Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 320 The Fated Reunion

Chapter 320 The Fated Reunion

By the time Tianming and Shaoyu climbed back to the suspension bridge from the water, the mysterious woman and Gao Yue had long disappeared.

On the contrary, because this movement attracted a small group of Qin troops in the city, Tianming and Shaoyu did not dare to stay for a long time and had to run towards Moguichi.

On the way, the scene of the mysterious woman taking Gao Yue away kept reappearing in Tianming's mind. He vaguely felt that he had seen that woman before, but he just couldn't remember where.

Tianming tried hard to recall, tried to search deep in his memory, and it was this attempt that made him feel a sudden heat in his neck, accompanied by severe pain in his brain!
"Ah" Tian Ming, who was running away, stopped suddenly, grabbed his hair with his hands, screamed, and fell down.

'Is this the onset of the Sleeping Curse?This is the time! '

Shao Yu had seen Tian Ming's symptoms before and understood Tian Ming's condition. At this time, he looked at Tian Ming's painful appearance on the ground, then looked back at Qin Jun who was chasing after him, and clenched his fists with both hands:

"You are really causing trouble for me, but why am I your big brother?"

Turning back resolutely, Shao Yu protected Pain Tianming behind him, looked at the eight black-armored Qin soldiers, shouted low, and rushed forward.

As the young master of the Xiang family, Shao Yu's combat skills are considered good among his peers. He also went to the battlefields of Qin and Chu at the age of eight and has rich experience in big scenes.

Although the eight Qin soldiers in front of them are elite soldiers from Xianyang and are well-equipped, Shao Yu is capable of carrying a tripod. He can throw a thousand-jin bronze tripod dozens of meters away. It is not difficult to deal with these soldiers.

The reason why they wanted to escape was because these eight people were just a vanguard team. Once they were entangled and caught up by the follow-up crossbowmen, they would be a living target no matter how strong they were.

But now, for the sake of Tianming, the young and spirited Shao Yu had to go beyond the ordinary: he planned to deal with these eight people as soon as possible, and then escape on Tianming's back.

"Drink!" He turned his head to avoid the thrust of Shining Chang Ge. Shao Yu grabbed the spear with his bare hands and swept with great force, breaking the spines of the two Qin soldiers in the front. He then turned his backhand to block the subsequent Qin Army's swing. He slashes, locks the enemy's head with the sword pole he grabbed, and pulls it back with one hand.
It went more smoothly than Shaoyu imagined. After solving this small group of Qin troops, he quickly charged forward and carried Tianming, who was burning all over his body. He was about to escape, but at this time, Qin troops also arrived in the direction of Moguichi.
And there are a lot of them, dozens of them.

Now there was a wolf in front of him and a tiger behind him. Shao Yu turned his head to look around, and finally had to grit his teeth and run back.

When they returned to the suspension bridge, the Qin army arrived again from the direction of Guan City. Shao Yu did not bother too much, but took Tianming and jumped directly into the water of Guan Xuanwu again.
Outside the city, Yan Dan's team has entered the city.

Behind him were Confucian and other masters from various schools of thought. On the way, they heard that more regular troops of the Qin State were moving towards Guancheng. Guancheng was already in danger.

It seems that Quicksand will not be 100% trusted after all.


Zhang Liang walked with Yan Dan all the way, and he seemed very indifferent to the fact that the city was attacked by quicksand.

After all, he could sense that the Mohist giant was also very indifferent.

Zhang Liang felt that if his guess was correct and the current giant was the former giant Yan Dan himself, then he and Liusha were originally allies, and their plan must be to eat up the Qin army and attack the Qin army.

But for now, Zhang Liang has not discovered Yan Dan's layout. It can be seen that Yan Dan's layout lies in the government city itself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang pretended to say: "Have you thought of a strategy to defeat the enemy?"

"The Qin army is powerful and difficult to defeat. What can Zifang do?" Yan Dan did not reveal his intention, but asked the other party instead.

"A good man is stupid and there is nothing he can do." Zhang Liang sounded guilty.

"Then we have to go first into the city to rescue the heroes of the Six Nations. As for defeating the enemy, I think we will all brainstorm and there will always be a way." Yan Dan glanced at Zhang Liang, answered calmly, and then drove his horse to speed up.

"Are we going to rescue the heroes of the six countries?" Master Zhang San of Little Saint Xian Village murmured to himself, smiled easily, and followed him.
In the Mo family's forbidden area in Guan City, Lu Wei and Ji Yan came to a huge metal door and finally could no longer move forward.

Looking up at the blue dragon pattern on the metal door, Lu Wei guessed that behind it must be the location of the blue dragon.

The outside of the Qinglong Gate was very smooth, about ten feet high, and it looked like there was no mechanism on the surface. Ji Yan took out the Jingli Sword and tried it, and found that the entire door was made of a special alloy, and judging from the knocking sound, the thickness might be as high as More than three feet, it is obviously impossible to open it with brute force.

"If there is Qinglong behind this, then when the Mo family's mechanics come to maintain it, they will not have to rely on Mo He to open the door." Xiao Yan'er put away her sword and opened Qiushui's bright eyes, and analyzed: "And this door is too big. It should be for the entrance and exit of the Azure Dragon Machine Beast. If it is for personnel exchanges, it is impossible to open this door every time."

The metal gate itself can easily lead to despair. Most people would give up after trying here to no avail. But after Ji Yan thought for a moment, he was sure that there were other entrances and exits here, so there was no need to worry about the gate itself.

"The works of mechanical masters generally pursue ingenuity. They will place the reminder in a conspicuous place, and the higher the mechanical master, the more so. This has always been particularly obvious in the Mohist family."

Lu Wei agreed with Ji Yan's view, and based on his personal understanding of the Mohist family, he directly focused on the blue dragon pattern on the metal door.After receiving the prompt, Ji Yan looked at the lines together. After half a stick of incense, she smiled lightly: "It's exactly what Brother Lu said~"

The main body of the green dragon pattern on this door is clearly the map of the passage they walked through when they came, and the most exquisite eyes of the green dragon are composed of Bagua Yao!

Different arrangement of lines can represent some numbers, so the eyes of the blue dragon pattern are the password and the place where the password is used.

Xiao Yan'er has learned a lot since she was a child. In her opinion, this kind of decryption has something to do with the Yin Yang family.

'Is the Mohist family also related to the Yin Yang family? '

"Well, let's go then." Lu Wei said calmly with his hands behind his back as if he had seen through everything.After hearing the instructions, Ji Yan turned around, nodded silently, and walked towards the road. After a while, the sound of gears turning came from the left side of the metal gate: a passage the size of a normal portal appeared.

Their guess was absolutely correct.

When Ji Yan came back, the two of them entered the Qinglong Secret Chamber together. Even though Lu Wei was already very knowledgeable, after seeing the scene displayed in the giant secret chamber, his pupils shrank with a long-lost tremor.
'This is the Mo family's organ city plan, and it is also the Taishan plan! '


After killing two waves of Qin troops with the traps in Mohe's secret room, Master Ban could only order to stop the attack when faced with the dozen or so Mohist disciples hostages escorted by Liusha.

Although he knew that this would only put himself and others in danger and would not be able to save his disciples, he could not let the Mo family's organs kill the Mo family's own disciples!

Now, all we can do is delay until the giant arrives.

The door to the Black Ink Secret Chamber is impregnable. Even if you don't attack the outside, there is still no problem in defending it.

"Xuanwu has been activated, and toxins in the water are no longer a problem." Master Ban stroked his beard. He still didn't know how the central pool, which was clearly fortified, was poisoned.

Theoretically, if the poison is not injected from the central pool, the only way to spread the poison throughout the city is from the underwater mechanism Xuanwu itself.

This is more difficult, but if it is a black unicorn, it is not impossible.
Shaking his head imperceptibly, he threw these thoughts away. Now is not the time to dwell on this: "We can't get out now, but if we hold on, we can delay it for a long time, so no matter what clues Wei Zhuang outside comes up with, any No one is allowed to open the door.”

"Some sacrifices are necessary, even necessary."

When Master Ban said this, he looked at Yan Yun and Xiang's Fan Zeng, who had the same expressions. He knew that among the characters still outside in the agency city, only Gao Yue and Shao Yu had special status. If they were caught, even if they had agreed in advance not to Open the door, but it's still hard for them not to rescue.

"Hey!" Big Iron Hammer waited at the cat's eye, watching with his own eyes a disciple of his forging department being majesticly killed by Wei Zhuang. He couldn't help but punch the wall, but there was nothing he could do.

"The little quicksand has only been established for a few decades, and now it is running wild on our Mo family's territory. And we are obviously capable of fighting, do we have to watch him slaughter our brothers alive!"

Turning around, Big Hammer said angrily.

"If there is only Liusha, then of course they are no match for our Mohist family." Gao Jianli took a step forward and said coldly: "But now Liusha has Gongshu Qiu of Gongshu as allies, and soldiers of the Qin State."

"So what! We also have martyrs from the Six Nations here now!" The big hammer hit his chest: "If you don't want to go, then let me go alone. I want to see this guard." Can Zhuang catch my Mjolnir!"

His words somewhat made some disciples in Mo He feel that they were correct, but no one stood up.

"Before I left, I said that Master Ban and I will decide all matters in the city. Do you want to disobey the order?" Gao Jianli narrowed his eyes and took out the title of Juzi. The bulging veins could not help but relax.

At the entrance of Guan City, transfer to a small boat and enter the Mogui Pond. Some of the Qin soldiers here have just been attracted by Shao Yu, but even if hundreds of Qin soldiers are there, they obviously cannot withstand the martyrs led by Yan Dan and Zhang Liang. break in.

In a melee, the dark inner Qi of the Mo family slowly coiled around Mo Mei. Yan Dan stabbed out with his sword, instantly killing the last four Qin soldiers.

"I'm going to lower the cloud boat."

After giving instructions to Zhang Liang and others, Yan Dan used Qinggong to continuously jump to the top of Mogui Pond. But as soon as he stepped on the top level, he suddenly found that someone was waiting for him here.

"Crimson Smoke."

Looking at the sneer of Master Dongjun of the Yin Yang family who was holding Gao Yue hostage, Yan Dan's eyes were extremely serious.
(End of this chapter)

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