Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 323 Confrontation between two parties

Chapter 323 Three-way confrontation
In the Kui Kai Tang scandal many years ago, Sheng Qi was framed and sentenced to sinking into the pond.

Although he was rescued by Tian Guang and the Zhu family in the middle of the execution, the feeling of that punishment was retained by him forever.

Later, every time he encountered a strong enemy, he would remember his desire for air when he was suffocated. That was his desire to become stronger.

During his travels to the Seven Kingdoms and his experience in Chu Land after escaping from prison three years ago, it was not that Sheng Qi had never been defeated. It could even be said that he had been defeated many times due to various reasons, but there were very few who were qualified to be recognized as strong enemies by him.

Lu Wei is one: because of Chen Ping's test, Sheng challenged Lu Wei more than seven years ago, and he lost that time. Later, the gap between him and Lu Wei became wider and wider.

Not only because of strength, but also because of identity.

Gai Nie is another one: when the Qin State was causing turmoil, he once thought about taking the initiative to sell out his flaws and enter the Qin State's prison to find Wu Kuang. However, after the King of Qin sent this disciple of Guigu, who was known as the Sword Master, Sheng Qi did not take any initiative in the whole process. The opportunity, he really failed completely.

But unlike Lu Wei, he now still has the opportunity to challenge and defeat Gai Nie.

"Very good, the real opponent has arrived."

Sheng Qi's voice was hoarse and he turned around completely, the iron chains wrapped around his body jingling.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Bu wanted to escape with Shao Yu Tianming, but the Qin army from the commanding heights around them watched their actions with their crossbows.

'Damn it, these Qin people have very high military quality! '

Seeing that these Qin troops were not distracted by the confrontation between Sheng Qi and Ge Nie, Ji Bu lowered his head in thought and was forced to retreat to a corner to show no harm.

He himself has superb Qinggong and is not afraid of the threat of Qin soldiers. Even if he is shot, it will only be a scar, but nothing can happen to the young master.

"I have never taken the initiative to be your enemy." Gai Nie was also targeted by at least five crossbowmen, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he just looked at Shengqi calmly: "Today, I only need to take away those two The child and the swordsman."

"What if I don't let you go?" Sheng Qi's eyes didn't dodge, he put Juque on his shoulders and responded sternly.

Since she has been reunited with her brothers and is under the command of the new hero, Sheng Qi has regained a new value in her self-awareness, so she is no longer obsessed with Gai Nie.

But since he finally met him in the agency city, he was not willing to let go of the opportunity to have a fight with him.

As for the two children and Ji Bu, it is no longer important.

Gai Nie could guess what Sheng Qi was thinking. He had some grudges but no grudges against this criminal who had caused headaches to all the Seven Kingdoms. Logically speaking, his time should be limited. The longer he delayed, the more likely he was to wait for another one. An enemy, that is a more troublesome character.

However, he had no intention of making a quick decision. On the contrary, he still had time to chat with Shengqi: "You will get out of the way."

The moment Yuan Hong was unsheathed, Gai Nie's own aura surged. Standing there, he was a sword in his own right.

One thing that Gai Nie knew very well was that from the moment he entered the city, meeting and fighting with his junior brother Xiaozhuang was inevitable.

It just so happened that he also had some questions that he wanted to get answers from Xiaozhuang.

In this case, the confrontation between him and Shengqi at this time will most likely trigger a conflict between Liusha and the Black Swordsman, who are both temporarily serving the empire after Xiaozhuang's arrival.

After all, Xiaozhuang will never give up the qualification to fight with him to anyone today.

After being plotted all the way, Gai Nie also wanted to use the tactics of a political strategist, so he used himself as bait.

"Of course, as long as you defeat me again or kill me, I won't stop you from whatever you want to do."

Shengqi licked his lips passionately, and when Genie got serious, he was an opponent worth fighting!

The giant palace was filled with sword energy from the beginning. Sheng Qi stepped forward with his big foot and swung the powerful and heavy sword, causing the air wave to stir up a burst of water mist.

Faced with this majestic blow, Gai Nie locked his eyes on Juque's sword, took a step back to avoid the fiercest first sword, and then immediately stabbed it out deftly with Chu Yuanhong, using the minimum amount of effort required. Found the biggest flaw in Shengqi's attack.

Qing Feng slid down along the strong lines of the giant palace. When it reached Sheng Qi's chest, he quickly passed through the sword energy of the giant palace and headed straight for the heart of Kui Wei's body.

Sheng Qi had to retreat and dodge. At the same time, Ju Que raised his sword high and tried to slash Huashan, but when he was halfway through the slash, he realized that Yuan Hong was going to stab him in the throat first, so he had no choice but to retreat.

Attack the enemy and save them, and harm others without killing them. The knowledge in the art of war can always be applied to all aspects.

Shengqi's face turned red, and he retreated step by step. The attack he was waiting for in the air was difficult to achieve: he didn't think Gai Nie's attack was very clever, but it was very painful.

The Qin army's crossbowmen became more and more focused: as long as there was an order, they could shoot at Genie's vital points at any time.

"Hello, uncle!" Tianming had been fixated since the beginning of the battle. He was a little worried at first when he saw the big man's fierce attack, but after realizing that the uncle could handle it easily, he immediately started jumping up and down arrogantly.

Shao Yu and Ji Bu were actually more shocked than Tian Ming: Tian Ming didn't know about the Black Swordsman's status in the world, but they both had heard about it.

Although I have heard more about Gai Nie and Gai Nie, after all, Gai Nie was originally a lackey of the Qin State, so it is naturally difficult to hear any specific boasting content.Today I saw it with my own eyes and realized what a sword master is.

Bang, Kankan blocked Yuan Hong's thrust with his huge que, and Gai Nie used this power to retreat a few steps to where he originally started, without continuing the attack.

This was because he noticed that his junior brother Xiaozhuang had arrived.

Although Sheng Qi was in a panic in the previous confrontation, he did not suffer any serious injuries. He was in a warm-up state, so he was not afraid of being suppressed. He tilted the giant bridge and continued to want to fight Gai Nie, but After taking only two steps, a hidden weapon feather flew down from the sky, forcing him to block it with his sword.


Burning with anger, Sheng Qi looked at the white phoenix falling lightly from above, and Juque also pointed at it: "Quicksand? What do you mean!"

"I'm really embarrassed for you Xia Kuang. Such people can shoulder heavy responsibilities and go out alone."

Bai Feng didn't reply. The person who spoke was Wei Zhuang who walked out from behind Gai Nie:
"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that you are not alone, you have a companion, and he is the one responsible for making suggestions."

Wei Zhuang's words seemed to be just sarcasm, but the information revealed in them made Gai Nie think deeply. Shengqi himself was so blind that he looked around Gai Nie and looked at him.

"Xiao Zhuang." After not seeing each other for many years, the junior brother's voice did not change much: "Long time no see."

Turning sideways so that his back would not be facing anyone between Shengqi and Wei Zhuang, Ge Nie felt that he was surrounded.

But correspondingly, the pressure on the Mohists and the Six Nations' righteous men will be reduced.

"Brother, after so many years, you have increasingly put yourself in danger."

At the same time that Wei Zhuang stopped, Chi Lian and Guan Wushuang appeared from another direction at the same time, blocking all directions.

Feeling that he was being ignored, Sheng Qi clenched his fists and took a step forward: "Weizhuang, he is mine, Liusha doesn't understand what first come first served means."

"Yours? First come, first served? Ha" Wei Zhuang sneered and briefly turned his attention to the disturber: "The rule of quicksand is that the strong one decides everything. If your hero comes, I can have a good relationship with him. Let’s discuss it, just rely on your words ~ let’s go play your children’s fighting game.”


"Sheng Qi is a traitor to the peasant family. This is known to the whole world. Mr. Wei Zhuang would be better off not mentioning the name of our hero."

Shengqi was about to get angry when suddenly, beyond everyone's expectation, a crisp female voice sounded from high up.

Gai Nie Weizhuang was startled at the same time and looked up at the top of the covered bridge diagonally opposite: Ji Yan, dressed in a neat green and white chivalrous costume and tied with a high ponytail, was holding the Frightening Salamander Sword and standing upright with a clear spirit. There were people around her. The two Qin army crossbowmen who were intently aiming at Gai Nie had no idea how their target came to be around them. They were so frightened that they stepped on the air and fell to the ground.

Ji Yan ignored Qin Bing. His expression was heroic, but also showed a natural elegance and ease: "If the farmer's reputation is damaged, Mr. Wei Zhuang must know the price."

"Master Siyue Hall, Ji Yan." Wei Zhuang did not respond directly to the other party's almost naked threat: "Does the farmer really want to take a trip into this troubled water? It seems that Lu Xiakui's unbearable thoughts are true. "

"The rivers and lakes are in turmoil and vendettas continue. One of the important reasons is that the Black Swordsman wins Qi. I am here just to capture the peasant traitors. As for your other entanglements, they have nothing to do with the peasant family."

Even though Ji Yan said this, no one in the empire or the Mohist family would believe it.

Of course Ji Yan and Lu Wei behind him knew that no one would believe it, but so what~
It's almost time.

Mirage will make big moves next year, and Star Soul has already finished poisoning His Majesty the First Emperor's elixir.

It's time to be a little more arrogant and show the strength of the farm to the world.

After all, where there are hundreds of thousands of disciples, some things cannot be hidden. Instead of making people suspect that they have ulterior motives, it is better to show it openly, which may even make people feel at ease.

"." Sheng Qi's thoughts of fighting Gai Nie and arguing with Wei Zhuang disappeared instantly after Ji Yan appeared. He turned around and saw Wu Kuang, who was dressed as a Qin soldier, making a gesture to him and snorted in a deep voice. , inserted the giant tower behind his back, walked to the edge, and showed his attitude of quietly watching the battle.

This attitude is very obvious.

'Nongjia, Xiakui, Ji Yan' Gai Nie took a deep look at the sword in Ji Yan's hand, then looked at Wei Zhuang again: "Xiao Zhuang, it seems that your plan has also gone wrong."

Before Ji Yan appeared, Gai Nie's plan was to end the fateful battle of Zongheng happily here with his junior brother. Sheng Qi was just a sideshow, but now suddenly there was an uninvited person between the empire and the anti-Qin people. Farmers, you have to make a good decision whether you want to take action again.

Xiaozhuang has the patience to engage in a verbal confrontation with a woman instead of drawing a sword to kill her, which means that he has scruples.

After all, Ji Yan was not inferior to himself or Xiaozhuang based on his aura.

And the sword he holds is the Jing Salamander, one of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue.
That Lu Wei Xiakui had never met him before, and the extent of his methods was already unfathomable.

I really don't know what he looks like in person.
(End of this chapter)

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