Chapter 317
"Enter the forbidden area, that place will become the death place of the black unicorn."

Gao Jianli was the first to arrive. In the past few days, even when he was not patrolling, he would patrol the city to ensure that Black Qilin did not dare to take action again.

After hearing what happened in the forbidden area from Master Ban, Gao Jianli said this sternly and planned to catch up with Thief Zhi.

Normally, ordinary Mohist disciples are not allowed to enter the Mohist forbidden area. Only Juzi and Master Ban occasionally go to maintain the institutions there.

Later, the Taishan Project was implemented. Due to the debugging problems of the 'Qinglong', more elite disciples from the government department could go into the deepest part under the leadership of Master Ban, but the number of approved personnel was still limited.

During this meeting in the organ city, Juzi completely relaxed the restrictions. Before he went north, he gave special instructions to Gao Jianli and Master Ban: "You can't do anything. You can enter the forbidden area to avoid evacuation."

Although it's not the time to do anything, but if an outsider is allowed to come and go at will in an important forbidden area, the Mo family's face will be lost.

"Xiao Gao, don't be anxious. Just now Thief Zhi ran too fast and I had time to stop him, but I had already put down the Jue Tian Lock and he did not enter the forbidden area."

Master Ban stroked his beard and smiled without any sign of worry: "Now all the exits to the forbidden area are sealed, and I have also activated the internal mechanism to engage the enemy. The black unicorn will definitely die inside, and we don't need to do it ourselves."

"Also, the special trap set by the giant had been triggered earlier, so this time two enemies were trapped in the forbidden area."

"When the giant comes back, if they are still alive, they must be exhausted, or even half dead, and they will be left to the giant to take care of them."

Master Ban seeks stability. He is very confident that not everyone can break into the forbidden areas of the Mo family~
"Since Master Ben has already made a decision, what is the purpose of summoning the leaders tonight?"

Gao Jianli turned around again, his expression unchanged, and his eyes calmly glanced at the other Mohist disciples in the Mohe secret room.

"These people are all apprentices of the mechanism technique that I brought up. There is absolutely no problem." After Master Ban smiled to reassure Gao Jianli, his expression gradually became serious: "The number of Qin soldiers outside the city is far from being able to break through the mechanism." The situation of the city is exactly what the giant said before he left."

"This shows that Liusha will also take on the main goal of being our enemy. Among the characters that Liusha has not exposed yet are Chi Lian and Wei Zhuang himself."

"No matter how strong Wei Zhuang is, he can't survive alone, but Chi Lian's poison must be guarded against."

Gao Jianli calmly added information. The capable people and strangers in the quicksand are indeed very functional.

The Mo family does not have Duan Murong in the original novel now, and their ability to deal with poisoning and injuries has been greatly weakened. However, because of this, the Mo family has strong defenses against the enemy's use of poison in advance.

This is actually better than the original work.

"The central pool is the top priority. I have taken precautions there. Immediately after the blueprint was stolen, another layer of mechanism wall was reinforced outside the central pool. Even though the black unicorn can change in many ways, the range he can change is still human."

Master Ban continued: "But the exposed organ city still cannot withstand the continuous army of the empire. We must hold a conference as soon as possible according to the giant's plan to let everyone see clearly the cruelty and power of the empire. Only in this way can they I won’t continue to take chances.”

"This is our paradise, do we still have to sacrifice?" Gao Jianli said with emotion, "When Xiaozhi and Big Hammer arrive, I will order them to perform their respective duties."

"It's really difficult for you to reprimand your companions." Master Ban nodded: "But among the several commanders, you are the only one who has the strength and stance to speak."

"It's all for the cause of anti-Qin, personal sacrifice is nothing."

"It's not here either. It's strange. Those three children are really missing!"

Two Mohist disciples walked across the covered bridge. In this dim night, relying only on the light from the torches in their hands, they could not see clearly their surroundings.

It is precisely because of this that they failed to see a lively head exposed under the covered bridge they passed~
Tianming's sparkling eyes watched the disciples who came to look for him and others leave. After making a 'safe' gesture, the three little ones climbed up from under the bridge one after another.

After dusting off his body, Shao Yu, who looked slightly pale, spoke first: "They are looking for us, but they are not anxious. It is not that our plan has been discovered, but that the Mo family has new actions to implement and they want to Keep us safe."

Because he had high-intensity battles with Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng in Xiang's camp, Shao Yu had rich experience in the reasons why he was being sought.

This time, even if he brings Tianming and Gao Yue with him, he can accurately judge the truth.

The three little ones had actually arrived at the covered bridge not long ago. As soon as they tied a rope around Tianming and prepared to help him climb to the window of Ganie's room, they heard voices calling the three people's names from afar.

"In this case, let's go back first and see what happened." Gao Yue held her finger obediently: "If we want to climb over at dawn, it will take a long time even if everything goes well. What if someone comes again halfway through the climb? If you come to us, you will be exposed."

"We won't be able to save Mr. Gai by then." Playing house games can't delay the business. Gao Yue still has a mission. She knows that both the master and the hero have disappeared in the past few days, and now Mo Mo Tasks at home can only be handled by her and her mother Yan Yun.

Gao Yue's mention of 'Gainie cannot be rescued' made Tianming unwilling to accept it, but he still gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement rationally.

Shao Yu actually had the same idea as Gao Yue, but he hadn't figured out how to persuade Tian Ming yet. He didn't expect Miss Yue to do it in just a few words, which surprised him.

'In troubled times, women's wisdom is also remarkable. '

'I wonder what kind of people those two princesses Mi Lian and Mi Xin will be. '

Young Master Xiang has a huge mission on his shoulders, which may cause him to have random thoughts about anything.

Ji Bu's surrender allowed Xiang to know the general status of the two princesses. Shao Yu himself didn't really care about them, but Uncle Liang and Master Fan paid close attention to them, so he had to pay attention.

Even if it hadn't been for the Mo family's incident this time, they would definitely have contacted the two princesses who relied on the farm family.

After all, no matter what, the Chu State still nominally belongs to the Xiong family with the surname Mi.


The Mohist giant had not returned for a long time. Master Ban and Gao Jianli wanted the anti-Qin meeting to be held in advance according to the giant's plan, so they discussed many arrangements for the next day with the commanders that night.

The time was tight, but because I had prepared in advance, it didn't feel like a rush.

However, these preparations were ultimately in vain.

Because when the sun rises in the morning, the slowly rising lavender mist on the water surface of Guancheng gently fills the air. The sunlight shines through this gauze-like mist, reflecting dreamlike light and shadow.

It's such a beautiful scenery, with cruel murderous intent!
A faint, indescribable aroma exuded from the mist on the water surface floats in the wind, constantly changing its shape, like a flowing sharp blade, causing everyone who comes into contact with it to fall straight up in pain.
When the commanders, who had just finished their deliberations late last night and had taken a nap, were called up, they rushed out of the house and saw the situation outside. Everyone's eyes were wide open and their mouths were dumbfounded.

Zhen Yu Qianye is an extremely unpopular species in the poison world. It only takes one drop and it will continue to spread in the water body.In the absence of sunlight, Yu Yu Qianye will not show any toxicity. As long as the sun rises, all water will become extremely poisonous, and the poisonous gas will quickly evaporate into the air. It is known as: The sun is right, Massacre the entire city!

This kind of terrifying poison is almost specially designed for special cities such as the Government City.
Of course, Lu Wei, who was in the Mohist forbidden area, knew that this poison had an interesting special feature:
That is, people who inhale the poisonous gas of Yu Qianye will not die directly, but will enter a state of suspended animation under the influence of the poisonous gas.

If you get the antidote within twelve hours, you can wake up. If you don't get the antidote within twelve hours, you will really die and be completely hopeless~
"How is it possible? There shouldn't be a problem with the central pool!"

Yesterday, I told Xiao Gao that I could ensure that the central pool was correct. Today, the water in the entire city was in trouble. Master Ban exclaimed in disbelief.

But the fact is that the situation in front of us is obviously caused by something wrong with the central pool.
"If it's not the central pool, then it's the Xuanwu underwater."

Bang, just when Master Ban was muttering to himself, a huge sound came from the direction of Moguichi, which made it too late for him to think too much, because Liusha and the Qin soldiers had already taken this opportunity to come in!
The heavy machine beast, the crystallized product of the domineering machine technique, the machine red chain snake, smashed the metal gate of the machine city weighing tens of thousands of kilograms with one head, and swam straight along the water body in the direction of Mogui Pond.

The disciples guarding the entrance were affected by Yu Yu Qianye and were unable to open the Sword Rain Formation. They could only watch helplessly as the trap Suzaku on the platform of the Mogui Pond was slowly approached by the trap snake.
The pinnacle creation of Patriarch Mozi, one of the few flying machine beasts in the world, was studied wantonly by Gong Shuqiu.

Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian looked at the old man with obsessed and focused eyes, knowing that it was not appropriate to disturb him at this time, so they simply led the Qin soldiers to continue attacking the city.

'Brother, I'm here! '

The owner of Quicksand repeatedly rubbed the Guigu ring he was wearing on his hand, his eyes extremely sharp.

Although the plan with Yan Dan was the root cause of this quicksand operation, Wei Zhuang has been waiting for this moment all the time after being separated from his senior brother for more than ten years.

Whether it was the relationship between Shark Tooth and Yuan Hong, or the inheritance history of Guigu Sect, he and Gai Nie were destined to be rivals.

Now, the government city has become a dead place, and Gai Nie can no longer escape!

This is the end of the Guiguzi dispute.

(End of this chapter)

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