Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 321 The Death of Yandan

Chapter 321 The Death of Yandan
"You don't seem surprised to see me, but are you a little surprised?"

Concubine Dongjun Yan played with the three-legged golden crow transformed by Long You's energy with one hand and said in a natural tone.

Yan Dan secretly glanced at the lever of the cloud boat on the left, knowing that he had to deal with the enemy in front of him for the time being. If he came to the ovary and found that he had not been down for a long time, he would definitely come up quietly to check the situation.

He had something in mind, so he lightly took off the brim of his hat and showed his true face to outsiders for the first time after feigning death at the cost of the destruction of the Yan Kingdom: "Long time no see, I do know you will come."

From Master Ban's previous letter, Yan Dan knew that someone in the trap room of the Phantom Sound Box had touched the switch and was trapped. He thought that Feiyan's threat would disappear, but he never expected to meet him at this time.

Was the target imprisoned in the secret room wrong, or was it that
Paying careful attention to Concubine Yan's yin-yang skirt, Yan Dan found no signs of weakness or signs of poisoning.

Is there a flaw in her own design? If Concubine Yan had entered the trap room, even if she had a way to get out, she would never be so 'glorious'.

"Put away your hypocrisy. I know everything you have arranged in the Mo family's forbidden area."

Concubine Yan raised the hand that was holding Gao Yue up. Gao Yue, who was in a coma, immediately showed a look of pain on her face: "So you see, I'm returning the favor~"

"Oh?" Yan Dan looked at her calmly, without even looking at Gao Yue: "Does that thing already belong to you?"

He is not without feelings for his daughter Yue'er, and his feelings are even very warm: after all, this is his only bloodline and his only heir.

But this enthusiasm could not make any waves in the face of his long-cherished wish to restore the country, and rationally, he understood that the more concerned he was at this time, the more he would put his daughter's condition and himself in danger.

"You mean the Phantom Sound Treasure Box?" Concubine Yan felt cold in her heart, but a bright smile appeared on her lips: "It is the treasure of the Yin Yang family, so I will naturally accept it."

"In that case, why don't you leave, Master Dongjun?" Yan Dan estimated the time and said slowly: "There is a lot of hatred between you, but I have never taken the initiative to retaliate against you. Instead, I have tolerated everything."

"More than ten years have passed. I am no longer the Prince Yan I once was, but you are still the Dongjun of the Yin Yang family. Why do you still dwell on the past."

"If you stop now, it won't be in vain that you and I fell in love."

"Haha" Faced with Yan Dan's false persuasion and real provocation, Concubine Yan was not offended at all. She knew what Yan Dan was waiting for.

'The more you talk to Yan Dan, the more you will fall into his trap. Don't let me save you a second time, Mr. Dongjun. '

Recalling the cold and arrogant face when she opened the trap room and walked in when she almost couldn't suppress the poisonous gas and was about to faint, and her subsequent instructions to treat herself, Concubine Yan easily released the three-legged golden crow to coil in the air. The movement immediately made Yan Dan feel like he was facing a formidable enemy, and he clenched his eyebrows tightly with his palms.

"It seems like you're not as calm inside as you show on your face."

With a contemptuous smile, Concubine Yan didn't want to talk to the other party anymore. Her main purpose in planning the Mo family for so many years was to use Yan Dan to practice the Yin and Yang technique of washing away hatred.

According to what that guy said, the matter of destroying the entire Mo family is beyond his control, so let's just deal with the target neatly!

In the most painful way~
Thinking of this, Mr. Dongjun suddenly put Gao Yue on the ground and used the Yin and Yang technique on his hand. The painful Gao Yue's face gradually returned to calm, and he opened his eyes in a daze.

At this time, even if Yan Dan wanted to restrain herself, her eyes would inevitably meet her daughter's confused look as she woke up.

"Gao Yue, he is your father, go ahead~"

Concubine Yan leaned over, and the inducing voice sounded in Gao Yue's ears. As the last sound of "ba" fell, Gao Yue seemed startled like a little rabbit, and subconsciously ran forward in a hurry, but Concubine Yan didn't stop her in any way. , just keeping a smile and watching the little girl rush towards Yan Dan.Yan Dan watched her daughter approaching him step by step. The acknowledgment between the two parties was a little too hasty and too sloppy. Everything was forced by the master of the Yin Yang family.
Her eyes moved back and forth between Gao Yue and Concubine Yan behind her. Yan Dan did not hesitate to pull out her black eyebrows to block between herself and her daughter. This action made Gao Yue's eyes turn red instantly as if she was hypnotized, and Yan Dan The concubine also immediately showed an even more contemptuous expression.
But Yan Dan showed no emotion, and the ink-colored sword energy on his hand was overflowing from the black eyebrows, and he actually attacked his daughter directly.
How the Six-fingered Black Man died, no one knew better than Yan Dan. He knew that Gao Yue had probably become the medium of Concubine Yan's curse at this time, so he must not get close to her.

Four black sword energy swirled around Gao Yue, but in the end they did not actually attack her. Instead, they temporarily controlled her and tried to use sharp stimulation to break her daughter's hypnosis.

However, when the Mo family's inner energy came into contact with Gao Yue's body, no change occurred. Does this mean that Gao Yue did not carry the yin and yang spell?
Yan Dan's brain tried to think quickly, but at this moment Concubine Yan moved. The three-legged golden crow she summoned slammed into the controlled Gao Yue without leaving any room. With the force of this attack, Gao Yue was nearly hit by this blow. Will fall apart
There was no time to think about using the sword energy to pull, Yan Dan stepped forward and held her daughter's palm. At the same time, Mo Mei smashed the three-legged golden crow that was coming, but Yan Fei's attack was not just that, she flashed to Yan Dan. In front of him, blue flame gloves appeared on two white hands, and they grabbed Mo Mei's sword and tried to snatch it away.

Yan Dan's heart sank, and the eighth-level Mo family's internal energy exploded with all its strength, trying to shake Concubine Yan away, but Concubine Yan also increased the input of internal energy at this time, and the two of them immediately started a battle of internal energy with Mo Mei as the point of contention. .

Yan Dan's comprehensive strength is among the best in the world, and his internal strength has reached the eighth level of the Mohist mentality, reaching the passing level of a Mohist giant. However, if compared with the six-fingered black man who accepted him as a disciple, the gap is huge.

Concubine Yan was on par with the Six-fingered Black Man in terms of internal energy more than ten years ago. With the help of Lu Wei in the past ten years, her onmyoji has become more refined. These improvements may not be obvious in actual combat, but now she is comparable to Yan Fei. This kind of competition for pills is exactly what the Yin Yang family is best at!
The gap between the two is still difficult to smooth out even if the Mo family's inner energy can get a bonus when using Mo Mei.

Not to mention, this is not just a fight between two people.
"Hmm" Yan Dan, who was concentrating on competing with Concubine Yan for internal energy, suddenly felt the palm of his left hand burning. At the same time, the internal energy in his body suddenly disappeared with the feeling of heat.
Turning to look at Gao Yue in disbelief, he found that one of the few daughters who had always been innocent and ignorant in his impression was actually using the Yin and Yang Forbidden Curse on him with an expressionless face!

People who have been cursed by the six-soul terror are most taboo about using a large amount of inner energy, because this will accelerate the erosion of the inner energy by the spell. In this case, when it is Yan Dan's turn to find out that he has been cursed, it means that the six-soul terror The scarlet blood streaks of the curse have spread along the palms and onto his face!
In just a few breaths, Yan Dan went from being a top-notch master in the martial arts world to being severely injured by the Six Soul Horror Curse to a weak state where he could not even stand stably.

Concubine Yan smiled brightly and restrained most of her yin and yang skills, leaving only the most superficial layer. With a light tap of her palm, Yan Dan felt an irresistible force snatch away Mo Mei, and at the same time, her chest A surge of blood surged up, and he spat out blood and fell to the ground.
"Master, what is my solution?"

Yan Dan struggled to remain half-kneeling in front of his eyes, and then heard his daughter Gao Yue say to Concubine Yan as if she was taking credit.

Was all this planned by his own daughter?The daughter's plan to kill her father
"Well done, he still recognizes you as his daughter."

Concubine Yan raised her hand and took the scabbard of the Black Eyebrow Sword. She casually threw this token of the Mo family's giant into Gao Yue's arms.

"But I never felt he was qualified to be my father."

Gao Yue's cold voice even made Yan Dan, who was trembling with pain, feel fear.

"Then let's finish him off once and for all."

Concubine Yan was satisfied that such Gao Yue was worthy of the thoughts and memories she had instilled in him at a huge cost when he was young.

Being killed by his own daughter, this kind of revenge is enough to satisfy the Onmyoji of Washing Hate!
Zhang Liang and other martyrs waited under the Mogui Pond for a long time, but they didn't see any movement from the Mohist giant above, so they couldn't help but have some strange thoughts.

But the mountain wall here is very smooth, and the Jianghu knights who are not good at martial arts cannot use Qinggong like Yan Dan to climb up. Zhang Liang, who has the highest martial arts among the people, waited for a while until he keenly sensed two strong fluctuations of internal energy on it. Then I thought about it and decided to give it a try.

But when he stepped halfway up the cliff, a black cloak fell from above.
In the air, Zhang Liang recognized at a glance that the style of the cloak was the same as that of the Mohist giant who was traveling with him along the way. His pupils shrank, and he stepped forward to hug the giant.

The Mohist giant is one of the top masters in the world. How could he be defeated so quickly?

As soon as he landed, Zhang Liang immediately lifted the brim of his hat and saw an unknown face. But that was not the key. What shocked Zhang Liang the most was that the scarlet blood streaks all over Yan Dan's face had seeped into his eyeballs.
Such a horrifying scene made the anti-Qin righteous people who gathered around subconsciously retreat, turn their heads, or close their eyes. Only Zhang Liang, who was close at hand, pinched Yan Dan's pulse and found that although he still had a heartbeat, his heartbeat was still there. Liang felt the pulse, and the heartbeat stopped little by little until it stopped.
"What a sinister six-soul terror curse!"

Clenching his fist tightly, Zhang Liang put down Yan Dan's body and looked up at the place where it fell with a gloomy face: there was nothing there.

But the murderer must still be there at this time!
He was a member of the Yin Yang family, and the way the Mohist tycoon died was exactly the same as his good friend Han Fei.
No, even because of the great master of the Mohist family, death under the six-soul terror curse will definitely be more painful!
Who is it
(End of this chapter)

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