Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 319 Gao Yue is kidnapped

Chapter 319 Gao Yue is kidnapped
"Is this the Six-fingered Black Man? Did the Mohist family never bury him when he died here?"

Ji Yan relied on the light refracted by the bronze mirror above the secret room and circled to the front of the cloaked skeleton. The six phalanges exposed on the left hand of the skeleton clearly showed his identity.

It was the most important giant at the time of the Mohist revolution, the Six-fingered Black Man.

"The location here is not hidden, and the Mo family's forbidden land has always been in the hands of the Mo family. It shouldn't be that no one has discovered this corpse in more than ten years, right?"

"It is said that the Six-fingered Black Man took Mo Mei with him when he entered the forbidden area for seclusion for the last time. Later, it was Yan Dan who personally entered the forbidden area and found Mo Mei, which made him the legitimate successor."

After Lu Weiyungong evaporated the water vapor on his body, he stepped forward and carefully looked at this senior figure in the martial arts world whom he had met once when he was young: "Yan Dan must have been here, but why didn't he bury the six-fingered black man? It should be because he felt guilty and didn't want to Face it.”

"Even Yan Dan, who has always shown his serious side of responsibility, is unwilling to face it. Could it be that the death of the Six-Fingered Black Man was not just due to the Six-Soul Fear Curse?"

The pupils turned golden, and Ji Yan opened his bright eyes to observe the corpse carefully.

But the six-fingered black man with only white bones left could not provide any more information. Some of the bones in his body were broken and then healed. This can only prove that he was seriously injured while fighting a certain enemy during his lifetime.

"There is no need to get too entangled here. The Six-Fingered Black Man is in the past. Yan Dan has served as a giant twice in two capacities, and now anti-Qin is the general trend of the Mohist family. Even if the secrets are unearthed from the Six-Fingered Black Man, our investment It’s not directly proportional to the harvest.”

Shaking his head, Lu Wei came to an opened stone slab in the corner of the secret room. Under the stone slab was an underground river, connected to the bottom of the central pool of the Mo family.

Judging from the rate at which the poisonous gas evaporates in the underground river water, he knew that the poisonous gas given by Chi Lian had been diluted once beforehand, so the poison in the water in the government city would probably last for at most six hours before it evaporates completely.

This amount of poison is very moderate. Although the Mohist disciples with stronger internal skills will be greatly reduced by the poisonous gas, they will not be comatose and fatal. Only those disciples with average skills will die from the poisonous gas.

This shows that Chi Lian or Wei Zhuang still has some poisonous Qianye.
Lu Wei subconsciously thought about the situation in the Daze Mountains. He knew that the river network in the Daze Mountains colluded with several key farmer disciple gathering places. Although the use of Zhen Yu Qianye there would not bring disaster to the entire Daze Mountains, the farmers would Most of the [-] disciples are ordinary disciples, and their resistance to poisonous gas is not strong.

It is a hidden danger after all, even though the production conditions of Yu Yu Qianye are harsh and it takes three years of careful cultivation to produce a small bottle.

Lu Wei took out a small medicine bottle from his arms and filled it with some water from the underground river. Lu Wei was going to take it back and give it to Dr. Nian Duan and Duan Murong for study.

While guarding the medicine bottle, he felt that the Mohist's supreme weapon 'non-attack' was getting in the way, so he took it out and threw it to Xiao Yan'er.

This weapon, which contains the basic principles of the Mohist mechanism art, can be transformed into many forms: sword, crossbow, shield, rope, etc. It is the first treasure that Lu Wei and Ji Yan obtained in the secret path of chivalry. They can take it back and send it to Research on the mechanism workshop of Amu in Jingxian County.

If the entire forbidden area is dismantled, more treasures can be taken away, but there are only two of them, so what they can take away is really limited.

The heritage of Mohism, which has a history of 300 years, is all reflected in this organ city.

After calming down and returning his eyes to their normal state, Ji Yan obeyed and did not explore the Six-Fingered Black Man too much: "The exit from the forbidden area has been found, but we still don't know the situation outside. Do we still need to go deeper into the forbidden area? ?”

"Judging from the poisonous atmosphere in the water, Quicksand has been preparing for them for half a day. We can roughly explore for an hour and a half. When we go out, we will not delay grasping what is happening outside, so we will continue to delve deeper."

"it is good."


The Xiang family, who were worried by everyone in the Mohe secret room, quickly joined everyone, but the three little ones, Tianming, Shaoyu, and Gao Yue, were not with them.

After finding the three children last night, the three children went to bed very early. When the sun rose in the morning and the poisonous fog appeared, Fan Zeng immediately sent Ji Bu to bring Shao Yu back, but they waited for a long time. Not only did Shao Yu He didn't come back, and Ji Bu was nowhere to be found.

After Wei Zhuang defeated Gao Jianli and Kuang Xiu, but let them go intentionally or unintentionally, the Qin army had already made an unstoppable breakthrough to the government city. Xiang Liang Fan Zeng chose to believe Shao Yu and led his men to withdraw first to join everyone.

Nowadays, the entire city's covered bridges are filled with poisonous fog, and it's hard to find where the three children can go.

Master Ban helplessly ordered his disciples to distribute the poison-proof pills stored by the Mo family to everyone who gathered, and then ordered everyone to enter the Mohe secret room and wait for the giant reinforcements!
Those Mohist disciples and the martyrs of the Six Nations who are still outside the secret room of Mo Nu, including the three children, can only wish for themselves.
"Can't you feel the poisonous gas?"

On the big gear next to the suspension bridge at the entrance of the machine city, Shao Yu had already taken the antidote pill handed to him by Miss Yue, but he still had to raise his hands to cover his face in pain. He vividly felt the pain in the mucous membranes of his mouth and nose, and his breathing was not smooth.

However, Tianming and Gao Yue looked calm. They were all taking the same detoxification pill, so why were they the only ones who couldn't resist it?
"Maybe it's because of the difference in physique." Gao Yue said unconfidently. She looked at Tianming Shaoyu's condition, and she was a little glad that Tianming had the same resistance to poisonous gas as herself who practiced Yin and Yang. This made her It's not particularly special.

But at the same time, a question also arises: Tianming has obviously been hit by the sleeping curse seal. According to Gao Yue's understanding, this curse seal should not have the ability to resist poisonous gas.
"Hehe, it was a little painful at first, but it got better later." Tianming smiled and raised his hand to pat Shaoyu's shoulder: "Shaoyu's little brother seems to be in poor health~"

"You kid!" Shao Yu swatted away the hand on his shoulder. From a distance, he saw another group of Qin troops trotting into the city. He couldn't help but feel a little worried about the situation in the city.He lowered his voice and said softly: "Miss Yue, is there really a way to eliminate the poisonous gas in the city?"

"Well, the lower part of the gear under the suspension bridge is where Xuanwu is the power core of the city." Gao Yue replied affirmatively: "Now the poisonous gas is coming from the water, which proves that the water source of the city is polluted. As long as the Xuanwu is turned on The black mechanism can change the water of the entire mechanism city, and the poison will no longer exist."

"Great, this will not only save the machine city, but uncle will also be proven innocent!" Tianming was excited, looking at the gears beside the suspension bridge with an impatient expression.

Suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the direction of Mogui Pond, which made the three little animals shrink their heads and hide themselves completely.

Tianming was at the outermost position, and his big and smart eyes looked motionlessly at the direction of the sound: there was actually a huge, semi-mechanical 'person', and it was someone Tianming had seen before, walking step by step with heavy steps. Go to the organ city.

'This is a big wild bear! Tian Ming was overly shocked and immediately covered his mouth with both hands to prevent himself from making any sound. Shao Yu next to him also had a look of disbelief: This unparalleled ghost among the Four Heavenly Kings was obviously dead, but at this moment he actually became a semi-organic person. Alive again.
The incomparable big feet stepped on the suspension bridge. Every step of his heavy weight sent a small shock wave, which was intimidating, let alone an enemy.

After Guan Wushuang and the Qin soldiers who escorted him had left, the three little ones carefully came down from their hiding place. Tianming was the first to jump down and then politely reached out to help the weak-looking Gao Yue. She didn't take it seriously, but still accepted his help in order to maintain her disguise.

"The diving position from here should be about the same." Gao Yue stood by the suspension bridge and gave her final confirmation.

"Okay, then Tianming and I will go down. Miss Yue must be careful up there alone." Shao Yu saw that Tian Ming had shown some grace just now. As the young master of the Xiang family, he naturally couldn't lag behind.

"Hmm, Yue'er, if you encounter Qin soldiers passing by again, you must hide. We will send you a signal under the water when we come up." Tianming nodded fiercely.

"I'm fine, but you two, be careful underwater and remember to press the black button. If you accidentally press the red button, the machine Xuanwu will go berserk." Gao Yue warned repeatedly.

"Do not worry!"

Tianming Shaoyu nodded, stood on the gear, took a long breath, and jumped directly into the bottomless water.

To approach the machine Xuanwu from the suspension bridge, you only need to go all the way downstream. On the way, you need to avoid the large machine gears that block the view. After passing through the almost maze-like gear set, Tianming Shaoyu jointly confirmed the direction, and his vision suddenly became clear.
The Ink Core Secret Room is the last place to hold on to the machine city. In addition to the machine operation room on the surface, there is also a larger space underground as a temporary residence. Sufficient food is prepared in it. However, if the problem of poisonous water is not solved, everyone cannot go out. Die of thirst.

The space in the operating room is limited. Only a few leaders of the Mo family, Xiaoyaozi, Fan Zeng and others are there, while the others are hiding below.

Since it was undefended, the Qin army quickly found this place and tried to attack the central hall outside the secret room of the Mexican nuclear reactor.

But in the place closest to the Mo core secret room, the more offensive the Mo organization became, they just lost their lives in vain.

However, when Wei Zhuang led his men to arrive, everyone in Mohe still had mixed reactions.

At this time, there are masters such as Xiaoyaozi, Gao Jianli, Kuang Xiu, Big Iron Hammer, and Robber Zhi in the secret room. It seems that it is not impossible to face the quicksand crowd.

After all, during this attack on the government city, Liusha had already lost Wushuang Ghost, Hidden Bat, and Blue Wolf King, and its power had weakened a lot.

On the surface, Bai Feng has not appeared now, only Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian are there, but even if Bai Feng is nearby and can arrive in time, the Mo family has the upper hand.

"Don't be anxious. According to Juzi's previous reply, he will be back in the next two days. When Juzi and other heroes are around, Wei Zhuang will definitely die!"

It was Gao Jianli who spoke out to calm everyone. He had played against Wei Zhuang today and knew the gap between himself and his opponent.

Although we have Xiaoyaozi on our side who can compete with Wei Zhuang, there is no need to take risks when there are more reliable means.

Bang, at this moment, a special mechanism suddenly triggered automatically in the Mohe secret room. When Master Ban saw it, his face was filled with joy:
"Great, someone has activated Xuanwu's mechanism and can bring in clean mountain springs to purify the poisonous water source in the city!"

"Yue'er, we succeeded!"

At the suspension bridge at the entrance of the government city, after receiving Gao Yue's signal that everything was normal outside, Tianming and Shao Yu happily rushed out of the water and shouted to Gao Yue on the suspension bridge.

"I've seen it, Tianming, Shaoyu, come up quickly!"

Gao Yue turned around and looked around. Worried about Qin soldiers coming, she hurriedly tied one end of the rope to the handrail of the suspension bridge and put down the other parts.

Just when the three little ones were happy that they had saved the city, and Tianming Shaoyu swam toward the rope to join them, in the blink of an eye, they saw a woman they had never seen before suddenly appear behind Gao Yue!
"Yue'er, be careful"

Tianming's pupils shrank, and before he could say the word "behind", he saw the woman knock Gao Yue unconscious with a knife, then she smiled contemptuously at the two people in the water, and then disappeared in a flash.
(End of this chapter)

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