Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 315 The truth about the agency city

Chapter 315 The truth about the agency city

"According to the reports from Liusha's spies who infiltrated the Mo family, there are forces from the six old countries participating in this gathering in the government city."

"At the Jianghu level, in addition to Mohism and Taoism, Confucianism also has disciples mixed in for the first time. However, there are no clues directly indicating whether they acted alone or were instigated by others."

Li Sixing bowed and respectfully reported to His Majesty the Emperor.

He mentioned Confucianism as the last content of his report, and his words were quite seductive.

Ying Zheng saw this very clearly: Li Si could become the Prime Minister of the Empire not only because of his outstanding ability and relatively weak foundation, but also because he could be controlled by Ying Zheng, and all his cleverness could not be hidden from the eyes of the First Emperor.

Ying Zheng did want to ask questions about Confucianism. In addition to Li Si's behavior having a personal purpose, it also catered to the emperor's wishes.

So this pair of monarchs and ministers actually understand each other, but because of their status, Li Si always wants to expose more shortcomings of himself.

"Confucian? I remember that the prime minister was the Confucian Master Xun?" Ying Zheng straightened his body and asked as majestic as Li Si imagined.

"Yes. That's why I am more concerned about the behavior of the Confucianists. I know that their members in the court want to persuade your majesty to enfeoff and restore the Zhou system. Many people in the opposition are dissatisfied with the imperial decrees and speak unkindly. For this reason, I I sigh deeply, but I dare not hide this from His Majesty."

Li Si is now devoted to Legalism, and he was "humiliated" a lot in Confucianism. He is not a very ambitious prime minister, so his hatred for Confucianism and Xiaoshengxianzhuang has long been accumulated.

It was only because Master Xun was still alive that he did not take action directly: he loved his reputation, and even though he had been expelled from Confucianism after the death of his senior brother Han Fei, he still did not want to be known as disrespectful to his teacher in the history books.

He couldn't wait to attack Confucianism, but he didn't want to do it himself.

"Then do you think this is the instruction of Little Saint Xianzhuang?" Ying Zheng asked further questions that could not be doubted or refused.

After the unification of the Qin Dynasty, a group of Confucians still entered the imperial court, and Ying Zheng also used them to a certain extent: regarding issues related to etiquette, whether it is the inheritance of the old system or the innovation of the new system, these disciples of Confucius are still needed.

But the significance of these Confucian scholars only ends here: corrupt Confucianism is not enough to discuss great politics.

But he does not need to be an emperor. It is another matter for Confucian disciples to rebel against Qin.

Unifying the world, unifying culture, unifying weights and measures, etc., in Ying Zheng's mind, long-lasting peace and stability can only be achieved if there is no difference between the people.

Now that the empire is still in the development stage, the complaints of a small group of untouchables have faintly reached the ears of the emperor through the Shadow Guards. Naturally, the empire will not compromise because of the remarks of these ignorant villains. When the glory of the empire is completed, then They will naturally feel ashamed.

But among the complaints there was also praise for the 'Holy Land of Learning' called Little Sage Village, which made Ying Zheng sensitive.

In addition to what Li Si mentioned, will Confucianism become the second Mohism?
"The three heroes of Qilu in Xiaoshengxianzhuang are famous all over the world. As far as I know, Zhang Liang among the three heroes is the descendant of the Zhang family who lived in Han Dynasty for five generations in the past. When the empire destroyed Han, he fled into Xiaoshengxianzhuang. Maybe he didn't know it in his heart. There was some grumbling.”

Li Si did not answer directly, but expressed his views in another way.

"Zhang Liang?" Ying Zheng read the name. He had some impression of this person, but the specific content of the impression dates back to more than 20 years ago.

"Last time you reported that Gong Shuqiu went from Songhai to Guancheng to look for inspiration. How is the preparation for the mirage over there?"

Suddenly dropping the topic of Confucianism, Ying Zheng turned to ask about mirage.

And Li Si did not panic, and calmly retrieved the mirage information from his mind: "It is basically in good condition. It can be trialed next year. After the trial, it can officially set sail."

"Trial next year." This time would satisfy His Majesty the Emperor, so he waved to the side hall, and immediately a young eunuch bent down and brought the latest elixir that Yun Zhongjun of the Yin Yang family had refined after returning to Xianyang recently.

The round and real elixir exudes a faint fragrance. Ying Zheng picked up one of them with his own hands and swallowed it quickly through his throat. The whole process was very smooth.

Feeling that his body was significantly energetic, the First Emperor, who was over forty years old, said seriously: "Next year, you will go to Songhai in person to supervise the final stage of the mirage. Stop by the Little Saint's Manor."

"Yes!" Li Si retreated slowly and clearly. At this time, the emperor unexpectedly closed his eyes and asked again: "Who is the candidate of Zhao and Chu to go to the government city?"

Li Xiangguo paused: "The Zhao family is Zhao Xie, a side branch of the clan, who has been killed by the black swordsman I asked for. The Chu family is from the Xiang family, and the current core figure is the young master Xiang Yu."

"Reward the Black Swordsman and increase Xiang Yu's reward by one level."



"With this machine city blueprint, we can confirm the water source core of the machine city." Gong Shuqiu looked at the blueprint obtained by Liusha through mysterious means with shining eyes, and the smile on his withered face was bright and ugly: "Weizhuang Your Excellency is worthy of being chosen by the Prime Minister to take charge of the Operation City, and your methods are indeed extraordinary."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Zhuang glanced at him immediately, but said nothing more: "Mr. Gongshu can make the final preparations to break the city."

"As for here, let these imperial soldiers act as a feint attack for us."

Under the platform where Wei Zhuang and Gong Shuqiu stood, the shield soldiers in neat movements fearlessly advanced towards the location of the government city.

Sending a group of well-equipped black-armored Qin soldiers into the Mo family's machine formation can serve as a good test subject.
The appearance of the regular soldiers of the Qin State is really not worth worrying about for the heroes of the six countries in the city: with the strength of the city, the Qin army does not need to take action personally, and the traps can already swallow up all their minions. !
But everyone in the Mohist family was not so optimistic. They found that the infiltration of quicksand was still continuing: Master Ban, as the core figure in the manipulation of the Mohist organization city, was actually attacked from behind today. Although for some unknown reason, the other party did not take Master Ban's life, but the important organization The city plans were stolen.

This means that the enemy can clearly understand the internal structure of the organ city before attacking!
At the same time, since Gai Nie had been imprisoned in advance, Gao Jianli believed that the enemy who attacked this time was another of Gai Nie's companions: This companion could not be Tianming, who could it be?
"The moon is dark and the wind is cold, the life is invisible, the changes are inexplicable, the black jade unicorn", the Xiang family represented by Fan Zeng has always been the Mohist family's staunchest ally. Under the current situation, it is difficult to say that there will not be Qin spies among the heroes of the Six Kingdoms. , but Fan Zeng can be trusted:

"Our Xiang family has been with Gai Nie all the way. To be honest, I don't think Gai Nie's defection is fake. He is most likely framed by the counter-quicksand killer Black Qilin."

Fan Zeng glanced at everyone in the Mo family. He understood that Gai Nie was a life-and-death enemy to the Mo family, but that was already 'once upon a time'.

Now in order to fight against the empire, Gai Nie can be accepted as an ally. With him here, he can be more confident in dealing with Wei Zhuang.

However, several leaders of the Mo family could not let go of their hatred, and turned a blind eye to the fact that Liusha clearly had a black unicorn, and blindly targeted Gai Nie. This really lacked the overall situation.

Seeing that no one mentioned it, Fan Zeng simply said it himself in front of the public: "You must have heard of the black unicorn's methods. It is impossible to guard against it. Now it is basically certain that the black unicorn is hiding in the government city and has stolen the blueprint of the government city. "

"From the existing clues, we can narrow down the scope, do it quietly, and catch him if we have a chance."

"The source of Black Kirin's ability to change must have originated from the commotion caused by the Hidden Bat in the Back Mountain. After that, he made many attacks in the city. Along this line, you can give it a try."

Yan Yun, who had always been taciturn, suddenly stood up at the meeting and expressed his views in line with Fan Zeng's remarks. This performance surprised several other commanders.

Fan Zeng still felt a little relieved to see that there was a reasonable person in Mo's family, even if she was a woman. This was even more clear after seeing the identity of the other party: she is indeed the Queen of Yan, and her overall view is different from that of these pure Jianghu people. , different after all.

"Black Qilin may indeed have infiltrated, but this does not mean that Gai Nie has been cleared of suspicion." Gao Jianli stood up to express his position. He still advocated continuing to imprison Gai Nie.

This way of treating personal hatred as almost everything made Fan Zeng and even a small number of Mohist disciples such as Tao Zhi feel that it was too much.
"Is Gao Jianli so paranoid?"

After listening to Yan Yun's report on the meeting, Ji Yan frowned subconsciously. She intuitively sensed something was wrong, and immediately thought of another possibility, and suspicion flashed between her brows.

"Is Xiao Gao still playing the piano recently?"

Lu Wei also had doubts in his heart, so he asked another question.

"Every day after dinner, I play three sticks of incense with Kuang Xiu, and it has never changed." Yan Yun nodded and replied.

"Gao Jianli's behavior is Yan Dan's order. He needs to make you commanders inhumane to achieve his subsequent plans."

With the suspicion in his heart confirmed, Lu Wei decisively stated his assertion.

This time it was Yan Yun's turn to frown, while Ji Yan relaxed and showed such an expression.

Because Liusha's actions are actually not flawless. Gao Jianli has achieved unique achievements in music and swordsmanship. Even if he cannot be considered very smart, he should not be so rigid and inhumane.

This cannot be deceived by Ganie killing Jing Ke.

Judging from the development of the government city in these days, at least the three commanders Gao Jianli, Kuang Xiu, and Master Ban have individual orders from Yan Dan.

The other gangsters Zhi Zhi had a temper. Master Xu was concentrating on forging his sword, so it was normal that he didn't get orders, and Yan Yun, on the surface, she didn't need to get orders.

"So, the purpose of this acting is: Yan Dan wants to make himself appear as the hero who saves everyone in the most critical moment with his true identity, so as to completely establish his anti-Qin No. 1 prestige and anti-Qin banner!"

The clues were very obvious, and Xiao Yaner suddenly understood the whole story of the game in the city.

And the plan to use the agency city to solve Concubine Yan's hatred at the same time is just a snack.

(End of this chapter)

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