Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 318 Wei Zhuang fights Gao Jianli

Chapter 318 Wei Zhuang fights Gao Jianli
After Tian An was expelled from Xiaoshengxian Village, he soon experienced the surrender of Qi State, and had to wander around the world with his uncle Tianjia.

Qi King Jian's anti-Qin actions at the end of his life made him hated by the King of Qin, so he was starved to death. However, other members of the Qi King's family except him were not concerned by Ying Zheng. They only accepted the trap of the Qi martial arts organization and launched a trap against them. A certain level of arrest is not stressful.

Qi State established friendly relations with the Mohists during the Qin-Chu War when they decided to oppose Qin. Therefore, this time the Six Nations gathered in Guancheng, Tian An came to this paradise as a representative of the old Qi State.

In addition to the party itself, Tian An also came here to ask for help from the Mohists and other powerful people:

What is very different from the other five countries is that because the Qi clan is well-preserved, internal fighting actually occurs in the clan even when it is on the run.
Several people in the Tian royal family were not willing to accept the command of Tianjia Tianan. They maintained their independence and went to their own bases. This caused the original Qi nobles to split with the division of the royal family. At the same time, the nobles in Qi also split. There are multiple representatives.

Taking back the power that should belong to his own lineage is the focus of Tian An's external recognition.

After all, no matter what, Tianjia and Tian An are the younger brothers and grandsons of King Qi Jian. They are of orthodox blood and should be the only representatives of the old Qi Kingdom.

The Mo family took Tian An to Guan City in acquiescence to this, and in Guan City, the Xiang clan of Chu State was the first to express support for his lineage.

Then came Han Cheng, the Korean representative. This man was the son of the former Korean King An. He strictly respected orthodoxy, so he got along closely with him.

This made Tian An feel calm in the center of the government city, and he actively traveled among representatives of other countries to express his intention to unite.

Zhao Xie of the State of Zhao was reportedly stopped by the black swordsman Sheng Qi outside the city, so he could not find the representative of the State of Zhao. However, Lord An Ling, the representative of the State of Wei, also expressed goodwill to him, and Tian An also made friends with An Ling. Tang Ju, Lingjun's counselor and novelist.

In the end, only the person in charge of the Yan Kingdom, Queen Yan, was left. She was a woman and had a deep relationship with the Mohist family. Although Tian An was not inconvenient to have in-depth contacts with her, he thought that as long as the Mohist family supported him, the Yan Kingdom would not object. From this point of view, , my mission on this trip was a great success!

With external support, we will have to see what the Tian clan who intends to usurp their name can do after returning home~
Tian An, Han Cheng, and An Lingjun joined forces and agreed before the opening of the anti-Qin meeting that they would only recognize each other in each other's countries. Afterwards, there was a banquet of nobles exchanging cups and cups, and even the accommodation area was under the influence of the emperor. During the night, they were still drunk and sleeping soundly.
Fortunately, Tang Ju, the counselor of Anlingjun, had been collecting information in the city. After he first discovered poisonous gas leaking from the water in the city, he was shocked and immediately returned to find three powerful people. He gave them priority to take the detoxification pill he carried. .

Tang Ju's detoxifying pill was not a special medicine for Yu Yu Qianye. The effect was limited and the quantity was even more limited. Therefore, even if he still had extra pills on him, he did not distribute the pill to Tian An and others' attendants. In this regard, Tian An and Han Cheng and An Lingjun expressed their understanding and decisively covered their mouths and noses, hoping that Tang Ju could take them out of danger first.

As for those attendants who were affected by the poisonous gas and died in the past, they are not benevolent as women. They need to keep themselves safe as the top priority.

"The empire's conspiracy has penetrated the Mohist family. If the prediction is correct, the Qin soldiers must have invaded the city at this moment. Our top priority now is to find the leaders of the Mohist family. They must know where to get out."

Tang Ju calmly analyzed for Tian An and others: "Even if there is no secret passage, with the help of the Mohist mechanism Suzaku, we can still escape from the sky!"

"Everything is decided by Tang Ju. Tang Ju, please lead the way." An Lingjun didn't want to listen to those complicated explanations. He urged and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Everyone present had some experience in escaping, so although their tone was anxious, their actions were still reasonable.

The four of them rushed through the corridor bridge towards the main hall of the government city. Along the way, looking from the corridor bridge towards the entrance of the government city, they saw that black-armored Qin soldiers and Mohist disciples had already collided with each other, and the two sides were engaged in a one-sided battle.

In small-scale battles, Jianghu people and the army should have had some advantages, but this time those who attacked Guancheng were all elite soldiers from Xianyang. Their physical fitness was unmatched by anyone, and the Mohist disciples who were still able to resist were affected by Yu Yu Qianye's physical strength was damaged due to the influence, and soon, they could be seen being killed by Qin soldiers one by one.

The house leaked and it rained all night, and the Mohist disciples were already beyond their capabilities. The appearance of the quicksand killer Canglang King caused the temporary defense line of the government city to completely collapse.

Even though the Cang Wolf King was seriously injured by Gai Nie and Ji Bu not long ago, against these pawns, his sharp claws can harvest a fresh life every time he swings out.

Tian An was extremely anxious about this, but all he could do was to speed up under his feet, hoping to reach a safe place as soon as possible.

But the actions of the four of them were eventually discovered by the Canglang King, who had excellent dynamic vision. The Canglang King raised his head and howled, then bent his body and wanted to jump onto the high covered bridge.

Tang Ju discovered this, he stopped and let the three young masters go first, while he pulled out the sword from his waist, trying to get into position to stop the Cang Wolf King.

At this time, reinforcements from the Mo family finally arrived.

With a bang, an invisible sound wave forced the leaping Cang Wolf King to give in. At the same time, a handsome man jumped out from the side of Tang Ju. As soon as the cold air appeared, a slender sharp blade hit the Cang Wolf King who turned over to avoid the sound wave. Owl head.
Tang Ju recognized the identity of the other party: Gao Jianli, the leader of the Mohist family!
"Mr. Tang, please continue to escort the three young masters. Leave this place to the Mo family." Kuang Xiu hugged a guqin and fluttered down from the higher covered bridge. His whole person was elegant and easy to like: he just stopped the Cang Wolf King from jumping up. The sound waves were emitted by him.

"Thank you, Mr. Kuang Xiu." Tang Ju was not pretentious. His own martial arts was not very strong. He had just given up his life and was ready to die. It was an unexpected joy to be alive now. He nodded at Kuang Xiu. He inserted the sword behind his head and continued to chase Tian An and others.

"Hmph!" Gao Jianli and Kuang Xiu worked together to kill the Canglang Queen in an instant, and rushed toward the Qin soldiers who killed the Mohist disciples. He swung the Shuihan sword to throw away the blood on the sword, and lightly padded his feet as he spun around. The body took the initiative to fight among the Qin soldiers.

Kuang Xiu did not go down to help, but sat upright with his qin in his arms, and Gao Jianli played the music as an assistant.

Twenty or so Qin soldiers were killed in a few moves, but the fierce murderous intention had just appeared at this time!

The owner of Quicksand, Wei Zhuang, jumped down from a high place. The sword energy on the shark's teeth was condensed but not scattered, and he slashed towards Gao Jianli.
Kuang Xiu, a bystander, was the first to notice the opponent. He decisively used music to warn him and fired sound waves to try to block Wei Zhuang's killer move.

These sound waves can cut through the Qin army's armor, but they fall apart at the touch of Wei Zhuang's sword energy.

Boom!Although Shui Han and Shark Tooth collided, Gao Jianli did not continue to receive the blow head-on: the moment the two swords touched, he knew that he could not compete with the opponent's strength, so he retreated to avoid it.

In the ten years since the fall of Korea, Wei Zhuang has only suffered a few defeats. Among them, the three most memorable ones are: the first time when he faced Dongjun and Yueshenhe in Jicheng Leng Palace, and the second time was when he was defeated by a combined attack. The Songhai City was driven into the sea by Lu Wei on the cliff, and the third time was crushed head-on by Lu Wei on Daze Mountain.

Everyone in the world knows that the black swordsman Sheng Qi will become more and more courageous in battle, but they don't know that Wei Zhuang, as a swordsman who is good at summing up failures, will also perfect his swordsmanship after failure after failure.

At this moment, his strength is stronger than normal development. As a price, he will inevitably suffer more hidden injuries in his body.
What this brings is that Gao Jianli, who took a step back, can no longer take a step forward in the battle with Wei Zhuang.

Even though he and Kuang Xiu had a tacit understanding of joining forces to deal with the enemy, they were still too weak in front of the real top masters.
Tian An, Han Cheng, An Lingjun and Tang Ju came to the main hall of the Mo family and after being out of danger for a short time, they got good news and bad news:
The good news is that the Mo family does have a secret escape path, and the secret path is absolutely safe.

The bad news is that this secret passage is in the Mohist forbidden area, and because the forbidden area has trapped two enemies in advance, it is too late for them to open the lock and hide in.
"Then what should we do now? Because of the poisonous gas, none of our people can fight anymore."

Dissuading the three angry nobles, Tang Ju clasped his fists and said: "Now the Qin army is entering the city, and all the anti-Qin righteous men from the six countries are gathered here. Our life and death are not small, but the big event of anti-Qin will also follow our death." Dead."

"You don't have to worry." Xiaoyaozi's whereabouts these days have been relatively mysterious, but now in this critical moment, he still looks calm and immortal: "Do you still doubt the Mo family's anti-Qin intentions?"

"Since Master Ban brought us here, it means there must be a way to temporarily avoid the Qin people, right?"

The words of the head of the Taoist clan still held great weight. The originally turbulent forces of the six countries also calmed down and turned their attention to the leaders of the Mohist clan again.

"Yes, our Mo family has countless organs in the city. The founder, Mozi, is also prepared for the worst, so there is still a place that can be used as a hiding place."

Master Ban nodded and said: "It's very safe there. The Qin army will never be able to break it. We just need to wait inside for a while."

"I have used wooden kites to report the situation in the city to our boss. He will definitely bring reinforcements to rescue us!"

"It's all my fault that Black Qilin guy actually ran into the forbidden area just yesterday. I'm afraid it's not a coincidence."

Robber Zhi hugged his chest and complained angrily, but this complaint had no effect at this time.

"The Xiang clan of Chu Kingdom hasn't arrived yet. Did something happen on the road?"

Yan Yun glanced at the remnants of the Six Nations, whose numbers were reduced by more than half. He saw at a glance that not every force had arrived, and immediately spoke out.

"The moon and the sky are also missing."

(End of this chapter)

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