Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 322 Yuan Hong is waiting to come out

Chapter 322 Yuan Hong is waiting to come out
Shao Yu was forced to jump into the water by the Qin army when he was holding the Sleeping Curse Seal. Tianming was indeed out of desperation, but he had already thought of a way out underwater before diving.

All the mechanisms in the mechanism city are powered by water, which means that artificial underground rivers will be all over the underground and even inside the mountain of the mechanism city.

Therefore, in theory, Shao Yu could even take Tian Ming to escape from the city along the waterway. However, a commander who abandons his soldiers is not qualified to be called a good commander!

Just like he would not abandon Tianming, he would not abandon any of those Xiang clan members, including Uncle Liang and Master Fan.

After trying hard to determine the direction, Shaoyu swam towards the city.

The underwater base of the mechanism city is full of mechanisms, but the most deadly part of these mechanisms is placed at the entrance of the mechanism city to prevent enemies from coming in. And because of the reset of Xuanwu, many mechanisms need to be reopened, so he did not encounter any danger.

And because Xuanwu's water change speed is very fast, the discomfort in his body due to Yu Yu Qianye has not worsened. This is undoubtedly another good news.
At the bottom of the city, the giant sword swept across and broke a corridor column. The wood chips blown away by the sword energy contained many sharp elements. If it was stabbed, the consequences would be no less than being hit by an arrow. Ji came to this conclusion. Bu had to use his sword to block these numerous hidden weapons while retreating.

"Can you just run?"

Ji Bu glared sharply and slashed with the giant sword again. Ji Bu did not dare to look down upon it. He took out a golden peony from his arms with his left hand. The petals flew as the two fingers rubbed each other. Most of them were used as hidden weapons and were shot at Sheng Qi. A few scattered pieces were shot slowly at Sheng Qi. Falling down, he stepped on it as a borrowing object in the air and used Qing Kung Fu to escape from the attack range of the giant sword.

"Hmph!" Shengqi used his left hand to pull the iron chain on the giant tower and sweep away all the golden petals that attacked his vital parts. He ignored the rest and allowed them to scratch and cut wounds on his skin. Come.

Bleeding and injury are the best stimulants for the Black Swordsman! ,

Looking solemnly at the strong man who continued to approach him step by step, Ji Bu secretly thought there was trouble.

Ji Bu was sent out by Fan Zeng to find the young master. With his flamboyant personality and outstanding martial arts, his dashing figure freely performing light kung fu in the city can indeed make ordinary soldiers helpless, but the fact that he would provoke the famous black swordsman really made him Caught off guard.

From the back hall to the garden on the ground floor, Ji Bu had been chased for a long time. During this period, he escaped from the opponent's sight three times. However, because he could not leave the machine city, he was tracked down again three times.

It was difficult for Ji Bu to beat the opponent head-on.He had to escape and could only move within the city. There was no way to find the young master safely.

As a last resort, Ji Bu put away the Hidden Tiger Sword, listened to the gurgling water under his feet, and tried to have a friendly conversation with Sheng Qi:
"Sheng Qi, I know you used to be a farmer's disciple, and so did I. After all, we were once classmates, but now we have to fight in this city without any grudges?"

"I am a traitor to the peasant family. Do you agree with me?" Shengqi stopped when he heard this, but the murderous intention did not disappear, but became more intense.

Ji Bu's keen heart trembled, and he carefully replied: "This process is very complicated, but I shouldn't be."

Before he could finish his words, he heard a snapping sound. The planks of the corridor suddenly cracked between him and Shengqi. A wet hand groped for the edge of the gap, and two people climbed up from under the corridor one after another. A young man?

Huh, Shao Yu, who was panting heavily, and Tian Ming, who woke up due to the cold in the water, coughed violently, spitting out a lot of water from their mouths and noses.
"Are you trying to kill me, your eldest brother?"

Tianming, who had recovered a little, still didn't have very clear memories. For the time being, he only remembered that he was surprised to find that he was underwater as soon as he opened his eyes, and then subconsciously opened his mouth and almost choked to death. Fortunately, Shaoyu immediately pulled him after noticing this. Swim upward, looking for a break in the water.

There was no doubt that he was brought underwater by Shao Yu, so he couldn't help but raise his fist and hit the opponent's shoulder hard.

"Oh! I saved you."

Shao Yu easily blocked the attack, and the two of them were playing around like children immediately after they were out of danger.

It wasn't until they were locked by the killer that they realized something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere, and their bodies froze.
"Are we bothering you?"

The first thing Shaoyu saw was Ji Bu, who was one of his own, but Ji Bu acted too solemnly at this time, which was very different from his usual relaxed mood. Then he saw Sheng Qi on the other side with a gloomy face.

Tian Ming saw Sheng Qi from the very beginning and was stared at by the other person's death-like eyes. He said "uh" and was extremely scared.

"Then let's go now, let's go now."

Shao Yu tried to lighten the atmosphere with an awkward smile. The strong man was obviously a formidable enemy. It was the best way for him and Tian Ming to help Ji Bu by not causing trouble for him. In this case, as clowns, just be clowns.

Pulling up Tianming, Shaoyu took him and wanted to step aside, but Shengqi noticed the obscure eye contact between him and Ji Bu, and without hesitation, he threw the juque at the two children: these two children should also be heroes. It must be part of the nobility of the six countries that Kui said!
Ji Bu was very happy that his mission to find the young master was completed, but it happened to be completed at this time. Things were troublesome!
Always pay attention to the Black Swordsman's movements. As soon as Juque made a move to throw it, he had already flown forward, and the Hidden Tiger Sword was unsheathed again: Even if you can't beat him this time, you still have to attack!
The battle between the two masters made a huge noise and could easily attract some uninvited guests.

For example, a certain white phoenix rides a white bird and patrols the sky.

And a certain sword master who simply came out of his residence
In the deepest part of the city, after figuring out the role of Qinglong, Lu Wei and Ji Yan had obtained enough and important information in the Mo family's forbidden area. They calculated the time silently, and the total time cost was similar to Lu Wei's estimate, so the two planned next Go out and clean up the mess of the Mo family.

It's time to end it all.Then, by chance, they met Master Dongjun and Gao Yue who had come back from underwater at the place where Six-Fingered Black Man died. From the two of them, Lu Wei learned about Yan Dan's death.

It was an hour or two earlier than planned, but it didn't affect the overall situation.

Concubine Yan's practice of the yin and yang technique of purifying hatred was completed after Yan Dan's death. She needs to retreat to a quiet place in the Mohist forbidden area to gain insights. When she reappears, her strength will be further increased.

Next to her, Gao Yue held Mo Mei: she had nowhere to go because of the situation in the city, so she could only stay with her master temporarily.

But now that Lu Wei and Ji Yan have come out, the little girl no longer has to be sealed alive with Concubine Yan in this forbidden area that is about to collapse for several months.

After a brief exchange, Lu Wei took Gao Yue away and was about to leave, when Concubine Yan suddenly said "Wait a minute."

"The Phantom Sound Box can be returned to me now."

As she spoke, she opened her palms.

Master Dongjun didn't realize that his request was excessive. The Phantom Sound Box is the most precious treasure of the Yin and Yang family, and it is also the key to the mirage plan that both parties will plan together in the next step.

If left in Lu Wei's hands, the effect would definitely not be as important as the trap she used to lure Donghuang into the mirage.

However, Lu Wei just shook his head at this: "Your mission in coming to the Mo family is to destroy the machine city. This step will be done soon. As for this phantom sound treasure box, I will give it to the Moon God, Dongjun Don’t worry, sir.”

He would not be greedy for the Phantom Sound Box at this time, but he would not give it to Concubine Yan either.

In comparison, giving this treasure to the Moon God who was supposed to come to the government city but stayed in Daze Mountain to teach Xiao Qian'er was undoubtedly a better candidate than Concubine Yan.

Dong Jun hesitated, and his outstretched palm suddenly became awkward: "In Yin Yang's family, don't you realize that having two close allies is easier for you to control than just one?"

"Oh? But now I have three close allies like you, Sun, Moon and Star. Don't you think so~"

Lu Wei smiled faintly and gave Ji Yan a blatant look. The latter clearly led Gao Yue into the dark river and left the forbidden area.

"Then see you on the mirage, Lord Dongjun~"

Lu, who was the last one to leave, said goodbye politely. After Concubine Yan left, she looked at the underground river passage with a blank face, when a huge three-legged golden crow suddenly appeared behind her.

In the hall outside Mohe's secret room, Wei Zhuang had already tried two methods, using the life threats of the Mo family disciples and the tough attack of the machine-unparalleled ghosts, but neither could open the door.

As the last stronghold of the Mo family, the construction of the Mohe secret room is undoubtedly qualified, but this is not good news for Quicksand.

At least on the surface.

But soon, Bai Feng's appearance brought him a gift: Gai Nie was not in the Mohe secret room, but in the organ city outside.

After learning this information, Wei Zhuang turned to look at the observation port of the secret room, smiled contemptuously, and turned away without hesitation.

Chi Lian followed closely behind, and Bai Feng and Guan Wushuang were no exception.

"Calling in the crossbow array. If they don't want to come out, then never come out."

Before leaving, Wei Zhuang loudly ordered Qin General. His departure left everyone in the Mohe secret room confused, but one thing is certain: that is, this evil thief must not have any good intentions.

So, what would make him give up the attack on the Mexican nuclear secret room and give up halfway?
It seems that Xiaoyaozi in the secret room can only be related to one person: Gai Nie!
From the perspective of Master Ban and Gao Jianli, it is very likely that the giant is back with the martyrs!

So, the question now is, do they want to go out?
At the bottom of the city, there were enemies before and after Shengqi. He held the giant tower flatly and no longer cared about Ji Bu and the two children who had been chasing him for a long time. Instead, he straightened his body and felt the sword energy behind him wholeheartedly.

He boldly turned his head and saw that it was indeed Gai Nie's thumb that had pulled Yuan Hong out by an inch.
Although the sword was not completely unsheathed, Shengqi was already enveloped in a suffocating feeling like drowning.

(End of this chapter)

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