently. His words made Black-robed Yandan nod, so he opened his mouth and continued:
"The giant's organ city will host a gathering of heroes from the Six Nations this year. Such a lively scene will definitely be recorded as a key event in history in the future."

"As long as we can defeat the violent Qin Dynasty, the Mo family doesn't care whether they are praised by future generations." Yan Dan's tone was solemn and solemn.

"The Hidden Bat is dead?"

In the mountains behind Guancheng City, Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian walked into a dense forest. The latter was very surprised when he saw the pale corpse lying on the ground with a layer of frost on the surface.

"Interesting." Wei Zhuang lowered his eyes and looked down at his subordinate, Ice Corpse, with a serious look in his eyes, and his whole person suddenly exuded a murderous aura.

"Did he die from Yi Shuihan?" Chi Lian noticed that Zhuang's mood was strange, and he pursed his lips and continued to ask.

"It's just an appearance. Yi Shuihan couldn't have killed him."

After saying that, he knelt down and Wei Zhuang raised his hand and used the shark's teeth to turn over the Hidden Bat's body.
(End of this chapter)

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