Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 316 Mo Family Forbidden Land

Chapter 316 Mo Family Forbidden Land
What Yan Dan wants to do is very similar to Lu Wei: they both use Qin's persecution of the remaining forces of the six countries to confirm their position in the anti-Qin camp.

However, there are fundamental differences between the two:

Yan Dan wants to become the 'leader', that is, the leader of the Six Nations.The ultimate goal he wanted to achieve was still the common thought during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods: to let Yan dominate the seven kingdoms rather than unify the world.

This kind of thinking also has a lot to do with the strength of the Yan State. Even if the Yan State recovers, it will not have the strength to dominate the world in a short time like the Qin State.

Therefore, affected by reality, even if Yan Dan dreams, at most it is just a fantasy to realize the career of King Yan Zhao in the past.

This time, with the help of the Guancheng Council to unite the anti-Qin forces, and through cooperation with Liusha, Yan Dan will turn the originally unbreakable Guancheng, considered the only retreat for the anti-Qin people, into a desperate situation!
At the final critical moment, he comes back from the outside and activates the Qinglong to save everyone. At that time, Yan Dan, as a hero, can get everything he designed.

Therefore, in the design of Liusha and Yan Dan, this plan will be a near-miss heroic story. The only people who will die in this story are those low-level Mohist disciples, the minions of the Six Kingdoms, and the government city itself. .

Most of these are only trivial prices. Even if the only precious organ city is destroyed, it will still have the value of being destroyed.

But what Lu Wei wanted from the beginning was to inherit the cause of unification. He did not need those noble and powerful allies, he only needed a group of pitiful yes-men to cheer him up.

Therefore, these rivers and lakes forces and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms must bear more tragic losses this time. In this regard, Sheng Qi and Wu Kuang have already killed a group of top dignitaries in the Zhao Kingdom, making a good start.

If Lu Wei's plan succeeds, Yan Dan's plan fails, and vice versa. Both parties are destined to not win together.

After Yan Yun reported, he did not stay in Lu Wei for a long time because the Mohist family was busy with affairs.

Everyone in the city thought that the anti-Qin rally would not begin until the last giant came back, but little did they know that the drama had already begun after the forces of the six kingdoms arrived.
"The key to Yan Dan's plan lies in the quicksand." Ji Yan took the Jingshao Sword off the wall where it had been hanging for several days. The familiar feel was not unfamiliar at all: "But this also exposed him to too many secrets in the quicksand." Otherwise, if he betrays the enemy, not only will he not become a hero, but he will be regarded as a conspirator despised by everyone. This is an extreme bet."

For Xiao Yan'er, the short-term cooperation between the Mo family and Liusha will see Liusha suffer some losses, but if Yan Dan's plan succeeds, he will have to be controlled by Liusha, which would be unwise.

"Since it is cooperation, of course everyone will have to contribute." Lu Wei shook his head indifferently and did not dwell too much on this issue: "Even they themselves don't know when the Mo family's plan on Mount Tai will be launched, so they are not interested in it." For Yan Dan, he needs to obtain the power to lead the six countries as soon as possible before it is too late."

"As for what happens after success, we can wait and recalculate after success. After all, everything still depends on strength. However, the territory of Yan State and South Korea are not bordering each other. The two countries were the weakest countries before they were destroyed. The future of both sides will be There are even more ways to collaborate.”

"We are going to the Mo family's forbidden area now."

"Let's go to the covered bridge now!"

Tian Ming, Shao Yu, and Gao Yue conducted some decent analysis over the past two days and concluded that the three of them would be too arrogant if they tried to knock out the two guarding Mohist disciples from the front, so everything had to be done secretly.

Moreover, the bronze door outside the room where Gai Nie was imprisoned was several inches thick. Even if the guards were eliminated, with just the three of them, even if Shao Yu could carry the cauldron, he would not be able to open the door without the key.

The reason why Tianming wants to save Gai Nie does not need any explanation, and Shaoyu is willing to come forward because Gai Nie has saved his life. As for Gao Yue, on the surface, she is more coerced by her two companions, but in fact, the reason is... Only she knows that.

Unable to break through the door from the front, Gao Yue proposed another way: to attack from the cell towards the window on the cliff outside.

This idea is very dangerous. They need to first reach the covered bridge connecting the outside of the mountain in the accommodation area, and then climb from there along the mountain to the window of Gai Nie's room, so that they can at least successfully see Gai Nie.

As for the subsequent rescue work, you can find another way after discussing with Ge Nie.

When Tianming heard this proposal, he agreed without even thinking about it, and was eager to take action immediately. This impulsive behavior was immediately stopped by Shaoyu: "Hey, you kid, don't you pay attention to timing at all? How can this happen? I think I should do it in the dead of night, but it's still broad daylight."

"Hey, I forgot."

In the living room, Gai Nie was not worried about his situation. The Mo family did not take away his Yuanhong, which meant that the Mo family did not completely regard him as a criminal.

With Yuan Hong in hand, it might take a lot of effort for him to break open the special metal door of this room, but it was completely easy to break open the iron window for ventilation.

He can't be trapped in such a room, but he can't leave until his innocence is proven.

At the same time, in the Mo family's forbidden area in Guan City, the situation of Concubine Yan, the head of the Yin Yang family, was much worse than that of Gai Nie. This was caused by her own carelessness.
More than ten years ago, Concubine Yan used the stolen foot she had captured to successfully force the Six-fingered Black Man, then the tycoon of the Mohist family, to enter the hut where she had set up a yin-yang spell trap. She finally succeeded in calculating the opponent, causing the Six-fingered Black Man to later become a slave because of the spell in his body. Explode and die.

However, this time in the city, she was plotted by Yan Dan using the same method.
Looking at the phantom sound treasure box embedded in the wall not far away, Concubine Yan was no longer able to take it. She weakly maintained a meditating posture and used all her strength to use Yin and Yang techniques to suppress the toxins in her body.

Surrounding Concubine Yan is a broken machine doll. Judging from the remaining black cloth on its body, it should have been wearing a black cloak and a hat.

The dark environment did not frighten Concubine Yan, and even this space with six sides sealed by metal plates was kind enough to leave an air outlet so that people would not suffocate to death.

But this well-intentioned design is obviously not really well-intentioned.He made sure to keep himself alive only for greater humiliation.

The death of the former tycoon Six Finger Black Man has always been a pity to many disciples of the Mo family. Now if the murderer is caught and successfully identified by Robber Zhi, Yan Dan will undoubtedly gain more complete prestige in the Mo family!

'Will my failure actually become a stepping stone for him to reach the top?'

The stupid Lord Dongjun finally guessed the reason for Yan Dan's design. When she thought of this, she couldn't help but place her palms on her heart.

As long as she spits out her palm, she can escape from this.

However, after hesitating for a long time and her eyes wandering unsteadily, Concubine Yan put down her hand and continued to close her eyes to suppress the poisonous mist she inhaled.

Death is not hard to do, but it's not that time yet.

There is still a glimmer of hope to counter-kill Yan Dan!


Through the Jue Tian Lock and various complicated mechanisms, Lu Wei and Ji Yan traveled all the way to the dividing line between the chivalrous way and the kingly way.

The forbidden area of ​​​​the Mechanism City is a place where successive Mohist giants are tested, but the current layout of Mechanism Techniques here is a bit too simple.

If the three little ones like Tianming Shaoyu and Gao Yue come to break in, it may be barely considered difficult, but for normal martial arts masters, this place is not a desperate place, let alone someone Lu and Xiao Yaner together. .

However, the two estimated that according to the circles drawn on the Mo family map, they had probably walked less than one-third of the way. The most dangerous mechanism was always at the end.

For example, the mechanism Qinglong.

"Each of the four divine beasts created by Mozi is said to have magical powers. Most people in the world have seen the Suzaku and the White Tiger, but there are very few clues about the Black Tortoise and the Azure Dragon."

Ji Yan said with emotion: "Even Yan Yun, as the leader of the Mo family, doesn't know the information about these two machine beasts. We didn't find anything when we came to the machine city this time. The secrets of the Mo family are really bottomless."

"Although I haven't seen it before, I can guess it." Lu Wei pulled Ji Yan into the chivalrous passage without hesitation, and said calmly: "The city of organs is built on water, and Xuanwu is one of the four divine beasts directly related to water. Its location is obvious, just under the water of Gig City."

"All the internal mechanisms of such a giant mechanism city are driven by water. Although water is endless, it is also ever-changing. Maintaining the stability of water should be what Xuanwu is doing now."

"As for Qinglong, we will see him next."

Although he followed the path of chivalry, Lu Wei chose it purely because he guessed that the Mo family would place all their most cherished mechanisms and props on this path, and that it would be the most beneficial to follow this path.

There is no distinction between a knight and a king, but there are interests.

"The chivalry test has been broken into. Go and notify Master Ben!"

In the Mohe secret room, the trigger monitoring system responsible for the operation of the government agencies is monitored day and night by Mo family disciples. The forbidden area is of great importance, and the detection mechanism inside is even more complicated.

Although Lu Wei and Ji Yan escaped the trap at the initial entrance, there was no need to trigger it in the chivalry test. As long as someone entered, there would be an alarm.

So when the button on the wall lit up, the surveillance disciple immediately shouted in surprise.

Master Ban, who hurried over, watched as each mechanism represented by the button was passed quickly. He puffed his beard and glared: "Look for Tianming Shaoyu and the others. Immediately send disciples to guard the Juetian Lock and remove the 'Qinglong'." Lock closed!”

"I'm afraid this kind of speed is not something Tianming and the others can achieve."

After being informed of the movement in Mo He's secret room, Thieves Zhi, who was in charge of patrol tonight, also came here with the intention of having fun. He listened to the arrangements made by Master Ban, touched his chin and said: "It must be Mo Yu Qilin!"

As his words fell, an ordinary Mohist disciple who was operating other mechanisms in the corner of Mohe froze. At the same time, black energy flashed in his eyes, but it did not attract the attention of others.

"I'll go in and catch him!"

After saying that, the bandits left again with great force. Master Ban felt that the situation was serious and ordered his disciples to summon several commanders.

(End of this chapter)

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